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Xyrelle Gambaloza


1. Who is CS Lewis?

Clive Staples Lewis was born on November 29,1898 and died on Novermber 22,1963. He was Irish-born, scholar, novelist, and
author of about 40 books, many of them was on Christian apologetics including The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity. Hiw
works of greatest lasting fame may be he Chronicles of Narnia.

2. What is scientism?

Scientism is the view that the hard science like chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy provide the only genuine knowledge
of reality. At the very least, this scientific knowledge is vastly superior to what we can know from any other discipline. Ethics
and religion may be acceptable, but only if they are understood to be inherently subjective and regarded as private matters
of opinion.
3. Why did Lewis compare science with magic?

Science was compared to magic by Lewis in three ways: as religion, as credulity, and as power. According to him, the idea of
science and magic, being in the way that they are, are able to function as an alternative religion in their encouragement of
a belief and in their quest for power.

4. What is CS Lewis trying to tell us about science and technology?

Lewis was trying to tell us that science and technology is a threat to freedom in modern society and because of it, humanity is
dominating over nature. Science also does its best to tell us what is true about nature, and policy decides what to do with this
information. Ultimately, science conforms our mind to the nature of the universe and everything in it.

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