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In the documentary, Lewis presented the open-mindedness of dependence on and/or worship of

technology and knowledge based on mankind’s continuous positive movement towards progress and
development. He criticized the idea od scientism but not the science itself. He stated that scientism
defines as misbelief that modern science supplements the only reliable method of knowledge about the
world and that scientists should be the one implementing policies and dictates our moral and religious
beliefs on the foundation of their field expertise. It promotes the idea of idolatry on technology and
knowledge that society tend to worship while depending on these pioneers or scientists.

He claimed that science can work as alternative of religion. Religion affects all life and is everywhere
including science. It is said that science is a subset of religion since it cannot deal with all life where
some things cannot be explained through science and only through stories, art or history.

Lewis noticed that people tend to easily believe claims just by hearing that it was based from science
even though there are no strong evidences or brief explanations. He was concerned that this attitude
will open a door for scientific authorities towards fascism.

In society’s eyes, science is like a magic that everything can be explained by it with all the capabilities
and endless possibilities that can be made and all the discoveries. Like magic, science threatens to seek
power and control but in a more dangerous way since magic is rejected by the public. Science paves way
for reductionism where mankind is at risk in submitting to the power of science leading to manipulation
and eventually annihilating human beings as rational moral agents.

Science is far more dangerous than magic since when magic fails, the public eliminates their belief with
it and it cannot be used in seeking for control and power in a long term while science has potential.
Through experimentation to get the right formulations, measurements and treatments, it can lead to
endless possibilities than can affect the system. Science is embedded to the society that it has already its
strong foundation when experts claim a scientific research where the public can easily believe because
of our fondness of the field that opens the door of science as the core of our society.

Scientocracy is a method of basing policies on the name of science. Lewis has feared that scientific
government would lead to tyranny. Since experts rely on the power of science, it may cause promotion
of unequality and abuse. It may lead to greed that can disregard human rights and ethics and mankind’s
freedom and morality. There is no guarantee that scientific authorities will not use their power for
control and manipulation for own benefit. Scientocracy and scientism relate to each other because of
the fact that they are both an idea of idolizing scientific claims and relying on advises of the experts or
scientists for the society.

Scientism poses threat to the development of science and technology because it is the use of science to
explain almost everything. With this, people can use this as an advantage of gaining control and
manipulating others just by adding false facts that their claims was based on the name of science. Thus
this gives off bad framework to what the real science is and overlays studies to be bad but does not
really influences or affects the system. Science must be guided with an ethical basis since science has
limitless boundaries, it should be controlled to prevent it to be manipulated and utilized for own

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