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1. Which of the following is a stateless protocol?

D) All of the mentioned
Answer : C

2. What does the value 2 of the WebSocket attribute Socket.readyState indicate?

A) Closed connection
B) Handshake connection
C) Unestablished connection
D) Established connection and communication is possible
Answer : B

3. How many WebSocket events are available?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Answer : C

4. Which method is used to close the WebSocket?

A) Socket.flush()
B) Socket.close()
C) Socket.Close()
D) Socket.dispose()
Answer : B

5. How does the client and the server communicate following the rules defined by the
WebSocket protocol?
A) Long-lived TCP Socket
B) Short-lived TCP Socket

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C) UDP Socket
D) HTTP Socket
Answer : A

6. Which of the following are not a socket property?

A) onopen
B) readyState
C) onmessage
D) ready
Answer : D

7. How can we check the subprotocol being used by the client?

A) subprotocol property
B) protocol property
C) clientprotocol property
D) none of the mentioned
Answer : B

8. How will you transmit data using the connection?

A) send(data)
B) Socket.send(“data―)
C) Socket.send(data)
D) Socket(data)
Answer : C

9. Which of the following is not a WebSocket event?

A) open
B) close
C) error
D) deny
Answer : D

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10. What does an History object contain?v

B) Parameters
C) Attribute values
D) Property
Answer : A

11. The history object is a part of which object?

A) Property
B) Window
C) Location
D) Screen
Answer : B

12. How many methods are there in the History object?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
Answer : A

13. What is the purpose of the method forward()?

A) Loads any random URL in the history list
B) Loads the previous URL in the history list
C) Loads a specific URL from the history list
D) Loads the next URL in the history list
Answer : D

14. How will you update the URL displayed in the location bar?
A) location

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B) location.URL
C) location.hash
D) url
Answer : C

15. How do you add a particular state to the browsing history?

A) pushState()
B) replaceState()
C) state()
D) none of the mentioned
Answer : A

16. What does the pushState() method do?

A) Removes the state
B) Adds new state
C) Replaces the state
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : B

17. Which of the following method is used to replace the current history state instead of
adding a new state to the browsing history?
A) replaceState()
B) replace(state)
C) replace()
D) none of the mentioned
Answer : A

18. How many parameters does the replaceState() method take?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

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Answer : B

19. What is the purpose of the event window.onpopstate?

A) When a state object is replaced
B) When a state object is added
C) When a state object is removed
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : C

20. R is an extension of which of the following language?

A) C
B) C++
C) S
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : C

21. Which of the following is/are statistical languages?

A) R
B) S
C) None of the mentioned
D) Both R and S
Answer : D

22. Which of the following is a successor to the S language?

A) C++
B) R
C) S
D) Java
Answer : B

23. What are the purposes R can be used for?

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A) Suck in data
B) Parse data
C) Process data
D) All of the mentioned
Answer : D

24. What type of language is generally used to collect the data?

A) Glue language
B) Statistical language
C) Both Glue and Statistical language
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : A

25. What are the processes that take place within R?

A) Splitting of data
B) Aggregating of data
C) Overlaying two or more data
D) All of the mentioned
Answer : D

26. Which platform is R imported to after charting as a PDF?

A) Adobe Illustrator
B) Adobe Photoshop
C) Both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : A

27. What is the purpose of a glue language?

A) Format data
B) Producte data
C) Collectc data
D) Both Format and Collectc

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Answer : D

28. Why do we use Adobe Illustrator along with R?

A) Collect the relevant data
B) Format the chart and to correct the errors
C) Tighten and format the chart
D) Ingest and process the chart
Answer : C

29. What does the R language do?

A) Tighten and format the chart
B) Ingest and process the chart
C) Format and Ingest the chart
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : B

30. What kind of data can be run in R?

A) Binary
B) Text
C) Decimals
D) All kinds
Answer : D

31. Which of the following is/are the features of R?

A) Small
B) Self-contained
C) Extensible
D) All of the mentioned
Answer : D

32. What is the advantage for Linux users using R?

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A) They get a command sequence to install the particular Linux flavor

B) They get a compiled installer
C) All of the mentioned
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : A

33. Which of the following is the base install for R?

A) Contrib
B) Base
C) Rtools
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : B

34. Which of the following comes with compiled third-party packages?

A) Contrib
B) Base
C) Rtools
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : A

35. Which of the following comes with tools to build your own R packages?
A) Contrib
B) Base
C) Rtools
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : C

36. The code of the R language has an extension?

A) .Rl
B) .R
C) .lR
D) .RR

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Answer : B

37. Which of the following is used to run ad hoc R commands?

A) R Console
B) R Primer
C) Both R Console and R Primer
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : A

38. Which is the keyword used to open the Help window?

A) ()
B) #
C) ?
D) =
Answer : C

39. For a more extensive search, which keyword needs to be used?

A) ??
B) ?
C) ?=
D) =?
Answer : A

40. What is the usage of the keyword ?? in R?

A) Help window
B) Extensive search
C) Error correction
D) Error detection
Answer : B

41. Which type of comment is not supported in R?

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A) Single-line comments
B) Multi-line comments
C) Both Single-line & Multi-line comments
D) Both Single-line & Multi-line comments
Answer : B

42. What is the usage of the keyword ? in R?

A) Help window
B) Extensive search
C) Error correction
D) Error detection
Answer : A

43. Which symbol is used to start a comment?

A) /
B) $
C) #
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : C

44. Which of the following is the assignment operator?

A) <-
B) ->
C) =
D) ==
Answer : A

45. Which of the following is a loosely-typed language?

A) R
B) T
C) S
D) Both R and S

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Answer : C

46. What is the limit to matrices in R?

A) One dimensional
B) Two dimensional
C) Three dimensional
D) No limit
Answer : B

47. Which is the function used to add the vectors?

A) c()
B) add(vectors)
C) c(vectors)
D) vectors.add
Answer : A

48. Which of the following list contains multiple data types?

A) Vectors
B) Data frames
C) Matrices
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : B

49. Which function is used to create data frames?

A) data.frames()
C) data.frame()
D) frame(data)
Answer : C

50. What is the purpose of the method plot()?

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A) Displays symbols
B) Displays charts
C) Displays symbols and charts
D) None of the mentioned
Answer : B

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