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The Development of Utility Theory.

Author(s): George J. Stigler
Source: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Aug., 1950), pp. 307-327
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 29-07-2019 14:51 UTC

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Columbia University

But I have planted the tree of utility. I have planted it deep, and spread it

T HE history of economic thought is too large a task, in the complexity of

can be studied with many pur- issues and volume of literature involved,
poses. One may trace the effects to be treated incidentally. The omission
of contemporary economic and social is justified by the fact that most econ-
conditions on economic theory or- omists of the period used utility theory
rather more bravely-the effects of eco- primarily to explain economic behavior
nomic theories on economic and social (particularly demand behavior) and
developments. One may study the his- only secondarily (when at all) to amend
tory to find the original discoverers of or justify economic policy.'
theories, spurred on by the dream of
new Cantillons; or one may compare the
economics of the great economists with
that of the rank and file, as a contribu- Drawing upon a long line of predeces-
tion to the structure and process of in- sors, Smith gave to his immediate suc-
tellectual change. Or one may, and most cessors, and they uncritically accepted,
often does, simply set forth the major the distinction between value in use and
steps in the development of a branch of value in exchange:
economic theory, hoping that it can be The word VALUE, it is to be observed, has two
justified by its contribution to the un- different meanings, and sometimes expresses
the utility of some particular object, and some-
derstanding of modern economics. This
times the power of purchasing other goods
history of utility theory is offered pri-
which the possession of that object conveys.
marily with this last purpose, although The one may be called "value in use"; the other,
in the final section I review the history "value in exchange." The things which have
to answer the question, "Why do eco- the greatest value in use have frequently little
nomists change their theories?" or no value in exchange; and on the contrary,
those which have the greatest value in exchange
The scope of this study is limited in
have frequently little or no value in use.
several respects. First, it covers prima- Nothing is more useful than water: but it will
rily the period from Smith to Slutsky, purchase scarce any thing; scarce any thing
that is, from I776 to I9I5. Second, the can be had in exchange for it. A diamond, on
study is limited to certain important 1I have also omitted consideration of the crit-
topics and to the treatment of these icisms raised by the antitheoretical writers, who
topics by economists of the first rank. played no constructive part in the development of
the theory. For a discussion of some of their views
The application of utility theory to wel- see J. Viner, "The Utility Theory and Its Critics,"
fare economics is the most important Journal of Political Economy, XXXIII (I925),
topic omitted. An estimate of the part 369-87.
I wish to acknowledge the helpful suggestions of
played by utility theory in forming econ- Arthur F. Burns, Milton Friedman, and Paul A.
omists' views of desirable social policy Samuelson.


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the contrary, has scarce any value in use; but This passage is not Smith's title to
a very great quantity of other goods may fre- recognition in our history of utility. His
quently be had in exchange for it.2
role is different: it is to show that de-
The fame of this passage rivals its am- mand functions, as a set of empirical re-
biguity. lationships, were already an established
The paradox-that value in exchange part of economic analysis. The nega-
may exceed or fall short of value in use tively sloping demand curve was already
-was, strictly speaking, a meaningless axiomatic; for example, "A competition
statement, for Smith had no basis (i.e., will immediately begin among [the
no concept of marginal utility of in- buyers when an abnormally small
come or marginal price of utility) on supply is available], and the market
which he could compare such hetero- price will rise more or less above the
geneous quantities. On any reasonable natural price."4 The effect of income on
interpretation, moreover, Smith's state- consumption was not ignored:
ment that value in use could be less than The proportion of the expence of house-rent
value in exchange was clearly a moral to the whole expence of living, is different in
judgment, not shared by the possessors the different degrees of fortune. It is perhaps
of diamonds. To avoid the incompara- highest in the highest degree, and it diminishes
gradually through the inferior degrees, so as
bility of money and utility, one may in-
in general to be lowest in the lowest degree. The
terpret Smith to mean that the ratio of necessaries of life occasion the great expence
values of two commodities is not equal of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and
to the ratio of their total utilities.' On the greater part of their little revenue is spent
such a reading, Smith's statement de- in getting it. The luxuries and vanities of life
occasion the principal expence of the rich; and
serves neither criticism nor quotation.
a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to
2 The Wealth of Nations (New York: Modern the best advantage all the other luxuries and
Library, I937), p. 28.
vanities which they possess. A tax upon house-
s Or, alternatively, that the ratio of the prices rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest
of two commodities is not equal to the ratio of
upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality
their total utilities; but this also requires an ille-
there would not, perhaps, be any thing very
gitimate selection of units: The price of what quan-
tity of diamonds is to be compared with the price
of one gallon of water? Smith makes such ille- This type of demand analysis was con-
gitimate statements; for example, "The whole
tinued and improved by Smith's succes-
quantity of a cheap commodity brought to mar-
ket, is commonly not only greater, but of greater sors, but his example should suffice to
value, than the whole quantity of a dear one. The remind us that a history of utility is not
whole quantity of bread annually brought to mar-
a history of demand theory.
ket, is not only greater, but of greater value than
the whole quantity of butcher's-meat; the whole
quantity of butcher's meat, than the whole quan-
tity of poultry; and the whole quantity of poultry, Jeremy Bentham brought the prin-
than the whole quantity of wild fowl. There are
ciple of utility (to be understood much
so many more purchases for the cheap than for
the dear commodity, that, not only a greater quan- more broadly than is customary in eco-
tity of it, but a greater value, can commonly be nomics) to the forefront of discussion in
disposed of" (ibid., p. 212; see also p. 838).
Nevertheless, this statement can be reformulated 4Ibid., p. 56. Substitution is illustrated by the
into a meaningful and interesting hypothesis: Order effects of a royal death on the prices of black and
commodities by the income class of consumers, colored cloth (ibid., p. 59).
using the proportion of families in the income class 5Ibid., pp. 793-94. This is of course the oppo-
that purchase the commodity as the basis for choos- site of modern budgetary findings, but near-con-
ing the income class. Then does aggregate value temporary budget studies seem to me indirectly to
of output fall as income class rises? support Smith.

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England at the beginning of the nine- raised the question of comparisons of

teenth century. In his Introduction to the utilities of persons who might differ
the Principles of Morals and Legislation in thirty-two circumstances:
(I 789) he suggested the measurement It is to be observed in general, that in speak-
of quantities of pleasure and pain (pri- ing of the effect of a portion of wealth upon
marily for the purpose of constructing happiness, abstraction is always to be made of

a more rational system of civil and crim- the particular sensibility of individuals, and of
the exterior circumstances in which they may
inal law). Four dimensions of pleasure
be placed. Differences of character are inscru-
and pain were distinguished for the indi- table; and such is the diversity of circumstances,
vidual: (i) intensity, (2) duration, (3) that they are never the same for two individuals.
certainty, and (4) propinquity.6 Unless we begin by dropping these two consid-
The first two dimensions are clearly erations, it will be impossible to announce any
general proposition. But though each of these
relevant to the measurement of a pleas-
propositions may prove false or inexact in a
ure, but the latter two are better treated
given individual case, that will furnish no argu-
as two of the factors which influence an ment against their speculative truth and prac-
individual's response to a particular tical utility. It is enough for the justification of
pleasure or pain.' Bentham did not give these propositions-Ist, If they approach nearer

explicit directions for calculating a given the truth than any others which can be substi-
tuted for them; 2nd, If with less inconvenience
pleasure and indeed devoted a long than any others they can be made the basis of
chapter (vi) to "Circumstances Influ- legislation
encing Sensibility," which listed no less
Thus, he achieved interpersonal com-
than thirty-two circumstances (such as
parisons, not by calculation, but by as-
age, sex, education, and firmness of
sumption, justified by the desirability
mind) that must be taken into account
(somehow determined) of its corollaries.
in carrying out such a calculation.
This resort to a question-begging as-
The theory was much elaborated with
sumption was a fundamental failure of
respect to economic applications in
his project to provide a scientific basis
Traits de legislation (i802), a lucid
for social policy: the scientific basis
synthesis of many manuscripts made by
was being justified by the policies to
his disciple, Etienne Dumont.8 Bentham
which it led. In one of his manuscripts
was particularly concerned with the
he argued that this assumption was
problem of equality of income, and this
merely an abbreviation and that the con-
6 Op. cit., chap. iv. In addition, two further
"dimensions" were added for the appraisal of the clusions he deduced could be reached
total satisfaction of an "act": the consumption of (more laboriously) without it,10 which
a loaf of bread might be the pleasure to which the
is not in general true.
first four dimensions refer; the theft of the loaf
might be the act. These additional dimensions were Theory of Legislation, p. I03.
fecundity and purity; respectively, the chance of
1O" 'Tis in vain to talk of adding quantities
one pleasure leading to another and the chance
which after the addition will continue distinct as
of a pleasure not being followed by a pain.
they were before, one man's happiness will never
'As Bentham indicated elsewhere (see Works of be another man's happiness; a gain to one man is
Jeremy Bentham [Edinburgh: Tait, i843], I, 206; no gain to another: you might as well pretend to
III, 214). add 20 apples to 20 pears, which after you had done
8 The reliability of the presentation of that Bentham's
could not be 40 of any one thing but 20 of
views has been attested by Elie Hal6vy, La Forma- each just as there was before. This addibility of
tion du radicalism philosophique (Paris: Germer the happiness of different subjects, however, when
Bailliere, i9oi), Vol. I, Appendix I. Here the Hil- considered rigorously it may appear fictitious, is
dreth translation of the Traites is used (London: a postulatum without the allowance of which all
TrUbner, I87I). political reasoning is at a stand: nor is it more

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Having surmounted this obstacle no In a manuscript written about I782,

better than subsequent economists, Bentham attempted to set forth more
Bentham proceeded to establish a set clearly the precise measurement of util-
of propositions on the utility of in- ity."4 We are given a definition of the
come :11 unit of intensity:
ist. Each portion of wealth has a correspond- The degree of intensity possessed by that
ing portion of happiness. pleasure which is the faintest of any that can
2nd. Of two individuals with unequal fortunes, be distinguished to be pleasure, may be repre-
he who has the most wealth has the most sented by unity. Such a degree of intensity is
happiness. in every day's experience: according as any
3rd. The excess in happiness of the richer will pleasures are perceived to be more and more
not be so great as the excess of his intense, they may be represented by higher
wealth.12 and higher numbers: but there is no fixing upon
Each of these propositions was elab- any particular degree of intensity as being the
highest of which a pleasure is susceptible.15
orated, and the utility calculus was used
to defend equality ("The nearer the (This suggested measure will be dis-
actual proportion approaches to equal- cussed in connection with the Weber-
ity, the greater will be the total mass of Fechner literature.) Then, shifting
happiness"), although equality was ground, Bentham argues that, although
finally rejected in favor of security of utility does not increase as fast as in-
property. As corollaries, gambling was come, for small changes the two move
utility-decreasing and insurance utility- proportionately,'6 so we may measure
increasing."3 pleasures through the prices they com-
fictitious than that of the equality of chances to
If then between two pleasures the one pro-
reality, on which that whole branch of the Mathe-
matics which is called the doctrine of chances is duced by the possession of money, the other
established. The fictitious form of speech (expres- not, a man had as lief enjoy the one as the
sion) in both cases, which, fictitious as it is, can other, such pleasures are to be reputed equal.
give birth to no false consequences or conclusions, But the pleasure produced by the possession of
is adopted from a necessity which induces the like money, is as the quantity of money that pro-
expedient in so many other instances, merely for duces it: money is therefore the measure of
the sake of abbreviation: as it would be endless to
this pleasure. But the other pleasure is equal to
repeat in every passage where it was used, what it
this; the other pleasure therefore is as the
was it wanted to be rigorously true" (Halhvy,
op. cit., III, 48i).
money that produces this: therefore money is
also the measure of that other pleasure.17
" Theory of Legislation, pp. 103 ff.; all state-
ments italicized by Bentham. Unfortunately, this procedure is ille-
12The use of marginal analysis was even more
gitimate; we cannot use an equality
explicit in his Pannomicil Fragments:
"But the quantity of happiness will not go on (or, more strictly, a constancy of the
increasing in anything near the same proportion as marginal utility of money) that holds
the quantity of wealth:-ten thousand times the
for small changes to measure total
quantity of wealth will not bring with it ten thou-
sand times the quantity of happiness. It will even
utilities.'8 These suggestions are impor-
be matter of doubt whether ten thousand times 14 Lengthy extracts are given by Halvy, op. cit.,
the wealth will in general bring with it twice the Vol. I, Appendix II.
"Ibid., p. 398.
". . . the quantity of happiness produced by a
particle of wealth (each particle being of the same "lbid., p. 408.
magnitude) will be less and less at every particle; " Ibid., p. 4IO.
. . ." (Works, III, 229; see also IV, 541). 18 Bentham appears to have recognized this diffi-
Theory of Legislation, pp. io6-7. culty when, in a passage following a discussion of

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tant chiefly in revealing Bentham's differently estimated by different per-

awareness of the crucial problems in his sons."'21 I should be content to notice
calculus and his ingenuity in attempting that he left the theory of utility as
to solve them.19 highly developed as he found it-as
Bentham had indeed planted the tree much cannot be said for the theory of
of utility. No reader could overlook the value-were it not for a remarkable
concept of utility as a numerical mag- interpretation of Marshall's:
nitude; and the implications for eco- Again, in a profound, though very incom-
nomic analysis were not obscure. But plete, discussion of the difference between
they were overlooked. "Value and Riches" he seems to be feeling his
way towards the distinction between marginal
and total utility. For by Riches he means total
utility, and he seems to be always on the point
The economists of Bentham's time of stating that value corresponds to the incre-
ment of riches which results from that part of
did not follow the approach he had
the commodity which it is only just worth the
opened. One may conjecture that this while of purchasers to buy; and that when the
failure is due to the fact that Ricardo, supply runs short, whether temporarily in con-
who gave the economics of this period sequence of a passing accident, or permanently
much of its slant and direction, was not in consequence of an increase in cost of pro-
duction, there is a rise in that marginal incre-
a Benthamite. It is true that he was the
ment of riches which is measured by value, at
friend of Bentham and the close friend
the same time that there is a diminution in the
of James Mill, Bentham's leading dis- aggregate riches, the total utility, derived from
ciple. Yet there is no evidence that he the commodity. Throughout the whole discus-
was a devout utilitarian and much evi- sion he is trying to say, though (being igno-
rant of the terse language of the differential
dence that he was unphilosophical-
calculus) he did not get hold of the right words
essentially a pragmatic reformer.20 in which to say it neatly, that marginal utility
It is clear, in any event, that Ricardo is raised and total utility is lessened by any
did not apply the utility calculus to check to supply.22

economics. He began his Principles In the chapter (xx) referred to, Ri-
with the quotation of Smith's distinc- cardo defines riches as "necessaries,
tion between value in use and value in conveniences, and amusements," and
exchange and ended the volume with value, as usual, is measured by the
the statement: "Value in use cannot be amount of labor necessary to produce a
measured by any known standard; it is commodity. The chapter is essentially an
exercise in the paradoxes of this defini-

diminishing marginal utility, he wrote: " [Intensity] tion of value; for example, if the pro-
is not susceptible of precise expression: it not being ductivity of labor doubles, riches
susceptible of measurement" (Codification Proposal
double, but value changes only if the
[i822], in Works, IV, 542).
number of laborers changes. We may
'9For more general discussions of Bentham see
W. C. Mitchell, "Bentham's Felicific Calculus," in properly identify "necessaries, con-
The Backward Art of Spending Money (New York: veniences, and amusements" with total
McGraw-Hill Book Co., I937); and J. Viner, "Ben-
tham and J. S. Mill," American Economic Review, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
XXXIX (I949), 360-82. (Gonner ed.; London: Bell, I932), p. 420.

22 Principles
20 See Bonar's Preface to Letters of Ricardo to of Economiics (8th ed.; London
Malthus (Oxford: Clarendon, i887). Macmillan, 1920), p. 814.

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utility; but what of marginal utility? thesis that prices are proportional to
Ricardo says that, if a person receives utilities, he was driven to invent the
two sacks of corn where formerly he re- metaphysical distinction between nat-
ceived one, "he gets, indeed double the ural and social wealth:
quantity of riches-double the quanti- One pays 2,000 times as much for a pound
ty of utility-double the quantity of of gold as for a pound of iron. Here is how, on
what Adam Smith calls value in use."23 my theory, this phenomenon is explained. I as-
Hence he did not believe that marginal sume with you that a pound of iron has the
same utility as a pound of gold, although it is
utility diminishes as quantity increases.
worth only one-two-thousandth as much. I say
He continued: that there are in the iron I,999 degrees of
When I give 2,000 times more cloth for a utility that nature has given us without charge,
pound of gold than I give for a pound of iron, and i degree that we create by work, at an
does it prove that I attach 2,000 times more expense that we will assume only if a consumer
utility to gold than I do to iron? certainly not; is willing to reimburse us; hence the pound of
it proves only as admitted by M. Say, that the iron has 2,000 degrees of utility. The gold also
cost of production of gold is 2,000 times greater has 2,000 degrees of utility (on your assump-
than the cost of production of iron . . if utility tion), which however can be obtained only on
were the measure of value, it is probable I exacting terms, that is to say, . . . by expenses
should give more for the iron.24 of 2,000. The i,999 degrees of utility for which
we do not pay when we consume iron are part
The writer of this passage cannot be of our natural wealth.... The single degree of
said to have been close to the notion of utility which must be paid for is part of our
marginal utility. I cannot find a single social wealth.27

sentence that gives support to Mar-

shall's interpretation, and I think that
it should be added to the list of ex- The principle that equal increments
amples of his peculiar documentation of utility-producing means (such as in-
and interpretation of predecessors. come or bread) yield diminishing incre-
Ricardo's influence was such that ments of utility is a commonplace. The
James Mill, the logical person to apply first statement in print of a common-
Bentham's system to economics, was place is adventitious; it is of no im-
content to present a rigid simplification portance in the development of eco-
of Ricardo's Principles ;25 and his son- nomics, and it confers no intellectual
whose formative work in economics, we stature on its author. The statement
must remember, came chiefly in the acquires interest only when it is logi-
i82o's-did little more with utility.26 cally developed or explicitly applied to
Only the French utilitarian, J. B. Say, economic problems, and it acquires im-
attempted to give utility a substantial portance only when a considerable num-
place in economic theory, and he was ber of economists are persuaded to in-
prevented from doing so effectively by corporate it into their analyses. Inter-
his inability to arrive at a notion of mar- est and importance are of course mat-
ginal analysis. In order to support the ters of degree.
Some economists gave clear state-
22 Principles, p. 265. 24 Ibid., pp. 267-68.
'Letter to Ricardo, July i9, 1821, in Melanges
' In his Elements of Political Economy (3d ed., et correspondance (Paris: Chamerot, I833), pp.
I827). ii6-i7, 287-89; cf. also Treatise on Political
26 Principles of Political Economy (Ashley ed.; (Boston: Wells & Lilly, 1824), Book II,
New York: Longmans, Green, 1929), pp. 442-44, chap. i, and Cours corn plet d'6conomnie politique
804. (Paris: Guillaumin, 1840), I, 65-66, 71-72.

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ments of the principle of diminishing fined as the excess of total utility over
marginal utility but did not apply it marginal utility times the number of
to economic problems; they include units of the commodity, but it was ac-
Lloyd (1833), Senior (I836), Jennings tually taken to be the area under the
(i855), and Hearn (i864).28 Others demand curve minus the expenditures
applied utility theory to economic on the commodity (i.e., Marshall's
events without explicitly developing measure without his restrictions).32
the principle of diminishing marginal Armed with this concept, he investi-
utility: A. Walras (I83I) and Long- gated the optimum toll on a bridge.
field (I834), for example.29 At least
two economists-in addition to Ben-
tham-elaborated the principle or ap-
plied it to economic problems but failed
to persuade other economists of its use-
fulness.30 Their theories will be sum-
marized briefly.

DUPUIT (1844)

Jules Dupuit, a distinguished en-

P q n
gineer, was led to the marginal utility
theory by his attempt to construct a
theory of prices that maximize utility.31 C r r' N

He distinguished total and marginal

utility with great clarity and discov-
ered "une espece de benefice" that we His analysis was as follows. Let NP be
now call consumers' surplus. It was de- the demand (and marginal utility)
curve, Op the price (Fig. i). Then OrnP
28 W. F. Lloyd, "The Notion of Value," reprinted
in Economic History, Economic Journal Supple- is the absolute utility consumers obtain
ment, May, 1927, pp. 170-83; N. W. Senior, Polit-
from the use of the bridge, and pnP is
ical Economny (New York: Farrar & Rinehart,
1939), pp. I I-I 2; R. Jennings, Natural Elements the relative utility. If the toll is reduced
of Political Econom1iy (London: Longman, Brown, by pp', there is a net gain of consumer
Green & Longmans, 1855), pp. 98-99, 19, 233 n.;
utility of qnn' (equal to the area under
W. E. Hearn, Plutology (London: Macmillan,
i864), p. 17. Lloyd, the third occupant of the the demand curve between r and r'
Drummond chair in political economy at Oxford, minus the expenditure rr'n'q).
gave much the most elaborate statement of the
Dupuit's general conclusion is: "The
principle. Instead of applying it to contemporary
economic problems, however, he emphasized the utility of a means of communication,
fact that marginal utility is not the same thing as and in general of any product, is at a
exchange value and applied the theory to Robinson
Crusoe to show this. 32 Dupuit's instruction for measuring utility re-
29A. Walras, De la nature de la richesse et de veals the tacit identification of utility and demand
l'origine de la valeur (Paris: Alcan, 1938), esp. curves: "Assume that all the like commodities
chap. xi; M. Longfield, Lectures on Political Econ- whose general utility one wishes to determine are
oiny ("London School Reprints" [London, 1931]), subjected to a tax which is increased by small steps.
At each increase, a certain quantity of the com-
pp. 2 7-28, 45-46, i i i ff.
modity will no longer be purchased. The utility of
30 Daniel Bernoulli's much earlier discovery will
this quantity in terms of money will be the quantity
be treated later.
multiplied by the tax. By increasing the tax until
31 His chief essays (published in I844 and 1849) all purchases cease, and adding the partial products,
are reprinted in De l'utilitW et de sa mesure (Torino: one will obtain the total utility of the commodity"
La Riforma Sociale, 1934). (ibid., p. 50; also p. I8O).

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maximum when the toll or the price is his vision; the explicit formulation of
zero."33 This is little more than a tautol- the concept of consumer surplus is ele-
ogy, and Dupuit did not draw the fur- gant, but there is no intuition of the dif-
ther and illegitimate conclusion that the ficulties in the concept, nor is there an
optimum toll rate is zero: attempt to construct the larger theoreti-
cal framework necessary to solve his
It will not be our conclusion [that tolls should
be small or zero], when we treat of tariffs; but problem.
we hope to have demonstrated that [tariff rates]
must be studied, combined on rational prin- GOSSEN (I854)
ciples to produce simultaneously the greatest
Heinrich Gossen is one of the most
possible utility and a revenue which will repay
the expense of maintenance and the interest on tragic figures in the history of econom-
the capital investment.34 ics. He was a profound, original, and
untrained thinker who hid his thoughts
We see that he was not afraid of inter-
behind painfully complex arithmetical
personal comparisons of utility, and in
and algebraic exercises.37 He displayed
fact he argued that the effects of price
every trait of the crank,38 excepting
changes on the distribution of income
only one: history has so far believed
must be ignored because they were
that he was right. Only a few distinctive
merely transfers.35
features of his work will be commented
Dupuit could not reach a complete
theory of optimum prices because he did
First, Gossen's discussion of the laws
not devise a coherent theory of cost.36
of satisfaction is concerned only with
One is impressed by the narrowness of individual acts of consumption, such as
" Ibid., p. I6i. I have transposed the axes of the eating of slices of bread.39 Corre-
Dupuit's diagram. spondingly, in his early diagrams mar-
4 Ibid., p. 5i. Elsewhere he says that the ideal ginal utility is a function of time (dura-
toll would be one proportional to the consumers'
total utility, but this is impracticable because of
tion of the act of consumption), and
"l'improbit6 universelle" (ibid., p. 14) ; and the only after a considerable elaboration of
effects of alternative methods of financing public this approach does he take quantity of
works (e.g., the incidence of taxes) must be studied
before a practical recommendation can be made
a (perishable) commodity as propor-
(ibid., p. i6i). Multiple price systems were also tional to duration of consumption.40
considered (ibid., pp. 64-65, 140 ff.).
3 Only a person who has labored through the
" Ibid., p. 52.
volume can savor the magnificent understatement
16This is illustrated by the following quotation, of Edgeworth: "He may seem somewhat deficient
in which price fluctuations are treated as exercises
in the quality of mathematical elegance" ("Gossen,"
of arbitrary power:
Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy
"In order that there be an increase or decrease in
[London: Macmillan, 1923], II, 232).
utility, it is necessary that there be a decrease or
38 His Entwickelung der Gesetze des vmenschlichen
increase in [a commodity's] cost of production-
Verkehrs (3d ed.; Berlin: Prager, 1927), which is
there being no change in its quality. When there
not encumbered with chapters, begins with the fa-
are only variations in market price [prix venal],
mous sentences: "On the following pages I sub-
the consumer gains what the producer loses, or
mit to public judgment the result of 20 years of
conversely. Thus, when an article costing 20 francs
meditation. What a Copernicus succeeded in ex-
to produce is sold for 5o francs, as a result of a
plaining of the relationships of worlds in space, that
monopoly or concession, the producer deprives
I believe I have performed for the explanation of
every buyer of 30 francs of utility. If some cir-
the relationships of men on earth."
cumstance forces him to lower his price by io
francs, his income diminishes by io francs per "9 For a good summary see M. Pantaleoni, Pure
unit and that of each buyer increases by io francs. Economics (London: Macmillan, 1898), pp. 28 ff.
There is a cancellation; no utility is produced" 40Entwickelung, p. 29; his treatment of durable
(ibid., pp. 52-53). goods is not sound (see pp. 25, 29-30).

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Yet he does not attempt to work out a tween utility and demand curves.
theory of the temporal pattern of con- Finally, Gossen's views on the meas-
sumption, and this portion of his theory urability of utility are vague but tanta-
seems misdirected. lizing:
Second, he presents a theory of the We can conceive of the magnitudes of vari-
marginal disutility of labor that is com- ous pleasures only by comparing them with
pletely symmetrical with that of the one another, as, indeed, we must also do in
marginal utility of consumer goods. measuring other objects. We can measure the
magnitudes of various areas only by taking a
Gossen's curve of the marginal dis-
particular area as the unit of measurement, or
utility of income is essentially identical the weights of different bodies only by taking
with that which Jevons made famous: a particular weight as the unit. Similarly, we
the early hours of work yield utility, must fix on one pleasure as our unit, and hence
but, as the duration of labor increases, an indefiniteness remains in the measurement of
a pleasure. It is a matter of indifference which
the marginal utility diminishes to zero
pleasure we choose as the unit. Perhaps the
and then to negative values.4" He de-
consequences will be most convenient if we
fines the condition of maximum utility choose the pleasure from the commodity which
as that in which the marginal utility of we use as money.44
a unit of product is numerically equal
He did not notice that there might be
to the marginal disutility of the labor
no unit of utility comparable with that
necessary to produce a unit of prod-
of area or weight; and it is probably
going too far to read into this passage
Third, Gossen was the first writer to the later position that it is sufficient to
formulate explicitly what I shall call
deal with the ratios of marginal utili-
the fundamental principle of marginal
utility theory:
A person maximizes his utility when he dis- III. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE

tributes his available money among the various MODERN THEORY

goods so that he obtains the same amount of
The utility theory finally began to
satisfaction from the last unit of money (Geld-
atom) spent upon each commodity.43 win a place in generally accepted eco-
nomics in the i8 70's, under the triple
We may translate this statement into
auspices of Jevons, Menger, and Wal-
semisymbolic form:
ras. Independently these economists
arrived at positions similar in the main
and sometimes in detail.45 I shall com-
P1 P2 P3 '
pare their treatments of certain basic
where MUi represents the marginal
4Ibid., p. I23.
utility of the ith commodity and pi its
"Marshall was a contemporary discoverer of the
price. (We shall adhere to the notation: theory but did not publish it until later (Memori-
xi is the quantity of commodity Xi, als of Alfred Marshall [London: Macmillan, 1925],
p. 2 2). J. B. Clark was a somewhat later discoverer
pi is its price, MUi is its marginal util- and never developed the theory to a level com-
ity, and R is money income.) This parable with the best contemporary European anal-
equation marked a long step forward in ysis. He became preoccupied with a neglected prob-
lem to which he could not find a useful solution:
the development of the relationship be-
how to apply marginal analysis to variations in
4lIbid., p. 36. the quality of goods (see The Philosophy of
Wealth [Boston: Ginn & Co., i892], Preface and
42 Ibid., p. 45.
p. 76 n.; Distribution of Wealth [New York: Mac-
43Ibid., pp. 93-94. millan, 1931], chaps. xiv-xvi).

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problems of the theory, and henceforth cism that the classical theory lacked
our organization will be by subject. generality, emphasized the reciprocal
effects of prices of products and of pro-
ductive services on one another, and
Each of these founders of utility denied the existence of the class of
theory criticized the Ricardian theory commodities whose supplies could be
of value, but for each this was an inci- infinitely increased, on the overly literal
dental and minor point; they deemed ground that no productive resource was
the positive merits of the utility theory available in infinite quantity.'
a sufficient basis for acceptance. Thus, The task of elaborating and ex-
only after completing the presentation pounding the theory, and of exaggerat-
of his utility theory did Jevons point ing its merits and understating the use-
out the deficiencies in Ricardo's labor fulness of the classical theory-the in-
value theory. These deficiencies were evitable accompaniments of intellectual
three: (i) Ricardo required a special innovations-fell largely to disciples, in
theory for commodities with fixed sup- particular Wieser and Bbhm-Bawerk.
plies, such as rare statues. This proved These men did not improve on the sub-
that labor cost is not essential to value. stance of the theory-in fact, it dete-
,(2) Large labor costs will not confer riorated in their hands-so we shall pass
high value on a commodity if the future them by.51
demand is erroneously forecast; "in
commerce bygones are for ever by-
gones."46 (3) Labor is heterogeneous,
Without exception, the founders ac-
and the various types of labor can be
cepted the existence of utility as a fact
compared only through the values of
of common experience, congruent with
their products.47 On the other hand, the
the most casual introspection. Jevons
cost of production theory of value fits
was most explicit:
in nicely as a special case of the utility
theory, for it explains the relative quan- The science of Economics, however, is in
tities of commodities that will be sup- some degree peculiar, owing to the fact . . . that
its ultimate laws are known to us immediately
by intuition, or, at any rate, they are furnished
Menger and Walras took fundamen- to us ready made by other mental or physical
tally the same position. The former also sciences.
gave the first two criticisms listed above ... The theory here given may be described
and, in addition, made a parallel criti- as the mechanics of utility and self-interest.
Oversights may have been committed in tracing
cism to the Ricardian rent theory: if
the value of land did not depend upon Et clients d'cononmie politique pure (I926 ed.;
labor cost, this demonstrated a serious Paris: Pichon & Durand-Auzias), Lecon 38. The
first edition (Lausanne: Carbay, I874) does not
lack of generality in the classical theory
differ materially in substance on the subjects dis-
of value.49 Walras repeated the criti- cussed here.

46 Theory of Political Economty (4th ed.; London:" Wieser's paradox of value (that marginal utility
Macmillan, I91I), p. I64. times quantity may decrease when quantity in-
creases) led to deep confusion (see Natural Value
47Ibid., p. i66.
[New York: Stechert, 1930], Books I and II).
48Ibid., p. i65. Binhm-Bawerk's greatest polenmic is Grundzihge d
4 Grundsitze der Volkswirtschaftslehre (Vienna: Theorie des wirtschaftlichen Giiterwerts ("London
BraumUller, i870), pp. 69, I20-21, 144-45. School Reprints" [London, 1932]).

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out its details, but in its main features this utility in the first (i871) than in the
theory must be the true one. Its method is as second (I879) edition; for example, in
sure and demonstrative as that of kinematics or
the second edition he deleted the fol-
statics, nay, almost as self-evident as are the
elements of Euclid. ...52 lowing passage:
I confess that it seems to me difficult even to
I am inclined to interpret the silence of
imagine how such estimations [of utility] and
Menger and Walras on the existence of
summations can be made with any approach to
utility as indicative of an equally com- accuracy. Greatly though I admire the clear
plete acceptance. and precise notions of Bentham, I know not
Menger glossed over the problem of where his numerical data are to be found.58
measurability of utility. He represented
With gallant inconsistency, he pro-
marginal utilities by numbers and em-
ceeded to devise a way to measure util-
ployed an equality of marginal utilities
ity. It employed the familiar measuring
in various uses as the criterion of the
rod of money:
optimum allocation of a good.53 1-is
word for utility - Bedeutung-was It is from the quantitative effects of the feel-
ings that we must estimate their comparative
surely intentionally neutral, but prob-
ably it was chosen for its nonethical I never attempt to estimate the whole pleas-
flavor.54 Walras was equally vague; he ure gained by purchasing a commodity; the
simply assumed the existence of a unit theory merely expressed that, when a man has
of measure of intensity of utility and purchased enough, he would derive equal pleas-
ure from the possession of a small quantity
thereafter spoke of utility as an abso-
more as he would from the money price of it."
lute magnitude.55
Jevons' attack on the problem of This position is elaborated ingeniously:
measurability was characteristically Wie can construct a demand curve by
frank and confused. He denied that observation (or possibly experiment),
utility was measurable: and then we can pass to the marginal
There is no unit of labour, or suffering, or utility curve by means of the equation,
I have granted that we can hardly form the
conception of a unit of pleasure or pain, so
where MU, is the marginal utility of
that the numerical expression of quantities of
feeling seems to be out of question.56
For the first approximation we may assume
Yet he seemed also to argue that one that the general utility of a person's income is
cannot be sure that utility is not meas- not affected by the changes of price of the
urable but only that it could not pres- commodity. ...
ently be measured.57 He was somewhat The method of determining the function of
utility explained above will hardly apply, how-
more skeptical of the measurability of
ever, to the main elements of expenditure. The
52Op. cit., pp. iS and 2 1. price of bread, for instance, cannot be properly
Op. cit., p. 98 n. brought under the equation in question, be-
5 On one occasion he states that his numbers cause, when the price of bread rises much, the
represent only relative utilities and that numbers resources of poor persons are strained, money
such as 8o and 40 indicate only that the former
(marginal) utility is twice as large as the latter 58 Theory of Political Economny (ist ed.; London:
ibidd., p. i63 n.). Macmillan, I87I), p. I2.

AEliments, pp. 74, I02, I53. 9 Theory (4th ed.), pp. ii and I3.
Op. cit., pp. 7 and 12. "Ibid., pp. i-9. G Ibid., pp. 146 ff. (Our notation.)

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becomes scarcer with them,

thoughts into and
mathematics. His funda- [MU,
marginalj utility of money, rises.61
mental equation for the maximization
This procedure is so similar to Mar- of utility in exchanges was presented as
shall's that we may defer comment un- a fait accompli:
til we discuss the latter's more elaborate
MU1 pi
M U2 P2
Unlike Walras and Menger, Jevons
considered the question of the interper- This equation was satisfactory for an
sonal comparison of utilities. He ex- individual confronted by fixed prices,
pressly argued that this was impos- but how to apply it to competitive mar-
sible62 but made several such compari- kets?
sons, as we shall notice later. Menger Jevons devised two concepts to reach
avoided the subject and did not engage the market analysis: the trading body
in such comparisons; and Walras made and the law of indifference. A trading
only incidental interpersonal compari- body was the large group of buyers or
sons.63 sellers of a commodity in a competitive
market.6" The law of indifference was
that there be only one price in a
Menger simply ignored the relation-
He proceeded in the following pecul-
ship between utility and demand. He
iar manner. Let the equation of ex-
was content to set some demand prices
change be applied to each trading
(he worked always with discontinuous
body; for each group of competitive
schedules) which somehow represented
individuals the equation will determine
marginal utilities64 and proceeded to an
the relationship between the quantity
elementary discussion of pricing under
offered and the quantity demanded.68
bilateral monopoly (the indeterminacy
Hence we have two equations to deter-
of which was recognized), duopoly (the
mine the two unknowns: the quantities
complications of which were not recog-
nized-a competitive solution was 66The requirement of competition was indirect:
one characteristic of a perfect market was that
given), and competition (in which the "there must be no conspiracies for absorbing and
absence of a theory of production had holding supplies to produce unnatural ratios of ex-
predictable effects).65 change" (Theory [4th ed.], p. 86). It is evident that
the trading body could not properly be used to
Jevons' attempt to construct a bridge explain prices, because its composition depended
between utility and demand was se- upon prices.

riously hampered, I suspect, by his in- 67 Jevons (ibid., p. 95) stated the law of indiffer-
ence as
ability to translate any but simple
61 Ibid., pp. 147 and I48. dx2 x2
62Ibid., p. I4. dxx1 xI
63 See Etudes d'economnie politique applique
This notation is ambiguous (see Marshall, Memori-
(Lausanne: Rouge, i898), pp. 295 if.; Etudes als, p. 98; F. Y. Edgeworth, Mathematical Psychics
d'economie sociale (Lausanne: Rouge, i896), pp. [London: Paul, i88i], pp. iio ff.).
209 ff.
68Jevons seems to have introduced the trading
64 "The value that a good has for an economizing bodies to get quickly to market prices, not because
individual is equal to the significance of that want- of an intuition that bilateral monopoly was inde-
satisfaction" (op. cit., p. I20; also chap. v). terminate; at least he overlooked the difficulties in
" Ibid., pp. I77 ff., 208-9. duopoly (Theory [4th ed.], p. II7).

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of Xi and X2 exchanged. Quite aside xi= (x,+xP2+xP3?...)

X1 =(X10+ X0p (X30P2 + - 3P3.)
from the ambiguous concept of a trad- -(x2p2+ x3p3+..*.).-
ing body, this procedure was illicit on
his own view that utilities of different The xi, X2, X3 . .. , are the quantities
individuals are not comparable.69 held (demanded), and (x1-x1), (x2-x2),
Walras succeeded in establishing the (X3-X3) ..A . the quantities supplied.7'
correct relationship between utility and To determine the market prices, we
demand. He first derived the equations simply add the demands of all n indi-
of maximum satisfaction for an indi- viduals in the market for each com-
vidual: if there are m commodities, and modity
a unit of commodity Xi is the nunmeraire n n

in terms of which the prices of other

X2= EW
commodities are expressed (so pi i),
we have (m - i) equations:70 n n

X3 = A
P2 P3
and equate the quantities demanded to
Finally, the budget equation states the
the quantities available (kX7)
equality of values of the initial stocks
of commodities (x?)and the stocks held XO=X
2 2

after exchange: XI=X

3 3

X1 ? x2p2 + X3p3 + **
-I x??2P2?+X3?P3 + There are (in - i) such equations with
which to determine the (m - i ) prices
We thus have mn equations to determine of X2, X3, ... , in terms of Xi. It may
the m quantities of the commodities de- appear that we have forgotten the bud-
manded or supplied by the individual. get equation, but it is not an independ-
We may solve the equations for the ent relationship because it can be de-
quantities demanded or supplied as duced from the other equations. If we
functions of the prices: multiply the last set of equations by the
respective prices of the commodities
2 = X2 (P2, P3, . *
and add, we obtain
X3=x3 (P2, (P2 ,
t2(2X2) + p3 (X 3- X3)+...= .
69 "The reader will find, again, that there is
never, in any single instance, an attempt made to
But if we add the individual budget
compare the amount of feeling in one mind with
that in another" (ibid., p. I4). equations we obtain
70 Alements, Le~on 8. Let total utility -f(x1)
+ g(X2) + h(x3) + ... . In one of these utility
functions, substitute the budget limitation, xl- X>1 = P2 (X2- X2)

XI + X2 P2 + X3 P3 + * * -
1* Xo_ v A3 + 0
- 02p2 + X03P3 + * "' This summary differs in notation and detail,
but not in substance, from Walras' exposition (ibid.,
where x4, 4, X3,. are the initial stocks. Then pp. I23 if.). The chief difference of detail is that
maximize total utility to obtain the equations in Walras writes the utility as f(x'i?xi), where I write
the text. it asf(xi), so his xi can be negative.

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Hence if the quantity demanded equals tile workers during the Civil War cot-
the quantity available in (m - i) mar- ton shortage, the shifts of goods be-
kets, the equality must also hold in the tween free and economic, etc. More im-
mth market. This is equivalent to say- portant, the theory of production be-
ing that if we know the amounts of came simply an instance of the theory
(m - i) commodities that have been of marginal utility: productive services
exchanged for each other and an ninth were distinguished from consumption
commodity, and the rates of exchange, services only in being goods of higher
we necessarily know the amount of the order. Menger's version had no predic-
mth commodity exchanged. tive value, nor did he conjecture any
The (Walrasian) demand function is new economic relationships. Indeed at
thus the relationship between the quan- least two of the founders of marginal
tity of a commodity and all prices, utility theory-Jevons was the excep-
when the individual's (or individuals') tion-knew much less about economic
money income and tastes (utility func- life than a dozen predecessors such as
tions) are held constant. We shall ad- Smith and Babbage. Yet the theory
here to this meaning of the demand served to systematize a variety of
function or "curve" (the two-dimen- known facts of everyday observation
sional illustration of course requiring and seemed to confer an air of general-
that all prices except that of the com- ity and structural elegance upon price
modity are held constant), and the re- theory.
lationship between quantity and money XValras also did a good deal of this
income (all prices and tastes being held reorientation of economic theory in
constant) will be designated as the in- terms of utility, whereby the value of
come curve. productive services was determined by
the values of products. But he also at-
tempted a specific and natural applica-
Jevons gave only one application of tion of the theory to demand-curve
his utility theory: a demonstration that analysis.
both parties to an exchange gain satis- This application was the derivation
faction. The demonstration, as he gave of the law that price reductions will in-
it, was inconsistent with his denial of crease the quantity demanded; price in-
the possibility of comparing utilities of creases will decrease the quantity de-
individuals, for it rested on the mar- manded.73 Walras treated this as intui-
ginal utility curves of nations.72 tively obvious, but it was a strict impli-
Menger was even less specific but cation of his theory. Consider the equa-
surely vastly more persuasive in his ap- tions of maximum satisfaction:
plications of the theory: he made it the
MU lT1 M U2 M U3
basis of economic theory. The theory
71 P 2 - -
was given many everyday illustrations
(mostly hypothetical, to be sure): it Assume p2 falls by 5p2, and assume
explained exchange, the wages of tex- that the individual is deprived of his

72 Theory (4th ed.), pp. 142 if. In the Preface to

nominal increase in real income, X2ap2.
the second edition he proposed broader applications At the new price, P2 - 6P2, the individ-
much closer to those of Menger and Walras but
never worked out this position. 73 Ele'cn~ts, pp. 131, 133.

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ual obtains a larger marginal utility per

to his theory of multiple equilibria.77
dollar from X2 than from other com- This theory deals with the exchange of
modities, hence he will substitute X2 one commodity for another in a com-
for other commodities. Restore now the petitive market, when both commodi-
increment of income X23p2, and it willties have utility to the individual.78 The
be used to purchase more of every com- possessors of X1 have a fixed stock-
modity, including X2. The individual how much will they offer at various
necessarily buys more X2 at a lower prices of X1 (in terms of X2)? When
price, and therefore all individuals buy pi is zero (no X2 is given in exchange
more of X2 at a lower price: the de-
mand curve for each product must have
a negative slope.74 S

A second application of utility theory

was made in the theorem on the distri-

bution of stocks: a redistribution of ini-

tial stocks of goods among the individ-
uals in a market, such that each indi-
vidual's holdings have the same market p11

value before and after the redistribu-

tion, will not affect prices.75 It is the
amount of income, not its composition
in terms of goods, that influences con-
01 XI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1
sumer behavior. The most interesting
point with respect to this obvious the-
orem is that Walras stopped here on
the threshold of the analysis of the ef- FIG. 2

fects of income upon consumption. One

may conjecture that his penchant for for a unit of X1), they will naturally
analyzing what are essentially barter supply no Xi; the supply curve begins
problems in his theory of exchange at (or above) the origin. At higher pi,
played a large role in this failure to they will offer more X1 to obtain more
analyze income effects.76 X2, but beyond a certain price, L, fur-
The theory of utility also led Walras ther increases in the price of X1 will
lead them to reduce the quantity of X1
"The validity of this argument depends on the
assumption that the marginal utility of a com-
offered because they become relatively
modity is a (diminishing) function only of the sated with X2. Walras illustrates this
quantity of that commodity (see Sec. IV). with Figure 2, where D is the demand
Ibid., pp. I45-49.
curve and S the supply curve. A' and
7 Perhaps mention should also be made of the
A" are points of stable equilibrium, be-
applications of utility theory to labor. Jevons'
theory of disutility was labored and at times con- "Marshall's theory of multiple equilibria is in-
fused (see my Production and Distribution Theories dependent of utility analysis; it refers only to the
[New York: Macmillan, 194I], chap. ii). Walras' long run, whereas Walras' theory is strictly short
treatment was more elegant-he introduced the run. See Marshall, Pure Theory of Domestic Values
marginal utility of leisure in complete symmetry ("London School Reprints" [London, I930]).
to the theory of consumption-but not much more
78 Elements, pp. 68-70; Wicksell restates the
instructive (Elements, p. 209). Menger denied that theory, Lectures on Political Economy (London:
labor was usually painful (op. cit., p. 149 n.). Macmillan, I934), I, 55 ff.

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cause at higher prices the quantity sup- IV. THE FORM OF THE UTILITY

plied exceeds the quantity demanded FUNCTION

and at lower prices the quantity de- The three founders of the utility the-
manded exceeds the quantity supplied. ory treated the utility of a commodity
Point A, however, is an unstable equi- as a function only of the quantity of
librium because at higher prices the that commodity. If Xl, X2, X3, ..., are
quantity demanded exceeds the quan- the commodities, the individual's total
tity supplied so the price rises even utility was written (explicitly by Jevons
more, and conversely at lower prices. and Walras, implicitly by Menger), as
We shall not follow the history of mul-
f(xI) +g(x2) +Ih(X3) +....
tiple equilibria, in which economists
They further assumed that each com-
have usually taken an apprehensive
modity yielded diminishing marginal
utility. This form of utility function
In the area of welfare economics,
has the implication that the demand
Walras' most important application was
curve for each commodity has a nega-
the theorem on maximum satisfaction:
tive slope, as I have already remarked.
Production in a market governed by freeIt has also the implication that an in-
competition is an operation by which the crease
[pro- in income will lead to increased
ductive] services may be combined in products
purchases of every commodity. This is
of appropriate kind and quantity to give the
greatest possible satisfaction of needs within easily shown with the fundamental
the limits of the double condition that each equations,
service and each product have only one price
in the market, at which supply and demand are
M U1 M U2 M U3
equal, and that the prices of the products are M ,= pi P2 -_P3
equal to their costs of production.79
If income increases, the marginal utility
This theorem, which is not true unless of every commodity (and of income)
qualified in several respects, gave rise must decrease, but the marginal utility

to an extensive literature which lies out- of a commodity can be reduced only by

side our scope.80 increasing its quantity. This implication
was not noticed.
J9Elements, p. 231 ; Jevons also stated the Edgeworth destroyed this pleasant
theorem (Theory [4th ed.], p. I41).
simplicity and specificity when he wrote
80 Among the important writings during our
the total utility function as sp (Xi, X2, X3,
period are: A. Marshall, Principles of Economics
(ist ed.; London: Macmillan, i8go), Book V,
... ). He appears to have made this
chap vii; V. Pareto, "II Massimo di utility dato change partly because it was mathe-
dalla libera concorrenza," Giornale degli economist, matically more general, partly because
Series 2, No. 9 (July, I894), pp. 48-66; E. Barone,
"The Ministry of Production in the Collectivist
it was congruent with introspection.8'
State," reprinted in F. A. Hayek, Collectivist Eco- The change had important implications
nomic Planning (London: Routledge, I938); for the measurability of utility that I
K. Wicksell, Lectures on Political Economy
shall discuss in Section V.
(London: Macmillan, I934), I, 72 ff.; L. Bortke-
witch, "Die Grenznutzentheorie als Grundlage einer With the additive utility function, di-
ultra-liberalen Wirtschaftspolitik," Jahrbuch ffur minishing marginal utility was a suffi-
Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft,
cient condition for convexity of the in-
XXII (i898), I177-I2i6; and A. C. Pigou, Wealth
and Welfare (London: Macmillan, 19I2). 81 Mathematical Psychics, pp. 20, 34, I04, I08.

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difference curves; 82 with the general- After a price reduction, 8P2, we may
ized utility function, diminishing mar- again segregate the effect of a change in
ginal utility was neither necessary nor relative prices by temporarily reducing
sufficient for convex indifference the individual's income by x28p2. When
curves.83 Nevertheless, Edgeworth un- we restore this increment of real in-
necessarily continued to assume dimin- come, we cannot be sure that each com-
ishing marginal utility, but he also pos- modity will be consumed in larger
tulated the convexity of the indifference quantity. Suppose an increase in Xi
curves. 84 reduces the marginal utility of X2.
Even with convexity, the generalized Then when a portion of the increment
utility function no longer has the corol- of real income x28p2 is spent on X1,
lary that all income curves have posi- MU2 may diminish so much that the
tive slopes (or, therefore, that all de- amount of X2 must be reduced below
mand curves have negative slopes). its original quantity to fulfil the maxi-
mum satisfaction conditions.85
82 Diminishing marginal utility for each com-
The only further generalization of
modity was not necessary, however: the indiffer-
ence curves could be convex to the origin if every the utility function (aside from ques-
commodity except one yielded diminishing mar-
tions of measurability) was the inclu-
ginal utility, and the marginal utility of this excep-
tion commodity did not increase too rapidly. This sion of the quantities consumed by
exceptional case was first analyzed by Slutsky (see other people in the utility function of
Sec. VII).
'5The conditions for maximum satisfaction are
In the two-commodity case

Oi Pi
dxl 2
SP2 P2'
xjp 1-- X2p2= R.
is the slope of an indifference curve, and the con-
dition for convexity is Differentiate these equations with respect to R
(holding prices constant) and solve to obtain
d22 2 -2
(2(P11-2 P1(P2(12 + (PI22
9 3 - --~~~> 0 Ox2 P2fs1 - PI'P12
OR p22011 - 2P1P2sP2 t1- pj S22

where the subscripts to so denote partial differen-

The denominator of the right side is negative if
tiation with respect to the indicated variables. It is
the indifference curves are convex to the origin.
clear that diminishing marginal utility (spjj and
The numerator, however, can be positive with
C722 negative) is not necessary for convexity, since
'p <0, so the whole expression may be negative
S?12 can be positive and large, and it is not sufficient,
(X2 may be "inferior"). With the additive func-
since IP12 can be negative and large. In the additive
tion, 0p12= (and of course they assumed (pii <0), so
case ( P12 = 0), at most one marginal utility can be
the expression must be positive (X2 [and X1] must
increasing, as was pointed out in the previous foot-
be "normal"). Similarly, differentiate the equations
with respect to P2 holding Pi and R constant) and
84 Mathematical Psychics, p. 36. He wrote the solve to obtain
tility function as so(x1,-x2), in my notationu,
for reasons which will be pointed out below. He aX2 P]I< + X2P I2 -X2p211
postulated that P12 <O, where -X2 is work done by
the person and X1 is remuneration received. This
OIP P22] - 2PIP2f01 + - 22P ,
is equivalent to assuming that an increase in re-
muneration increases the marginal utility of leisure, Again the denominator is negative, and the numer-
and would be represented by f012> 0 if we write ator may be negative if (P12 is negative, so the
the function as (P(x1, x2), as is now customary. expression may be positive. With the addi-
With diminishing marginal utility this condition tive utility function and diminishing marginal
leads to convexity (see previous note). utility, the expression must be negative.

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the individual. Thus one's pleasure should postulate the constancy of the
from diamonds is reduced if many marginal utility of prestige.
other people have them (or if none Pigou's article elicited the first sta-
do!), and one's pleasure from a given tistical investigation designed to test a
income is reduced if others' incomes utility theory (and apparently the only
rise. This line of thought is very old,"6 such investigation during the period).
but it was first introduced explicitly Edgeworth, a Fellow of All Souls, col-
into utility analysis in I892. Fisher lected statistics from "a certain Oxford
casually suggested it: College" to determine "whether the size
of the party has any influence upon the
Again we could treat [utility] as a function
depth of the potations"-that is, upon
of the quantities of each commodity produced
or consumed by all persons in the market. This the per capita consumption of wine.
becomes important when we consider a man in
The data were presented in relative
relation to the members of his family or con-
form lest they "should excite the envy
sider articles of fashion as diamonds, also when
we account for that (never thoroughly studied) of some and the contempt of others";
interdependence, the division of labor.87 the conclusion was that the effect of the
size of party was inappreciable."
Henry Cunynghame made the same
A few subsequent attempts have been
suggestion more emphatically in the
made to revive this extension of the
same year:
utility function to include the effect on
Almost the whole value of strawberries in
one person's utility of other people's
March, to those who like this tasteless mode of
ostentation, is the fact that others cannot get consumption, but the main tradition
them. As my landlady once remarked, "Surely, has ignored the extension. This neglect
sir, you would not like anything so common seems to have stemmed partly from a
and cheap as a fresh herring?" The demand for belief in the unimportance of the effect
diamonds, rubies, and sapphires is another ex-
and partly from the obstacles it would
ample of this.88
put in the way of drawing specific infer-
Pigou took up this argument, used it ences from utility analysis.
to show that consumer surpluses of There remain three subordinate top-
various individuals cannot be added, ics that may conveniently be discussed
but decided that these interrelation- here. They are (a) the graphical expo-
ships of individuals' utilities were sta- sition of the theory of the generalized
ble (and hence did not vitiate the con- utility function; (b) the attitude of
sumer surplus apparatus) when the contemporary economists toward Edge-
price changes were small.89 It was only worth's generalization; and (c) the
proper that Marshall's leading pupil Bernoulli hypothesis on the shape of
the utility function.
"E.g.: A. Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments
(Boston: Wells & Lilly, i817), Part III, chap. iii; 89 "Some Remarks on Utility," Economic Journal,
Part IV, chap. i; N. F. Canard, Principes d'econo- XIII (1903), 6o if. He wrote the utility function of
mie politique (Paris: Buisson, i8oi), chap. v; the individual as
Senior, op. cit., p. 12.
" Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of U =4 [x, y, z, w, K (ab)],
Value and Prices (New Haven: Yale University where x, y, z, and w were quantities consumed by
Press, 1937-reprint of i892 ed.), p. 102. Fisher the individual ,ai was the quantity of x possessed
independently reached the generalized utility func- by some other individual i, whose social distance
tion of Edgeworth (ibid., Preface). was bi, and K was a symbol "akin to, though not
88 "Some Improvements in Simple Geometrical identical with, the ordinary I" (ibid., p. 6i).
Methods of Treating Exchange Value, Monopoly, 90 Papers Relating to Political Economy (London:
and Rent," Economic Journal, II (i892), 37. Macmillan, 1925), II, 323-24n.

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A. INDIFFERENCE CURVES the indifference curves are concave to

With the introduction of the inter- the Xi axis.
relationship of utilities of commodities, Edgeworth's pioneer demonstration
it was no longer possible to portray of the indeterminacy of bilateral mo-
total utility graphically in two dimen- nopoly will illustrate the advantage of
sions. Edgeworth devised indifference this formulation.3 A trader possessing
curves, or contour lines, to permit of a X2 but no X1 would be at the origin;
graphical analysis of utility in this case. his indifference curves are those labeled
In itself this was merely an expositional I in Figure 3. The second trader, who
advance, but it merits summarization
because of its great popularity in mod-
ern times and because it later invited
attention to questions relating to the
measurability of utility. 11 112
We restrict ourselves to the case of 10

two commodities, as Edgeworth and 10

almost everyone since has done in

graphical analysis.91 We define the in-
difference curve as the combinations of ..111~~~~1

Xi and X2 yielding equal satisfaction,

i.e., sP(X1,X2) constant. Edgeworth
chose an asymmetrical graphical illus-
tration of these curves that had a defi-
nite advantage for his purpose of ana-
lyzing bilateral monopoly. He let the
FIG. 3
abscissa represent the quantity of X1
obtained by the individual, and the possesses X1 but no X2, will have the
ordinate represent the quantity of X2 corresponding indifference curves (II),
given up. for he will be giving up X1 and acquir-
It is evident that such indifference ing X2 in exchange. The points where
curves have a positive slope (if both the two sets of indifference curves are
commodities are desirable), for the in- tangent form a curve, CC, which Edge-
dividual will require more Xi to offset worth christened the contract curve.
(in utility) the loss of more X2. In fact, The ends of the contract curve are
the slope of the indifference curve with detern-ined by the condition that no
respect to the X1 axis will be trader be worse off after trading than
dX2 M U1 92 before, i.e., by the indifference curves,
dx1 MU2 Io and 11o. The final contract between
In addition, Edgeworth postulated that the traders must take place on this con-
91 The three commodity indifference surfaces tract
are curve, because if it occurred else-
of course the limit of literal graphical exposition, where, it would be to the gain of one
and even they have been deemed unappetizingly
party, and not to the loss of the other,
92 For dx1MU, will be the gain of utility from an to move to the curve. Thus point Q was
increment dxi, and dx2MU2 will be the loss of not a tenable point of final contract
utility from a decrement dx2, and these must be
because individual II can move from
equal if the movement is along an indifference
curve. 'Mathematical Psychics, pp. 20 ff.

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II, to the higher ons-Walras

indifference curve
assumption, to which he
while I remains on the same indiffer- had probably arrived independently.
ence curve, I,. Any point on the con- This assumption was not explicit in the
tract curve is a position of possible first edition of the Principles (i890),
equilibrium, and the precise position but one can cite evidence of its pres-
reached will be governed by gigglingg ence.
dodges and designing obstinacy, and First, in his mathematical characteri-
other incalculable and often disreputa- zation of the utility function Marshall
ble accidents."94 ignores any interdependence of utili-
Although this mode of exposition is ties.10' Second, he asserts the law of
convenient in the analysis of trade in negatively sloping demand curves in all
two commodities between two individ- generality: "There is then one law and
uals, it has no special advantage in only one law which is common to all
the competitive case, and asymmetrical demand schedules, viz. that the greater
axes are awkward in algebraic analy- the amount to be sold the smaller will
sis. Fisher introduced the now conven- be the price at which it will find pur-
tional graphical statement, in which the chasers."'102 This is a corollary of di-
amounts held (or obtained) of the com- minishing marginal utility only if the
modities appear on all axes.5 utility function is additive. Third, he
was prepared to measure the utility of
all commodities as the sum of the indi-
Despite the intuitive appeal of Edge-
vidual utilities: "We may regard the
worth's generalized utility function,
aggregate of the money measures of the
economists adhered to the additive util-
total utility of wealth as a fair measure
ity function with considerable tenacity.
of that part of happiness which is de-
In the nonmathematical writings, such
pendent on wealth."''03
as those of Bo3hm-Bawerk, Wieser, and
In the second edition (I89I) the as-
J. B. Clark, the additive function was
used almost exclusively. Barone de- 9' Uber Wert, Kapital und Rente (Jena: Fischer,
fended it as an approximation.6 Wick- I894), esp. p. 43.

sell used it exclusively in his Uber Wert 98 Lectures on Political Economy, I, 46-47, 55 f
however, the generalized function is preferred
(1894), although conceding the greater
(ibid., pp. 4I-42, 48-49, 79 if) .
realism of the generalized function,97
9 Alphabet of Economic Science (London: Mac-
and found some place for it in his later millan, i888).
Lectures.8 Wicksteed used only the ad- "1 Common Sense of Political Economy (London:
ditive function in his Alphabet (I888)f9 Routledge, I934), Vol. I, chap. ii; Vol. II, chap. ii;
the generalized function is used in Vol. II, chap. iii,
and also in the elementary exposition
esp. p. 479.
of the theory in his Common Sense 101 Principles of Economics (London: Macmillan,
(i9io) but not in the "advanced" state- i890), Mathematical Notes II, III, VII [I, II, VI].
ment.'00 Finally, Marshall and Pareto References in brackets will be used for correspond-
ing passages in the eighth edition.
were so influential as to require more ex-
102 Ibid., pp. I59-60 [991.
tended discussion.
103 Ibid., pp. I79-8o, also Mathematical Note VII.
Marshall also started with the Jev- His Mathematical Note III [II] also implies an
additive function if his p, "the price which [a per-
" Ibid., p. 46. son] is just willing to pay for an amount [x] of
I" Op. cit., Part II. the commodity . . ." is interpreted as our x1po
" Le Opere economniche (Bologna: Zanichelli, and the price to the person is treated as constant.
I936), I, esp. pp. 22-23. See Sec. VII.

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sumption became reasonably explicit: These alterations were only patch-

Prof. Edgeworth's plan of representing U and work repairs; Marshall did not rework
V as general functions of x and y has great at- his theory of utility. He retained to the
tractions to the mathematician; but it seems last a theory constructed on the as-
less adapted to express the everyday facts of
sumption of an additive utility func-
economic life than that of regarding, as Jevons
did, the marginal utilities of apples as functions
of X simply.'04 Pareto also conceded the validity of
the Edgeworth generalization but con-
The facts both of everyday life and of
tinued to use chiefly the additive func-
contemporary theory soon led Marshall
to make serious qualifications of his tion in his early work.'09 Indeed, he
theory but never to qualify this state- offered the remarkable argument:
ment. One sees now that instead of being able to use
Even in the first edition Marshall the indicated properties of the final degree of
had inconsistently recognized the exist- utility to demonstrate what laws demand and
supply must obey, it is necessary to follow the
ence of "rival" products, which were
opposite path, and use the knowledge of such
defined as products able to satisfy the
laws one may obtain from experience to derive
same desires.'05 Fisher's discussion of the properties of the final degree of utility. One
competing and completing goods seems cannot rigorously demonstrate the law of de-
to have been the stimulus to Marshall mand, but rather, from the directly observable
to give more weight to interrelation- fact that demand diminishes with the increase
of price we deduce the consequence that the
ships of utilities in the third edition of
final degrees of utility may each be considered
the Principles (I895) .106 Once per- -as far as this phenomenon is concerned-as
suaded, Marshall modified his theory approximately dependent only on the quantity
on two points. The first was that he of the commodity to which it is related.1'0
slightly modified his assertion of the
In the Manuel, however, he showed
universality of negatively sloping de-
that the additive utility function leads
mand curves and in fact introduced the
to conclusions which are contradicted
Giffen paradox as an exception.'07 The
by experience,"' but defended it as an
second alteration was in his treatment
approximation which was permissible
of consumers' surplus: "When the total
for large categories of expenditure and
utilities of two commodities which con-
for small changes in the quantities of
tribute to the same purpose are calcu-
lated on this plan, we cannot say that substitutes or complements."2 There is
the total utility of the two together is no reason to believe that this is true.

equal to the sum of the total utilities [To be concluded]

of each separately."'108 No important
108 He added the less than candid footnote: "Some
changes were made thereafter. ambiguous phrases in earlier editions appear to have
104 Loc. cit., p. 756 [845]. See also the deductionsuggested to some readers the opposite opinion"
of diminishing marginal utility from negatively (lc. cit., p. 207 and n. [3I and n.]).
sloping demand curves (ibid., p. 159 [ioi n.]). 10 "Considerazioni sui principii fondamentali
101 See Sec. VI. dell'economia politica pura," Giornale degli econo-

106 Reference is there made to Fisher's "brilliant" misti, Series 2, Vol. V (August, i892); Cours d'Jco-
book, precisely on this point (Principles [3d ed.; noinie politique (Lausanne: Rouge, i897), IT,
London: Macmillan, 1895], p. 460 n. [39o n.]). For 332 ff.
Fisher's discussion see Sec. VI below. '0 "Considerazioni . . . ," op. cit., VII (I893), 307.

"@Loc. cit., p. 208 [I32]. See my "Notes on the . Below, Sec. VII.
History of the Giffen Paradox," Journal of Political 12 Manuel d'e'conomie politique (2d ed.; Paris:
Economy, LV ('947), I52-56. Giard, I927), pp. 253 ff., 274.

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