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Thank you Mr Lee for the informative sessions.

Salutation Attention

Excellency Mdm Ling Siew King, the headmistress of SJKC Tit Bin,
Honourable Mdm Yew Bee Lang, the senior Assistant of
Mdm Lim Sok Yi, the senior assistant of pupils’ affair
Mdm Phan Tze Ling, the senior assistant of co curriculum
Respectable Mr Lee Seng Fatt, the speaker of the workshop
Teachers and dearly beloved pupils.

A very good afternoon to all.

Headmistress’s Without further ado, I would like to invite Mdm Ling Siew King, the
speech headmistress of SJKC Tit Bin to deliver her speech.

Thank you Mdm Ling.

Token giving For the next agenda, I would like to invite Mdm Ling Siew King to give
away a token of appreciation to Mr Lee Seng Fatt.

Thank you Mdm Ling.

Closing With this, our English Workshop has come to an end.
Hopefully this program can provide a positive impact on everyone
involved directly or indirectly. On behalf of the committee, I would like
to extend our gratitude to all of you in making this workshop a success.
I wish you have a pleasant day.

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