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LANGUAGE- a system that relate sounds or gesture to meaning, BABY TALK

that express through speech, writing and gestures.

-has no meaning

NATURE-or nativist believes that human infants are born with the
capacity to learn language. PARENTESE

- Human have innate capacity dedicated to acquiring and -exaggerated, higher speech
using language: (LAD) Language acquisition device by
NOAM CHOMSKY -hypothetical module of the human mind
posited to account for children’s innate predisposition for REASON FOR LANGUAGE DELAY
language acquisition.
1. Gender differences

2. Socioeconomic level
NURTURE- or behaviorist believes that language is a result of
imitation and reinforcement. 3. Cultural influences

4. Medical concerns

2 basic processes 5. Congenital language disorders

1. Classical Conditioning

2. Operant conditioning and imitation INFORMATION PROCESS THEORY

-a theory which seek to understand, how people acquire, store and

recall information.
SOCIAL INTERACTIONIST- child interaction with caretakers,
siblings and other support, shape and confirm the child’s construction
of language.

1. General vs. Specific-whether the knowledge is useful in many

NUEROBIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE- Interaction of Nature task, or in only one.
and Nurture create blueprint into the nuerobiological brain growth to
2. Declarative- factual knowledge
develop distinct but interdependent system.
3. Procedural-knowledge on how to do things

4. Episodic-memories of life events

- They supports elements of nativist, bahaviorist and social
interactionist views of language development. 5. Conditional-knowing when and why to apply declarative or
procedural strategies


1. PHONOLOGY- the sounds that make up a language

2. MORPHOLOGY-the meaning bearing units of language,

including word and affixes. STAGES OF MEMORY
3. SYNTAX- The rules for ordering words into sentences 1. Sensory
4. SEMANTICS- the shades of meaning that words convey 2. Short term-working memory
5. PRAGMATICS- the social rules that enable language to 3. Long term-permanent
accomplish real life purposes.

Stages of cognitive development

1. Sensorimotor-0-2 years
1. Sounds- less than 1 year old
-Motor senses-sight,sound,touch,smell,taste
2. Holophrases- 1
-they realize they are different to inanimate objects around them
3. Telegraphic Utterances-1 1/2
-they start learning things can exist even if they don’t see
4. Short sentences- 2- 2 1/2 them(object permanence).
5. Complex Sentences/Adultlike Structure -3-4 onwards -they also learn to start experimenting with trial and error to get
-sub stages

 1.Reflex acts

 2.Primary circular reaction

 3.Secondary circular reaction

 4.coordinated secondary schemes

 5.Tertiary circular reaction

2. Preoperational-2-7 years

 Knowledge is presented by language, children begin to use

word and pictures to represent object (mental imaginary and
symbolic thought.)

 Children start to think about themselves more and therefore

become egocentric. They rarely understand that things can look
different from other people’s point of view.

 Features of operational stage

1. Centration- focus only on one aspect of a situation at one time.

2. Egocentrism- child’s ability to see situation from another person’s

point of view

3. Symbolic representation- ability to make one thing a word or

object stand for something other than itself.

4. Play-

5. Pretend play- prentending someone that they are not

6. Animism- innanimate objects have human feelings and intention

7. Artificialism-belief that manufactured by people

8. Irreversibility- ability to reverse direction

3. Concrete operational-7-11 years

 Develop logical reasoning of the child


1. Seriation- ability to set things in order

2. Transitivity-recognize logical relationship among elements in

serial order.

3. Classification- name and identify set of objects according to

appearance, size or other characteristics.

4. Reversibility- understanding that many objects can be change and

returned to their original conditions.

5. Conservation- understanding that quantity, length or # of items is

unrelated to the arrangement or appearance of the objects or items.

4. Formal operational-12+ years

 Abstract thought and hypothetical thinking emerges

 Thinking about eventual consequences of their actions

 Problem solving without trial and error

 Performing mental operation without needing physical assists.

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