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1. CS Lewis was a strong opponent of scientism and a strong skeptic.

Lewis is not anti-science, but

he is opposed to scientism, which he defines as a false belief that modern science offers the only
trustworthy method of knowing the world and that, as a result, scientists have the authority to
determine a society's moral, religious, and even governmental policies based solely on their
scientific experience. He did not see the sciences as being in a privileged position above other
forms of knowledge, exempt from criticism.
2. Science as a religion - A lot of people view science as a religion, as mentioned in the video.
Everywhere you look, religion influences all aspects of life. Science as religion informs us that the
mystical perspective of the world gives us the sensation that there is more to life than just going
about our daily routines since science has the capacity to serve as a substitute for religion. It
offers us a feeling of significance or goal. They emphasize naturalism, or the notion that anything
or anything that occurs can be explained by natural causes, for nonreligious people. Others view
science as a form of religion. Their lives have meaning or purpose because of science.

Science as a credulity - Lewis noted that most of the time, when something was asserted in the
name of science, people were quick to believe it. even if there aren't any justifications or
supporting facts. He was merely trying to make the point that, before accepting something as
true, we should investigate it further. It encourages credulous thinking, which results in a lack of
skepticism. People tend to accept anything as true in our current environment simply because it
has been confirmed or stated by science. Lewis presented two instances of science-related
credulity. Darwinism and Freudianism are the two opposing ideologies.

Science as a power - According to Lewis, magicians desired mastery over the world in order to
manipulate it. Because modern science has the ability to manipulate and control people, it is far
more deadly than magic. Therefore, if you don't have an ethical foundation to govern it that isn't
based on science, you have a risky future. In terms of science, science is regarded as the savior
who will rebuild the world. It appears that the power of contemporary science to impact
people's thoughts and daily lives is already present. The Technology and even our medicines
have been made possible by science, but as Lewis saw, science's desire to rule humanity could
be harmful. If there are no restrictions, someone could use it to command the entire universe.
Science is a quest for power.
3. The biggest threat to science comes from its potential to rule the world. The misuse and abuse
of science may result from people's knowledge of the world and how it actually functions, which
could enable them to rule and dictate because they know something that others do not. Instead
of a science that leads to wrongdoing and evil that may harm or endanger others, we must seek
a science that respects human rights and dignity. Instead of using science as a tool to spread
information and do good, we should use it to produce good.
4. I learned that abusing science can cause harm to all of us. Science does not have the authority to
rule over the populace. Therefore, we should use our grasp of science to aid in our
comprehension of the world we live in, but with some constraints, in order to prevent the
serious hazards of science. According to Lewis, "We set limits on what we should and shouldn't
do" that could result in bad deeds. Instead of utilizing science to take advantage of what we
already know in order to control the Earth and its inhabitants, use it to deepen our
understanding and knowledge.

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