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GRAPHS 1-2-3-4

This is a collaborative exercise guiding focused deciphering of graphs. You will start at your own
station and progress through three others as you analyze the graph displayed. At each station, you
and your group will mark the station posters with your group’s color marker according to the station
prompts. Posters will stay at the station where they were originally created. You will have 5 minutes
at each station and are not allowed to repeat remarks made by previous groups. You will have four
rotations before returning to your own.

Station 1: “1 TITLE”
At this station, you will choose a blank quadrant to express what you feel would be an appropriate
title expressing the graph’s purpose. You will write this title using your team’s color marker.

IE: “Effects of Climate Change on Polar Ice Caps”

Station 2: “2 Questions”

At this station, you will choose a blank quadrant on the poster to express 2 questions that the graph
displayed leads you to wonder about. Both questions should remain in your one selected quadrant
and be written using your group’s color marker.

IE: “Will global temperatures continue to rise or will they start to fall back down at
some point?”

Station 3: “3 TRENDS”

At this station, you will choose a blank quadrant on the poster to identify 3 trends displayed in the
graph’s data. All 3 trends should remain in your one selected quadrant and be written using your
group’s color marker.

IE: “Polar ice caps melt more throughly as global temperatures rise.”

Station 4: “4 OBSERVATIONS”

At this station, you will choose a blank quadrant on the poster to make four simple observations
about the graph displayed. All 4 observations should remain in your one selected quadrant and be
written using your group’s color marker.

IE: “The horizontal (X) axis tells how much is left of the polar ice caps in
measurement units of square miles.”

RETURN STATION: Finally, you will return to your original station to review remarks made by other
teams and circle the one(s) you decide are most appropriate for properly interpreting the graph. You
will explain which remark(s) you selected and why to the class and listen to the explanations of other

*Be sure to write the names of your group members at the top of your poster and take
a picture of it to submit for the assignment of google classroom.

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