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International Dispute Resolutions international relations with other

A. Overview of International Law

What is International Law? - The State as a person of

international law should possess
- A body of rules and principles of the following qualifications:
action which are binding upon 1. A permanent population
civilized states in their relation to 2. A defined territory
one another. 3. A government
4. The capacity to enter into
What is Public International Law?
relations with other states.
- This deals with the conduct of (1933 Monteviedo
States and international Convention)
organizations, their relations with
each other and, in certain
circumstances, their relations with - Permanent population
persons, natural or juridical. - Defined Territory
- Government
What is private international law?
- Capacity to enter into relations
- It selects between conflicting with other states
municipal systems of law to
What is sovereignty?
regulate the relationship between
persons. - Means independence from
outside control.
What are the sources of International
- It is the totality of the powers,
- International Conventions legal competence and privileges
- International Custom of a State arising from customary
- General Principles of Law international law, and not
- Judicial Decisions dependent on the consent of
- Teachings of the most highly another state.
qualified publicists of the various
What is Jurisdiction?
What is a State?
- The power or authority exercised
- A state is a group of people, living by a State over land, persons,
together in a fixed territory, property, transactions, and
organized for political ends under events.
an independent government, and
capable of entering into
What are the types of jurisdiction? - Principle of Passive Personality:
State exercises jurisdiction over
- Prescriptive Jurisdiction: This crimes against its own nationals
pertains to the ability of the State even if committed territory.
to define its own laws with
respect to any matter it chooses. Immunity from Jurisdiction

- Enforcement Jurisdiction: This - Doctrine of State Immunity: The

pertains to the ability of the State State may not be sued without its
to enforce the laws it has created consent. It is based on the
principle of equality and
independence of states. A state
What are the Basis of Jurisdiction? enjoys immunity from the
exercise of jurisdiction by another
- Territorial Principle: The State state, unless it has given consent,
may exercise jurisdiction only waived its immunity, or voluntarily
within its territory. submitted to the jurisdiction of the
court concerned.
- Nationality Principle: The State
has jurisdiction over its nationals - Immunity of Head of State
anywhere in the world, based on
the theory that a national is
entitled to the protection of the - Act of State Doctrine: A State
State wherever he may be, and should not inquire into the legal
thus, is bound to it by duty of validity of the public acts of
obedience and allegiance. another State done within the
territory of the latter.

- Protective Principle: State has - Diplomatic Immunity: Part of

jurisdiction over acts committed customary international law which
abroad (by nationals or grants immunity to diplomatic
foreigners) which are prejudicial representatives, in order to
to its national security, territorial uphold their dignity as
integrity, political independence, representatives of their respective
or any other vital interests. States and to allow them free and
unhampered exercise of their
- Principle of universality: State has functions.
jurisdiction over offenses
considered as universal crimes
regardless of where committed - Immunity of International
and who committed them. Organizations
international responsibility is
- Foreign merchant vessels established between the two.
exercising their right of innocent
passage or arrival under stress. B. OVERVIEW OF NEW CIVIL

Juridical Capacity
Rights and Privileges of States
- Is the fitness to be the subject of
- Existence and Self-Preservation legal relations
- Right to Sovereignty and - Inherent in every natural person,
Independence and is therefore not acquired.
- Right to Equality - Lost only through death
Sovereignty vs. Independence - Cannot be limited or restricted
- Can exist without capacity to act
- Sovereignty is the totality of the
powers, legal competence, and Capacity to Act
privileges arising from customary - The power to do acts with legal
international law, and not effect.
dependent on the consent of - Is acquired
another state - and may be lost through other
- Independence means freedom - can be limited or restricted by
from control by other state or certain circumstances
group of states and not freedom - cannot exist with juridical
from the restrictions that are capacity.
binding on all states forming the
family of nations; carries with it by What is an Obligation?
necessary implication the
correlative duty of non- - An obligation is a juridical
intervention. necessity to give, to do, or not to

Sources of Obligation (Art.1157)

- Contracts
- Whenever one state commits an - Quasi-contracts
internationally unlawful act - Acts of omissions punished by
against another state, law
- Quasi-delicts
- Object certain which is the
subject matter of the contract
- Cause of the obligation which is

Kinds of obligations (1179) What are the kinds of contracts?

- Pure and Conditional - Rescissible contracts

- Obligations with a Period - Voidable contracts
- Alternative Obligations - Unenforceable contracts
- Joint and Solidary - Void or inexistent contracts
- Divisible and indivisible
- Obligations with a penal clause C. ARTICLE 33, PARAGRAPH 1 OF
Extinguishment of Obligations (1231) CHARTER

- By payment or performance “ The parties to any dispute, the

- By the loss of the thing due continuance of which is likely to
- By the condonation or remission endanger the maintenance of
of the debt international peace and security,
- By the confusion or merger of the shall first of all, seek a solution by
rights of creditor and debtor Negotiation, Enquiry, Mediation,
- By compensation COnciliation, ARbitration, JUdicial
- By novation settlement, REsort to regional
- Annulment agencies or ARrangement, or OTher
- Rescission peaceful means of their own choice.”
- Fulfilment of a resolutory
condition -
- Prescription - Mediation: It is a process of
What is a Contract? settlement of a dispute undertaken
by a third state, a group of states, an
- A contract is a meeting of minds individual, an agency, or an
between two persons whereby international organization.
one binds himself with respect to
the other, to give something or to -Judicial Settlement: Similar to the
render some service. nature of proceedings and the
binding character of an arbitration
What are the essential requisites of a proceeding, the disputes submitted
contract? (1318) for adjudication are legal, rather than
- Consent of the contracting parties
-Negotiation: The discussion D. INTERNATIONAL COURT OF
undertaken by the parties JUSTICE
themselves of their respective claims
and counterclaims with a view of What are the sources of International
their just and orderly adjustments. Law? (Art. 38 ICJ Statute)

-Tender of Good Offices: Where a - International Conventions,

third party, either alone or in whether general or particular,
collaboration with other, offer to help establishing rules expressly
in the settlement of a dispute. When recognized by the contesting
the offer is accepted, there is states;
supposed to be an exercise of good - International Custom, as
offices. evidence of a general practice
accepted as law;
-Arbitration: The solution of a dispute - General Principles of Law
by an impartial third party usually a recognized by civilized nations;
tribunal created by the parties - Judicial Decisions and the
themselves under a charter known Teachings of the most highly
as a compromise. The proceedings qualified publicists of the various
are essentially judicial and the award nations.
is by previous agreement, binding on
the parties to the dispute. Jurisdiction of the ICJ

-Conciliation: The process of - The Jurisdiction of the court

conciliation involves a third-party comprises all cases which the
investigation of the basis of the parties refer to it and all matters
dispute and the submission of a specially provided for in the
report embodying suggestions for a Charter of the United Nations or
settlement. in treaties and conventions in
forcer (Art. 36, par.1 ICJ Statute)
-Enquiry: The ascertainment of
pertinent facts and issues in a - All cases which the parties refer
dispute. However, the findings of the to it and all matters specially
party making the enquiry are not provided for in the UN Charter or
conclusive upon the disputing states in treaties and conventions in
but they nevertheless may exert a force.
strong moral influence in the
settlement of the conflict. - The ICJ only has jurisdiction on
contentious cases where only
states are parties thereto and
their consent is needed.
- The state parties to the present agencies of the UN. Those
Statute may at any time declare questions can only refer to legal
that they recognize as questions arising within the scope
compulsory ipso facto and of their activities. Advisory
without special agreement, in opinions given by the ICJ are not
relation to any other state binding.
accepting the same obligation,
the jurisdiction of the Court in all
legal disputes concerning: (a) the
interpretation of a treaty; (b) any
question of international law; (c)
the existence of any fact which, if
established, would constitute a
breach of an international
obligation; (d) the nature or extent
of the reparation to be made for
the breach of an international

- Nothing in the UN Charter

prevents UN Member States from
entrusting the solution of their
differences to other tribunals by
virtue of agreements already in
existence or which may me
concluded in the future.

Contentious Jurisdiction

- Contentious jurisdiction involves

states that submit the dispute by
consent to the court for a binding

Advisory jurisdiction

- Concerns questions referred to

the court by the General
Assembly, the Security Council or
other organs and specialized

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