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Finance Theory and Financial Strategy

STEWART C . MYERS Sloan School of Management

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Despite its major advances, finance theory has had scant im-
pact on strategic planning. Strategic planning needs finance
and should learn to apply finance theory correctly. Hov^ever,
finance theory must be extended in order to reconcile financial
and strategic analysis.
S trategic planning is many things, but (1) Finance theory and traditional ap-
it surely includes the process of de-
ciding how to commit the firm's resources
proaches to strategic planning may be
kept apart by differences in language
across lines of business. The financial side and "culture."
of strategic planning allocates a particular (2) Discounted cash flow analysis may
resource, capital. have been misused, and consequently
Finance theory has made major ad- not accepted, in strategic applications.
vances in understanding how capital (3) Discounted cash flow analysis may fail
markets work and how risky real and fi- in strategic applications even if it is
nancial assets are valued. Tools derived properly applied.
from finance theory, particularly dis- Each of these explanations is partly true. I
counted cash-flow analysis, are widely do not claim that the three, taken to-
used. Yet finance theory has had scant gether, add up to the whole truth. Never-
impact on strategic planning. theless, I will describe both the problems
I attempt here to explain the gap encountered in applying finance theory to
between finance theory and strategic strategic planning, and the potential
planning. Three explanations are offered: payoffs if the theory can be extended and

Copyright © 1984, The Institute of Management Sdences PLANNING — CORPORATE

0092-2102/84/140i;0126$01.25 FINANCE — CORPORATE FINANCE

INTERFACES 14: 1 January-February 1984 (pp. 126-137)


properly applied. equivalent in risk to the project

The first task is to explain what is being valued.
meant by "finance theory" and the gap equals PV less the cash outlay re-
between it and strategic planning. quired at t = 0.
The Relevant Theory Since present values add, the value of
The financial concepts most relevant to the firm should equal the sum of the val-
strategic planning are those dealing with ues of all its mini-firms. If the DCF for-
firms' capital investment decisions, and mula works for each project separately, it
they are sketched here at the minimum should work for any collection of projects,
level of detail necessary to define "finance a line of business, or the firm as a whole.
theory." A firm or line of business consists of in-
Think of each investment project as a tangible as well as tangible assets, and
mini-firm, all-equity financed. Suppose growth opportunifies as well as assets-
its stock could be actively traded. If we in-place. Intangible assets and growth
know what the mini-firm's stock would opportunities are clearly refiected in stock
sell for, we know its present value, and prices, and in principle can also be valued
therefore the project's present value. We in capital budgeting. Projects bringing in-
calculate net present value (NPV) by sub- tangible assets or growth opportunities to
tracting the required investment. the firm have correspondingly higher
In other words, we calculate each proj- NPVs. I will discuss whether DCF for-
ect's present value to investors who have mulas can capture this extra value later.
free access to capital markets. We should The opportunity cost of capital varies
therefore use the valuation model which from project to project, depending on
best explains the prices of similar securi-risk. In principle, each project has its own
ties. However, the theory is usually boiledcost of capital. In practice, firms simplify
down to a single model, discounted cash by grouping similar projects in risk
fiow (DCF): classes, and use the same cost of capital
for all projects in a class.
The opportunity cost of capital for a line
of business, or for the firm, is a value-
weighted average of the opportunity costs
where PV = present (market) value; of capital for the projects it comprises.
Ct = forecasted incremental cash flow The opportunity cost of capital depends
after corporate taxes — strictly on the use of funds, not on the source. In
speaking the mean of the distribu- most cases, financing has a second-order
tion of possible C/s; impact on value: You can make much
T = project life (Cr includes any sal- more money through smart investment
vage value); decisions than smart financing decisions.
r = the opportunity cost of capital, The advantage, if any, of departing from
defined as the equilibrium ex- all-equity financing is typically adjusted
pected rate of return on securities for through a somewhat lowered discount

January-February 1984 127


rate. planning as "capital budgefing on a grand

Finance theory stresses cash fiow and scale," because capital budgeting in prac-
the expected return on compefing assets. tice is a bottom-up process. The aim is to
The firm's investment opportunities com- find and undertake specific assets or proj-
pete with securifies stockholders can buy. ects that are worth more than they cost.
Investors willingly invest, or reinvest, Picking valuable pieces does not insure
cash in the firm only if it can do better, maximum value for the whole. Piecemeal,
risk considered, than the investors can do bottom-up capital budgeting is not
on their own. strategic planning.
Finance theory thus stresses fundamen- Capital budgeting techniques, however,
tals. It should not be deflected by account- ought to work for the whole as well as the
ing allocations, except as they affect cash parts. A strategic commitment of capital
taxes. For example, suppose a positive- to a line of business is an investment
NPV project sharply reduces book earn- project. If management does invest, they
ings in its early stages. Finance theory must believe the value of the firm in-
would recommend forging ahead, trust- creases by more than the amount of capi-
ing investors to see through the account- tal committed — otherwise they are
ing bias to the project's true value. Empir- throwing money away. In other words,
ical evidence indicates that investors do there is an implicit estimate of net present
see through accounting biases; they do value.
not just look naively at last quarter's or This would seem to invite the applica-
last year's EPS. (If they did, all stocks tion of finance theory, which explains
would sell at the same price-earnings how real and financial assets are valued.
ratio.) The theory should have direct application
All these concepts are generally ac- not only to capital budgeting, but also to
cepted by financial economists. The con- the financial side of strategic planning.
cepts are broadly consistent with an up- Of course it has been applied to some
to-date understanding of how capital extent. Moreover, strategic planning
markets work. Moreover, they seem to be seems to be becoming more financially
accepted by firms, at least in part: any sophisticated. Financial concepts are
time a firm sets a hurdle rate based on stressed in several recent books on corpo-
capital market evidence, and uses a DCF rate strategy [Fruhan 1979; Salter and
formula, it must implicitly rely on the Weinhold 1979; and Beirman 1980]. Con-
logic I have sketched. So the issue here is sulting firms have developed the con-
not whether managers accept finance cepts' strategic implications [Alberts
theory for capital budgeting (and for other 1983].
financial purposes). It is why they do not Nevertheless, I believe it is fair to say
use the theory in strategic planning. that most strategic planners are not
The Gap Between Finance Theory and guided by the tools of modem finance.
Strategic Planning Strategic and financial analyses are not
I have resisted referring to strategic reconciled, even when the analyses are of



the same major project. When low net ning seems extremely naive from a finan-
present value projects are nurtured "for cial point of view. Sometimes capital mar-
strategic reasons," the strategic analysis kets are ignored. Sometimes firms are es-
overrides measures of financial value. sentially viewed as having a fixed stock of
Conversely, projects with apparently high capital, so that "cash cows" are needed to
net present values are passed by if they finance investment in rapidly growing
don't fit in with the firm's strategic objec- lines of business. (The firms that
tives. When financial and strategic pioneered in strategic planning actually
analyses give conflicting answers, the had easy access to capital markets, as do
conflict is treated as a fact of life, not as an almost all public companies.) Firms may
anomaly demanding reconciliation. not like the price they pay for capital, but
In many firms, strategic analysis is that price is the opportunity cost of capi-
partly or largely directed to variables fi- tal, the proper standard for new invest-
nance theory says are irrelevant. This is ment by the firm.
another symptom of the gap, for example: The practical conflicts between finance
(1) Many managers worry about a and strategy are part of what lies behind
strategic decision's impact on book the recent criticism of US firms for al-
rate of return or earnings per share. If legedly concentrating on quick payoffs at
they are convinced the plan adds to the expense of value. US executives,
the firm's value, its impact on account- especially MBAs, are said to rely too
ing figures should be irrelevant. much on purely financial analysis, and
(2) Some managers pursue diversification too little on building technology, prod-
to reduce risk — risk as they see it. ucts, markets, and production efficiency.
Investors see a firm's risk differently. The financial world is not the real world,
In capital markets, diversification is the argument goes; managers succumb to
cheap and easy. Investors who want the glamour of high finance. They give
to diversify do so on their own. Cor- time and talent to mergers, spinoffs, un-
porate diversification is redundant; usual securifies, and complex financing
the market will not pay extra for it. packages when they should be out on the
If the market were willing to pay extra factory fioor. They pump up current earn-
for diversification, closed-end funds ings per share at the expense of long-run
would sell at premiums over net asset values.
value, and conglomerate firms would be Much of this cridcism is not directed
worth more to investors than their com- against finance theory, but at habits of fi-
ponents separately traded. Closed-end nancial analysis that financial economists
funds actually sell at discounts, not pre- are attempting to reform. Finance theory
miums. Conglomerates appear to sell at of course concentrates on the financial
discounts too, although it is hard to prove world — that is, capital markets. How-
it, since the firm's components are not ever, it fundamentally disagrees with the
traded separately. implicit assumption of the critics, who say
Much of the literature of strategic plan- that the financial world is not the real

January-February 1984 129


world, and that financial analysis diverts standard discounted cash flow analyses of
attention from, and sometimes actively a series of major projects:
undermines, real long-run values. The (1) Even careful analyses are subject to
professors and textbooks actually say that random error. There is a 50 percent
financial values rest on real values and probability of a positive NPV for a
that most value is created on the left-hand truly border-line project.
side of the balance sheet, not on the right. (2) Firms have to guard against these er-
Finance theory, however, is under at- rors dominating project choice.
tack too. Some feel that any quantitative (3) Smart managers apply the following
approach is inevitably short-sighted. check. They know that all projects
Hayes and Garvin, for example, have have zero NPV in long-run competi-
blamed discounted cash flow for a sig- tive equilibrium. Therefore, a positive
nificant part of this country's industrial NPV must be explained by a short-run
difficulties. Much of their criticism seems deviation from equilibrium or by some
directed to misapplications of discounted permanent competitive advantage. If
cash flow, some of which I discuss later. neither explanation applies, the posi-
But they also believe the underlying tive NPV is suspect. Conversely, a
theory is wanting; they say that "beyond negative NPV is suspect if a competi-
all else, capital investment represents an tive advantage or short-run deviation
act of faith" [Hayes and Garvin 1982, p. from equilibrium favors the project.
79]. This statement offends most card- In other words, smart managers do not
carrying financial economists. accept positive (or negative) NPVs unless
I do not know whether "gap" fully de- they can explain them.
scribes all of the problems noted, or Strategic planning may serve to imple-
hinted at, in the discussion so far. In ment this check. Strategic analyses look
some quarters, finance theory is effec- for market opportunities — deviations
tively ignored in strategic planning. In from equilibrium — and try to identify the
others, it is seen as being in conflict, or firms' competitive advantages.
working at cross-purposes, with other Turn the logic of the example around.
forms of strategic analysis. The problem is We can regard strategic analysis which
to explain why. does not explicitly compute NPVs as
Two Cultures and One Problem showing absolute faith in Adam Smith's
Finance theory and strategic planning invisible hand. If a firm, looking at a line
could be viewed as two cultures looking of business, finds a favorable deviation
at the same problem. Perhaps only differ- from long-run equilibrium, or if it iden-
ences in language and approach make the tifies a competitive advantage, then (effi-
two appear incompatible. If so, the gap cient) investment in that line must offer
between them might be bridged by better profits exceeding the opportunity cost of
communication and a determined effort to capital. No need to calculate the invest-
reconcile them. ment's NPV: the manager knows in ad-
Think of what can go wrong with vance that NPV is positive.



The trouble is that strategic analyses are often misapplied. It may be an attempt to
also subject to random error. Mistakes are get back to fundamentals. Remember,
also made in identifying areas of competi- however: finance theory never left the
tive advantage or out-of-equilibrium mar- fundamentals. Discounted cash flow
kets. We would expect strategic analysts should not in principle bias the firm
to calculate NPVs explicitly, at least as a against long-lived projects, or be swayed
check; strategic analysis and financial by arbitrary allocations.
analysis ought to be explicitly reconciled. However, the typical mistakes made in
Few firms attempt this. This suggests the applying DCF do create a bias against
gap between strategic planning and fi- long-lived projects. I will note a few
nance theory is more than just "two cul- common mistakes.
tures and one problem." Ranking on Internal Rate of Return
The next step is to ask why reconcilia- Competing projects are often ranked on
tion is so difficult. internal rate of return rather than NPV. It
Misuse of Finance Theory is easier to earn a high rate of return if
The gap between strategic and financial project life is short and investment is
analysis may reflect misapplication of fi- small. Long-lived, capital-intensive proj-
nance theory. Some firms do not try to ects tend to be put down the list even if
use theory to analyze strategic invest- their net present value is substantial.
ments. Some firms try but make mistakes. The internal rate of return does meas-
I have already noted that in many firms ure bang per buck on a DCF basis. Firms
capital investment analysis is partly or may favor it because they think they have
largely directed to variables finance theory only a limited number of bucks. However,
says are irrelevant. Managers worry about most firms big enough to do formal
projects' book rates of return or impacts strategic planning have free access to capi-
on book earnings per share. They worry tal markets. They may not like the price,
about payback, even for projects that but they can get the money. The limits on
clearly have positive NPVs. They try to capital expenditures are more often set in-
reduce risk through diversification. side the firm, in order to control an or-
Departing from theoretically-correct ganization too eager to spend money.
valuation procedures often sacrifices the Even when a firm does have a strictly lim-
long-run health of the firm for the short, ited pool of capital, it should not use the
and makes capital investment choices ar- internal rate of return to rank projects. It
bitrary or unpredictable. Over time, these should use NPV per dollar invested, or
sacrifices appear as disappointing growth, linear programming techniques when cap-
eroding market share, loss of technologi- ital is rationed in more than one period
cal leadership, and so forth. [Brealey and Myers 1981, pp. 101-107].
The non-financial approach taken in Inconsistent Treatment of Inflation
many strategic analyses may be an at- A surprising number of firms treat infla-
tempt to overcome the short horizons and tion inconsistently in DCF calculations.
arbitrariness of financial analysis as it is High nominal discount rates are used but

January-February 1984 131


cash flows are not fully adjusted for fu- are worked out for anticipated challenges.
ture inflation. Thus accelerating inflation Most projects that get to the top seem to
makes projects — especially long-lived meet profitability standards set by man-
ones — look less attractive even if their agement.
real value is unaffected. According to Brealey and Myers's Sec-
Unrealistically High Rates ond Law, "The proportion of proposed
Some firms use unrealistically high dis- projects having positive NPV is indepen-
count rates, even after proper adjustment dent of top management's estimate of the
for inflation. This may reflect ignorance of opportunity cost of capital" [Brealey and
what normal returns in capital markets Myers 1981, p. 238].
really are. In addition: Suppose the errors and biases of the
(1) Premiums are tacked on for risks that capital budgeting process make it ex-
can easily be diversified away in tremely difficult for top management to
stockholders' portfolios. verify the true cash flows, risks and pre-
(2) Rates are raised to offset the optimistic sent value of capital investment propo-
biases of managers sponsoring proj- sals. That would explain why firms do not
ects. This adjustment works only if try to reconcile the results of capital
the bias increases geometrically with budgeting and strategic analyses. How-
the forecast period. If it does not, ever, it does not explain why strategic
long-lived projects are penalized. planners do not calculate their own
(3) Some projects are unusually risky at NPVs.
inception, but only of normal-risk We must ask whether those in top
once the start-up is successfully management — the managers who make
passed. It is easy to classify this type strategic decisions — understand finance
of project as "high-risk," and to add a theory well enough to use DCF analysis
start-up risk premium to the discount effectively. Although they certainly
rate for all future cash flows. The risk understand the arithmetic of the calcula-
premium should be applied to the tion, they may not understand the logic of
startup period only. If it is applied the method deeply enough to trust it or to
after the startup period, safe, short- use it without mistakes.
lived projects are artifically favored. They may also not be familiar enough
Discounted cash flow analysis is also with how capital markets work to use cap-
subject to a difficult organizational prob- ital market data effectively. The wide-
lem. Capital budgeting is usually a spread use of unrealistically high discount
bottom-up process. Proposals originate in rates is probably a symptom of this.
the organization's midriff, and have to Finally, many managers distrust the
survive the trip to the top, getting ap- stock market. Its volatility makes them
proval at every stage. In the process polit- nervous, despite the fact that the volatility
ical alliances form, and cash flow forecasts is the natural result of a rational market. It
are bent to meet known standards. An- may be easier to underestimate the
swers — not necessarily the right ones — sophistication of the stock market than to



accept its verdict on how well the firm is mission the Gallup Poll to extract proba-
doing. bUity distributions from the minds of in-
Finance Theoiy May Have Missed the Boat vestors. However, we have extensive evi-
Now consider a firm that understands dence on past average rates of return in
finance theory, applies DCF analysis cor- capital markets [Ibbotsen and Sinquefield
rectly, and has overcome the human and 1982] and the corporate sector [Holland
organizational problems that bias cash and Myers 1979]. No long-run trends in
flows and discount rates. Carefully esti- "normal" rates of return are evident. Rea-
mated net present values for strategic in- sonable, ballpark cost of capital estimates
vestments should help significantly. can be obtained if obvious traps (for
However, would they fully grasp and de- example, improper adjustments for risk or
scribe the firm's strategic choices? Perhaps inflation) are avoided. In my opiruon, es-
not. timating cash flows properly is more im-
There are gaps in finance theory as it is portant than fine-tuning the discount rate.
usually applied. These gaps are not Forecasting Cash Flow
necessarily intrinsic to finance theory If s impossible to forecast most projects'
generally. They may be filled by new ap- actual cash flows accurately. DCF calcula-
proaches to valuation. However, if they tions do not call for accurate forecasts,
are the firm will have to use something however, but for accurate assessments of
more than a straightforward discounted the mean of possible outcomes.
cash flow method. Operating managers can often make
An intelligent application of discounted reasonable subjective forecasts of the
cash flow will encounter four chief problems: operating variables they are responsible
(1) Estimating the discount rate, for — operating costs, market growth,
(2) Estimating the project's future cash flows, market share, and so forth — at least for
(3) Estimating the project's impact on the the future that they are actually worrying
firm's other assets' cash flows, that is about. It is difficult for them to translate
through the cross-sectional links be- this knowledge into a cash flow forecast
tween projects, and for, say, year seven. There are several
(4) Estimating the project's impact on the reasons for this difficulty. First, the
firm's future investment oppor- operating manager is asked to look into a
tunities. These are the time series far future he is not used to thinking ab-
links between projects. out. Second, he is asked to express his
The first three problems, difficult as forecast in accounting rather than operat-
they are, are not as serious for financial ing variables. Third, incorporating fore-
strategy as the fourth. However, I will re- casts of macroeconomic variables is dif-
view all four. ficult. As a result, long-rim forecasts often
Estimating the Opportunity Cost of Capital end up as mechanical extrapolations of
The opportunity cost of capital will al- short-run trends. It is easy to overlook the
ways be difficult to measure, since it is an long-run pressures of competition, infla-
expected rate of return. We cannot com- tion, and technical change.

January-February 1984 133


It should be possible to provide a better second-stage must depend on the first: if

framework for forecasting operating var- the firm could take the second project
iables and translating them into cash without having taken the first, then the
flows and present value — a framework future opportunity should have no impact
that makes it easier for the operating on the immediate decision. However, if
manager to apply his practical knowledge, tomorrow's opportunities depend on to-
and that explicitly incorporates informa- day's decisions, there is a time-series link
tion about macroeconomic trends. There between projects.
is, however, no way around it: forecasting At first glance, this may appear to be
is intrinsically difficult, especially when just another forecasting problem. Why
your boss is watching you do it. not estimate cash flows for both stages,
Estimating Cross-Sectional Relationships and use discounted cash flow to calculate
Between Cash Flows the NPV for the two stages taken to-
Tracing "cross-sectional" relationships gether?
between project cash flows is also intrinsi- You would not get the right answer.
cally difficult. The problem may be made The second stage is an option, and con-
more difficult by inappropriate project de- ventional discounted cash flow does not
finitions or boundaries for Unes of busi- value options properly. The second stage
nesses. Defining business units properly is an option because the firm is not com-
is one of the tricks of successful strategic mitted to undertake it. It will go ahead if
planning. the first stage works and the market is still
However, these inescapable problems attractive. If the first stage fails, or if the
in estimating profitability standards, fu- market sours, the firm can stop after
ture cash returns, and cross-sectional in- Stage 1 and cut its losses. Investing in
teractions are faced by strategic planners Stage 1 purchases an intangible asset: a
even if they use no financial theory. They call option on Stage 2. If the option's pre-
do not reveal a flaw in existing theory. sent value offsets the first stage's negative
Any theory or approach encounters them. NPV, the first stage is justified.
Therefore, they do not explain the gap be- The Limits of Discounted Cash Flow
tween finance theory and strategic plan- The limits of DCF need further explana-
ning. tion. Think flrst of its application to four
The Links Between Today's Investments types of securities:
and Tomorrow's Opportunities (1) DCF is standard for valuing bonds,
The fourth problem — the link between preferred stocks and other fixed-
today's investments and tomorrow's op- income secvirities.
portunities — is much more difficult. (2) DCF is sensible, and widely used, for
Suppose a firm invests in a negative- valuing relatively safe stocks paying
NPV project in order to establish a foot- regular dividends.
hold in an attractive market. Thus a valu- (3) DCF is not as helpful in valuing com-
able second-stage investment is used to panies with signiflcant growth oppor-
justify the immediate project. The tunities. The DCF model can be



stretched to say that Apple Com- (4) DCF is no help at all for pure research
puter's stock price equals the present and development. The value of R&D
value of the dividends the firm may is almost all option value. Intangible
eventually pay. It is more helpful to assets' value is usually option value.
think of Apple's price, Po, as: The theory of option valuation has been
worked out in detail for securities — not
Pn = = PVGO, only puts and calls, but warrants, conver-
tibles, bond call options, and so forth. The
where solution techniques should be applicable
EPS = normalized current earnings to the real options held by firms. Several
r = the opportimity cost of capital preliminary applications have already
PVGO = the net present value of future been worked out, for example:
growth opportunities. (1) Calculations of the value of a Federal
Note that PVGO is the present value lease for offshore exploration for oil or
of a portfolio of options — the firm's gas. Here the option value comes from
options to invest in second-stage, the lessee's right to delay the deci-
third-stage, or even later projects. sions to drill and develop, and to
(4) DCF is never used for traded calls or make these decisions after observing
puts. Finance theory supplies option the extent of reserves and the future
valuation formulas that work, but the level of oil prices [Paddock, Siegel,
option formulas look nothing like and Smith 1982].
DCF. (2) Calculating an asset's abandonment or
Think of the corporate analogs to these salvage value: an active second-hand
securities: market increases an asset's value,
(1) There are few problems in using DCF other things equal. The second-hand
to value safe flows, for example, flows market gives the asset owner a put op-
from financial leases. tion which increases the value of the
(2) DCF is readily applied to "cash cows" option to bail out of a poorly perform-
— relatively safe businesses held for ing project [Myers and Majd 1983].
the cash they generate, rather than for The option "contract" in each of these
strategic value. It also works for "en- cases is fairly clear: a series of calls in the
gineering investments," such as first case and a put in the second. How-
machine replacements, where the ever, these real options last longer and are
main benefit is reduced cost in a more complex than traded calls and puts.
clearly-defined activity. The terms of real options have to be ex-
(3) DCF is less helpful in valuing busi- tracted from the economics of the problem
nesses with substantial growth oppor- at hand. Realistic descriptions usually
tunities or intangible assets. In other lead to a complex implied "contract," re-
words, it is not the whole answer quiring numerical methods for valuation.
when options account for a large frac- Nevertheless, option pricing methods
tion of a business' value. hold great promise for strategic analysis.

January-February 1984 135


The time-series links between projects are gibles is not ignored by good managers
the most important part of financial even when conventional financial tech-
strategy. A mixture of DCF and option niques miss them. These values may be
valuation models can, in principle, de- brought in as "strategic factors," dressed
scribe these links and give a better under- in non-financial clothes. Dealing with the
standing of how they work. It may also be fime series links between capital invest-
possible to esfimate the value of particular ments, and with the opfion value these
strategic options, thus eliminating one links create, is often left to strategic plan-
reason for the gap between finance theory ners. But new developments in finance
and strategic planning. theory promise to help.
Lessons for Corporate Strategy Bridging the Gap
The task of strategic analysis is more We can summarize by asking how the
than laying out a plan or plans. When present gap between finance theory and
time-series links between projects are im- strategic planning might be bridged.
portant, it's better to think of strategy as Strategic planning needs finance. Pre-
managing the firm's portfolio of real op- sent value calculafions are needed as a
tions [Kestler 1982]. The process of finan- check on strategic analysis and vice versa.
cial planning mdy be thought of as: However, the standard discounted cash
(1) Acquiring options, either by investing fiow techniques will tend to understate
directly in R&D, product design, cost the option value attached to growing, pro-
or quality improvements, and so fitable lines of business. Corporate finance
forth, or as a by-product of direct capi- theory requires extension to deal with real
tal investment (for example, inveshng options. Therefore, to bridge the gap we
in a Stage 1 project with negative NPV on the financial side need to:
in order to open the door for Stage 2). (1) Apply exisfing finance theory cor-
(2) Abandoning options that are too far rectly.
"out of the money" to pay to keep. (2) Extend the theory. I believe the most
(3) Exercising valuable options at the promising line of research is to try to
right time — that is, buying the cash use option pricing theory to model the
producing as^sets that ultimately pro- fime-series interactions between in-
duce positive net present value. vestments.
There is also a lesson for current appli- Both sides could make a conscious ef-
cations of finance theory to strategic is- fort to reconcile financial and strategic
sues. Several new approaches to financial analysis. Although complete reconcilia-
strategy use a simple, traditional DCF tion will rarely be possible, the attempt
model of the firm, [For example, Fruhan should uncover hidden assumptions and
1979, Ch. 2]. These approaches are likely bring a generally deeper understanding of
to be more useful for cash cows than for strategic choices. The gap may remain,
growth businesses with substantial risk but with better analysis on either side
and intangible assets. of it.
The option value of growth and intan-



Alberts, W. A. and McTaggart, James M. 1984,
"Value based strategic investment planning,"
Interfaces, Vol. 14, No. 1 0anuary-February),
pp. 138-151.
Bierman, H. 1980, Strategic Financial Planning,
The Free Press, New York.
Brealey, R. A. and Myers, S. C. 1981, Princi-
ples of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York.
Foster, G. 1978, Financial Statement Analysis,
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New
Fruhan, W. E., Jr., 1979, Financial Strategy:
Studies in the Creation, Transfer and Destruction
of Shareholder Value, Richard D. Irwin, Inc.,
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January-February 1984 137

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