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Name: Christian Jay C. Navarro Gr & Sec: XI St.

Maximillian Kolbe CSS

The Basic Of Computer Hardware

The word ‘computer’ nowadays is very famous among all of us. According to
123helpme, Almost each and every one of us owned their own personal computer. In
fact, a portable personal computer or also known as laptop was introduced the world by
Adam Osborne in1981. Most people prefer to use laptop because it is so easy to carry
anywhere you go. As the laptop getting famous throughout the years, they try to make it
as convenient as they can. Like example, laptop from the past was quite heavy and big.
Ever since then, they made it even slimmer, lighter and even smaller.

What is Computer? In general, a computer is a programmable machine. The principal

characteristics of a computer are it responds to a specific set of instruction in a well-
defined manner as well as execute a prerecorded list of programs. It also has the ability
to store, retrieve and process data. We can use computer to type documents, send e-
mail and browse the internet. We can also use computer to handle stuff like database
management, presentations, accounting, spreadsheets, games, reporting and more.
What Is Computer Hardware? Hardware is all the physical parts of a computer. The stuff
you can actually see and touch.

The Basic of Computer Hardware. A computer system consists of inputs, outputs,

processing and storage. One of the basic computer hardware is mainboard. It was
previously called motherboard. It’s the main component in a computer. The motherboard
serves to connect all of the parts of a computer together. It’s also can be called the
‘backbone’ of a computer since it’s the hardware to make sure the computer works well.

Now it is clear in my mind that hardware is required to make our computer system to
operate effectively and properly. Computer hardware is very important because it is the
physical component of the computer without it, the computer itself won’t work effectively
and properly. I am very fascinated that I gained knowledge and inputs in terms of the
creation of computer basically its hardware.

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