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Aquaculture Research, 2002, 33, 621±626

Effects of stocking density and feeding levels on

growth and feed efficiency of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus L.) fry

Abdel-Fattah M El-Sayed
Department of Aridland Agriculture, College of Food Systems, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab

Correspondence: Abdel-Fattah M El-Sayed, Department of Aridland Agriculture, College of Food Systems, United Arab Emirates University,
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. E-mail:

that the optimum stocking density and feeding level

of Nile tilapia fry are 5 fry L 1 and 30% per day
The effects of stocking density and feeding levels on respectively.
larval survival, growth rates, feed utilization effi-
ciency and body composition of Nile tilapia (Oreo-
chromis niloticus L.) fry were investigated in two Keywords: Nile tilapia, stocking density, feeding
consecutive experiments. In experiment 1, swimup levels
fry (0.016 g average body weight) were stocked in
20-L fibreglass tanks, in a closed, recirculating
indoor system, at five stocking densities (3, 5, 10,
15 and 20 fry L 1) and fed a larval test diet (40% Introduction
crude protein) to apparent satiation, three times a Tilapia is the second most important farmed fish in
day, for 40 days. Fish survival, percentage weight the world, after carps. Tilapia culture is being prac-
gain and specific growth rate (% SGR) were nega- ticed in most of the tropical, subtropical and temper-
tively correlated with stocking density. The best ate regions. Great attention has been paid to tilapia
performance was achieved at 3 fry L 1. However, culture in recent years. The Food & Agriculture
no significant differences in growth parameters were Organization of the United Nations (FAO 1999)
found between 3 and 5 fry L 1. Body composition reported that the production of farmed tilapia has
was not significantly affected by stocking density. In risen at an annual rate of 12% since 1984. As a
experiment 2, fry (0.016 g average body weight) result, this production has jumped from 308 234
were stocked at 5 fry L 1, and fed a larval test diet metric tonnes (mt) in 1988 to 1099 268 mt in
(40% crude protein) at six feeding levels (10%, 20%, 1999 with a 356% increase (FAO 2001). During
25%, 30% and 35% BW day 1) and to satiation, the same period, the value of these fish has increased
three times a day for 40 days. Fish growth rates from 383 to 1427 million US$ (FAO 2001).
and survival were extremely poor at 10% feeding Despite the great potential of tilapia culture,
level, and improved significantly with increasing shortage of fry production to meet the increased
feeding levels up to 30%, and levelled off with fur- global demands remains one of the main obstacles
ther increase in feeding levels. On the contrary, feed limiting the expansion of intensive culture of these
conversion ratio (FCR) and protein production value fishes. Information regarding larval culture, espe-
(PPV) were negatively correlated with feeding level. cially the effects of stocking density and feeding
The lowest feeding level (10%) produced signifi- regimes on fish performance is limited, inconsistent
cantly lower body lipid and higher protein and ash and sometimes controversial. For example, Dambo &
than other feeding levels. The present results suggest Rana (1992) found that the growth rates of Nile

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Stocking density and feeding levels of Nile tilapia fry A-F M El-Sayed Aquaculture Research, 2002, 33, 621±626

tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry were negatively were provided with central drainage pipes sur-
correlated with stocking density ranging from 2 to rounded by outer sleeves pipes, perforated at the
20 fry L 1. They suggested 5±10 fry L 1 as optimal bottom, to facilitate self-cleaning and waste re-
stocking density. Similarly, Rana (1981) considered moval. The culture system was provided with a
8 fry L 1 as optimal stocking density of O. mossam- biological filter, aeration through an air compressor
bicus. On the contrary, Gall & Bakar (1999) reported and thermostat to keep water temperature at 27  C.
that body size of tilapia fry was not affected by stocking About 15% of the water was replaced by new fresh-
densities ranging from 10 to 200 fry L 1 when water water daily. Lighting in the culture unit was set at
flow was uniform. Furthermore, Macintosh & De 14:10 L:D cycle. Water quality parameters includ-
Silva (1984) found that the relationship between ing dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonia (NH4-N), ni-
the survival of O. mossambicus and O. niloticus trites (NO2-N), nitrates (NO3-N) and pH were
female  O. aureus male fry and stocking density monitored weekly.
was not consistent.
Similar discrepancies were reported regarding the
effects of feeding levels on the performance of tilapia Experimental design
fry. MeÂlard & Philippart (1980) (cited by Coche
Experiment 1
1982) reported that feeding rates of 20±30% were
adequate for Nile tilapia weighing 0±5 g, while The first experiment was designed to study the
Santiago, Aldaba & Reyes (1987) found that effects of stocking density on fish survival, growth
30±45% BW day 1 was required for optimum per- rates, feed utilization efficiency and body compos-
formance of Nile tilapia fry. On the other hand, ition. Triplicate groups of swimup fry (0.016 g aver-
Macintosh & De Silva (1984) found that growth age weight) were stocked in the rearing tanks at five
and survival of O. mossambicus fry was improved stocking densities (3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 fry L 1). The
with increasing feeding level from 6% to 24% fish were fed an experimental diet (40% crude pro-
BW day 1 irrespective of fish stocking density. tein, 400 kcal GE 100 g 1) to apparent satiation,
It is evident therefore that further studies are three times a day (08:00, 12:00 and 17:00 h) for
needed to verify the effects of stocking density and 40 days. Fish were weighed collectively at 10-day
feeding regimes on tilapia fry under hatchery condi- intervals, and their average weights recorded.
tions. The present study was conducted in the
Department of Aridland Agriculture, College of Food
Systems, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, Experiment 2
UAE, through two consecutive experiments, to in-
The second experiment was conducted to investigate
vestigate the effects of stocking density and feeding
the effects of feeding levels on the performance of
levels on the growth, survival, feed conversion ratio
Nile tilapia fry reared in the same culture system
(FCR) and body composition of Nile tilapia fry.
and under the same conditions used in experiment 1.
Fish fry were stocked in triplicate tanks in the
rearing tanks at a density of 5 fish L 1 (the optimal
Materials and methods
stocking density attained from experiment 1) and
Fish and culture facilities fed the larval test diet (40% crude protein, 400
kcal GE 100 g 1) at six feeding levels (10, 20, 25,
Nile tilapia fry were produced from tilapia brood-
30 and 35% BW day 1) and to apparent satiation,
stock kept in captivity in the aquaculture unit,
three times a day (08:00, 12:00 and 17:00 h) for
College of Food Systems, United Arab Emirates
40 days. Fish were weighed collectively at 10-day
University, Al-Ain, UAE. Fertilized eggs were re-
intervals, and their average weights determined.
moved from the mothers' mouths and stocked in
hatching jars provided with upward aeration to
keep stirring them. After hatching, fry were stocked
Body composition analysis
into 50-L glass aquaria until the yolk sac absorption
was completed. Fry were then fed a commercial diet At the end of each experiment, all fry in each tank
(40% crude protein) for 4 days. were netted, weighed and their individual lengths
The fry were stocked into 20-L fibreglass tanks in recorded, and finally frozen for final body compos-
a closed, recirculating indoor system. The tanks ition analyses. Initial body analyses were performed

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Aquaculture Research, 2002, 33, 621±626 Stocking density and feeding levels of Nile tilapia fry A-F M El-Sayed

Table 1 Effects of stocking density on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fry in experiment 1

Density (fry L 1) Final weight (g fish 1) % gain SGR* Survival (%) FCR² PPV³

3 0.89a 5438a 10.05a 100a 3.45a 8.69a

5 0.83a 5063a 9.87a 100a 2.86b 10.99a
10 0.56b 3375b 8.89b 95b 2.74b 9.26a
15 0.41c 2438c 8.11bc 94b 2.65b 8.70a
20 0.36c 2125c 7.78c 90bc 2.77b 8.23a

*Specific growth rate (%) ˆ 100 (ln final weight ln initial weight)/time (days). ²Feed conversion ratio ˆ dry feed intake (g)/wet weight
gain (g). ³Protein production value (%) ˆ 100 (protein gain/protein fed). Values in the same column with different superscripts are
significantly different (P ˆ 0.05).

Weight (g/fish) to test for the differences among treatment means

1 when F-values from the anova were significant.
3 fish/I 5 fish/I 10 fish/I 15 fish/I 20 fish/I

0.8 Results and discussion

Experiment 1
0.6 The results of experiment 1 revealed significant
effects of stocking density on larval survival, growth
rates and feed utilization efficiency (Table 1, Fig. 1).
0.4 Fish survival was reasonably good at all stocking
densities and ranged from 90% to 100%. This find-
ing may indicate that stocking density might have a
0.2 limited effect on fish survival. Similar results have
been reported by Dambo & Rana (1992) who found
that survival of Nile tilapia fry was between 94.5%
0 10 20 30 40 and 100% at stocking densities ranging from 2 to 20
Time (Days) fry L 1. The relatively increased mortality at 20
fry L 1 (10% mortality, P , 0.05) was most likely
Figure 1 Growth rates of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus due to cannibalism (not stocking density) as has
L.) fry reared at different stocking densities in experiment 1. been reported with other tilapia species including
O. mossambicus (Uchida & King 1962; Macintosh &
on a pooled sample of 200 fry, which were weighed De Silva 1984), O. niloticus (Dambo & Rana 1992)
and frozen prior to the study. Proximate analyses and tilapia hybrids (Macintosh & De Silva 1984).
of whole body water, protein, lipid and ash were These studies demonstrated that cannibalism could
performed according to standard AOAC (1995) be a main cause of tilapia fry mortality.
methods. Specific growth rate (% SGR) and percentage
weight gain were negatively correlated (P , 0.05)
with stocking density. However, no significant dif-
ferences in growth parameters (P . 0.05) were
found between 3 and 5 fry L 1. Further increases
Statistical analyses
in stocking density resulted in significantly poor
Fish growth rates, feed utilization efficiency and growth rates (P , 0.05). This finding indicated
body composition results obtained from both experi- that 5 fry L 1 is optimal for hatchery reared Nile
ments were subjected to one-way analyses of vari- tilapia fry. This result is in agreement with that of
ance (anova). Orthogonal polynomial procedures Silva, Souza, Padua, Dalacorte & Goncalves (2000),
(Gill 1981) were used to compare means at who found that the growth of tetra hybrid red tilapia
P ˆ 0.05. Least significant difference (LSD) was used decreased with increasing stocking density.

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Stocking density and feeding levels of Nile tilapia fry A-F M El-Sayed Aquaculture Research, 2002, 33, 621±626

The negative correlation between growth rates was the primary factor inhibiting the growth of
and stocking density of fish fry has been investigated Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus L.) larvae
by a number of authors. Macintosh & De Silva stocked at high densities. Increasing stocking dens-
(1984) reported that increasing stocking density of ity may also cause deterioration in water quality,
O. mossambicus fry might have lead to diminishing leading to stressful conditions (Barton & Iwama
social dominance, leading to higher survival but 1991; Pankhurst & Van der Kraak 1997). However,
lower individual growth rates. Similar results were in the present work, the high water exchange rate
reported on Nile tilapia fry (Dambo & Rana 1992). (three times per h) and the continuous removal of the
It has also been reported that increasing fish dens- wastes and metabolites may exclude this assumption.
ity leads to `social stress' causing `chronic stress On the other hand, the FCR was not significantly
response'. This leads, in turn, to impaired fish affected (P . 0.05) by stocking density, except at 3
growth, presumably due to the mobilization of diet- fry L 1, which showed significantly lower feed util-
ary energy by the physiological alterations provoked ization efficiency than at other stocking densities.
by the stress response (Kebus, Collins, Brownfield, This may have been due to the lack of competition
Amundson, Kayes & Malison 1992). In support, for food and/or social hierarchy at 3 fry L 1. In
Barcellos, Nicolaiewsky, de Souza & Lulhier (1999) addition, the difficulty of tracing feed particles may
found that the resting plasma cortisol concentra- have lead to the reduction of feed consumption, and
tions of Nile tilapia fingerlings increased with in- to the flush of uneaten feed with the drainage water,
creasing the stocking density indicating a chronic causing the deterioration of feed utilization effi-
stress response, attributable to social stress. ciency. Meanwhile, Silva et al. (2000) found that
Furthermore, King, Howell, Huber & Bengtson feed consumption of tetra hybrid red tilapia in-
(2000) suggested that stress due space availability creased with increasing stocking density. Body com-
position was not significantly affected by stocking
density (Table 2).

Table 2 Effects of stocking density on body composition of

Nile tilapia fry (% dry weight) in experiment 1
Experiment 2

Density The effects of feeding levels on larval performance in

(fry L 1) Water Protein Lipids Ash experiment 2 are given in Table 3. Fish survival, %
weight gain and SGR were significantly affected by
Initial 81.73 68.36 14.55 14.39 feeding levels (P , 0.05). Growth parameters and
3 77.88a 65.77a 18.93a 12.35a survival were extremely poor at the 10% level, and
5 76.50a 64.92a 21.28a 12.30a
significantly improved (P , 0.05) with increasing
10 78.83a 65.34a 21.03a 13.49a
15 78.76a 66.93a 19.86a 13.20a feeding levels up to 30% (Fig. 2). Further increases
20 78.23a 66.47a 20.30a 13.24a in feeding levels did not result in any improvement
in fish growth rates. On the other hand, FCR was
Values in the same column with different superscripts are signifi- better at the 10% feeding level than at other feeding
cantly Different (P ˆ 0.05). levels (P , 0.05).

Table 3 Effects of feeding levels on the performance of Nile tilapia fry in experiment 2

Feeding level (%) Final weight (g fish 1) % gain % SGR Survival (%) FCR PPV

10 0.26a 2067a 7.69a 61a 1.27a 11.70a

20 0.35b 2833b 8.43b 86b 1.98b 11.00a
25 0.41b 3333b 8.83b 85b 2.13b 10.49a
30 0.59c 4833c 9.74c 87b 2.20b 9.00a
35 0.58c 4750c 9.70c 82b 2.98c 9.82a
Satiation 0.62c 5083c 9.86c 96c 2.86c 9.23a

See footnotes of Table 1. Values in the same column with different superscripts are significantly different (P ˆ 0.05).

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Aquaculture Research, 2002, 33, 621±626 Stocking density and feeding levels of Nile tilapia fry A-F M El-Sayed

Weight (g/fish)
have been due to the increased rate of feed passage
through the digestive tract and depressed feed digest-
10% 20% 25% 30% 35% Satiation
ibility and metabolism (Brett, Shelborn, & Shoop
1969; Bret & Groves 1979; Smith 1989 and Mazur,
Tillapaugh, Brett & Iwama 1993). Furthermore, at
higher feeding levels, significant amounts of feed
were flushed from the tanks through the drainage
pipes, leading to poor feed utilization efficiency, as
reported by Macintosh & De Silva (1984).
Except at the 10% feeding level, body composition
was not significantly affected by feeding regimes
(P . 0.05). The lowest feeding level (10%) pro-
duced significantly lower body lipids and higher
protein and ash contents than other feeding levels
(Table 4).
0 10 20 30 40
Time (days)

Figure 2 Growth rates of Nile tilapia fry fed a test diet at References
varying feeding levels in experiment 2.
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) (1995)
Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official
Table 4 Effects of feeding levels on body composition Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.
(% dry weight) of Nile tilapia fry in experiment 2 Barcellos L.G.J., Nicolaiewsky S., de Souza S.M.J. & Lulhier
F. (1999) The effects of stocking density and social inter-
action on acute stress response in Nile tilapia
Feeding (Oreochromis niloticus) (L.) fingerlings. Aquaculture Re-
level (%) Water Protein Lipid Ash
search 30, 887±892.
Barton B.A. & Iwama G.K. (1991) Physiological changes in
Initial 81.33 68.31 14.06 14.30 fish from stress in aquaculture with emphasis on the
10 81.92a 67.82a 15.97a 14.47a response and effects of corticosteroids. Annual Reviews
20 80.10a 62.30b 24.40b 11.97ab of Fish Diseases 10, 3±26.
25 79.05a 62.49b 25.87b 10.25b
Brett J.R. & Groves T.D.D. (1979) In: Fish Physiology (ed. by
30 78.23a 62.00b 25.46b 10.74b
W.S. Hoar, D.J. Randall and J.R. Brett), Vol. 8, pp.
35 78.20a 60.07b 25.97b 11.06b
279±352. Academic Press, New York.
Satiation 78.54a 61.08b 25.36b 11.39b
Brett J.R., Shelborn J.E. & Shoop C.T. (1969) Growth rate
and body composition of fingerling sockeye salmon,
Values in the same column with different superscripts are signifi-
Oncorhynchus nerka, in relation to temperature and
cantly different (P ˆ 0.05).
ration size. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of
Canada 26, 2363±2394.
The present results are in agreement with those Coche A.G. (1982) Cage culture of tilapias. In: The Biology
reported by Santiago et al. (1987), who found that and Culture of Tilapias (ed. by R.S.V. Pullin and R.H.
the growth of Nile tilapia fry increased with increas- Lowe-McConnell), pp. 205±246. ICLARM Conference
ing feeding levels up to 65%. However, no signifi- Proceedings 7. Manila, The Philippines.
cant differences in growth rates and survival were Dambo W.B. & Rana K.J. (1992) Effects of stocking density
found between the 30% and 65% feeding levels. The on growth and survival of Nile tilapia Oreochromis nilo-
ticus (L.) fry in the hatchery. Aquaculture and Fisheries
authors recommended 30±45% feeding per day as
Management 23, 71±80.
optimal for Nile tilapia fry. In addition, Sirol,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Andrade & Salaro (2000) found that growth rates
(FAO) (1999) The State of World fisheries and Aquaculture
of red tilapia fingerlings (0.56 g) were increased, 1998. FAO, Rome.
while FCRs were impaired with increasing feeding Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
levels from 4% to 16%. (FAO) (2001) Summary tables of fishery statistics: World
The reduction of feed utilization efficiency with aquaculture production by principal species. http://
increasing feeding levels in the present study may

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Gall G.A.E. & Bakar Y. (1999) Stocking density and tank Health in Aquaculture (ed. by J.K. Iwama and A.D.
size in the design of breed improvement programs for Pickering), pp. 73±93. Cambridge University Press,
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Gill J.L. (1981) Design and Analysis of Experiments in Animal Rana K.J. (1981) Effects of rearing conditions, age and size on
and Medical Sciences, Vol. 1. The Iowa State University performance of normal hormone treated Sarotherodon mos-
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Kebus M.J., Collins M.T., Brownfield M.S., Amundson C.H., Thesis, University of Stirling, Stirling.
Kayes T.B. & Malison J.A. (1992) Effects of rearing dens- Santiago C.B., Aldaba M.B. & Reyes O.S. (1987) Influence
ity on stress response and growth of rainbow trout. of feeding rate and diet form on growth and survival of
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King N.J., Howell W.H., Huber M. & Bengtson D.A. (2000) 277±282.
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