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OBE Guidelines

The University has already adopted Outcome Based Education (OBE) System for the curriculum
development and implementation. As a part of OBE the evaluation of the theory examinations
should also OBE based to ensure the achievement of Course Outcomes (Cos) and Program
Outcomes (POs). A Question Paper format based on OBE is attached for your reference. The
format will also help the students to understand the expectation of the examiners from the
question and to decide the detailing required while writing the answers.
Further, it is advisable to follow Bloom’s Taxonomy while designing the evaluation for
Continuous Assessment and End/Mid Semester Examination.
The Bloom’s Taxonomy suggests using different learning levels to assess the student’s
capabilities as depicted below:

The faculty members are advised to get further information about the OBE and Bloom’s
Taxonomy and also educate the students about the same.
Some of the important action verbs that can be used for framing the questions using Bloom’s
Taxonomy are listed below:

Bloom’s Taxonomy - Cognitive Domain

Learning Outcomes Related To Knowledge
NOTE: for "higher order verbs" use those in grey (right three columns)
Knowledge Comprehension
Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
/Remember /Understand
Student Student grasps Student uses Student Student Student
remembers or the meaning information to discriminates, creatively judges or
recognizes behind the relate and organizes, and applies evaluates
information or information and apply it to a scrutinizes knowledge information
specifics as interprets, new situation assumptions and analysis based upon
communicated translates, with minimal in an attempt to integrate standards
with little or instructor to identify concepts or and criteria,
personal comprehends input. evidence for a construct an values and
assimilation. the conclusion. overall theory. opinions.
acquire conclude apply analyze arrange appraise
define describe calculate appraise assemble argue
know discuss demonstrate categorize collect assess
identify draw dramatize classify combine choose
list explain employ compare compose compare
memorize express exhibit contrast construct conclude
name identify illustrate criticize create consider
recall illustrate interpret debate derive criticize
recognize record infer operate deduce design decide
relate interpret organize detect develop deduce
repeat locate practice diagram document estimate
recognize relate differentiate formulate evaluate
report restructure discover generalize infer
represent schedule discriminate invent judge
restate show dissect modify measure
review sketch distinguish organize rate
tell translate examine originate revise
translate use experiment plan score
inquire predict select
inspect prepare validate
inventory produce value
investigate propose
question relate
scrutinize set up
Pattern of Question Paper (Mid Semester Examination)

Q.1. Attempt following Questions (6 Marks) / should be Objective Type

(Six questions of 1 mark each. Can be MCQ, True/False, or fill in the blanks type. If fill in the
blanks type question is asked the probable answers should be listed so that the student can
choose correct one from the list).

Q. 2. Attempt any two of the following (6 Marks)

Q.3. Attempt any one of the following (8 Marks)

Under the column ‘Level/COs’, the COs should be mentioned if given in the syllabus.
Otherwise, the levels (Remember/Understand/Apply/Evaluate/Synthesize) should be mentioned.

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