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Assignment 6: Documentary Film Analysis

Name: Mary Kristhelyn B. Manit Date Submitted: February 11,2023

Course/Section: GE5(8045)
Instruction: Watch and take notes on the documentary firm, ‘The Magician’s
Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism’. Then, answer the following

1.Why was C.S. Lewis very much skeptical and critic of scientism? Was he against science?
• C.S. Lewis is very much skeptical and critic of scientism because he taught that science
could be corrupted and that some people could pursue science because they wanted power
over the world and power over other people in particular. He wasn’t actually attacked
science itself but rather “scientism”, the idea that the method of natural science should be
the bar by which every other intellectual discipline must be held.
2. How did C.S. Lewis explain the following:
 2.1. Science as religion
• Religion is everywhere and it affects all of life. Since science has the ability to function as
an alternative to religion.
2.2. Science as credulity
• He observed that most of the time, when people heard assertions made in the name of
science, they readily trusted them. even if there aren't any justifications or supporting facts.
He was merely trying to make the point that before accepting something as true, we should
investigate it further.
2.3. Science as power
•.To the general public, science seems magical because of its incredible and limitless
capabilities and possibilities. Science also appears magical because of what it can almost be
used for. Submit to the power of science in spite of your fear of strangers.
3. Why did C.S. Lewis think that modern science is far more dangerous than magic?
• Science is far more dangerous than magic because magic fails. If it does not work, then
people cannot use it to control other people or possibly the world, while science has the
potential. If you find the right charge and the right treatment, you can manipulate them.
4. Why did C.S. Lewis become increasingly concerned about the rise of scientocracy? How
does scientocracy relate to scientism?
• Scientocracy is the government and society claiming the right to rule based on their
scientific knowledge and expertise, which he says is a new class of people of experts,
speaking in the name of science who would dictate to everyone else. He was concerned by
the wrong use of science, which is why he became increasingly concerned about it. It relates
to scientism since it can be used in the wrong way and for the wrong purpose. Wrong
information or little information can be abused and used to dictate and manipulate others.
5. Based on what you learned in the documentary film, how does scientism pose a threat
to the human person flourishing in science and technology? Why would science be guided
by an ethical basis that is not dictated by science itself?
•Scientism threatens the development of science and technology in humans because it
portrays those who are flourishing in these fields as evil whereas in reality, not all of them
are acting maliciously. As was previously stated, science should be directed by an ethical
foundation because, in the absence of direction, it may be exploited and used for evil ends.

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