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____1. What is the name of the shadow puppetry that is held at Indonesia?

a. Kabuki b. Nang yang c. Wayang Kulit d. Loi Krathong

____2. What is the capital of Indonesia?

a. Jakarta b. Moscow c. Vatican d. Beirut

____3. Who manipulate or operate the shadow puppets of Indonesia?

a. Gedebog b. Kelir c. Dhalang d. Gawang

____4. All of these are the purposes of Shadow puppetry of Indonesia except:

a. For entertainment b. Showing respect to their country c. To revenge in other countries d. To be

aware what is the real story that they are depicted.

____5. What does “kulit” means in Indonesia?

a. Leather b. Skin c. Outer covering of animal bones d. All of these

____6. What does “wayang” means in Indonesia?

a. Puppet itself b. Theater c. Animal skin d. Both a & b


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