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(42) Dalia Jimmy// 105351110816

Simon Says Game

Method Of Listening

This game is perfect for kids. Usually, this game is always addictive and children do not want to
stop playing.

Game type: Listening, vocabulary

Participants: children, all ages

Technical game:

You, as a teacher, stand in front of the class and become a Simon in this game. Make sure all
students also stand in their place.

Next, say 'simon says' followed by a certain movement. For example 'simon says stand up' then
all participants must stand.

Occasionally, you say the motion without any 'simon says', then the student who performs the
movement will sit and mean losing. The winner is a student who stands up to the end.

To be more challenging say faster, and certainly all in English.

You can also challenge one of your students to become Simon and give instructions as you do,
then give them a gift.

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