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Resuscitation and Treatment of Shock

Michael J. Beltran, MD,* Tyson E. Becker, MD,† Richard K. Hurley, MD,*
Jennifer M. Gurney, MD, FACS,‡ and Roman A. Hayda, MD§

than that of patient resuscitation and the treatment of hemor-

Summary: Hemorrhage continues to be the most common cause of rhagic shock.3–6
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death among service members wounded in combat. Injuries that were Patients with orthopaedic trauma sustained in combat
previously nonsurvivable in previous wars are now routinely seen by frequently present in hemorrhagic shock as a result of traumatic
combat surgeons in forward surgical units, the result of improvements in amputations, open long bone fractures with massive soft tissue
body armor, the universal use of field tourniquets to control extremity injuries, and pelvic ring disruptions. As part of forward surgical
hemorrhage at the point of injury, and rapid air evacuation strategies. units, military orthopaedic surgeons are engaged not just in the
Combat orthopaedic surgeons remain a vital aspect of the forward management of orthopaedic injuries but rather in the total care
surgical unit, tasked with assisting general surgical colleagues in the of the traumatized patient. Combat orthopaedic surgeons must
resuscitation of patients in hemorrhagic shock while also addressing therefore be comfortable with patient resuscitation strategies,
traumatic amputations, open and closed long bone fractures, and close coordination with general surgeons, and the temporizing
mechanically unstable pelvic trauma. Future military and civilian trauma measures necessary to manage extremity and pelvic trauma
research endeavors will seek to identify how the advances made in the before evacuation, directly contributing to survival and long-
past 15 years will translate toward the emerging battlefield of the future, term functional outcomes.
one where forward surgical units must be lighter, smaller, and more
mobile to address the changing scope of military combat operations.
Key Words: shock, hemorrhage, damage control, resuscitation
(J Orthop Trauma 2016;30:S2–S6)
Definition of Shock
Shock is defined as failure of the cardiovascular system
INTRODUCTION to provide adequate perfusion and oxygenation to organs and
The war on terrorism has been marked by continuous tissue.7 These effects, while initially reversible, rapidly become
conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other theaters for the past irreversible and often fatal if the underlying etiology is not
15 years. Distinct from previous conflicts, recent wars have treated promptly. Although hemorrhage is by far the most
seen a far greater percentage of injuries occur as a result of common etiology managed in combat, other forms of shock
blast mechanisms; these injuries lead to the greatest utilization can occur to include obstructive shock due to tension pneumo-
of resources and long-term patient disability.1,2 One hallmark thorax or cardiac tamponade or neurogenic shock, which must
injury of these conflicts has been devastating but survivable be ruled out during the primary survey.8–10
extremity trauma. Patients with severe, previously fatal
extremity injuries are now surviving as a result of advances Principles of Resuscitation
made on the modern battlefield, including the use of field The widespread use of body armor in combat has left
tourniquets, rapid air evacuation to forward surgical units, penetrating extremity trauma as the most common source of
and early and aggressive resuscitation strategies, all of which bleeding in the patient presenting with shock. Identifying and
occur in far forward austere facilities. These military advances stopping sources of continued bleeding is the first and most
have been extrapolated to mass casualty and other disaster important step in the primary survey, occurring before both
management scenarios outside of combat theaters of opera- airway and breathing assessment.11,12 This hypervigilance to
tion, with no area more pronounced in its effect on survival seek and immediately stop ongoing blood loss stems from
historical war data demonstrating that 50% of combat deaths
Accepted for publication July 19, 2016. are from hemorrhage and from more recent data demonstrating
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, San Antonio Military Medical that 91% of potentially survivable prehospital deaths in Iraq and
Center, San Antonio, TX; †Department of Surgery, Trauma and Critical Afghanistan over a 10-year period were due to hemorrhage.10,11
Care, San Antonio Military Medical Center, San Antonio, TX; ‡United During the primary survey, if a source of significant
States Army Institute of Surgical Research; and §Department of Orthopae-
dic Surgery, Brown University, Providence, RI. hemorrhage is identified, it is immediately addressed while
R. A. Hayda is on executive board for METRC (research consortium). The continuing the patient assessment. The Tactical Combat Casu-
remaining authors report no conflict of interest. alty Care (TCCC) guidelines recommend the use of extremity
Reprints: Michael J. Beltran, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, San tourniquets early in the prehospital environment for bleeding
Antonio Military Medical Center, 3551 Roger Brooke Drive, San Antonio,
TX 78234 (e-mail:
wounds not controlled by pressure dressings.13–15 This has led to
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. a significant reduction in combat deaths related to exsanguina-
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000000670 tion from extremity wounds and has resulted in presentation of

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 10 Supplement, October 2016 Resuscitation and Treatment of Shock

more casualties to surgical facilities with tourniquets placed amount of blood is considered a positive test; therefore, diag-
immediately at the time of injury by combat medics, battle nostic peritoneal aspiration is simpler than lavage, with a sensi-
buddies, and other soldiers. Tourniquets should remain in place, tivity of 89% and specificity of 100% in detecting hemorrhage
especially while still in shock, until the extremity can be as- significant enough to cause hypotension.23,24
sessed in the operating room and surgical control obtained. Early recognition of shock should be quickly followed by
Bleeding not controlled with a tourniquet should be assessed aggressive use of fluids, blood products, and thrombostatic
for effectiveness because tourniquet “tightness” must increase if medications for resuscitation, particularly in those meeting
thigh or arm swelling occurs.16 criteria for massive transfusion (MT). Current recommenda-
The use of field tourniquets is simple but requires tions, based on military studies from the past 15 years and
a working knowledge of how they function to avoid common confirmed in the civilian trauma literature, call for an effective
pitfalls during application. When not adequately tightened, transfusion ratio of packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma
a paradoxical increase in bleeding will occur because arterial (FFP), and platelets of as close to 1:1:1 as possible. Surgeons
inflow is not fully occluded but venous outflow is blocked.17 should administer blood products as soon as possible; crystal-
If one field tourniquet is not effective, placement of a second loids need not be given first and have been associated with
immediately proximal may be necessary for hemorrhage con- increased rates of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,
trol. Pneumatic tourniquets should be applied as secondary abdominal compartment syndrome, multisystem organ failure,
tourniquets when available.18 and death. Tranexamic acid is also effective as a first-line agent
Bleeding wounds of the trunk, axilla, and groin pose for control of hemorrhage and should be given as soon as shock
a significant challenge, especially in the prehospital setting is diagnosed because its benefit is most pronounced when given
because these areas are not amenable to control using within 1 hour of injury and is most effective in those requiring
tourniquets. TCCC guidelines recommend treatment for these MT (.10 units of blood products in 24-hour period).25,26 Tra-
areas with topical hemostatic dressings and direct pressure; nexamic acid should be dosed at 1000 mg over 10 minutes
Combat Gauze is the first line choice.19 Junctional tourniquets initially, with a repeat dose of 1000 mg over 8 hours.
such as the Combat Ready Clamp have been shown to be
effective in case series and studies in healthy volunteers and Massive Transfusion
are currently approved by Food and Drug Administration. They MT scenarios can quickly exhaust a forward unit’s entire
are recommended by the TCCC for use in the prehospital supply of blood products, and in these situations, MT protocols
environment when available because direct pressure during should be initiated, which may include whole blood transfusion
patient movement on the battlefield is difficult.20,21 At a surgical as part of a unit-based blood drive. Fresh whole blood is warm,
facility, these wounds should be controlled with direct pressure provides a higher hematocrit, platelet count, coagulation factor
or balloon tamponade. Foley catheters are universally available, activity, and fibrinogen than 1:1:1 component therapy—with
easy to use, and effective as balloon tamponade devices until 10 U of cryoprecipitate.27 The main risk of whole blood use is
the patient can be rapidly transported to the operating room to a fatal acute hemolytic reaction; recommendations for whole
obtain surgical control. They can be used for small bleeding blood use in the deployed environment include type-specific
wounds of the axilla, torso, and groin that are difficult to con- blood.28 Finally, recombinant activated factor VII (factor VIIa),
trol; the balloon (ideally 30 cm3) is inflated and secured at skin whose use was popular early in the conflicts, is currently not
level. In mass casualty scenarios, patients with effective limb a part of any military protocols or algorithms for dealing with
tourniquets in place may be triaged to follow patients with MT scenarios or ongoing hemorrhage due to studies being
uncontrolled hemorrhage to the operating room but should be mixed with regard to survival benefit and risk of thrombotic
prioritized accordingly because the risk of progressive and per- events.29,30
manent neuromuscular injury increases with ischemia time and Two recent emerging adjuncts to control massive hemor-
becomes significant and potentially irreversible at 4+ hours.16 rhage in the combat environment are the administration of
Although extremity and truncal open wounds are freeze-dried plasma (FDP) and the technique of retrograde
obvious as sources of bleeding, adjuncts are often necessary endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta.31–35 Retrograde en-
in the forward environment to diagnose more occult sources of dovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta is an emerging tech-
bleeding from the chest and abdomen. Forward surgical units nology to provide intraluminal aortic control of noncompressible
now have routine access to plain radiography and/or ultra- truncal hemorrhage. Although first described in the Korean War,
sound, allowing for focused assessment with sonography in renewed interest has emerged in complex war trauma. The tech-
trauma (FAST) examination and a chest x-ray during the nique involves placing an endovascular balloon from the com-
secondary survey. FAST is effective at diagnosing both mon femoral artery to the level of the descending aorta,
abdominal hemorrhage and pericardial tamponade, but has its occluding distal flow. It is considered for use as an alternative
limitations, particularly assessment of the retroperitoneal space. to resuscitative thoracotomy and external occlusion of the aorta
Despite early enthusiasm for FAST, recent studies have in cases of traumatic arrest or profound shock with systolic
demonstrated sensitivities as low as 22% in hemodynamically blood pressure ,90 mm Hg. It may have the most mortality
stable and 28% in hemodynamically unstable patients.22 Diag- benefit when used early in patients at significant risk of profound
nostic peritoneal aspiration remains an effective tool to assess hemorrhagic shock who have not yet arrested, increasing sys-
for intraabdominal hemorrhage when suspicion is high and the tolic blood pressure by a mean of 53 mm Hg and maintaining
FAST examination is negative because computed tomography perfusion to the heart and central nervous system during resus-
is unavailable in forward surgical units. Aspiration of any citation before formal surgery to address the bleeding etiology.33

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Beltran et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 10 Supplement, October 2016

FDP represents a life-saving product being used on the arterial shunt and the development of acute compartment syn-
battlefield and in select civilian trauma centers. FDP has drome (ACS).40 Shunted limbs associated with fracture
similar efficacy to FFP in treating coagulopathy but has an should always have a spanning external fixator placed to
extended 2 years shelf life, can be stored at room temperature, stabilize the limb and prevent shunt thrombosis or dislodge-
can be made ABO-universal, and reconstitutes with ease.32,33 ment during evacuation.
Despite concerns regarding disease transmission due to blood
pooling, a recent study using FDP at a deployed French field Acute Compartment Syndrome
hospital showed similar efficacy to standard FFP with no Orthopaedic surgeons must also be aware of the high
adverse events.36 incidence of ACS seen after combat-related extremity trauma,
even in the absence of a tibia fracture. If clinical suspicion for
ACS exists or is supported by injury mechanism in the
DAMAGE CONTROL ORTHOPAEDICS obtunded or intubated patient, prophylactic fasciotomies
Combat-injured patients with extremity fractures, trau- should be performed emergently before evacuation.42 Because
matic amputations, and/or pelvic ring injuries benefit from the consequences of missed compartment syndrome far out-
temporizing treatment approaches downrange. Timing of weigh the risks of an unnecessary fasciotomy and the potential
early antibiotic coverage and surgical control of extremity for lengthy evacuations, combat surgeons are encouraged to
hemorrhage take precedence over prompt debridement and liberally perform fasciotomy in the forward environment.
spanning external fixation, which can be performed if time Despite recent reports indicating that 4-compartment fascioto-
and patient status allow but which should never delay my is safely performed through a single lateral incision, it is
evacuation to a higher level of care for life-threatening chest, recommended for austere deployed environments to continue
abdominal, or head injuries. Current recommendations for the use of 2 incisions to avoid the risk of an incomplete deep
combat-related open fractures include gram-positive coverage posterior compartment release.43,44
with a cephalosporin and recommend against use of amino-
glycosides for gram-negative coverage.37 Although numerous
indices (lactate, base deficit, IL-6) are available to guide deci- Acute Management of Pelvic Ring Injuries
sion making and categorize patients regarding early total care Early identification of unstable pelvic ring injuries
versus damage control surgery in a civilian setting, they are of remains a critical aspect of the primary survey downrange.
limited value in an austere theater of operations; definitive Once diagnosed, application of a well-positioned binder or
surgery is best performed after evacuation out of theater to sheet over the greater trochanters serves as an immediate
a fixed military hospital. External fixators are effectively maneuver capable of reducing the pelvic volume and stabiliz-
applied to manage open and closed lower extremity long bone ing the pelvis, which aids in clot formation.45,46 Sheets afford
fractures; they can be applied quickly and safely, without the the benefit of widespread availability, can be cut for vascular
use of fluoroscopy, and are readily available in both mobile access, and can be left in place without impeding access for
and fixed forward surgical units.38 Traumatic amputations, emergent laparotomy, preperitoneal pelvic packing, or conver-
although benefiting from early debridement and hemorrhage sion to external fixation. Surgeons in far forward environments
control, should never be shortened downrange but maintained should be prepared to perform pelvic packing when hemody-
at maximal length that bone and soft tissues allow. Even if an namic instability and shock persist despite mechanical stabili-
adjacent proximal fracture is present, only devitalized and zation of the pelvis and aggressive attempts at resuscitation;
highly contaminated tissue is excised to allow for length invasive angiography is unavailable in austere environments
preservation with proven methods to stabilize fractures in and far forward surgical units. Preperitoneal packing can be
the residual limb once evacuated.39 performed quickly through a small suprapubic incision. After
external fixator stabilization of the pelvis, laparotomy sponges
Addressing Vascular Injuries are packed into the traumatic cavity of the true pelvis. These
Penetrating extremity trauma frequently is associated create a tamponade effect adequate to control bleeding and
with vascular injury, either isolated or in the setting of provide for clot formation.47 When an external fixator is placed
associated fracture. Because forward surgical units do not in the deployed setting, the iliac crest is used with at least 2
have a vascular surgeon available, orthopaedic surgeons must pins placed per side; intraoperative fluoroscopy is not available
be comfortable with temporary shunting of dysvascular limbs to guide pin placement in other areas of the hemipelvis.
before evacuation to a higher level of care, where definitive
vascular reconstruction can occur. The technique for place- Extrapolating Military Experience to Civilian
ment of a vascular shunt after obtaining proximal and distal Applications
control involves choosing a shunt with a diameter that closely The advances described above may have had their
matches the native vessel, thrombectomy of the artery to genesis and greatest application in the combat setting, but
obtain brisk back-bleeding, instillation of heparinized saline these techniques have been adopted where appropriate in the
proximally and distally, followed by placement of the shunt civilian sphere and reflect a beneficial bidirectional evolution in
into the native vessel to a distance of 1.5–2 cm.40,41 Although trauma care. The earlier use of blood products with a 1:1:1 ratio
venous extremity injuries can be ligated in damage control has become standard in many civilian centers, and tourniquets
situations, venous shunts, along with the liberal use of fas- are now routinely used by civilian emergency providers as
ciotomies, reduce the risk of secondary thrombosis of the well; effective tourniquet application was credited with saving

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 30, Number 10 Supplement, October 2016 Resuscitation and Treatment of Shock

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