Herge - Tintin in Tibet (The Adventures of Tintin 20) (1975) PDF

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a HERGE - THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN What a glorious Holiday: eh, Saowy? Cail this.a holiday ' Scrambling over jagged rocks From manning ill might. All right For him, with his heavy climbing boots. But iF this goos on I'll have mio paws left! Te's been a long day ry to be back at the hotel. lw hungry as a hunter, = r ores» sogueT® Tin not sor: Hello, Captain Had a good day * A bit tired, | must say, but on top of Eno world. The wountains are superb... and the air’s like champagne. You ought to come with we one day .. Not on your life! [ don't wind meun- tains as Scenery; but this passion forclambering about over piles oF rock, that’s what beaks me | Besides, ju've always gat to come down again What'sit wil in aid of anyways A broken neck, | suppose 2 But ma one evar thinks of the risk. You're always secing accidents iu the papers: mountain drama here, Alpine disaster there, Mountains should be abolished. Atleast that'd stop all these aero planes bumping into every other Ike's just happened again st Nepal. was fread ing the story in the paper. Here... took Billions oFiblue blistering barnacles You don't really have to sneeze like that, do you? Yes. | was dreaming about Chang... you remember Chang, the boy C made Friende Tim terribly sorry, 1 mest have dropped off... 1 had 4 horrible nightmare. He was lying there hurt, aif buried by Snow... He was holding out his hands and calling ko me, Help, Tintin! kelp!” Ik was all $0 terribly real... I'm still quite stunned by ik... Please de for- ive me That's all right, don't worry. Forget it. You goon upto bed . You're dead tired [ think you're right, night, Captain, Rubbish’ Draaws go by opposites, so they say Donte think about ie. Look, thare's a letter For you, From Hons Kon Tae is much sleep, either, Twas haunted 5 that picture of Chang ‘ying in the snow, Good morning, Captain. No, no more dreams. fuack you. from Labrador Road to Marlinspike, Eien Nestor sent it on here. Honestly ! Billions of blue bister- Ing barnacles! You can’t pretend this time that you've had J] anotiisr dream ! Here, listen “Tue brother of my twost venerable adoptive Fath"... didn't know that Me, Wang Chen Yee had abrother.... “Tie brother of my snost venerable odoptive Father is living in London, where he hhas an antique shop. He has gencr- cusly invited me.to stay with him... Hooray!) You must admit ite a remarkable coincidence. Yesterday evening T dreamt avout him: this morning | ek a letter From him, Extraordinary, isn’t it & No, wo! Look here : it really is a letter From Yes... | suppose so. what doce he want, anyway 4 Yos, Fine... But, L say... this Chang, he's not like that little monster Abdullah, is he ? f 'Although unworthy of such an invitation | haveaccepted. Yes, and Chang's an old Friend of yours tao, isn’t f Tomorrow {leave Hong Kang by Hair. Lane Filled with pleasure that [shall see your noble face en@again’ He: Chana? Why, Captain, hee one oF te micest people 1 Konon aut, a Profeseor Calculus! Wonderful news! Chang's coming! We're going to see Champagne * Ab this He says: "I Fly to Calcutta, J tien on to Nepal, My venerable adoptive Father wishes me to Visit Katmandu fo pay my res- pects to his honourable cousin who kas many children, and to take | them presents.” i BQuick.. this morning paper Perhaps there'll be some details of the crash. Nepal? Katmandu? The plane tha hit 4 mount = surely Chane was going to Katmandu’ When's he coming, then... your... er. Son of Heaven "Nepal A Disaster No survivors anacic DELAY oe ae eS opie Chet, ~My poor Friend, Chang ! Chang! That's what comes You...yodand of drinking too your champagne! wuch champagne! Nie Chang! My dear Friend 1 Ne, Chang! We shall never see Him again... never again’ it jen’t true! o ig L know EAD! Not dead #2 He's alive; I'm sure of it! The ae tent hanfoncd days ago, bak yesterday | Haw Chang nin calling for bapr but alive! But that was just dream you had wit wasn't real. Lknow. But it wasn't an ordinary It was telepathy .. something like that gue thing's certain; 1 know that Chang is alive Tintin, listen, | can under Stand how grieved you are and L realise how muck that diam has shaken you, but You inact be ansible, it was a sort of premonition rea Bat Ten thousand thundering } typhoons! How can you H} possibly save someone whos — already stead? He's alive, { tell you Tim packing my 7 =) But look mare, If That's right! old fellow, it's | You go and sober up! Chang, come hare! How'often must { tell you nok to speak z Look here, Tintin... If your Friend Chang was Still alive, then the rescue J party would have found hiv | H alictering barnacles What a daft idea, giving a mame liks that toa dag! Not really it's pekingese, it's ‘quite reasonable Po you really have to sneeze like that * fexcuse be, sir, bat 1" (ae Captain, Lam convinced that Chang is alive. Maybe it’s stupid, but there ibis And since | believe hat he's going to look Far hin. As | was aaying: even iF he were alive, why should you beable to find him when Sherpas and experienced Wountaineors have Failed ? Allright, be ovstinate! Goto Nepal, | ge to Timbuctoo, go to Vladivostok for ali I care! But you'll be on your own, remember; ['m not coming, and hats Pl whon Tsay no, Cwncaw no! =. would eather visit the city. You have thres hours. You should beat the airport at 2-0 p.m, Yeu will Find your baggage there but from the other ainport., Willingdon. The bus will take you there, unless you... (eae Tar. [ond the Red Fort There's the Qutab Minar. [ts :38 eee ia, Ff weve just got time to hor ito a Eaxi ama We sil haven't seen he Jama Magia and the Rajghat , the memorial t6 Mahatma Gandhi. Yor, but aren't you Forgetting che time’ Aton! She's cortainly chosen a goed spat... completely blocking the roadway I say, cantt someone move the old girl along ? We're in rather a hurry. Anyway, vo need te worry: 1? she Won't move well just stepover her. Sacred cow, Sahib... Do wot disturb You wait till she move a) nu! | - I Where...er... OK yes.1T7 To the airport, But Wot right away: Tit naiting for a Friend, Now, to Willingdon Airport .. and su. best tani in Delhi, Sabi step on it! Weve got tobe thare in Nothing can stop me! a quarter of an hour, q OLN {Billions of blietering harnmacics! Thundi Som Toy ering typhoons! Udon knam nt ia. duct, ana Fly,or semeti Stop; driver, * iriver, stop! Carey ove ativer! And try to make up For lost ew. gp on like this, Sahib, and we nevar arrive in time. || Can't be helped: it's time for take-oFP. Too bad for tha tws missing passengers eee The nak maarrany First of all we'll see the ainport anager. There it is, We ore friewas of Chang, one of the victims of the Gosain Thay disaster. We want: to visit the sce of the organisation of the search party : i. You krow all about. the ain you help us to achieve our object 1. Would it be indiscreet: to ask Fhe reason why you wish ko go up there? Becauee [am certain that. Chawg is not dead. D want to a0 and look for But you must be mad. You have ino conception of the difficulty involves and the danger such an expedition Not only would you be riskin your lives, out the risk would be quite futile. Evev if your Friend survived the accident he would Tong since have died Prom: hunger ‘and cold and exposure. That's what Tkesp on telling hin Look, sir... bhang is my friend. that he is ctill alive. Whataver the obstacles lying in our path, Timuset try to Pind him You scot Anybody with any Sense thinks as Ido: this idea of yours is asolutely Chang is alive! Chang is alive! All this just because, you liad a droam about him! -L dreamt about Columius last night, but that doesn't bring hin to life, does it? fdow't behave like a steep~ |] walker, roaming around in a daze with my eyes. shut ! In spite of all appearances, [ know Very well... Lim quite certain v0 guide will agree Eo go with you But if you wish, 11 put you in touch with the Sherpas who made up the rescue party. Billions of Dlistering barnacles im a Thundering typhoon! You did that on purpose, you gang of Gashi-bazoules! see Saeee ao 's the matter, Captain? Mat your natch at last aN sa mv A Tamme on. We'll ask these }| ff Excuse me, but cam you direct me to 4 Hello! It Fruit, spread out to nen. perhaps Ehey shop owed bya Chinese geutleman |} || dry in the sun. Min! Ie simells Konow the shop kept by ++ er. Chinese shop? Chang's relation — a, = Twonder what they are, “e < those red mats over there.) PAV Ipe= } b f c , ‘ 4 ]) Fruit. Good toeat Fa Chinese shop ?... Up there, Sahib. | Nicenmd sivect.. Yr You turn left. Then big temple. Then strect right. There Chinese shop... Cheng Li isname. Wewewhat happoned? | ake one of those things, It was just like swallowing avelcano in Full blast! There's the bia ew he mantioned.., — but how did you know 2 ( Yes please, Sahib. You ask someone the way, and he fest Friends of Chang?...S0?... Yes please |... He will have me. Cheng, we are Friends oF Chang What... what did you su say? CHANG! CHANG! Some Friends for you. Were sorry: there has been a mis- take, Our friend is elled Chang Chon-Ohen, ‘Ah, you speak of our tate ase adeptive iephew ... Yes please Alas! eis dead. Yee please... in aeroplane crash So.we have heard. But L believe that Chaug is not dead. | have come to ask De yeuknow cha Sherpa Wina'd agree ta go with us to search for Even rhough he is dead | Ido wot believe thal But Cneed an experienced} guide if Cam te Find hiv Wy net Tharkey, cespected Pater’ | Hels thebest sherpa in thedistrict, andthe bravest. Also, he wont with the rescue party We gots kine, iF you wich, But tel you his answer. No! Me not ub you seu life of the other Sahib, and yy life - to look vinced that ‘Chang ien't Acad. —— Want to nisk Enree lives - your life 6, Tharkey, Himdead, Sahib!... C90 there Vses broken acraplane. No one alive. Not possible to live: too ‘ald, nothing to eat. You not 20, Sahib, you too young to die as wll. I's only commion sense, ald ad. The Sherpa is abselutely right I've told you From the very besining it’ sheer lanacy. You really mast give up his daft id Yes, what Taackey cays is true. | Fine! Youre talking sense at last! Ie true: I have wo right All right !... Go! .. to risk the ‘others Enwited along this Foe aot playing nur: T hall go (‘3 thundering typhoons, but any longer! Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles! Has the word gone around to gana up Please, please....Watch your lan guage! Edidnt shout at you aia (2 Thece days Maker.. T... [ve come to say goodbye, There Thats wy rucksack packed. Now [Il just say good bye to the Captain Tdon't like the leok oF But... your all these Propanstions. Diyou imagine for one moment that |] || But, but, but... don't start a Now who ie it? Id let a young whippersnapper like being awkward t Tim going Come in! a ‘ you go uff alone? Not on your life! with you, whether you like it or Raa? 1 suppose you think that Captain not, And not another ward earl i Haddock has got tomato | From you, or | stay here ! Tar} 4 inhis veins.ch® = Ee But you. Hey ure the rogue who knocke | inetd at every street corner ring kormacles, what de al Want nowrt Sherpa Tharkey send me, Sahil Ho-ay : everything ready, [ You're wondering what's going on? ‘am porter, Sahib. Well, you iMsisted on going, <0 1 had another crack at Tharkey. [ was Iuckier than you were the other day; I persuaded him to take us up there. Captain, what can | say? You're a marvel! Nob so Fast, not so fact! He's only agreed to take us as far as the wreck of the aircraft: wo Further SUil, once you're up there, at last you'll realise there ion't the one alive remotest chance of Finding any- All the sayme, Tharkey has Fined up overy thing we weed for the expedition : clothes, food, euip- went and porters... But thun- dering typhoons, just my hack to be saddled with that fellow who behaves like a bull ina china shop! Fe = SS [foie herean 1, Foo around a the back cid oF Nepal whew | could be snooz~ ing at Marlinspike, witle ‘a Tong, cool whisky at my Whiskey, by thunder! What: about. those bettles, inn my pac? Great snakes |... He's off at full We Ist him go... Road is one... Soon || If... and he marched JJ throttle!... Captain! ... Hey, catch him up... You not worry ! tiem down, hic, again fA J Your umbrella? Why, Ive got a ship- load of them here... Heaven knows where they've come from. Rubbish | This is ared pimento! Hello, Professor, what are you daing here? Tal don't know... wat have Fallen asleep ‘on my Feet. Cexpect... 1 wae dea Thundering typhoons, my poo" || Aly wy beauty 9 past compare Peat. [ expect the the morning... Goodnight, evarybol Ehece Jewel bright Set wear! Bianca Gastafiore' she's HERE, by Chun: den! That woman Fol- Thundering ty- Phoons, can’: man] jikeshox.. aud jump Eoit! Understand?) Yast a moments WW NN I peace... anywhere? se with Haddock ost of th and Wve wade it! Billions of blistering nacles' (t's about time they made a tant to stay a Without ail thece fiddling bits of etring With my weual good Fortune, I] this should end with a loud splash ! "Chucking stones in the river! What «Grae he gare we! or tino, aid you caw Change wy name to Showy | A ee Golly, Ucould do with a drive, A remarkable performance, Captain! Congratulations! Just one thing: this ismt where we cross the river. Tharkey eid the second bridge! Well doe, Captain. That's the safest way. funny, that water tacted odd! E 5 aaa Se what t Feele good, deosn't it? VS what about some more?.. Look iS. Warm the cockles of yourheartek! Bt gl that whisky, dripping avery. By Poor Snowy. He must be Feeling be Noe Palle in the) [[There, he's come up our owe chance water! What lack! . ‘again ae saa ay; d T 7, eS 2 if . my Oh, there you are. So You managed to rescue Me old drunkard? I] Yes! And you thought he had mountain And what's more, iF thie ever | cickuese! "Look: Drokew whisky bottie happens agai | shaw'e risk That is chorten, | EQ | || Stor, Sahib Sahib, Ashes of great |. Ts bad tuck! Well, what's up? Something 1 bringe you bad luck, Sahib, F }| |[- Spirite are angry iF man pase to right of the matter? What have 1 doy you pass right of a chorien, chorten, Sahib, Then porters not dare togoon, Why! Am { breaking 2 Bie Highway Code? Le All right, all right, iF this a one-way street? it makes you happy. Keep to the left, Sahib! ™ he main hing | Yor think wenere nan] Be PE. - Aipine Forest. = T wouldn't wind rhododendron an i ne l BGR) ike those a! Manlin=ge pike! j See ‘Aeross there, Tibet! ‘Aeroplane wreck there, Tomorrow we artive rj Now, we cat. Tsampn is ready. Teampa? What's this Stuf made oF ¢ The Abominable Snowman ! That's # good one! Don't make ine laugh! Fairy ctories... old wives! Tales! Who's ever seen this famous yeti? Fiddle-Faddle! You're imagin- ing things... its only the wind... But here's something real IF yti smell alcohol, He come Yeti likes alcohol. Ohe day nea Sedon he Find chang, he drink, it. Drinking Chang? What ow earch are yew babbling about ? You've made your point | Imotf to bed, Good night Do not laugh, Sahib... Yeti is real, Lot see him, but I know Sherpa Ansearing... He see yeti...He much afraid... He run away. Him wry big, Sahib. Very strong. Him il yaw with hie Pate Yeti very bad. Eat eyes and hands of men he kill, Why ever nok? Aya Youn principles # ‘2nough: a bottle of whisky! ‘Chang, Sahib : is oun drink. Vory strong beer, Yeti take chang Then get drunk, go to sleep. Mon From village tie him up. But yeti very strong. When bene longer sleep .- Yes, Sahib: he wake up, break ropes, and there, of he goes! He wakes up with a checking. hang- over! T know! wseAnd. ill bake wore than an abominable snow- rman te keep me awake, IL caw tell you! Idon't know. but... or... havent Fer” Now remember: (must have leftit where we Billions of blistering barnacles|... y bottle of whisky | had sup [Ficay Teen. bia you pickup the bottle J left over thera last might 2 No. I thought you took it with you into your tent tes, What about Tharkey ? = == Ne! Noab ae ] Other Sahib, per- - | haps?... Or porter? it, Sahib. Perhaps other | Sahib? Or Shorpa Tharkey? No, { tell you ... Thundering Eyphoane, iF can't have just vanished! Stolen, Sahib! Alcohol stolen by yeti! Dy Batik hae art of village it NE] vou cake we For? HalF-baked Haddock? PAN 4 te ees king whisky! ‘he ple lays the bagpipes too! only do ti fake hin very bad wow! Fipll] 92.0". Tsay, they have I] We wot want to be Killed by yoti! |] W Thundering typhoone, not ++. Him drink Sahib's alcohol; j-bazouks apn, they expect 6] |] te to swallow their hocus- Kat Fknow, I know, the yoti walked } i in! KRY otf with sny whisicy... D'you f.|| Poms lute the baraain think I'm soft in the head 2 AY They not know... But they chickon-hearte: when they IP} come heme all te village laugh at them... Aud then T fell thom, Sahib ie very generous | _. Wego on. Hey, Tintin! Whats wap with that dog of yours? Look at him. [Fst aotentct ee Abominable Snowman!! | os i bs ee Tell we another! Have you Anyway, well $00 see... All we have to do fallen forthat koe?... those || || i fellow the tracks. fost marke were madd by a bear. It's well known=Dears do walk upright on their hind legs sometimes A Piplodocus!... Filibuster! Bat wo simply must 0 on, Tharkey. We can't give up now, when weare so close Fo our Hello... Showy seems to have found’ something to eat. ie 5 Poor Chang! Why you 2 Careful, Sawib= ‘avalanches! Poor old Shon! You'll ever manage it! .. That chicken's Frozen absolutely solid! Oh boy! Thie'It ee y =r Fee’ (eng Coe AF | DMS We camp hare Eonisht, Sahib... Tomorrow return to the valley. =. Because if I'd been in Chawg’s place, and tM come out of the crash alive, that’s where [ would |} Mave headed ... ..1'd have looked for a niche, ofa cave, orm crack in the rock where I could chelker ss. But if that’s what Chang did, why didn’t he come out, Mell. im going to have 4 look around, over there, to- wards that rock-Face... Lay, don't you think sas when, the reseve party mrelved That's what puzzles me... Unles Wait Fora minute, while ‘ur eyes get accustomed to the diw light... Stop growling, SHowy. || se te wilstaken! Chang did survive the accident Chang sheltered here... Sut in Ineaven's name, what hae be- mE tell ne te close, ina oF the cave! It's no wee, We muse come back | with torches. I'd }] This is awful! You can't see ten feet ahead... This is crazy’ ought to If to good !... Not a sound! “Only one thing to do, faye waited iu the cave till J |] the noise oF the wind it stopped. I've completely drowning my voice. And it lest my bearings now. 1B H getting dark, 5 > 3 Bacowe of us n Ga) A crevasse! Crumbs, Snowy, that was a haar thing! Saved! .. Semeone’s there | .. ‘is, leaks, it's the Captain! He can't Wear me'...Tais is awful! ... CAPTAIN ! L advise him to keep his distance, the dranken old ape! = _—_ eC ree But Ekat's no yeti G7 snowy. It Suowy owing J comething elses I've heard BL, Be MOMOOW00 WV... FY For the dent! comeing ma that cry before. Let ‘ § have happened bo Tibet ca AN He saw Chang! Obviowsly iu), but auive! Tin [come ont we must see the Mast have a Serow loose! ‘saucer? He was talkin Jot of mumbo jumbo ! What more did he say! He mentioned aw eye, and cave The migow... You are sure you heard aright: the migou* [eis the name given hare be the Abominable Snowman, Ii Nepal they call it the or yeti here it i the mi f The Horn of the Wak... here is a oun tain of that name, three days! march From here, near the village of Chara Then he described my Friond Chang, lying ona bed of branch 26. He saw comeone approach Billions of blistering barnaciee don’t tell me you're taking all this hhocus:pocas seriously You muse know, woble stranger, Bint many things ‘eccur here in Tibet which ‘seem unbelievable to you ‘men of the West. Then ib would be better iF your Friend were dead, Ror he ie a priconer of the wigan, And Ente migou never surrenders iis prey! Do not enter, Heis speaking muh the singer I RO AE eA |) Gy Net a —a —o Chang a prisoner of the Abowinable Suow- mari! ., Bu that's dreadful!...We simply wiust save hirn, Grand Abbot ! not You shan'e go! neither I alone, thundering’ typhoons, I] vor with me! You got round me ] once, but it won't happen I again... There's been enough skylarking | 1 won't have any more! You'll come home to Marlin. spike with me, blistering barnacls, }] aiid there's an end toi! Very well, L'll goalone iF necessary. My Friend is in auger. You cau't expect me to desert him now, Alas, it is imposeible, Great Heart. No one would cun such a risk, Listen, Captain, don't ve angry |] with me... I'w'leaving tomorrow |] For Charahbang. You go. with Tharkey and rejoln the caravn Near the village of Charahbang, Hanee daye’ waren From here...1here, only a few days ago, a yak was Killed by the migew. Just where is thie mountain hey call the Horn of the Yak Say something te him, Goand... Grand... Grand Father!... Make him give up this con iden! [AI righ, you do as you please | Go as Har as you like. and look for this Chang of yours! You can go to Mare Fer all { care! I'm packing my bags and goina home... --Hello!... Cowid you take me |] P Guide *... To goto Horn of Yak: to the village headman * Jf Noone, Koucho, mo one! Migau!... Migou! .- Is that what Ehey J teach you in school, cht Yes....and would you be- Vieve ie" Rive bunch oF young scamps-chey had the merve te put out thelr J] You tittte sartlywags! t 3 Captain |... =eTy I Impossible! | snus be dreaming! tongues ato me! Er... you know, eince Tm here L Chink T may as well 99 a little of the way with you... But of course, Captain: that's how you greet people in Tibet... Now, tell me what you're doing here | T ehongae Er Lv yO ian PA kept the camera...'60 1 thought... |] said. to myself: I'll take ie o hii, The Grand Piano font we horses, aud a Oh, that'd be wonder- Ful... But C haven't Found Anyoue yet to take me... to take usto the Horn of the Yak. Oh... you... you're surprised, eh? .., Well, you see. Horn of the Yak 21... Not go there, Koucho! ... Not gol... Migau up I] thors; mmigou!.,. Last week him kill ya, just dar village! This is it! Leok, Captain! We don't weed a guide: Snowy will show us the way. He's picked ap || the scent already, y a Here, Koucho...Here shepherd found yak dead, killed by migon, You've. been very kind, bringin ug thig far” Run back home now... Goodbye, my Friend. And thank you. Goodbye ,..Tihetan Seven «Mig Kin you! Are you GNAAAAH! ]~ Hey captai coining * vas Put hat young monkey needed a lescon in geod wannere! What a hope! You're just going Eo stumble on the den of Ehis teddy-bear, C suppose? tt'd be a miracle! Teak like « Tt would if we had nothing ut thanks to 16 on the right Now than, our next ob- Jective is « mountain Chat yak's horn. There! What did [tell you See. it's uninistakable; that mouviain there. Look at the shape! We must try to arrive at the foot of the mountain ab nightfall, and make sure our tent is well hidden. F took were, Tintin, 1 getting Fed up! Hore we've been for three |) days, naiting For this confounded wigan get up. 1 caught the plane From fatna to Katwmandi. It was glorious weather, and every- ove on board was very cheerful But, shortly before we were due bo Jarvive, we ran inte a violent storm. Quick! Chawg's there! We 7) must carry him Eo the camp ‘at once, The yeti wns blinded by the Flash -bull, but he may come back The aircraft was tossed all over the pace, and atiough the crew did cir best to reassure us, we feared the worst. Then suddenly there wae a terrible crash... and T blacked oS, When C came to I was lying in the snow. My lege hurt dread- Pally, Wrockage of every descrip tian was littered all around me... Except For the wind, there wasn't a sound; not a shout, nothing...] was the Sele survivar of that horrible disaster ! fanic- stricken, struggled to way Fok. 1 didn't Fee! the pain 1 iad only owe thought: to get away. Ab last, at the end oF my strengeh, 1 found a niche in the vock. There, I fainted again How long { remained unconecioue [ don't know. But when ! came Talmost died of and bwo gleam eyes were staring at Wi - What a heart-rending ery! You'd ehink he was indistress It's wot very surprising . Go become quite Ford oFme. At Pirst he brought me bizcuite he Fouvd iis Ee wreckage of the plane, Later [ lived on plants fand roots he brought back From hie aightly prowl. He seemed Sometimes he brought me little animals, Ibwas revolt~ ing, but £ Forced myselF to eat’ them... Little by little regained mny strength, until € Gquld stand. Then { had Oe ideg of carving my name ona rock. Yes, we Found the cave, Chava, dud caw tne stone wich your ame ont. Then, later, we found Yes ecart. Ob, yes, wy scarf Eel you about that One morning, the yeti came rushing bad, He seemed very Frightened. Ha picked mo up. and ran of? with ma in his arms +. Then began that dizzy clin Up # heen cliff! fed... But he WAS amerz- ingly euure-Pooted . Holding on with only owe hand, he leaped from rack to rock likea chamois... He Stopped Fer a moment, then [ saw what was happening. heading For the wrecked air- craft... And the yeti was carry- ing me away from them! I screamed and yelled to attract their attontion, But my voice was too weak. Then { un- did my scarf and tnrow it over the edge, hoping comeone would coe (t and Follow our A That's just what we did, ‘Chang...But what chen’ The yeti carried me on, Another storm blew up. T was frozen. I don't Know how long that fan- tastic journey lasted~ 1 was only half. conscious... All T know vs. T ended up in the cave Where you found me, shak- ing with fever and ex- haustion...{ was utterly dejected : no one would L would die there, alone, miserably, and Friends. So there you are, you ante-]| || Pee" Snowman, what a Fright he diluvian bulldozer... got. The Captain scared Wim Come closer, if youdare, |} |Laway when he blew his nose ! You jobberniomy, aid 3 = turn yeu into a hearth-rug! Ver, fare meare,backaoain..._ | and the migou hasn't eaten us! -We weed porters, to carry this boy to the monastery. You said "Foor Snowman”... How sbrange. The only one wire knows him, and you dou't call lim “abominable ~ The stran, SU sr eect OF course 1 dome, Tintin= he took care of me, With out hivn ld have dicd oF cold and unger Pack up your 4, tronbles et in your old ith Int 6.6 pom a” pom pom fa We're nearly there, Chang. You'll soon be on Eke wend Grvetinge, OGreat Heart ... Following our Custom, | present you with this scarf of silk, Blessed Lightning bold us of your approach, and I have comme Fa meat you,

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