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 If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

a reason for your choice.
 What is your major goal in life?
 What do you think you will be doing ten years from now?
 If you got a tattoo, what would it be? Why is that your choice?
 Do you think adults deserve respect? Do you think teenagers do?
 If you could do so, how would you change the world?
 Is it ever okay to lie? If it is, when and in what kind of situations?
 Whom do you respect? Why?
 What do you think are the five most important traits for a person to have?
 What are three things for which you are grateful?
 What is a regret you have?
 What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
 What is the furthest you have ever traveled from your home? Where did you go and
how long did you stay there?
 Do you like school? Why or why not?
 What are two things you like about yourself?
 In what situation(s) do you become discouraged?
 Who is the most important person in your life? How can you enhance your
relationship with this person?
 Who had a profound influence on you as a child? Was the influence positive or
 If you died today, is there something you would regret not doing or something you
would regret not saying?
 What so you find is the hardest thing for you to do?
 Have you ever written poetry, a story, or painted a picture? If so, what about?
 Name four qualities you want your friends to have.
 If you only had one month to live, how would you spend your time? With whom?
 What one possession do you cherish the most? Why?
 If you could have a super-power, which one would you choose and why?
 If you could live at any time in history and experience any event, when would you
 Where have you lived, for how long, and how old were you when you moved from
each place? Which was your favorite?
 Who is someone you admire and/or respect? Why?
 If you had a theme song, what would it be? Why?
 What would you like people to say about you after you die?
 If you could have any car you desired, which one would you choose?
 If you could improve the world by doing one thing, what would you choose to do?
 Have you ever had the opportunity to help someone? Tell about your experience.
 What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
 Tell about something that made you laugh recently.
 If you could go on a trip anywhere in the world with anyone, where would you go and
whom would you take?
 What is the biggest struggle you have faced (or are facing) in your life?
 What is the most frightening thing you have ever done?
 What are your greatest weaknesses? Your greatest strengths?
 How many siblings do you have, and what are their ages? Are you close to them?
 What is a personal tragedy you have overcome? How did the experience change you?
 What do you think the world will be like in twenty-five years?
 Is there life on other planets? What is the reason for your opinion?
 Without using the names of people, discuss “the ideal” President or other world
 Talk about what the one thing is that you cannot live without.
 What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Where and when did you eat it?
 What awards or prizes have you won? What was the reason you won them?
 Have you ever had the opportunity to meet anyone famous? Did you get their
 If you could invite one person over for dinner, who would it be?
 Share something that makes you laugh – a joke, story, or saying.
 If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
 What us the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
 If you left alone in the wilderness and could have only one item, what would it be?
 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Hobbies and Interests

1. What do you like to do in your spare time?

2. Do you play any musical instruments?
3. Do you like painting, drawing, or making art in general?
4. Do you have any pets?
5. Are you more of an indoor or outdoor person?

+technology, gadgets, fun-viral posts on social media, internet use

Work and School

1. Where do you work?

2. How many years have you worked with your current employer?
3. What do you like best about your job?
4. What’s one thing you wish you could change about your current employment
5. Do you have any plans of moving to a new company? Why or why not?
6. Where do you go to school?
7. Are you part of any student organizations?
8. Do you plan to take up post-graduate studies? In what particular field or sub-
9. What’s your favourite subject?
10. What kind of job opportunities do you expect to have after you graduate?

talk about your personal journey to school, avoid asking about grades or other
negative experiences

Family and Relationship

1. How many siblings do you have?

2. Where is your family from?
3. Do your parents still work? Where are they employed?
4. What jobs do your siblings have?
5. When was the last time you went home to your family?
6. Are you married or in a relationship?
7. What’s your partner’s job?

possible problems – problematic households

Travel and Other Memorable Experiences

1. Where did you spend your last vacation?

2. How many countries have you visited in total?
3. Where do you plan to go next?
4. Do you travel alone or with family and friends?
5. What’s your favourite travel destination that you’ve been to and why?
6. Do you have a travel bucket list? What specific items are you most interested in
ticking off of your list?
7. What tourist destinations or attractions do you think everyone should visit once in
their lifetime?
8. Any general tips or travel hacks that you’ve learned through all of your experiences?

Entertainment and Pop Culture

pop culture trends, entertainment news, latest Hollywood gossip, movies, TV shows

1. What’s your favourite Netflix original series or movie?

2. Any upcoming movies or TV shows that you’re particularly excited for?
3. Are you more of a book-person or a TV/movie person?
4. Have you recently seen any good live concerts?
5. What movie can you watch everyday for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
6. Who’s your favourite fictional character and why?
7. What movie genre are you most interested in and why?
8. What’s one movie that you can never finish and why?
9. Who’s your favourite Hollywood actor?

Food and Cooking

1. Have you tried any good restaurants lately?

2. What’s your favourite kind of food?
3. Do you cook? What would you call your specialty?
4. What cuisine do you appreciate the most?
5. What’s one food that you can never really eat or enjoy?
6. Do you have any dietary restrictions? Why?
7. How often do you go out to eat?
8. What’s your favourite drink?

problems: dietary restrictions, diseases

Past Experiences and Future Plans

1. Where did you grow up?

2. What did you love to do as a kid?
3. What’s your most memorable childhood experience?
4. What’s your earliest childhood experience?
5. Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
6. Where do you plan to settle down and live once you’re stable in your career?
7. Would you rather live in the cit or in a rural area?
8. What’s your main career objective or goal?
9. How do you plan to spend your retirement years?
10. What are you planning to do this weekend?
11. How do you plan to spend your summer?
12. Where do you plan to stay over the Christmas holidays?
13. Any events that you’re looking forward to attending?

What if questions

 What if all the oceans dried up?

 What if computers took over the world?
 What if money cannot buy happiness? Can one be happy with no money?
 What if no one hears a sound? Does it still exist?
 What if plastic was banned?
 What if you could shape your own future just as you wanted it to be?
 What if someone wrote a story about you? Would you be a considered a hero or a
villain in your story?
 What if the Law of Attraction exists?
 What if the South won the Civil War?
 What if there was no electricity for a year anywhere in the world?
 What if we cannot have happiness without sadness?
 What if we found live dinosaurs living on a remote island?
 What if you could change one awful event in world history, but it might mean you
would never have been born?
 What if you could change one thing about the world? What would it be?
 What if you could find a cure for a disease? Which one would you want to cure?
 What if you could have a free chip put in your child’s brain to provide all basic
knowledge – math, language, and history facts, etc.?
 What if you could live forever and the earth remained just as it is now?
 What if you could relive any moment in your life whenever you wished to? Which
moment would you choose and why?
 What if you could remember everything that happened to you from the time you were
 What if you could spend your life never sleeping? What would you do with the extra
hours in each day?
 What if people cared more about doing the right thing than doing things right?
 What if you could not make your own decisions, but you had to choose someone else
to make them for you? Who would you choose and why?
 What if you had to spend 100 days on a desert island all alone? What ten things would
you take with you and why?
 What if you were badly injured in an accident and your car ran off the road and was
hidden from site?
 What if you were invited to high tea with the Queen of England?
 What if you were offered the opportunity to go into space?
 What if you were shipwrecked on an uninhabited island?
 What if you were the President of the United States?
 What if you woke up and could not speak your native language, but only one that you
could not understand?
 What if you woke up and discovered you were the only person on earth?
 What if you woke up one morning with only the clothes you sleep in all alone in
another country unable to speak the country’s language?

What if Game

 What if (a famous novelist) had been a play writer instead?

 What if we could only talk in rhymes and meter?
 What if you could live anywhere in the world? Where would you live?
 What if you found out your house was infested with snakes?
 What if you had a money tree growing in your backyard?
 What if you had the chance to write a best-selling novel? Would it be a romance,
mystery, or factual historical account?
 What if you were excellent at a sport? Which sport would you choose and why?
 What if you could do one thing so well you could be famous? What would you do?
 What if you could have any job you wanted?
 What if you could invent a new food? What would it taste like?
 What if you could marry someone famous, either living or dead?
 What if you could only wear one color the rest of your life? Which color would you
choose and why?
 What if you lost everything tomorrow? Who would you run to for comfort?
 What if you never had to work again? Would you? What would you do?
 What if you could send a short message to the entire world? What would you say?
 What if you could start your life all over? What would you do differently?
 What if you could watch a movie about everything that happened in your life until
now? Would you enjoy it?
 What if you had a friend that you spoke to the same way you speak to yourself?
Would that friend stay your friend?
 What if you had to teach someone one thing? What would you teach?
 What if you could change one thing about yourself? What would you change?
 What if you dropped everything to pursue your dreams?
 What if you had to choose between a wonderful romantic spouse to whom you would
be married for only a few years or a boring, unromantic spouse for your entire life?
Which would you choose and why?
 What if you used every moment of your life productively?
 What if you had to choose between money or no love or love and no money? Which
would you choose and why?
 What if you had to give up your sight or your hearing? Which would you choose and
 What if you were at a bank and robbers came in?
 What if you could live for 200 years?
 What if you could stop time whenever you wanted to?
 What if you could be any animal?
 What if you could change one thing about your past?
 What if you could post something on the Internet to make you famous overnight?
 What if you found a way to get really rich very quickly that was illegal?
 What if you had to choose between great wealth or great wisdom?
 What if you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of someone you love?
 What if you saw someone come out of a public toilet with paper stuck on their shoe?
 What if you saw someone steal from the place where you work?
 What if you were given the opportunity to mold your spouse or partner the way you
 What if aliens landed in your back yard?
 What if you could never eat your favorite food again in your life?
 What if you could only live somewhere that was always above 100 degrees? Always
below freezing?
 What if you discovered you could heal diseases?
 What if you found a million dollars?
 What if you found out your spouse had another family in another state?
 What if you had three wishes? What would you wish for?
 What if you had to lose a body part? Which would you choose to give up and why?
 What if you woke up with a dead stranger next to you?
 What if cats could swim under water?
 What if you could change your appearance? What would you choose to look like?
 What if you had to live one day over and over again? What would your chosen day be
 What if you went for a walk in the woods and found a money tree?
 What if you woke up and discovered you had changed sexes over night?
 What if you woke up and were twenty years younger? Older?
 What if a ghost haunted your bedroom at night?
 What if I you died right now?
 What if you could travel back in time?
 What if you had to choose between fame and fortune?
 What if you were alone at home and you heard footsteps coming up your stairs?
 What if you found a wallet with $10,000 in it?
 What if you could change one thing about the person you love? What would it be?
 What if you could change one thing about yourself? What would it be?
 What if you could live under water because you had gills?
 What if you could read minds?
 What if you hit a car in a parking lot, but nobody saw you do it?
 What if you knew you had only 24 hours to live?
 What if you could choose how you were going to die?
 What if you were chosen to go into space?
 What if you were dreaming about your teeth falling out, and you woke up to find that
they had?

Fun What if Questions

What if we had to sing our conversations?

 What if you could only eat pizza the rest of your life? (or any other food)
 What if you could walk on the ceiling?
 What if you switched places with your pet?
 What if you woke up in the morning with a stranger next to you in bed?
 What if a turtle didn’t have his shell? Would he be homeless or naked?
 What if cats could bark and dogs meow?
 What if you could fly?
 What if you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good
cook, a handsome chauffeur, or daily house cleaner? Which would you choose?
 What if you were a type of candy? What candy would you be?
 What if you were a tree? What would you say to those who walk by?
 What if you were a monster? What monster would you choose to be?
 What if you could only walk on your hands?
 What if you could talk to animals? What would you say or ask?
 What if you had a tail?
 What if you lost your bathing suit while you were swimming, what would you do?
 What if you woke up one morning to find you had switched bodies and families with
your best friend?
 What if you woke up tomorrow morning and could only hop everywhere you went?
 What if you could have any one supernatural power (reading minds, great strength,
flying, or being invisible)? Which would you choose and why?
 What if you could only wear one set of clothes for the rest of your life? What would
you choose to wear and why?
 What if you found out you were really a robot?
 What if you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed?
 What if you were a fruit? What fruit would you choose to be and why?
 What if your body was a bright color? Which color would you choose and why?
 What if you could neglect one personal hygiene routine (shaving, brushing your teeth,
cutting your nails, etc.) without any adverse effect to your image or health? Which
would you choose and why?
 What if you used a public toilet and discovered there was no paper?
 What if you were allowed to eat only one food for the rest of your life? Which food
would you choose and why?
 What if you woke up in bed and saw spiders walking all over you?
 What if your cell phone fell in the toilet?

+ problems, challenges, serious-humorous results

Best friend Questions

What is your best friend’s:

 favorite tv show?
 favorite book?
 favorite food?
 favorite pizza topping
 favorite holiday?
 favorite ice cream flavor?
 favorite movie?
 birthday?
 favorite fast-food restaurant?
 favorite number?
 favorite color?
 favorite relative?
 favorite song?
 middle name?

More Challenge Questions

1. What are three items your best friend always carries?

2. What time does your best friend get up in the morning?
3. What are three strengths/weaknesses your best friend has?
4. What is one place in the world would your best friend most like to visit?
5. What can your best friend cook?
6. What is your best friend’s favorite school subject?
7. Where was your best friend born?
8. What super power would your best friend want to have?
9. What profession would your best friend most like to have?
10. If they could be an animal, what would your best friend be?
11. What is your best friend’s favorite form of physical activity?
12. What is your best friend’s favorite animal?
13. What talent or ability does your best friend have?
14. What is your best friend afraid of?
15. What is the craziest thing your best friend has ever done?
16. What is your best friend’s favorite season of the year?
17. What is your best friend’s favorite dessert?
18. What did your best friend want to be when they were a child?
19. What is your best friend’s most embarrassing childhood memory?
20. What does your best friend love most about his/her self?
21. What is one thing your best friend would like to change about his/her self?
22. If your best friend got a tattoo, what would it be?
23. What one person has influenced your best friend the most?
24. What famous person would your best friend most like to meet?
25. What is one thing your best friend cannot live without?

Best Friend Tag Questions

1. Does your best friend prefer a dress or skirt?

2. Which would your best friend order, fried or grilled?
3. Who is your best friend’s favorite actor/actress?
4. Would your best friend rather wear long sleeves or short?
5. Which type of movie does your best friend like best – comedy, horror, romance, or
6. What annoying trait (if any) does your best friend have?
7. Does your best friend take any medication(s)?
8. Has your best friend had any surgeries?
9. Does your best friend prefer rock or country?
10. Does your best friend have a nickname? What is it?
11. Does your best friend have piercings, tattoos, or both?
12. Does your best friend have a credit card?
13. Would your best friend rather spend or save?
14. What concerts has your best friend attended?
15. What one gift would your best friend want for their birthday?
16. What does your best friend consider their greatest achievement?
17. What is your best friend not very good at?
18. What size shoe does your best friend wear?
19. Does your best friend have a scar, and, if so, how did they get it?
20. Has your best friend ever had surgery? What for?
21. What is your best friend’s favorite animal/pet?
22. What table or card game does your best friend like most?
23. What one word describes your best friend?
24. When and how did you two meet each other?
25. What is the best time you ever spent together?
26. Is there any expression or phrase your best friend says often?
27. Has your best friend ever won anything? What?
28. When and where was the last time your two hung out?
29. Do I eat anything weird?
30. Where would we choose to go on vacation together?
31. Can your best friend skip rope? Hula hoop?
32. What is under your best friend’s bed?
33. Who was the last person your best friend kissed?
34. Does your best friend collect anything?
35. What was the best vacation your best friend ever took?
36. What was the last movie your best friend saw?
37. What favorite inside joke do you and your best friend share?
38. Which parent is your best friend most similar to?
39. Does your best friend believe aliens exist? Ghosts?
40. What is one dream your best friend would like fulfilled?

Best friends Quiz Questions

Best Friend Basic Facts

1. Is there anything to which I am allergic?

2. Am I “in love with” any famous person?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. When is my birthday?
5. What gift would I like for my birthday?
6. Have we ever fought? About what?
7. What is one special talent I have?
8. How many brothers or sisters do I have? What are their names?
9. What are two positive personality traits I have?
10. What is one thing I do not like about myself?

Best Friend Favorites

What we like tells a great deal about the type of person we are. These questions will help you
discover how much you have in common with each other.

1. What is my favorite food?

2. What is my favorite movie?
3. What is my favorite animal?
4. What is my favorite type of music?
5. What is my favorite color?
6. What is my favorite season/holiday?
7. What is my favorite kind of sandwich?
8. What is my favorite way to relax?
9. What is my favorite perfume or body wash?
10. What is my favorite item of clothing?

Best Friend Feelings

These questions disclose how well you really know your best friend. Our feelings are not
something we share with just anyone. If you know how your friend feels about the important
things in their life, it shows they trust you and consider you their bestie!

1. What about me always makes you smile?

2. Why have you chosen me as your best friend?
3. How would you react if I died tomorrow?
4. Who is it that I love the most?
5. Am I easy or hard to love?
6. Would I take in a homeless person if asked?
7. Do you think I have told you all of my deepest secrets?
8. Have you told me all of your deepest secrets?
9. What do I consider my most important personal possession?
10. What is your favorite memory?

Best Friend Thoughts and Opinions

Are you and your best friend as close as you think you are? Do you share important things
with each other easily? This next set of questions gets to the heart of your relationship.

1. Have I ever stolen anything?

2. Am I more afraid of spiders or snakes?
3. What is one thing that makes me angry or upset?
4. Have I ever been stopped by a policeman? What for?
5. Have I ever had surgery/been hospitalized? What for?
6. Do I prefer casual clothes or dressing up?
7. How did I get my given name?
8. What did I want to be when I was a child?
9. What is my dream job?
10. What is one social cause I talk about?

Funny and Silly Things about Your Best Friend

Some of the most interesting things about our best friend are also the funniest! The following
section of questions explores everything fun and silly about your relationship with your best
friend. Have fun asking, answering, and sharing memories.

1. What embarrasses me the most?

2. What is the nastiest thing I have ever eaten?
3. Do I prefer malls or discount stores?
4. Would I rather receive a live plant or a vase of flowers?
5. Does my car have a name? If so, what is it?
6. Am I always hot or always cold?
7. Do I take my car to have it washed or leave it dirty until it rains?
8. Who was my first love/kiss?
9. Do I still watch kid’s movies? Which is my favorite?
10. Do I sing in the car or shower?

Results of Your Best Friend Quiz

0 to 5 Points – Rethink Your Relationship

Possibly you are just beginning to be friends. Or maybe, you consider someone to be a best
friend who really isn’t. Either way, you have not shared very much about your lives. If you
consider the relationship one of value, make an effort to ask some of these questions to get to
know them better. Otherwise, move on to another person to cultivate as your best friend.

5 to 20 Points – Repeat and Refresh

You may know each other a little bit, but there is no depth to your relationship yet. Give
yourself some time to grow close. Or, simply enjoy each other’s company, without the
comfort of knowing everything about each other.

20 to 30 Points – Getting to Know You

Your relationship goals are beginning to bear fruit. However, there are still many things you
do not know about each other. Take time to get to know your best friend by sharing more
about your feelings and childhood.

30 to 40 – Almost Family

You are definitely best friends, and know so much about each other, it is almost as if you are
related. Continue to share all of your thoughts and feelings, as your relationship can still grow
closer and stronger.

45 to 50 Points – Best Friends Forever

You are right – this is definitely your best friend! Your relationship should last a lifetime.
You are fortunate to have found someone who cares as much as you do about having a very
close relationship.

Deep Philosophical Questions

- reality, existence and knowledge – thinking critically, systematically and

26. Would you kill ten people to save 1?
27. Is there such a thing as free will?
28. How do you know that God exists? Doesn’t exist?
29. What is the meaning of life?
30. Is there such a thing as absolute morality?
31. Does nature or nurture form a person’s personality?
32. What is freedom? Is true freedom possible?
33. Can we know what happiness is without sadness?
34. Can we understand good without evil?
35. What is the truth and is it the same as reality?
36. Is there such a thing as truth, or is it relative?
37. Can a person be happy if they have never experienced sadness?
38. How and when did everything begin?
39. How do you know what is real and what isn’t?
40. Is there a reason for life and what is it?
41. What happens to a person after they die?
42. Do humans have a soul? Do animals have a soul?
43. Does what a person observe alter what actually occurs?
44. Must we have evidence to know the truth?
45. How do you know what is real?
46. What is gravity and how does it work?
47. How much control does a person have over their life?
48. Is it always wrong to lie? When (if ever) is it okay?
49. Is it okay to do something “wrong” if no one sees it or knows about it?
50. Do you shape your own destiny or does everything happen by fate?
51. Do numbers really exist or are they something man has created?
52. If God is “good,” why is there so much evil in the world?
53. When do you think the world will “end”?
54. When does human consciousness begin?
55. What are thoughts and where do they come from?
56. What is the soul? Does it exist before life and continue after?
57. Do parallel universes exist?
58. Why are people told to respect the dead?
59. What is the purpose of life?
60. Is everyone’s life of equal value?
61. Are religion and science compatible? Why or why not?
62. Is the most important purpose in life happiness? If not, what is?
63. Which is more real, mind or matter?
64. What is love?

Fun Philosophical Questions

 People say that money cannot buy happiness, but can you ever be truly happy without
any money?
 If you could change just one thing in the world, what would it be?
 What are the characteristics of a good friend?
 Does the “Law of Attraction” exist and what is it?
 Is there such a thing as true love?
 Is it better to have love and lost or never to have loved at all?
 Do you think computers will ever take over the world?
 Which is easier – to love or be loved?
 What do we call it “falling in love”?
 Would you look for a husband on a dating site? Why or why not?
 Do you think “wild” animals should be kept as pets? When and why?
 Do people need friends? Why?
 If we ban drugs, why not harmful food additives and alcohol?
 How do we know electrons and black holes exist if we cannot see them?
 Is it ever okay to tell a secret?
 Would you break the law to save someone you love?
 What do you fear most?
 If you won the lottery, would you quit your job? Why or why not?
 Would you rather have a job you love that pays very little, or a job you hate that pays
a great deal of money?
 Does time change from one day to the next and is this why some days seem to go on
 If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
 Does life exist somewhere else in the universe?
 If our minds are made of particles and atoms, which both behave probabilistically,
how can we think we have freewill?
 Which historical figure, good or bad, do you think had the biggest impact on the
world? Your country?
 Is there such a thing as luck?
 Which makes a better pet – a cat or a dog? Why?
 Do you think there will come a time when all shopping is done online?
 Which season is best – summer, winter, spring, or fall? Why?
 Are clowns funny or scary?
 What is the right age for getting married?
 Is it more important to be a leader or a follower?
 Can animals “think” and/or “reason”?
 Does a person’s name determine anything about their personality?
 Why aren’t houses equipped with sensing lights that turn off when nobody is in the

Hard Philosophical Questions

 Are emotions rational or irrational?

 Are there universal human rights? What are they?
 What rights, if any, do animals have?
 Do computers have the ability to be creative?
 Do wars ever solve the problems of countries and governments?
 Is there a cause for every event?
 Do people really have free will?
 Is love different from sexual desire? Passion? How?
 How much freedom should people be allowed to have?
 Should governments have penalties for those who live unhealthy lifestyles?
 Should the government make organ donation compulsory?
 Should people be allowed to sell their organs and should organ donors be financially
 Should people have the right to live and travel anywhere they wish with no state or
country boundaries?
 Does democracy work for every country?
 Since the birthrate is down in the U.S., should people be required to have at least one
 If someone is killing themselves and you simply watch and refuse to interfere, are you
responsible for that death?
 Should we limit the amount of money people can earn and save to avoid an unequal
distribution of wealth?
 When you are driving and see one shoe on the side of the road, what do you think
happened to the other shoe?
 Is a woman ever justified in getting an abortion? Why or why not?
 Is torture ever justified?
 Is it always good to have choices?
 Which is more important, justice or mercy?
 Is preservation of a country’s culture a good reason for limiting immigration?
 Is there a difference between fair trade and free trade? What is it and which is of
greater importance?
 Is defining people according to race a social construct or a biological category?
 Will it ever be possible to travel through time? Space?
 Should terminally ill people be allowed or encouraged to commit suicide?
 Is it ever okay to break the law? Why and when?
 What are dreams and why do we have them?
 Can a person be “educated” without a formal education?
 Is there such a thing as honor in today’s society? How would you define honor?
 How relevant is the family in today’s world?
 Which is more important, to be respected or liked?
 Which is better, to play a good game and lose, or cheat and play a “bad” game and
 Is the way we compensate people for their jobs “fair,” or should we have some way of
making sure people are paid appropriately? (i.e. football players and teachers)
 What exactly is self esteem and where does it come from?

Funny Philosophical Questions

 Can vegetables feel pain when you bite into them?

 Why do we call it the heart of the artichoke when it is on the bottom?
 When you go to a movie theater and the seats have armrests, which one is yours and
which your neighbors?
 Should a vegetarian eat animal crackers?
 Why is it that milk does not go bad inside a cow, but does if you leave it out of the
 What color hair is listed on the driver’s license of a bald man?
 How many times should a person use a disposable razor?
 Why is there Braille on the number pads on drive-through bank machines?
 Is it true that five out of four people have trouble with fractions?
 Since women do not think their own facial hair is attractive, why don’t they shave off
their eyebrows?
 Shouldn’t a pineapple upside down cake be called a pineapple downside up cake?
 Why do we call coffee without cream and sugar “black” when it is really dark brown?
 If you work out every day to add an hour to your life, aren’t you using that extra hour
you have added so that working out really doesn’t add any hours to your life?
 Why don’t they make cheese and lunch meat slices the same size and shape as a piece
of bread?
 Why can’t you buy mouse flavored cat food?
 Why is it that a dog hates to have you blow in its face, but loves to stick his head out
of the window in the car?
 Why do women open their mouths when they put on mascara?
 If wool shrinks when it gets wet, why don’t sheep shrink in the rain?
 Why do they nail down the lid of a coffin?
 Why don’t they have seat belts on buses, when they do on airplanes?
 Why do you have a flotation device under your seat and not a parachute on an
 Why don’t we have a name for the top of our foot and the backs of our hands? Would
the opposite of sole be pole and the opposite of palm be salm?
 Why do round pizzas come in square boxes?
 At what age does a person become “elderly?”
 Do our pets have names for us?
 How can you know what a room of mirrors looks like when nobody is in it?
 What is the difference between a curtain and a drape?
 Why is a mustache considered attractive on a man, but not on a woman?
 Where and how would you hide an elephant if someone gave one to you but you
could not let anyone know you had it?
 Why do we consider babies healthy if they are plump, but women who have the same
body composition are considered fat?
 Is there a difference between a sucker and a lollipop? If so, what is it?

Crush questions

 Do you have a close relationship with your parents?

 Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
 Do you think you’ll always live in the home of your family?
 Do you know how your parents met?
 What’s your nickname at home?
 Do you have an extended family? How often do you see them?
 What’s your favorite quote from a TV show or movie?
 What kinds of music/sports are you into?
 What was the last book you’ve read?
 What was the recent book that made an impression on you?
 When is your birthday?
 What’s your zodiac sign?
 What accomplishment are you most proud of?
 What is the most romantic thing you have ever done?
 Why did you break up with your ex? (Ask this if you know for a fact that he/she has
an ex)
 Have you ever been in love?
 What was your first impression of me?
 What’s your idea of the perfect date?
 Do you believe in love at first sight? How about in soul mates?
 If you had a chance to be anyone for a whole day, who would you be and why?
 What’s the most critical thing you want to achieve in your life?
 Can you sum up your life’s philosophy in one sentence?
 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?
 If a genie grants you three wishes, what would they be?
 If you could take one day off to do anything you want, how would you spend the day?
 Which town/city did you grow up in?
 Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?
 What’s your favorite childhood memory?
 What’s the most embarrassing or naughtiest thing you did when you were young?
 If you can go back to do one thing differently, what would that be?
 Which part of your past would you like to relive?
 Do you prefer cats or dogs?
 Would you rather become rich or famous?
 Do you think it’s easier to ask for permission or forgiveness?
 If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?
 What do you think the future of the world is going to be like?
 Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
 When was the last time when you honestly felt appreciated or loved?
 What parts of your life have improved in the previous 5 or 10 years?
 What parts of your life have worsened in the last 5 or 10 years?
 In your opinion, what’s the primary cause of loneliness?
 Why aren’t there more meaningful relationships out there when that’s what everyone
 What type of instrument reflects your personality?
 Who is your number one fan/supporter?
 How would you describe your favorite color without the use of color words?
 Have the roles of your family members changed since you were still a child?
 Was there ever a time in your life when you felt like faith was a real thing?
 Have you ever been in other countries? What did you learn during your travels? How
different were things there from here? Were there any similarities?
 Do you feel more comfortable or in the city?
 In your opinion, what makes humanity successful?
 If you could travel anywhere in a blink of an eye, where would you go?
 What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
 What is the ugliest thing in the world?
 Do you work out a lot?
 What do you look for in a guy/girl?
 How can someone as high as you be single?
 How do you stay so attractive?
 How are you so good at your job? (You can also ask about a sport or hobby he/she
does well)
 What would your ideal date be?
 Where did you learn to be so funny?
 What was the first thought that popped into your mind when you met me?
 What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?
 Who is your celebrity crush?
 Should guys always make the first move or should girls do it too?
 Which would you prefer that people see you as smart or sexy?
 Are you looking for a relationship anytime soon?
 What’s the one thing that makes you happy?
 Do you wear anything to bed?
 Would you ever spend a day at a nude beach?
 What pet names appeal to you?
 What’s your biggest turn on when you’re on a date with someone?
 Can you describe yourself in 3 words? Okay, now can you explain me using just three
 Are you a boob or a butt guy? (Just for men)
 What’s your favorite body part/feature on a girl/guy?
 Do you think tattoos are sexy or not?
 Have you ever tried skinny dipping? If not, are you willing to work it?
 Are your parents as attractive as you?
 Do you prefer cuddling or making out?
 If you could have any job you wanted, what would you choose to be?
 Have you ever had sex outdoors or at the beach?
 What’s the one thing you’d lie about to your significant other?
 What’s the naughtiest thing you have ever asked someone?
 What was your first date like?
 What makes you feel the most nervous?
 Would you rather have x-ray vision or have the power of invisibility?
 If you could change anything in your life, what would you change?
 What part of your house turns you on the most?
 Would you like to go out on a date with me?

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