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Set of questions: Love is a Fallacy by Max Shulman

1. How would you describe the narrator in the story?

Answer : A young wise man who has a high intelligence in all aspects. Though
he's smart , he wasn't good in terms of emotional decioning particularly in love.
He follows his mind says rather than what his heart beats and he is the real
"dumb as an ox" in the story.
2. How was Peter Bellows described in the story? How about Polly? Do you think
that they are really as dumb as they were described?
Answer :
Peter is a dumb guy who likes a raccoon coat. He has nothing to upstairs,
unstable, inspressionable , a faddist and a typical teenager who'll do anything
just be with the stream.
Polly has the look, she's funny, stunning, delicate and gracious and also
intelligent indeed. Base from those discriptions , I could say that she's really
every man's dream.
I do believe that if there's someone who is dumb in the story, it would be only
Peter. It is because of the reason that he's not making his decision well planned.
For me, by choosing the raccoon coat over Polly will never be a good decision.
Polly just did a good thing, she just want to help Peter to get what he wants that's
why she wisely agreed and deal with the narrator.

3. What is the narrator’s reason for wanting Polly?

Answer : Because in his years in law school, he observed that most of the
successful lawyers he encounter, got a partner in life who's good looking,
gracious and intelligent women and the narrator saw it all except for being
intelligent from Polly. That's why he didn't think twice to teach Polly to be logically
smart. Because he believed that it's easy to smart a beautiful dumb women then
to make beautiful an ugly smart women.

4. From whose point of view is the story told? Is the telling of the story logical?
Why/why not?

Answer : Max Shulman is the point of view of the story. Yes, Max tells the story
logically in such as by using logical fallacies in order for the reader to imagine
with him.
5. What is a fallacy? What are some examples of a fallacy? Give at least 5 and
give a short description of each fallacy.

Answer :
A fallacy is the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning, or "wrong moves" in
the construction of an argument. A fallacious argument may be deceptive by
appearing to be better than it really is. Here are some examples of fallacy :
Band Wagon - its occur when a proposition is to be good or true because many
people believe it.
Slippery Slope - it will lead to extreme outcomes if someone assumes.
False Dilemma - if someone only given two or more than two exist for
alternatives choices.
Appeal to Pity - pointing out an unfortunate consequence for gain acceptance
Begging the Question - conclusion of argument in phrasing the question.

6. What were the fallacies mentioned in the text?

Answer : False Premise , Red Herring ,False Anology, Poisoning the

well,Foundations, Hasty Generalization ,Contradictory Premises,Ad
Misericordiam,Argumentum,Ad Speculum

7. Using your annotation & summary, identify the:

a. Purpose of the author

Answer : Schulman's purpose is to demonstrate how logic is not applicable
when it comes to emotions, especially love.The beginning section to the short
story demonstrates the arrogant attitude of the protagonists by the author’s
use of pedantic word choice.The irony and hypocrisy of the situation is used
by the author to prove that logic and love can not justify each other. Also not
just because he protagonist is smart, it doesn't mean that its intelligence is
enough in order for him to be a ideal boyfriend or husband.
b. Assumptions of the author
Answer : Love isn't a fallacy. Base on our understanding, according to Max
Scheler, one of our natural insticts is to love. We were born acquiring the
knowledge of how to love. Love is what stops as from doing bad things
because we "love" others. Love is what drives us to care for others, to
symphatize and to help. Love is something that keeps us alive, because we
have dreams and we love our dreams. Love is what keeps us sane because
we love the feeling of being in touch of our surroundings. Therefore, we can
conclude from those statements that love isn't a fallacy. Maybe, some would
say that because they never understood love. But the thing is, love will never
be understood. Love is felt.
c. Claims of the author
Answer : The author claims that we can't consider immediately all those
actions and words that are been said or did to us as love without thinking
deeply and many times. We have to remember always that we need to know
the difference between created love and fallen in love.

8. Did the author accomplish his purpose? Why/why not?

Answer : Yes, the author accomplished his purpose through his story entitled
"Love is a Fallacy" because after reading the story, it's now easier for me as reader to
understand the different kinds of fallacy and understand the author's trying to pursuade
that how do logic and love aren't able to have together.

9. Do you agree that love is a fallacy? Why/why not?

Answer :

Yes, love is also a fallacy. Why should I say so? Many people starting to explore the
kingdom of love because they want to fulfill what is really love , envious, lust, adoration,
creativity, solace, assured ,and apathy, this is the major problems of love is a fallacy
and we always believe that Humans are born on earth to love but we must know first the
difference between true love and "puppy" love. God's love for us is an example for true
or eternal love and that "puppy" love is the fallacy. We must also know that we're living
in this earth not just for love but to also achieve our goals to make us prosper and do
something new things to improve and change for the better future.


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