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Zoology Exam Reviewer

Name:__________________________________________________ Date: ________________

I. Write V for Vertebrata, and IV for Invertebrata.

_______________ 1. horse _______________ 2. worm

_______________ 3. cat _______________ 4. snail

_______________ 5. dragonfly _______________ 6. cow

_______________ 7. spider _______________ 8. elephant

_______________ 9. turtle _______________ 10. snake

II. Classes of Vertebrates.

A. Circle the correct answer.
1) They live part of their life in water and part of their life on land.
They have wet skin.
( mammalia / amphibia )

2) They have feathers, wings, and a beak.

( reptilia / aves )

3) They have mammary glands.

( amphibia / mammalia )

4) They are cold-blooded animals with thick scaly skin. They have
poisonous fangs and horned plates.
( pisces / reptilia )

5) They live in water and have fins and scales.

( aves / pisces )
B. Read the given animals and write their name in the correct box.

frog snake parrot newt

goldfish horse cow
manta ray turtle owl

Pisces Aves Amphibia

Mammalia Reptilia

III. Kinds of Fish. Write S for saltwater fish, F for freshwater fish, and C for common fish.

______________ 1. marlin ______________ 6. sturgeon

______________ 2. pike ______________ 7. salmon

______________ 3. bonito ______________ 8. sail fish

______________ 4. sardine ______________ 9. manta ray

______________ 5. mackerel ______________ 10. bassl

IV. Parts of a Fish. Label the parts of the fish. Choose your answers from the box.

dorsal fins lateral line

head pelvic fins
caudal fins

The cosmic task of a fish is __________________________________________________.

V. Parts of a Frog. Label the parts of the frog. Choose your answers from the box.

ear hind legs

head forelegs
VI. Caring for Animals: Write a happy face ( ) if the sentence shows taking care of
animals, and a sad face (  ) if not (10 pts).

____________ 1. Kicking a dog

____________ 2. Feeding your pet on time

____________ 3. Throwing rocks at a chicken

____________ 4. Giving your pet a bath

____________ 5. Giving your pet a place to sleep in

____________ 6. Not giving your pet water

____________ 7. Giving your pet a new toy

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