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Reading and writing Part 5

Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space

A famous circus

The circus, Cirque du Soleil, began (1) ____A__ Montreal, Canada. It was started
(2)____B____ the Canadian Guy Laliberté in 1984. When he left college, Laliberté (3)
_B_____ around Europe and earned money playing music in the streets. Not long after he
returned home, he started Cirque with (4) __B_______ friend, Daniel Gauthier. During the
1990s, Cirque grew quickly. It now does shows all over the world and the number of people
working for it has grown from 73 to (5) __A____ than 3,500.

The Cirque (6) ____A__ not have any animals, but (7) ___C_____ is music and dance and
each show tells a story. One show, which is called Varian, is about a man (8) ___A___ could
fly. The show (9) ___B___ with him falling from the sky and tells the story of how he has to
(10) ____C___ to fly again.

1. A. in B. at C. to

2. A. from B. by C. of

3. A. travel B. travelled C. traveling

4. A. their B. his C. it’s

5. A. more B. much C. most

6. A. does B. have C. do

7. A. this B. it C. there

8. A. who B. where C. what

9. A. started B. starts C. star

10. A. need B. teach C. learn

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