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Figure 1.

1 Production Processes and the National Income

Wheat for Bread Produced Final

Self Consumption---- Non-Market activity- Purchase
In Household (Farmer does not Pay himself
To produces bread)
Wheat Sale of
Produced Bread Consumption
By Farmer
(INR 50)
Purchased by Wheat + Effort
Baker (Who puts result in output Unsold bread
In effort to transform of bread on shelves
It to another good)
Value of effort = INR 50
Wheat not
used up Inventory

New oven,
Purchased Not used Not sold
New Baking Racks By baker so up during to others
(Capital Stock) As to scale course of as Final
Up production Year Good
(Gross Investment) Net Addition Net
to Capital Investment
Depreciation of
Capital Good

The Aggregate output of a nation is thus computed by its GDP and is the sum of the private sector output
and the government costs.

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