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The training opportunity I had with Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd, Varanasi was a

great chance for learning and professional development. I would like to express my deepest

appreciation to Those who provided me the possibility to complete this training. A special

gratitude I give to our industry Factory Head, Mr. xyz whose contribution in stimulating

suggestions and encouragement, helped me to coordinate my practice process in the industry.

I express my deepest thanks to Mr. xyz (HR Manager) for taking part in useful decision & giving

necessary advices and guidance. I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution


It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr.

xyz (HR Associate) whose have invested his full effort in guiding us on what we are supposed to

do and learn during the training session and this report writing.

Special thanks go to my fellow students during this practical training. I have to appreciate the

guidance given by other supervisors as well as the Company specialists, technicians and operators

especially in my training process that has improved my skills thanks to their comments and


I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use

gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their

improvement. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.

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