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Written on 11 august 2019 by Evert Debusschere

It is Eyram’s intention to build with the

Schoolbuilding local materials and so expensive imports
of materials will be avoided. The
inhabitants do know the materials and how
project in Ghana to use it and this surely must be revived
and refined again. The school shall
This summer, two students from Ghent, become a construction made out of wood,
Belgium, started a project concerning the bamboo, rock and clay the children of the
building of a school in Mangotireke. village shall come together to draw and let
Mangotireke is a small village in the Volta their imagination and creativity flow
region of Ghana, not far from the city of concerning the design of their school. On
Ho. The village does not have the the basis of their ideas and drawings a
appropriate facilities for education and design will be made that matches their
development. Teacher and pupil have their desire. Because of his passion for arts and
classes outdoors, and in times of bad creativity he established CDACR. An NGO
weather, in the local church building. This which focusses on the assembly of artists
is the case for many villages in Ghana and and ideas for the development of people
in neighbouring countries in West of and nation through creativity and artistry.
Africa. The children in the village are Such is the name of the NGO: Centre for
excited about their coming school and Development through Artistic and Creative
have the desire to be engaged. For them research.
several workshops are made. This is not a
normal school building-project as we This building will be build with bricks,
know, but this one aims to involve the local something which occurs rarely in African
people and they often give a helping hand. construction. Although the clay is present.
They want to use local materials to raise People have been using it in different
awareness about the riches that are ways. The locals don’t know about the
around the people and are in Africa. The possibility to turn clay into bricks or have
project is an initiative of Jack Eyram Azor not thought of doing it. So together with
whom studied Fine Arts in Ghent, Belgium them a production of bricks has been set
and is currently doing doctoral studies at up. This production is a manual
the KU-Leuven. Evert Debusschere is a production, the clay is mined just beside
comrade from the same school and came the building site. The clay gets crushed
the whole month of July to help and and sieved, then it gets mixed and
document the project. moulded in a brick mould. To eventually
be fired. A brick machine has been made
Written on 11 august 2019 by Evert Debusschere

to press 60 bricks at once. The first load of as electricity. Therefore CDACR is calling
bricks has been made, now the production for donations. Beside that they also are
continues while the design is in calling for volunteers to come and help
development. The first costs that had been next year in the tropical Ghana.
made have been financed by the organizer
himself but now there is no money
Eyram Jack Azor: 0555626399 Evert
anymore for further investments. And they
Debusschere: 0492826483
count on financial support. There is need
for money to update the work materials
and for the making of sanitary ware aswell

Picture 1 : Evert and the locals at the workplace

Picture 2: Eyram Azor Sieving of the clay with locals
Picture 3: Local citizens and volunteers at the brick pile

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