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(REG NO.11705912)








I find it difficult to pen down my deepest sense of indebt towards my parents and family members
who soulfully provided me their constant support and the right input to undertake the challenge of
this proportion like all other spheres of life, for what I cannot measure but treasure. They believed
in me before I believed in myself. To whom I owe my wonderful today and dream filled future.

I also owe my sincere thanks to Mr. Nurmahmud Ali, Assistant professor School of Hotel
management and Tourism, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara for providing me the
necessary infrastructure and platform to work on this Research Study.

And last but not the least a special word of thanks to Mr. Sandeep Dey, Dr. Vikrant Kaushal, &
all my friends and colleagues for their intermittent and timely doses of morale boosting, utmost
care during my leaps and bounds and for giving me constant support



This is to certify that student name bearing Registration no. has

completed his Capstone project titled, “Potentiality and Problems arising for the adventure travel
agency Business in Rishikesh” under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge,
the present work is the result of his original investigation and study. No part of the dissertation has
ever been submitted for any other degree at any University. The dissertation is fit for submission
and the partial fulfilment of the conditions for the award of Degree entitled MBA Tourism &
Hospitality Management.


(MR. Nurmahmud Ali)


I, student name , student of MBA (Tourism & Hospitality) under School of

Hotel management and Tourism of Lovely Professional University, Punjab, hereby declare that all
the information furnished in this dissertation / capstone project report is based on my own intensive
research and is genuine. This dissertation / report does not, to the best of my knowledge, contain
part of my work which has been submitted for the award of my degree either of this university or
any other university without proper citation.


Signature and Name of the student:

Registration No.


Sr. No Content

1. Introduction:




1.5 Who is a Mountain Traveller?




2. Literature Review

3. Objective

4. Research Methodology

4.1: Research Methodology

4.2.: Research Design

4.3. Sample Size

4.4. Sample Technique

4.5. Sample Unit

4.6. Data Analytical Tool

4.7. Collection of Data

4.8. Primary Data

4.9. Secondary Data

5. Scope of the study

6. Complete work plan with timelines

7. Outcome of the study

8. Preliminary research or experimental work done

9. Conclusion

10. Works Cited


Adventure tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of industry and is garnering a sizeable
interest from the government and the masses alike.

Adventure in the Himalayas, however a lifestyle for the local, was revealed primarily by the
British, who separated from directing a comprehensive research on the area's assets that
prompted the making of a referential database significant even right up 'til the present time,
actuated the components of individual achievement and aggressiveness into exercises like
trekking and shake climbing, combined with the European travelers who actually presented
proficient water based games like wilderness boating, kayaking and so forth and shaped the
divided division into a composed industry, getting out the open door for solid job and interest
among local people. The approach of current global experience make a trip follows to
approximately 35 years prior, with the principal composed treks to the Nepalese Himalayas.

The report looks at the experience the travel industry situation in Uttarakhand, as for the most
well-known exercises, viz. trekking and wilderness boating, and the progressions emerging
because of the catenation of environmental change with the continually developing ideas of
maintainability and developing natural mindfulness. Adventure has been one piece of human
influences that has never experienced stasis, and the scratches and scars on the planet should be
analyzed instead of simply missing mindedly touching some germicide and fix up with monetary

Adventure – the importance of the word ranges from an irregular, energizing and challenging
knowledge to "an endeavor normally including threat and obscure dangers". Interest may have
slaughtered the feline, however it tossed the Homo sapiens hit into the center of Darwin's papers.
Human advancement has dependably been about disclosures; the inherent supplemented
commonly, swimming into the dim and taking a chance with the physical for each progression in
our transformative "avoid the means". Consequently stated, we can securely presume that
experience can't be only named a physical difficulty implied for uncovering alone, yet rather a
natural reflex implanted into one's mind that pushes a person towards self-acknowledgment and
extinguishes the longing to believe, to learn, to fathom, to acknowledge and to fit.

We may, for the ambiguity the term credits to itself, pursue the history to the advancement of the
species; anyway on a civilizational front, follow experience brandishing to out of date Greeks,
who laid a ton of highlight upon physical health and were talented hikers isolated from being
incredible contenders, and the twirly doo being passed on forward by the Romans and the British
at the delegated time. In the midst of the climb of expansionism, the primary adventurers were
generally traders, and their voyages closer to war than slant, and the events were commonly
portrayed by spontaneous revelations.

Trekking and other experience exercises for the sheer adrenalin, regardless, lies with the British
and other European pioneers of the wilderness ages, who through their individual areas
meandered into geographies other than their very own and as needs be, set up forward a structure
for the business subject to widely inclusive and far reaching premises.

The impact provoking the current circumstance of experience the movement business in
Uttarakhand isn't generally a multi decade's old, approaching by the money related changes and
political unsettling influence that incited the advancement of the state and an inexorably open
society along these lines. From being a dispersed and separated fragment, it is by and by the
basic pay generator of the state – religion, experience and week's end outings being the three
essential the movement business making segments.

While the spurt in the movement business advancement and the positive main thrust given by the
organization has created massive business openings, experience has now spilled onto the urban
surface, drifting into unwinding from its genuinely firm shell of fans and specialists, along these
lines exponentially becoming the infrastructural canvas to suit the sudden rising in individuals
similarly as mechanical assembly up the particular perspectives drew in with the activities, the
learning and capacities related with going through the ordinary territory being substituted by
overpowering mechanization for redesigned accessibility, security and skilled work being the
critical concerns. Toward the day's end, a voyage from the sharp drifter to the formed mass

Factors inducing Climate Change

Although global warming is something that a large section of the population all over the world is
well aware of, the seminal ideas have been into an affect execution mode for almost about a
decade now in the form of shift in season patterns, loss of biodiversity, increased natural
calamities, and modifications in landscape aesthetics

The Himalayas, being a for the most part later geographic wonder are genuinely helpless to even
the ficklest of changes in light of human activities in the most merciless of propensities.
Experience exercises, their basic reliance being upon the customary resources, and that too on a
very basic level in an unequivocal manner; have influenced the earth around them enough to be
one of the first to hold up under the brunt of the blowback. Notwithstanding the way that it
would be genuinely wrong to charge an undertaking devotee as he is one of just a bunch few of
his species to be superlatively unstable towards nature around him, it is fairly the learner or the
diversion vacationer getting a charge out of sensitive experience exercises, and who by and by
speak to about 60% of the salary created by experience the movement business works out, that
will be viewed as careful.

The territory is under great weight on account of the utility masses, implying the guests and
neighborhood individuals for genuine bit of the year, far outperforms the passing on point of
confinement, be it the imperativeness necessities, timber for improvement, or the trained
creatures requirements.

Natural disrupting impact has been moreover inspired by widening of the Badrinath-Rishikesh
roadway, the reliably growing vehicular downpour being the prompt result. The sporadic burst of
outside and drifting areas between the Devprayag-Rishikesh valleys has truly influenced the
timberlands. Impacts at campgrounds consolidate loss of vegetation, soil compaction, disrupting
impact in water channels, and other confirmation of use, including dislodging of characteristic

A broad EIA examination of outside and drifting districts to draw out the benchmark pointers
and thusly find the impact upon the earth is the need of incredible significance

The quantum of waste delivered at these districts is another certifiable concern.

In any case, relevant arranged institutional neighborhood exercises for environmental thought
could work in the distorted social cost.

10 | P a g e
Given underneath are a couple of the real outcomes that Snow Leopard Adventures, as a main
experience visit administrator in the nation is encountering because of these climatic imprints
that the province of Uttarakhand now has.

Animal sightings going from regular primates like the monkey and lemur, to animals like wild
hogs and panther, have been incredibly diminished, in spite of the way that loss of living space
will undoubtedly push them towards human settlements, inferring waning populace.
Man's essence has without a doubt had most extreme effect upon the fauna, yet with
environmental change causing a deviation in water levels and vegetation designs, we can see
interlinked impacts upon the untamed life also. With summers getting more blazing and winters
cooler (for a contracted however a tolerable timeframe), natural life of the high zone is getting
scrunched in the middle of these furthest points.


Rishikesh, otherwise called Hrishikesh is a city administered by Rishikesh Municipal enterprise

(since October 2017), and a tehsil in Dehradun region of the Indian state Uttarakhand. Situated in
the lower regions of the Himalayas in northern India, it is known as the 'Passage to the Garhwal

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Himalayas' and 'Yoga Capital of the World'. It lies roughly 25 km (16 mi) north of the city
Haridwar and 43 km (27 mi) southeast of the state capital Dehradun. As per Census of India,
2011 Rishikesh had a populace of 102,138 making it the seventh most populated city in the
territory of Uttarakhand. It is known as the journey town and viewed as one of the holiest spots
to Hindus. Hindu sages and holy people have visited Rishikesh since antiquated occasions to
reflect looking for higher information.

In September 2015, the Union the travel industry serve Mahesh Sharma declared that Rishikesh
and Haridwar will be the first in India to be given the title of "twin national legacy urban areas".
Because of the religious noteworthiness of the spot, non-vegan nourishment and liquor are
carefully restricted in Rishikesh. The city has the yearly International Yoga Festival on the
primary seven day stretch of March since 1989.

Rishikesh, a most peaceful stead in northern Uttar Pradesh, encompassed by slopes and cut up by
the wide and drowsy Ganges, is regularly guaranteed as the 'Yoga Working capital of the World'.
Harking back to the 1960s Rishikesh increased moment acclaim as the site where The Beatles
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came to remain with their master, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is a superb spot to reflect and
think about yoga. Rishikesh is additionally a decent beginning Laxman Jhula point for trek to
Himalayan journey portion, for example, Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, Yamnotri. It is
properly called the entryway to the Himalayan Shrines of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and
Yamunotri. sevener Report Temple Situated 24 klick upstream from Haridwar, at the concourse
of the Chandrabhaga and Ganga, Rishikesh has for quite some time been a profound focus. It is
said that the sage Raibhya Rishi did serious repentance here and as a reward, Immortal appeared
to him as Hrishikesh, thus the division.

Rishikesh has various ashrams, some of which are universally apperceived as focuses of
philosophical examinations, yoga and rumination. A universal yoga week is sorted out here
consistently by U.P. The travel industry somewhere in the range of second and seventh of
February. For the audacious, there are open doors for white dihydrogen monoxide boating on the
Ganga. The atmosphere here is mainland type yet its area in the foot slopes gives it a friendly
climate consistently. One can visit Rishikesh whenever of the year.

Rishikesh has been a bit of the astounding 'Kedarkhand' Legends express that Lord Rama did
retaliation here for killing Ravana, the asura leader of Lanka; and Lakshmana, his increasingly
young kin, crossed the conduit Ganges, at a point, where the present 'Lakshman Jhula' (लक्ष्मण
झूला) interface stands today, using a jute rope associate. The 'Kedarkhand' of Skanda Purana,
moreover makes reference to the nearness of Indrakund at this very point. The jute-rope interface
was replaced by iron-rope suspension associate in 1889. After it was washed away in the 1924
floods, it was displaced by the present more grounded platform. Another tantamount suspension
interface Ram Jhula was worked in 1986 at close-by Sivananda Nagar.

The Ganges, a standout amongst the most holy streams to Hindus, moves through Rishikesh.
Here the waterway leaves the Shivalik Hills in the Himalayas and streams into the fields of
northern India. A few sanctuaries, old and new, are along the banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh.
Shatrughna Mandir, Bharat Mandir, Lakshman Mandir are the old sanctuaries built up by Abdi
Shankaracharya. Shatrughna Temple is close Ram Jhula and Lakshman Mandir is close
Lakshman Jhula

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Rishikesh is at 30.103368°N 78.294754°E. It has a normal height of 372 meters (1,220 ft).

The Tehri Dam is only 86 km (53 mi) tough while in transit to Gangotri. Rishikesh is the
beginning stage for making a trip to the four Chota Char Dham journey places—Badrinath,
Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri.

Rishikesh is acclaimed for ayurvedic medicines. Numerous Ayurveda focuses are run, where
classes are given by ayurvedic specialists.

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As indicated by Köppen-Geiger atmosphere arrangement framework, its atmosphere is muggy
subtropical (Cwa).

In spite of the contamination of the Ganges, the water in Rishikesh is generally unaffected as the
major dirtying focuses are down waterway in the neighboring territory of Uttar Pradesh.

Energy Consumption and Resource Utilization

Wood and coal being used to warm water at campgrounds has incited over the top air pollution,
GHGs raising temperatures have caused high summer temperatures being seen since the
completion of March, pretty much a month before the summers are truly expected to set in.

Extreme water deficiency is being seen at higher stature camps. For instance, for the affiliation's
campground close Chamba, Uttarakhand, tankers must be sent for water to the degree a partition
of 40 miles reliably for the reason, inciting high fuel and work bills. Allow us to endeavor to
separate several establishments for this here.

In any case, we take the occasion of frosty mass break up. The Himalayas, covering around 17
percent of hard and fast slanting area of the Indian subcontinent, contains a couple of basic cold
mass systems. Himalayan cold masses structure an extraordinary store of new water, which
reinforce convincing enduring stream systems, for instance, the Indus, the Ganges and the
Brahmaputra. Their joined yearly overflow means about 1.19 X 103 km3. The Himalayan
proglacial streams pass on around 70-85 percent of the hard and fast yearly conduit stream,
which is gotten from snow and ice sheet ice condense, which along these lines is related to the
radioactive imperativeness input, assortment in air temperature, etc.

We take the example of Gangotri ice sheet. It is one of the greatest frosty masses in Himalayas
and degrees over a length of more than 26 kms. The break down waters offer rising to Bhagirathi
River which drops down the western Uttaranchal Himalayas to meet the Alaknanda River at
Deoprayag, confining the solid Ganga River. The total discharge volume in the proglacial stream
draining the Gangotri into the Ganga all through the expulsion seasons among May and October
1999 and 2000 was assessed to be 581.87 X106 m3 involving 0.5 percent of the entire
Himalayan frigid melt. The Gangotri ice sheet has now contracted to around 20 km. The

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Dokriani Bamak ice sheet (3 miles long) of the Gangotri structure has withdrawn a huge part of a
mile. Research demonstrates that cold masses in the Himalayas are pulling back at an ordinary
rate of 30 m a year, differentiated and earlier rates of 18 m a year some place in the scope of
1935 and 1999, and 7 m a year some place in the scope of 1842 and 1935.

Analysts from the Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany have used tree-ring contemplates and
have confirmed the assessments that the frigid mass was withdrawing at a rate of 10.16 m/year
from 1935-1956 and immediately extended to a high of 30.44 m/year between 1971-1977 and it
was dying down at a rate of 28.08 m/year in the period between 1977-1990. An examination
driven by the International Commission on Snow and Ice (ISCI) has seen that Himalayan frosty
masses are withdrawing faster than frigid masses in some other bit of the world and if the present
rate continues, the likelihood of them disappearing ceaselessly 2035 is very high.

Lake water includes another key segment. The lakes in the Sivaliks have particular ecologies, as
can be seen from the manner in which that each lake has an other diatom creature assortments.
Genuine examinations have been driven on these lakes by researchers and over the span of the
latest 25 years or something like that, it has been seen by the close-by occupants that the districts
around these lakes are bit by bit, anyway doubtlessly setting out toward drier and sultrier
conditions. The occasion of routinely fields winged animals, butterflies, bugs and plants centers
to this reality. At the point when a demanding paradise for quiet normal items like peaches,
plums, pears, etc and this valley by and by creates litchis, mangoes, guavas, etc. The huge
deforested districts have been taken over by Lantana camaris ("Kuri") and other annoying weeds.
Parthenium is moreover encroaching these zones. Out of season (ordinarily awkward) blooming
and fruiting of indigenous plants, trees and brambles centers to the real interference of the eco
structure and the plant systems. Many ground level herbs, lichens, greeneries, developments, etc
are basically ended, and reiterated woods fires have gravely hurt the trademark recuperation

Continuing ahead to changing vegetation plans, as Jagat Singh Choudhury of the Kumaon
Himalayas, an organic framework expert illuminates:

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According to temporary information of 2011 registration Rishikesh had a populace of 102,138,
out of which guys were 54,466 and females were 47,672. The proficiency rate was 86.86%
contrasted with the national normal of 74.04%


That the experience visit item will encounter a change is inescapable inferable from its outright
reliance upon normal assets and subsequently the critical requirement for their preservation and
The main concern is that item segments are being diminished because of flighty climate designs,
yet from a more extensive point of view, it very well may be viewed as a positive advancement
that is really pushing change measures.



For the Indian vacationer, the idea of dependable the travel industry, viz. ecotourism,
maintainability, geotourism and so on are still distant concealed in the last pages of sightseeing
publications and think that its extremely difficult to watch them basically inside an item or a
The principal change here would expel these thoughts from their educational pondering and
making them explicitly aware of their application in the activity that they grasp. For instance,
before leaving upon any activity, guests must be made aware of the two vital peripheries inside
which they would cause changes, explicitly the earth and the overall population, and after that
the able the movement business measures being endeavored with respect to that particular
activity can be illuminated. Such a guidelines, a matter of hardly 15 minutes or something to that
effect, would go far in thought conspicuous evidence basically, thusly ousting the dubiousness
developing in view of the scholastics business opening, a sort of pseudo care we can say.
Given the care measures are executed well, a summary of trustworthy the movement business
designates can be pulled in unequivocal to the item/visit which would be compulsory for the
visitor to pursue, a kind of embraced which would need to be marked preceding the visit,
inability to agree to which would welcome certain punishments.

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From a policy perspective, following measures can be anticipated.

Eco cordial exercises would need to be made an essential piece of the item. For this, the
administration and neighborhood bodies after dialog with the nearby network can give
administrators a rundown of these in connection to their visits, after which the onus would be on
the administrator to execute these adequately, input for which could be taken from the
neighborhood people
Visit climate reviews should be directed, when each quarter, and on these lines security and
achievability measures at delicate campground zones (like shorelines) should be assessed.
In higher height areas, more noteworthy number of destinations presently need to go under guest
number control techniques (like is done if there should arise an occurrence of Kailash
Mansarovar Yatra on the Indo China fringe in Higher Himalayas). For low lying locales like
Rishikesh where delicate experience is common, the guideline numbers can be planned regularly,
keeping in view the season and the quantity of visit administrators.
Sustainable power source laws should be defined, indicating a base level of the absolute power
utilization of a campground that would should be created from inexhaustible assets, and
continuous reviews to be directed in this regard to guarantee successful consistence.

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Rishikesh - has a wonderful atmosphere for a long time of the year. As its area is in the sloping
territories, the atmosphere never winds up extraordinary sort. In this manner Rishikesh is one
such place of interest that can be visited whenever of the year.

The climate of Rishikesh can be contemplated with a look towards its climatic conditions. The
most extreme temperature recorded so far is 31.7 degree Celsius and the base temperature of
Rishikesh is 14.6 degree Celsius. In the long periods of summer the temperature in Rishikesh
shifts from 35 degrees to 45 degrees Celsius. The temperature ranges from 10 degrees to 30
degrees Celsius in the long stretches of winter. The climate of Rishikesh regularly winds up
capricious. There are visit precipitation that happens. The yearly mean precipitation in Rishikesh
is about 2136.7 mm.

The heavenly city of Rishikesh lies at the bank of stream Ganga. The district is encompassed by
the Himalayas and falls under the climatic states of the western piece of the Himalayas. The day
stays wonderful and radiant with relatively chilly night times. The winters are cold and the late
spring season is mellow and moderate pursued by a decent precipitation in rainstorm.

Summer Season in Rishikesh: - During the months from March to June. The greatest
temperature that you can expect amid the late spring is around Summer 20 °C to 35 °C.

Monsoon Season in Rishikesh: - Monsoon season is from July to September and amid this time
most exercises are suspended because of the substantial impact of downpours. Precipitation is
most astounding in the long stretch of August. Amid the long stretch of October and November
the conditions are lovely and mild.

Winter Season in Rishikesh: - winter season can be cold in the town and the temperatures can

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be required to around 8°C. The gauge ascends to a limit of 20°C amid the winter months. Wollen
apparel is fundamental amid this period.


Adventure tourism business booms in India; but many pitfalls need to be addressed

For adventure tour operators, this development has come the most difficult way possible. Until
the center of a year ago — particularly after the floods in Uttarakhand washed away a large
portion of the business in the locale — these organizations had been gazing at a grim future.
Scores of schools, corporates and singular explorers scratched anything to do with streams and
experience and settled on more secure choices. For as far back as couple of months, be that as it
may, the cheer appears to have returned, as individuals have run back to some old frequents like
Rishikesh and found new ones, for example, the Kunalika waterway close Kolad in Maharashtra
which has gone from unfamiliar wild to wilderness boating magnet that draws nearly 4,000
individuals per week.
In spite of this appearing development in the business, experience the travel industry remains a
generally little market, contrasted with the West. As per an overview by The George Washington
University and The Adventure Travel Trade Association, the worldwide market is evaluated at
$89 billion (around Rs 5,34,000 crore). While there are no distributed reports for India, industry
gauges peg it at close to Rs 500-600 crore

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In the previous five or six years there have been a couple of changes that have seen the business
practically twofold in size. As indicated by visit administrators, the most imperative move has
been the ability of Indians to look past their standard rundown of occasions to another
experience. Thusly, this has been upheld by the visitor foundation extending in some famous
spots like Rishikesh, Ladakh and Uttarakhand's Valley of Flowers. As individuals have turned
out to be increasingly OK with experience travel (particularly concerning roughing it out and
thorny issues of wellbeing and security) more current choices inside India and outside have
opened up.

Corporates Step in

The Mahindra Group, the $16-billion total that is apparently best known for its harsh utility vehicles
(UVs), is furthermore benefitting by this yearn for involvement. It started Great Escape in 1996 to give
owners of Mahindra vehicles an example of running 4x4 frolicking with their own one of a kind vehicles.
Three years back, the social affair picked it expected to guarantee the experience space, says Bijoy
Kumar, head of Adventure Initiatives at M&M. To do this, the association decided to not rely upon
people getting their own one of a kind vehicles — it rather offered its own one of a kind naval force UVs
to encounter searchers.
It started with around 30 to 40 UVs and today has 88 vehicles being driven transversely over around six
courses from the pizzazz homes of Karnataka to the Himalayas. "We required people to discover and push
their very own purposes of control," says Kumar. Using on the web life to get the message out (it has
some 1.4 million fans for the Great Escape on Facebook), M&M has had the ability to get some place in
the scope of 3,000 people on these drives and even has an establishment set up to empower drivers to
refine their going mud cavorting capacities.
The other clarification behind experience the movement business' improvement is that it can suit each
monetary arrangement. At the very top of the heap, a rushed toward the South Pole will cost you around
$12,000 (generally Rs 7.2 lakh) a person. By then extraordinary endeavors in the African wild or in South
America can in like manner truly scratch your bank balance — anything upwards of Rs 2 lakh an
individual, dependent upon what you have to do and to what degree you event. In any case, there are more
affordable choices also: a long end of the week experience from Mumbai or Delhi (with a spot of sailing
or a bungee skip hurled in) can be far more affordable as meager as Rs 5,000 for every individual.

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There are other signs that Indians are lapping up adventure in all shapes and sizes. Woodland,
initially known as a provider of tough footwear for outdoor activities, has entered into allied
areas such as tents, hiking sticks, harnesses, outdoor cameras and sleeping bags.

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Adventure Capital of India - River Rafting In Rishikesh

Rishikesh Tourism Adventure Zone brings to you the adrenaline pumping adventure activities
like bungee jumping, flying fox, and giant swing to the holy city of Rishikesh in

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Uttarakhand. Rishikesh Tourism Adventure Zone is dedicated towards making your adventure
holidays safe and unforgettable.

Double Rope Bridge


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Bungee jumping can without much of a stretch be the most exciting and invigorating background
of your life. The rush that originates from free-fall and bounce back is unmatched. The vibe of
free-fall will exceed your dread as you will feel the blood hurrying through your veins. Jumping
from the India's Highest Bungy at a stature of 83 metersis most likely an encounter not to be
missed whether you are a thrill seeker or not. You can generally incorporate it in your Rishikesh
Adventure Package.

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In childhood everybody loved the sentiment of riding the swing in the recreation center. Yet, that
feeling will change into a throbbing sensation when you will swing from the most elevated
goliath swing in India at the stature of 83 meters. The time has come to step up your diversion
with this turn chilling yet energizing outrageous action.


Need to encounter how flying would resemble? Than Flying fox is the perfect thing for you.
Quickening up to paces of 160 Kmph, Flying fox will give you a chance to encounter the
astonishing sentiment of flying low and flying quick. Do it with two a greater amount of your
companions or do only it, this nerve energizing game is an unquestionable requirement do
experience. Add it to your Rishikesh Adventure Sports Package now.


All these extraordinary games exercises are set in the midst of the stunning setting of Rishikesh.
A wide range of voyagers and explorers are pulled in to Rishikesh, regardless of whether they
are searching for profound illumination or looking for some Adventure Sports. Individuals from
varying backgrounds come to Rishikesh to get away from their dull day by day life and to
discover comfort in the core of nature. In any case, when experience searchers are searching for
Adventure Sports in India, the main goal that strikes a chord is Rishikesh. Its area in the lower
regions of the Himalayas in northern India makes it a prime goal for Adventure Activities in
India. Rishikesh offers Adventure Sports of different sorts like outdoors, waterway boating,
shake climbing, bungee bouncing, flying fox, monster swing and the sky is the limit from there.
For Delhiites, Rishikesh is a most loved end of the week goal as it offers bounty as far as
experience and fervor. Your Rishikesh Adventure Activities agenda can incorporate one or a few
extraordinary games relying on timetable.

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Adventure in Rishikesh, India can be exciting knowledge when finished with companions or
family. The present youthful age is continually searching for some gutsy minutes in the midst of
their day by day life. Experience sports in Rishikesh like these allow them to appreciate. Amid
the seasons, a gigantic horde of experience searchers come to Rishikesh to test their guts at these
extraordinary games.


Rishikesh Tourism Adventure Zone provides activities like outdoors, stream boating, shake
climbing, bungee hopping, flying fox, mammoth swing, and so forth are an extraordinary method
to feel the adrenaline surge in the body. These exercises can help conquer fears, support self-
assurance and experience the rush of accomplishing something extraordinary. In India,
Adventure Sports in India are picking up prominence relentlessly with number of individuals
searching for India Adventure Packages expanding each year. Both local and remote voyagers
are currently looking for the travel industry bundles that offer Adventure exercises in India. This
expanding request in experience the travel industry requires an expert methodology since
security is the greatest worry in these games.


Rishikesh is an absolutely veggie lover place by law. One would for the most part discover North
Indian food here. Be that as it may, South Indian, Italian, Nepali, Thai and Chinese cooking are
additionally accessible at a portion of the spots. The city encourages a parallel energetic culture
that rotates around bona fide Continental cooking and a few bistros.

Another champion in the territory is the Ayurvedic sustenance. The outlets that have these
wellbeing nourishments offer an assortment of sustenance things and teas just as a total mood
with components of Yoga and Ayurveda. Other than these, the road additionally offers some
similarly lip-smacking fortune, for example, Jalebi, Imarti, Samosas, Popcorn just as crisp and

27 | P a g e
occasional nearby natural products. Additionally, request a 'Thali' for getting a charge out of the
best of what the city offers, across the board place.

28 | P a g e

The narratives in the literature of adventure tourism

As such a significant number of regions in the field of research in the travel industry are
portrayed by contradiction in conceptualization, the experience the travel industry is no special
case from this issue. There is no commonly acknowledged meaning of experience the travel
industry because of its tendency and the a wide range of perspectives, that ought to be viewed as
when one is attempting to characterize what experience the travel industry precisely is. This type
of the travel industry showed up around the 1980s when a change in outlook occurred in the
global the travel industry and elective models began to develop as a reaction to the negative
practices of mass the travel industry (Zurick, 1992). Experience the travel industry was a piece of
this new wave as a type of „green" or „alternative" the travel industry and at the 1995 PATA
Adventure Travel and Ecotourism Conference and Mart it was even expressed that the
ecotourism and experience the travel industry are step by step converging into one kind of the
travel industry with all the more socially and earth capable the travel industry items, also, they
ought to dependably remain specialty sections so as to give these attributes (Lew, 1996; Cloke
and Perkins, 1998). Different researchers, in any case, drew a clear fringe which recognized
experience the travel industry from different structures, regardless of whether there are covers
with them. Chase (1989), records distinctive components, for example, aptitudes, the exertion
required, the level of remoteness or the dimension of creation, to characterize the qualities of
experience the travel industry. Smith and Jenner (Smith and Jenner, 1999 in Swarbrooke et al.,
2003) characterize the quality and length of the outing as recognizing factors. Swarbrooke
clarifies these discernments, that the distinctions exist „... in the psyches of the partners and are
not really showed in the items" (Swarbrooke, 2001, p.26.).

In the writing of experience the travel industry, the most ordinarily utilized methodology is that
the experience is given by the impression of danger of the distinctive people amid the exercises
they participate, which are isolated into „soft" and „hard" exercises (Williams and Soutar, 2005),
and the enthusiastic reward after the satisfaction of them (Swarbrooke et al., 2003). Then again,

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there are definitions which interfaces experience the travel industry to a specific area, which
must be „remote, irregular, intriguing" (Millington et al., 2001 in Swarbrooke et al., 2003, p.28),
with the inclusion of extraordinary methods for transportation (Canadian Tourism Commission,
1995 in Swarbrooke et al., 2003). These methodologies are in a nearby connection with the first
significance of the word „adventure", which is truly associated with the investigation of far off,
obscure areas, and consider just the fervor/chance factor as a proportion of the experience
(McArthur, 1989). Buckley (2006) distinguishes these definitions as observational item situated,
instead of philosophical and individuals arranged. As of late, increasingly complex definitions
were given, which includes culture as a significant factor of experience the travel industry, for
instance by the Adventure Travel Trade Association, which records three components: physical
movement, regular habitat, and social inundation. Out of these components, no less than two are
expected to satisfy, so as to believe a movement to be fallen into experience the travel industry
class (UNWTO, 2014). The distinctions among these definitions unmistakably demonstrates that
the accounts which decide the idea of experience the travel industry are isolated into two
gatherings with two particular components in the middle: „the saw chance by experience and the
passionate reward pursued by it" and „the social ramifications of experience and the instructive
reward pursued by it".

The 1990s confidence: the main endeavors for conceptualizing experience the travel industry

The account that „the saw hazard is characterizing the motivation behind experience the travel
industry" was settled in the beginning time of its examination and elevated during the 1990s with
understanding that feelings are in the focal point of the experience involvement: the apparent
hazard creates dread, which gives the thought process to participating in gutsy exercises and
defeating this apparent dread with the satisfaction of the assignments, the members experience
passionate prizes. Vulnerability is another normal for this story, the result and the danger of
audacious exercises are capricious (McArthur, 1989 in Swarbrooke et al., 2003; Sung et al.,
1996). Connecting experience to feelings and creative energies begins as of now in adolescence:
fantasies and experience stories that partook in inaccessible, inconceivable areas, assume a
significant job in this age, later the film business improves the image of experience in the
outlook (Swarbrooke et al., 2003).

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Most likely this is the motivation behind why the principal translations of the hazard/fervor
factor in experience the travel industry was associated with remote, immature areas, for the most
part in Third World countries (Zurick, 1992; Cloke and Perkins, 1998) and keeping in mind that
the idea of the travel industry itself can be seen as idealism, it is particularly consistent with
experience the travel industry, because of the beloved recollections. The rudiments of these
contentions were somewhat about the classification of experience the travel industry, as I
previously referenced above than its attributes. A general understanding could be seen among
those, in any case, who acknowledged that the inclusion in physically testing exercises separates
experience the travel industry from other elective types of the travel industry. The Risk Theory
by Ewert (1985) was viewed as the rule in the writing, which recommends, that the more
encountered the explorers become, the more expanded dimensions of hazard they need, along
these lines with time, their „adventure hunger" winds up more noteworthy and they almost
certain draw in themselves in progressively troublesome exercises. This guideline was just
improved by the way that toward the start of experience the travel industry chiefly high salary
and expert sightseers had interest for it (Lew, 1996). These methodologies were even minded and
item determined as the inquires about predominantly centered around the attributes of the
experience the travel industry items: what are those components which make a trek to fall into
the experience the travel industry class and utilized the hazard factor to quantify how „soft" or
„hard" can those items be called. An excursion can fall into movement the travel industry
classification, however it doesn't intend to be brave also, for instance, a guided strolling occasion
in Wales can't be contrasted with a climbing occasion in the Alps (Swarbrooke et al., 2003).
These methodologies spoke to consistency: the inspiration for experience occasion was the
hazard and the members acknowledged the introduction to it.

The researches, conducted in this period mainly evolved around the perceptions of the
individuals on the risks and how their experience can be maximalized through this. The methods,
used in these studies also showed uniformity as these were mostly quantitative, such as surveys
or structured interviews, and intended to prove a pre-defined presumption of the scholars, rather
than critically examine a problem, however the correct order should be that the research question
comes first, and the selection of the proper method to examine it is only secondary (Munsters &
Richards, 2010). Other problem with these methods seems to be, that the researchers tried to
translate the motivations, emotions and attitudes of the participants into quantitative data. For

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example, Gilchrist et al. (1995) aimed to define the validity of the use of Sensation Seeking Scale
in adventure tourism research. In this experiment, a sample group of adventure travelers was
chosen consisted of 47 British tourists and they needed to complete the Sensation Seeking Scale
Form V (SSS), which „concerned with the nature of adventure travel and the characteristics of
adventure travelers” (Gilchrist et al., 1995, p. 513). Their answers were compared to the results
of the control group, 46 British people, civil servants and health workers. The main aim of this
study was to test the usage of SSS in tourism research with the help of the adventure travelers’
perceptions of risk. The use of SSS in the relevance of adventure travel research shows that this
study also connects the risk as the main motivational factor for adventure tourism and the SSS
not just testify the presence of it, but able to measure the individuals’ perception on it. In other
words, the existence of the risk is not questioned by this study, rather the extent of it was
researched. The researchers also found the connection between the age of the participants and the
extent of the perceived risk by them, assuming that older individuals have lower endurance for
risk than younger companions. This study also argued that there is a tendency, which shows that
certain activities, which were considered to be adventurous or risky in the 1970s, were perceived
differently by the subjects of the 1990s and fall into the less adventurous category even for the
members of the older age group.

Notwithstanding, that in a large portion of the examinations chance was in the spotlight and the
general assessment about experience the travel industry all in all, was sure, a few exemptions can
be found. As ahead of schedule as 1992, Zurick's contextual investigation on Nepal inferred, that
the effects of experience the travel industry were for the most part overlooked by analysts, as it's
financial significance was viewed as unimportant contrasted with the standard the travel
industry. In his investigation he planned to supplant this lack, with the examination of the effects
of experience travel on the nearby individuals and culture in Nepal. He reached 100 U.S based
experience travel firms and sent them mail study, utilized cased investigations from other
specialist's and gathered information through hands on work in Nepal, where he visited
government and private offices. Since its opening to worldwide the travel industry, the nation
with the most noteworthy top on Earth wound up indistinguishable from experience the travel
industry. In spite of the fact that Nepal is a quite certain area, the issues which were
characterized by the investigation for instance protection improvement, the developing number
of travelers and asset guidelines could be effectively set to different spots. On the opposite side,

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the account of the apparent hazard is indistinguishable from the Mount Everest since the
conceived of experience the travel industry and it is effectively justifiable as it includes the
different components of experience: colorful, far off, climbing it is one of the best difficulties
and require explicit aptitudes. These variables added to the way that the outings pulled in for the
most part experts in the beginning of experience the travel industry, which itself limited the
quantity of the conceivable members. Their inclinations characterized the attributes of the items,
as they rather voyaged exclusively rather than composed bundled trips and very included the
encountering of the neighborhood culture and traditions. Consistently, the Mount Everest turned
into the image of experience the travel industry, in light of the fact that here the hazard is
genuine (the likelihood of death is a reality notwithstanding for the most experienced mountain
climbers) and does not need to be organized by the visit administrators like in such huge
numbers of different cases (Swarbrooke et al., 2003; Kane, 2012).

Another contextual analysis from Cloke and Perkins (1998) analyzed how experience the travel
industry formed the picture of New Zealand and how was utilized as a mean in marking the
nation. This exploration was fairly enlightening with substance investigation of papers and
pamphlets about New Zealand, and the idea of experience the travel industry was utilized as a
structure which was reasonable for set up a picture of the nation. Regardless of, that this
examination did not grow the idea of experience the travel industry, indicated how it very well
may be utilized as a showcasing resource, a procedure in which sightseers effectively add to the
accomplishment of the outing, as the visitor execution characterizes the experience.

The 2000s transition: the first critical arguments among the researchers

Walle (1997) was the first, who questioned the role of risk in the motivation of adventure
tourists and started an argument which invigorated the general opinion of researchers about it. In
his paper, „Pursuing Risk or Insight”, he did not agree that the risk was the ultimate motivation
for the travelers and proposed a new approach in the research of adventure tourism, criticising
the existing literature, that it did not provide a broad perspective on the term „adventure”, thus
the full marketing potential of it had not been recovered yet. This study gave a narrative of „the
cultural implication of adventure and the educational reward followed by it to the adventure
tourism”. According to his view, the risk is inevitable in the course of adventure travel, but not
the ultimate motivation and fulfillment to experience it, instead, he proposed as an alternative,

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the Insight model. This model states that, gaining insight is the motivation in the engagement of
adventurous activities and whereas the narrative of risk limits the number of activities which fall
into the adventure tourism category and inaccurately generalize the travelers, his approach leaves
greater space and better understanding of the adventure travel and the final outcome of it.

The warmed contention of Walle brought up new issues and the absence of basic discussion in
different parts of the experience the travel industry which portrayed the 90s was perceived and
tended to in the new decade. Weber's 2001 paper which surveyed the examination approaches in
experience the travel industry demonstrated my decisions and bits of knowledge of the earlier
decade: the looks into fairly dependent on the „preconceived ideas of researchers and experts"
(Weber, 2001, p. 360) than the people's emotional experience. For example, Walle's work,
Weber's paper additionally could be considered as an achievement: she contends that „the
commitment of the travel industry angle is commonly overlooked" (Weber, 2001, p.361). She
underscored the way that the current writing considers experience the travel industry just as an
augmentation of outside diversion. She proposed the thought of the voyagers' needs: a separation
of the travel industry showcase was required, as both understanding chasing and hazard taking
could be inspirations for the general population. She raised consideration about the issue, that the
discourse on characterizing what experience the travel industry depends on what researchers
acknowledged and not on what people experienced or consider as brave. In spite of that these
contentions did not expedite accord the meaning of experience the travel industry rather
separated the researchers, they invigorated the exploration on the point. Sung's (2004) paper on
the arrangement of experience voyagers supplemented a few shortages that prevented the use of
the maximum capacity of this specialty showcase. She suggested that the estimation of the
accurate size of the experience the travel industry showcase is thwarted by the absence of a
standard definition for experience travel. She intended to order the explorers into subgroups
which could be utilized as a guide for improving item/administration advancement in this
section. She examined the US showcase members, both the individuals who previously took an
interest in an experience trip and the individuals who had not yet, with a study sent to them, in
regards to their inclinations, intentions and requirements. With the ID of 6 subgroups, this
examination added to the better comprehension of the purchasers and was dynamic with not
putting the hazard hypothesis in the inside, as past explores did, however attempted to
characterize different thought processes and impression of the voyagers, recommending that at

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last their conduct attributes which settle on what movement falls into the experience the travel
industry class. This empowered advertisers to all the more adequately tailor and extend their

The relentless development of this area wound up clear at this point (Sung, 2004) and this
expanding interest had tested the travel industry administrators. The positive judgment on
experience the travel industry had somewhat changed and its negative effects came into the
surface too. Williams and Soutar (2005) recorded many basic operational issues that travel
industry administrators ought to know about. The issues they recognized were: poor security
norms, unstandardized working methodology, negligible hazard the board systems and
inadequate customer insurance, also the developing number of unlicensed administrators who
planned to profit by this type of the travel industry. This examination brought issues to light on
the negative impacts of the commercialisation of the experience the travel industry and that the
business specialists and government couldn't respond rapidly to the issues, associated with it.
They acquainted the „close with the edge" account, which alluded to the way that if the
administrators did not change their practices, the experience the travel industry would not be the
supportable option, when it was. This account featured the significance of arranging and
controlling with stopping from the hover of different stories of hazard and knowledge chasing,
and attempted to reply to the how as opposed to the what and why questions. This investigation
addressed how to create and continue the experience the travel industry framework for a long
haul, so as to be benefitial for the sightseers, visit administrators and to wrap things up for local
people and the nature. Working on "near the edge" was a result of the delicate equalization where
the visit administrators needed to locate the suitable dimension between the reasonable, however
exciting danger for the clients and security issues. Hence the hazard, which was in numerous
translations the primary inspiration for the experience, wound up a standout amongst the most
testing and basic issues for the travel industry organizations.

For example, Bentley et al. (2001) highlighted the importance of intervention measures in order
to increase the safety level in adventure tourism and minimize the number of serious injuries
even during „hard” activities. According to their study, the tourism industry did not have
intentions to accept or conduct wider research on the dangers of adventure tourism, moreover,
tried to minimize the importance of it. They chose New Zealand for their research location,

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which is another important adventure tourism scene, and collected primary data through surveys
sent to tourism operators and secondary data from public hospital morbidity files.

Apart from Sung’s (2004) think about on characterization, in which the explorers were included,
the previously mentioned papers concentrated on the provider side and the most regularly
utilized strategies were meets or studies, which frequently did not include individual contact with
the interviewees. It very well may be seen that the examination rehearses from the 90s, were
proceeded and executed in the new decade too. It is imperative to specify, notwithstanding, that
in the early/mid 2000s the innovation was not all that cutting-edge as these days, and the reviews
were sent by normal mail, which ended up being very tedious. The absence of accord in this field
presumably got from the way that the analysts examined this point from the „distance" and
paying little respect to the couple of special cases (Zurick, 1992), did not partake as either
dynamic or inactive observants. Kane and Zink's (2004) and Buckley's (2007) papers turned out
to be reviving special cases, as these were based either member perception or direct perception.
Them two picked the bundle experience visits to be the object of their exploration. Kane and
Zink (2004) somewhat centered around the comprehension of the experience the travel industry
encounters with a perception of a kayaking bundle visit in New Zealand. They endeavored to
discover the appropriate responses how the members experience the contentions of a bundled
experience visit: experience is associated with vulnerability and hazard, though bundles are
described as controlled and organized. The strategies utilized here adjacent to the perception of
investment were meetings and discussions with the kayakers, who knew about the way that they
were being looked into. The discussions between the specialist and the subjects were significant
on the grounds that along these lines information development in cooperation could occur. In this
exploration, the accounts of the kayakers framed the outcomes: in the experience the travel
industry setting (regardless of whether it is guided), they are on the whole globe-trotters who
need to share experience stories with one another, whatever else close to this (their activity,
economic wellbeing and so forth.) just optional. Gathering new stories and sharing past ones was
a definitive objective of their outing and consequently, they wouldn't fret giving up a piece of
their opportunity for the guided visit. Fletcher (2010) additionally made an endeavor to clarify
the mystery of experience bundle the travel industry: the questionable and dangerous nature of
the exercises inside the system of the arranged and controlled bundles. He connected the account
of the „public mystery", the term initially developed by anthropologist Michael Taussig, „that

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which is commonly known however can't for the most part be explained" (Taussig, 1998 in
Fletcher, 2010 p. 11) so as to demonstrate whether does this wonder exist in bundled experience
the travel industry, or these excursions truly offer „authentic" experience. In this investigation,
Fletcher did ethnographic field explore as an expert pontoon manage, where he directed casual
discussion with the customers and formal meetings with different aides, what's more he utilized
the strategy of printed examination. Because of this reality, he increased further learning in the
suppliers' bits of knowledge, though the customers' perspective stayed shallow. His discoveries
closed, that while experience is in fact mimicked amid such treks, the members don't endeavor to
conceal the „true nature" of them.

Buckley (2007) criticized the literature because of the ignorance from researchers over the
structure of commercial tour products. He decided to take part in 75 tours by different operators,
in order to analyse „the price, duration, prior skill requirements, remoteness, group size and
client-to-guide ratios”, in search for identifiable product signatures in the sector (Buckley, 2007
p. 1428). Interestingly, Buckley did not reveal himself in the role of the researcher for the
participants and he made passive observations. His research meant an improvement in the
literature as an exploratory approach, but was not suitable for detailed analysis due to the
relatively small size of the sample. His findings identified that the adventure tourism market was
full of with low-difficulty products for unskilled clients, whereas on the other side of the scale
there could be found the few number of high-cost products, which require skills and experience,
and operate in remote areas, with high level of risk involvement. Although the huge gap, existed
between the low-difficulty versus high-difficulty activities, he found identifiable patterns for
„price and duration, group size and cliento-guide ratio” (Buckley, 2006, p. 1432).

As Buckley’s (2007) research revealed, the wide range of package adventure holidays offers the
possibility for everyone to take part in adventure travel, because the experience had become
„instant”, which means that they do not require any specific skills, but rather money from the
participants. Despite that at the 1995 PATA Adventure Travel and Ecotourism Conference and
Mart it was stated that adventure tourism should always be preserved as a niche segment in
tourism, many countries gained popularity thanks to their natural resources which perfectly
suitable for adventurous activities, and exploited by the marketers. Carnicelli-Filho et al. (2010)
suggested in their research that many of the tour operators in Brazil depict pictures about these

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activities which reinforce the presence of risk and „aimed to consolidate fear as a fundamental
emotion” (Carnicelli-Filho, 2010, p. 953). They interpret this with the lifestyle of the modern
people: the repeating everyday routines stimulate the needs for new emotions and sensations. In
their study they selected three different adventure activities and designed a three-item
questionnaire towards the participants in it. With their findings, they intended to prompt further
research „not just to examine the influence of emotions ont he commercial aspects of tourism,
but also ont he technical and social aspects of adventure activities” (Carnicelli-Filho, 2010, p.

In the 2000s, the above mentioned studies highlighted the negative aspects of adventure tourism
and have been more critical on both the tourism industry and the established literature which
interpreted the phenomenon. However, the methods applied in the researches still based on the
traditional quantitative approaches, mainly conducted throughout interviews and surveys. A
moderate development could be observed as some scholars engaged themselves in ethnographic
research, which debunked the walls between them and the observed subjects. In this decade the
critical agruments were stimulated by new narratives on the characteristics’ of the products and
travelers, but did not really expand beyond these fields. These arguments remained within „the
safe zone”, the well-established frames of tourism experience, product and destination

The 2010s new perspectives: the tourists place their bets higher

The very recent years brought many changes in the people’s lifestyle and perceptions on their
environments. The technological development, the presence of social media did not only make
easier to connect with different people but further stimulated the desire for adventure. Suddenly
many places became easily accessible, not just virtually, but physically as well, „instant”
adventure experiences occured. For example, there is a measurable correlation between the
growth of the mountaineering tourism on the Mt Everest and the spread of Internet use.

Conquering the highest peak on Earth means an incredibly high amount of money, but the
websites and blogs multiplied the sponsorship potential of the applicants (Kane, 2012). In his
study, Kane (2012) analyzed blogs and websites in order to define the authenticity and identity of
them, putting in the context of Bourdieu’s (1979/1984) conceptual framework of social

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interaction. Accordingly, the tourist’s practical skills were less important, than the story which
described their experiences. The story behind these narratives originates from George Mallory,
who reasoned his motivation for climbing the Everest with the famous „Because it’s there”
phrase (Mallory in Kane, 2012, p. 271). Those blogs, that Kane analyzed, provided an authentic
story and brought closer the outsiders to adventure experiences with enhancing the feeling that
the adventurer was one of them. This study mentions the role of the female tourists in the
mountaineering experience, supposing that they are distinguished and gain more spotlight just
because of their gender. They need to prove in a traditionally male-dominated environment,
which make their stories more motivational and valued.

Schneider & Vogt (2012) utilized the 3M Model of Motivation and Personality so as to clarify
the mental foundation of the conduct of experience voyagers. As indicated by them the past
inquires about directed in this subject are rare and need mental foundings, prefering hazard as the
primary inspiration power of the members. The strategy utilized in their investigation was
quantitative, standard mail overviews sent to the supporters of National Geographic Adventure
magazine, and the outcomes gave measurable information. The examination suggested that the
further investigation of social experience as the primary inspiration for experience ought to be
underlined in the scholarly writing. Strikingly, just 25% of the respondants were ladies, which
may demonstrate, that experience the travel industry is a male-overwhelmed section and would
require further research too.

The latest audit of experience the travel industry writing by Cheng et al. (2016) expected to find
its hypothetical establishments and characterize the as yet existing deficiencies in this field. In
this investigation, they utilized observational techniques, consolidating system based heading
reference and co-reference examination, content examination and a quantitative methodical audit
of the productions. With these strategies, they recognized those regions which are
overrepresented in the writing: experience the travel industry experience, goal arranging and
advancement and experience the travel industry administrators; moreover made reccomendation
for future research in the accompanying territories: vacationer advertise portions, new
hypothetical focal point and cross-disciplinary methodologies and experience the travel industry
and the outside condition. This exploration is particularly important, in light of the fact that
notwithstanding the reality, that every once in a while there were audits on the experience the

39 | P a g e
travel industry writing (Weber, 2001; Swarbrooke el al., 2003), these concentrated on a restricted
portion of the marvel, making it hard to comprehend the experience the travel industry as a
framework. What's more, with the efficient strategy it utilized a coordinated audit ended up
conceivable. As Cheng et al. contended (2016), important discussions just occurred in explicit
zones of experience the travel industry, however different parts were pretty much disregarded by
the researchers. Their most noteworthy study against the experience the travel industry explore
was that the interest side was just inspected by the perspective of the Western vacationers, their
requests and potential outcomes were portrayed in a large portion of the examinations. Non-
Western areas were portrayed as host contries for experience the travel industry and ignored as
outbound markets. What's more, the outside environmanet was commonly overlooked too, in the
articles, for instance the job of innovation and the utilization of web-based social networking
beside a couple of exclusions (Kane, 2012) don't show up in the examines, neither in the
procedure, nor as the object of the exploration. The absence of posttrip inquire about is
additionally exceptionally obvious, while in numerous papers experience the travel industry was
portrayed as a mean for self-articulation (Carnicelli-Filho et al. 2010), there is an absence of
exact demonstrate for its way of life evolving impacts.

With respect to contemplates (or rather the absence of them) on non-Western experience visitor,
I found an extremely ongoing one from Gardiner and Kwek (2017), concentrating the Chinese
experience sightseers' recognitions on experience the travel industry encounters and their
inspiration for partaking. This examination is exceptional in the sense, that in spite of the fact
that it additionally exmined vacationers' inspirations and recognitions, non-Western voyagers
were its subjects. As Cheng et al. (2016) noticed, the bits of knowledge for the most part
originated from Western sightseers, in the experience the travel industry writing, which brought
about the speculation of the social ramifications of experience the travel industry. Walle (1997)
paralelled culture and understanding looking for with experience, yet how this methodology
would change in regards to the diverse social foundations of the members. The developing Asian
markets signs the change of this field, taking note of that in the past experience the travel
industry was commanded by Western visitors, however the patterns demonstrates that it is
moving towards the Eastern sightseers (Cheng et al., 2016). The strategy picked for this
examination concentrated on exploratory interpretive methodology, with meetings directed on
Chinese global understudies. Every understudy were indicated pictures with various exercises,

40 | P a g e
which overcomed the conceivable correspondence issues, what's more this technique incited
feelings and responses in regards to them. The significance of this investigation dependent on the
reality, that the understanding of experience and the opportunity given by it contrasts
fundamentally among Western and Chinese sightseers as the last ones are limited by social
standards, normally constrained by the more established age, for instance the guardians, though
these sort of social limits less and less portray the life of the Western individuals (Cheng et al.,

Joshi Conducted an examination to contemplate the experience the travel industry circumstance
in Uttarakhand, with perceive to the most extreme regular exercises, viz. climbing and
wilderness boating, and the changes emerging because of the catenation of climate trade with the
always developing ideas of maintainability and developing ecological consideration. Experience
has been one a piece of human influences that has in no way, shape or form experienced stasis,
and the scratches and scars on the earth need to be tried in inclination to just missing mindedly
touching some germicide and fix up with money related wraps. experience inside the Himalayas,
despite the fact that a way of ways of life for the nearby, moved toward becoming laid exposed
basically by method for the British, who beside leading a comprehensive examinations on the
spot's sources that achieved the coming of a referential database significant even to nowadays,
expedited the elements of individual achievement and intensity into games like trekking and
hiking, combined with the swashbucklers who actually presented master water based games like
wilderness boating, kayaking and so forth ("Falmouthrafting/kayaking/and so on - Cruise Critic
Message Board Forums," n.d.) and shaped the divided area into a composed industry, getting out
the likelihood for reliable work and cooperation a couple of local people. The entry of cutting
edge worldwide experience visit strains to a couple 35 years back, with the essential arranged
treks to the Nepalese Himalayas. (Joshi, 2006)

The research discovered that despite the fact that Uttarakhand has particular herbal services it
isn't always able to cash upon them because of lack of diverse facilities. Most of travelers’
expectancies have been met with however they trusted the presence of excellent necessities like
facilities, food, water and proper infrastructural centers like accommodation, delivery,
accessibility, and many others which were located lacking in sure cases. A majority of the
respondents believed that they could come once more based on the reality that the herbal beauty

41 | P a g e
of Uttarakhand attracts them toward it but supplied it develops the essential centers which can be
missing presently. The vacationers believed that Uttarakhand does have the capability of
becoming one of the international’s pinnacle traveler locations, if it can triumph over its
deficiencies and market itself well so that you can position itself uniquely within the minds of
vacationers. It changed into therefore cautioned that Uttarakhand ought to develop its
infrastructural centers and promote its offerings in a sustainable manner. It has to explore newer
avenues in relation with nature and open up its unexplored regions. (Pant, 2011)

In contrast, the information of traveler conduct in the context of unhappy or distressing websites,
and in particular at locations recuperating from natural screw ups, is constrained. Addressing the
call for a better information of traveler behavior in relation to publish-disaster destinations, this
examine explores the motivations and intentions of capability domestic tourists to go to Sichuan,
China in the aftermath of an earthquake ("Aftermath of Chile's Earthquake - The Atlantic," n.d.).
Drawing on dark tourism theories, this take a look at offers a more comprehensive insight into
the intake of locations getting better from a disaster, aiming to capture the effect of the changes
to the destination’s attributes on traveler conduct. The findings circulate beyond the
commonplace approach to tourism restoration which solely specializes in reviving the
destination’s conventional ‘non-darkish’ products. In assessment, this look at exhibits the
significance of newly shaped dark attributes rising from the disaster as every other vehicle to
vacation spot recuperation, meditated in the emergence of latest traveler segments. (Biran, 2014)

To expand an in-intensity perspective on what went incorrect at the night time of June 16, 2013
in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand: whether it turned into the “fury of nature” or a “man-
made disaster”. The paper may also provide insights into preventive measures that can assist in
getting ready a roadmap closer to sustainable improvement. It’s going to get to the bottom of the
motives at the back of previous screw ups and take a look at the relationship between man- made
barriers and nature’s reaction to it. The paper will demonstrate collectively inclusive dating
between sustainability and improvement and the ways to integrate the development of the
network and Enviornment into center improvement techniques. Indian country equipment’s
reaction and preparedness such disasters have additionally been critically analyzed. (Kumar,
2013) studying the tourist‘s comments and analyzing the various factors of tourism with the goal
of highlighting useful records, suggesting conclusions, and assisting choice making. it's going to

42 | P a g e
help in analyzing the visitor‘s comments in the direction of the Tourism developments of
Uttarakhand by numerous gear through statistics evaluation ("About the Statistics & Evaluation
Center | American Cancer Society," n.d.). it's going to help in reading the different factors so one
can assist in understanding recognize the level of delight of vacationers visiting precise
destinations in Uttarakhand. It’s going to additionally assist in figuring out the scope of
development of Tourism of Uttarakhand. This paper provides statistics of the famous locations in
Uttrakhand. Tells why and for what reason vacationers/tourists go to Uttarakhand (adventure
tourism; medical tourism, well-being, rest, sightseeing, religious tourism and so forth.). Also
talks approximately the extent of satisfaction of travelers visiting exact locations in Uttarakhand.
(Mahara, 2012) Area of interest tourism refers to how a selected tourism product may be
tailored to meet the desires of a selected audience/marketplace segment. Locations with unique
niche merchandise are capable of set up and role themselves, as area of interest tourism
destinations. Niche tourism, via picture introduction, helps locations to distinguish their tourism
merchandise and compete in a more and more competitive and cluttered tourism environment
("What is Environmental Tourism? (with pictures)," n.d.). Educational literature has paid little
interest to the role and positioning of area of interest tourism merchandise. via the use of the area
of interest tourism lifestyles cycle it is clear that area of interest products can have distinct
impacts, advertising and marketing challenges and contributions to destination development as
they development through it. Research has focused by and large on two great niche tourism
merchandise: wine and fairs and events.

The benefits of these paintings to the instructional network are the presentation of insights into
area of interest tourism clients, and information of the challenges destinations face alongside the
niche tourism life cycle. (Ali-Knight, 2011)

Tourism today is an amusement pastime of the loads. People nowadays travel to global locations
to interrupt the normal monotony of lifestyles. They are specifically attracted with the aid of both
the scenic splendor of its nature or via fascinating entertainment, sports activities and journey
activities offered with the aid of the destination. But every destination has a few inner strengths
and weaknesses that both beautify its capability to draw foreign traffic or diminish it. Similarly
from the external environment can originate various possibilities or threats as properly.
Therefore an attempt is made on this research paper to analyze the strengths, weaknesses,

43 | P a g e
opportunities and threats of Indian tourism enterprise in order that the equal may be utilized to
growth its foreign footfalls. We can examine the effect of every environmental area like
financial, political and social at the organization. As a summarized depiction of the
environmental elements and their impact on destiny conditions, the profile is a handy manner by
means of which attention of pinnacle control may be attracted to the maximum vital elements
and their capacity effect on the method of the firm as a whole and key components of its
operations. (Bhatia, 2013)

Uttarakhand is domestic to wealthy herbal sources and wildlife habitats. Its miles a land of herbal
beauty, comprising of 93% mountainous and 64% forest cowl. Its geographical vicinity, the
weather and the plant life at the region are vary significantly with the elevation and is an Eco-
touchy region. The country of Uttarakhand is also vulnerable to large herbal calamities, which
include rains, cloudbursts, flash floods, landslides, floods, hailstorms and water logging
activities. The latest disaster that struck Uttarakhand in June 2013 at the same time as became in
large part because of herbal causes including strange monsoon and melting of the glaciers due to
climate exchange, but became also aggravated because of the unplanned improvement in the
region. Himalaya is one of the least determined regions at the globe. As a end result, there is a
corresponding knowledge hole in our expertise of this extensive domain of strangely high
gradients in topography, temperature, precipitation, biota and the radioactive balance. Despite
the fact that, rebuilding of Uttarakhand has started and the efforts could similarly accelerate in
due path of time, but the assignment is to recreate its original form, similar to that before the
unplanned traits with ecological and topological structures available. (Planning Commission,

A disaster may additionally strike any given destination without warning, this being one of the
many components that bog down a locations photo and the locals in addition to traveler sense of
safety, so as to avoid raising this kind of issues, in a given scenario any destination must be well
geared up to combat the disaster. In light of the disaster that befell in Uttarakhand, have been a
cloud burst brought about flash floods that swept the country, ensuing in huge destruction, loss
of existence and left hundreds of traveler stranded. The paper discusses Uttarakhand inside the
plight of this disaster through a case observe and recommends several steps to be taken for
disaster control, and touches upon a way to restore a destination back to normalcy, the way to

44 | P a g e
address marketing for a destination within the midst of a disaster as well as the importance of
vacation spot management via the implementation of destination management organization.
(Varghese, 2015)

Environment has turn out to be a first-rate issue of outstanding challenge in recent years.

India has been traditionally liable to herbal failures resulting from its particular geoclimatic
conditions ("Kraski Med Honey | Tasting Europe," n.d.). Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes
and landslides had been recurrent phenomena. In June2013, Uttarakhand turned into wrecked via
Flash Floods and Landslides. As a result, 80% of Uttarakhand turned into flooded, almost 10,000
people lost their lives, and the infrastructural structures suffered prolonged breakdowns.
Consequently, basic services consisting of water, food, sewage, power, heating, communications,
transportation and safe haven had been severely compromised. The paper shows that in case of
Uttarakhand, the devastation and (Ajeet Bajpai, Dr NC Wadhwa, & Dr VK Mahna, 2014)
consequent fall apart cannot be attributed to ‘Act of God’ alone. Political apathy, economic
imprudence and terrible environment control played an vital role. Those were further amplified
by way of the insufficient state of preparedness, mitigation and response of numerous disaster
management corporations all through the disaster. It emerges that if the portends of the disaster,
ominously evident (Ajeet Bajpai, Dr NC Wadhwa, & Dr VK Mahna, 2014) all of the time, no
longer been repeatedly disregarded, the aftermath of the tragedy, waiting to show up, might have
been largely mitigated. (Bajpai, 2013)

A major disaster struck on 16/17 June 2013 in Uttarakhand after heavy to very heavy rains on 16
and 17 June 2013 in numerous components of the nation (please refer discern 1 under for more
facts). In line with IMD resources, the nation had obtained 400% rainfall during this era. This
abnormally high amount of rain has been attributed to the (Surya Parkash, 2013) fusion of
westerlies with the monsoonal cloud machine. This heavy precipitation resulted into the swelling
of rivers, each inside the upstream as well as downstream regions (Sergei Maslov & Kim
Sneppen, 2005). Besides the rain water, a big amount of water turned into possibly launched
from melting of ice and glaciers due to high temperatures for the duration of the month of can
also and June. The danger changed nto a chief disaster when people in conjunction with their
homes and infrastructure occupied such areas without adequate information, expertise,
consciousness and preparedness in opposition to the potential disaster. Comfort and Rescue

45 | P a g e
Operations had been being carried via various corporations such as navy, Air pressure, ITBP,
NDRF, BRO, S&R teams of the kingdom, District administration, Police, local community,
NGOs etc. within the Kedarghati, Hemkund Sahib, Badrinath and other disaster struck regions.
(Parkash, 2013)

46 | P a g e


3.1 Research Objectives:-

• To examine the relationship of the demographic variables and choice of adventure tourism in
• To identify motive of the people to visit Uttrakhand for adventure tourism.
• To suggest marketing strategies to reposition adventure tourism in Uttrakhand.

3.2 Data Collection Procedure

Type OF Data: Primary and Secondary Data
Methods of collecting Primary Data: Structured questionnaire and personal interview
Methods for filling questionnaire: Personal contact

3.3 Limitations of the study:

The limitations of the project work are as follows:-

 Constraint of time: Due to the time bound, several issues could not discuss in depth.

 Respondent were reluctant to share their experience accurately.

 Problem of accessibility: It is very difficult to approach each and every stakeholders of

the selected destination (Rishikesh) as the distance is too far.

3.4 Adventure Tourism

Operational definition:-

Adventure is a kind of tourism, involving exploration or tour with perceived (and possibly real)
chance, and doubtlessly requiring specialized abilities and physical exertion.

Natural disaster

47 | P a g e
‘Disaster’ is described as a disaster situation inflicting wide spread damage which a ways
exceeds our capacity to get better.

48 | P a g e


Research methodology is technique to properly solve the research problems. It guides the

researcher to do the research scientifically. It contains of different steps that are generally adopted

by a researcher to study his research problem along with the logic behind them. Data can be

understood as information only when a proper methodology is adopted. The research methodology

includes the logic behind the methods we use in the content of our research study.


A research design is the course of action of condition for accumulation and investigation of

information in a way which may result in an economy in methodology. It represents arrangement

ahead of time for accumulation of the applicable information and the methods to be utilized in

examination, keeping in view the target of the exploration accessibility of time.

There are three types of research designs. They are,

 Exploratory research design.

 Conclusive research design.

1. Descriptive research design.

2. Causal research design.

 Performance monitoring research.

The Research design used in this study was descriptive research design. It includes surveys and

fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The main characteristic of this method is that the

49 | P a g e
researcher has no control over the variables; he can report only what has happened or what is



The simple random sampling technique was employed in the selection of the sample.


The data collection method for the study the researcher should keep in the mind the two sources

of data.

• Primary data

• Secondary data.


Source of primary data:

1. Experimentation

2. Observation

3. Questionnaire schedule

Primary data has been collected through structured questioner. The questionnaire consisted of a

variety of questions that lay consistent with the objective of the research.

 Questionnaire

50 | P a g e
The questionnaire was readied keeping in view the targets of study. Diverse inquiries were so

orchestrated to realize fulfillment dimension of clients towards administrations given by

organization. The poll not just centered assembling data around the previously mentioned

regions yet in addition about the administration proposals to be visualized under help, update and

lock in.

Questionnaire contains four types of questions

1. Open Ended

2. Dichotomous

3. Fixed Alternative Question


The primary data was gathered through personal interaction. The information was gathered from

the structured questionnaire.


Secondary data has been collected from the Company Website, Internet etc.


The data are analysed through statistical methods. Simplex percentage analysis are used for

analysing are used for analysing the data collected.

51 | P a g e
5. Scope of the study

 Rishikesh region can generate high number of tourist arrivals in their respective region if the
Adventure Tourism is promoted in that area
 The regionis having immense potential for Adventure Tourism .
 This study will reveal the key issues and the oppurtunities in Rishikesh region as Adventure
Tourism .
 The door for opening new investment in emerging sector of Adventure Tourism .

6. Complete work plan with timelines

Sl. No Work done Time period

1 During the period I searched for the topic on 1stSeptember to 10th

various secondary sources September 2018

2 I have selected the topic during this period 15th September 2018

3 I have reviewed the literature of previous 15th September to 18th

studies done by other researcher October 2018

4 I have identified the objectives of the study 18th October to 25th October
during this period along with the help of my 2018

5 I have found the errors occurred and the scope 25th October to 30thOctober
of study during this period 2018

6 Formatted the capstone I report 30th October to

10thNovember 2018
7 Discussed about the making of questionnaire 10th November 2018

52 | P a g e
8 Formulation of questionnaire 2nd December to 15th
December 2017
9 Survey will be done Till January 2019

10 Testing of data collected Beginning of February


11 Analysis and conclusion Beginning of March 2019

12 Recommendation End of April 2019

7. Outcome of the study

Adventure Tourism

Private sector participation will be encouraged to develop adventure tourism activities like- rock
climbing, bungee jumping, aero sports activities like hot air ballooning, paragliding, parasailing
and water sports centers etc will be developed.

River Rafting / Kayaking

The state has a specific River Rafting / Kayaking Rules which are elaborated below:

 Uttarakhand River Rafting / Kayaking (Amendment) Rules 2015: This has been notified by
the Culture, Tourism and Sports Section-1, Government of Uttarakhand vide notification no
1889/VI/2015-01(03)/2013 dated 7th September 2015. The notification specifies the
conditions subject to which licenses for river rafting and kayaking are granted for various
river stretches in the state. Some of the aspects are highlighted below:
 The rivers on which license permits are issued for rafting and kayaking are Ganga, Kali,
Tons, Yamuna, Alaknanda, Gori, Saryu, Bhagirathi, Pinder, Kosi, Ram, Ganga East or West.

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 A Technical Committee examines all constituted by the department shall examine all
rafting/rescue equipments and guides every year regarding security and rescue.
 The applicant shall be granted permit for a maximum period of five years.
 Operators who want permit for more than 5 and maximum 10 rafts shall be levied double
instead of the determined fees.
 Priority shall be given to new applicants instead of applicants who are seeking permission for
increasing the number of rafts. Permit shall be granted for a maximum of 5 rafts per operator.
 Penalty as per the Rules will be recovered from a person or firm operating without permit.

Tourism Units and activities eligible for Incentives and Concessions:

 Tourism Unit will mean a tourism project approved by the UTDB or by the Ministry of
Tourism, Government of India and shall include the following:
 Hotels, Motels and Restaurants
 Heritage Hotels
 Wayside facilities on National Highways or State Highways wherein restaurants and parking
are available
 Tourist resort/tourist village
 Amusement park
 Nature Walk, City Walk, Heritage Walk, Cycle Tours etc
 Production and marketing of traditional crafts and other artwork
 Work related to maintenance of cultural and historical heritage
 Promotion to establishment and running of museums
 Tourism/ Hotel Management Institutes
 Tourism activities related to environment conservation/jungle safari/jungle lodge etc.
 Tourist Home (Paying Guest) scheme
 Adventure activities such as – trekking, rock climbing, water sports, boat race, skating,
fishing, aero sports etc
 Caravan, cruise boats, Yatch, house boats and establishment of boats clubs.
 Establishment and operation of ropeway

Disaster Risk Management at Tourist Destinations

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 Uttarakhand in June 2013 has witnessed one of the most horrifying natural devastation of the
century, named Himalayan Tsunami caused by series of cloud bursts and downpour. The
mushrooming of budget hotels, commercial complexes and shops, erratic parking lots needs
to be regulated and planned. The fragile ecosystem of Uttarakhand being hilly region is prone
to flash floods, landslides and earthquakes.
 Stricter norms of infrastructure development shall be enforced
 Studies for hazard prone zones shall be conducted for the state. Safe zones shall be
earmarked and existing development in critical zones shall be rehabilitated to safer zones.
Future tourism development shall also be planned in accordance to the safe zones.
 The construction of road infrastructure shall be done after suitable geo-technical surveys and
considering various aspects of disaster like landslides etc. along with suitable mitigation
 All development shall respect the natural drainage patterns – watersheds and river tributaries,
submergence zone to reduce risk of floods.
 Tourism units shall adhere to standards and codes related to earthquake resistant structures
since a large part of the state is prone to earthquake risks.
 UTDB shall work in close co-ordination in framing approval guidelines for tourism unit
development with Disaster Mitigation & Management Centre (DMMC), Government of
Uttarakhand and National Disaster Management Authority(NDMA)

Adventure tourism and its present market scenario:

 Adventure tourism is the new form of tourism and it is becoming popular gradually.
 It is not so new in nature, adventure tourism is a new name but the form is not so much new.
The adventure tourism is a nomenclature from the long back the experimentations exploring
new things activity based tourism has been started in a unorganized way.
 One of the expert told that ―I started the trekking activity and camping activities in my early
20‘s. It is now a days getting organized structure, the world tourism is growing with its own
curiosity in any form of tourism experimentation is essential but the definition of the
adventure tourism is something different from other tourism. It is having huge thrill involved
some degree of risk play and activity is the essential part of it. It is not an individual activity
based tourism it is a group activity

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 The requirement of the people within the group with same mentality and common interest
and attractiveness. Sporting mentality is the essential thinking for adventure tourism. Some
degree of skill is required mental and physical fitness is the essential part of adventure
tourist. The new places and remoteness of the destination creates the attractiveness for the
adventure tourism nature involvement, connection with the environment and ecology, wild
life and hostility of the destinations creates its own attractiveness and feel which the main
resources are, but in India most of the tourist prefers soft adventure rather the hard adventure.
But the adventure is the common for the entire tourist relating to this segment.
 The age group of adventure tourists is not so much defined. Here age is important but
mentality and motivation plays the higher role compare to the age boundary or age criteria.
But it has been observed that mostly the tourists in between 21 years to 45 years of age are
more interested for adventure. The young generations of the modern time is very much
interested in this tourism. They are having the mentality in exploring new things. All the time
they find or they try to get new opportunities for experimentation. In Indian scenario the
structural operation of adventure tourism is developing slowly. For example the tourists are
visiting to Haridwar or Hrishikesh not only for spiritual purpose but attractiveness is created
like river rafting.
 Now a days the need of the tourist are changing so much , the value addition , pleasure
,physical activity , involvement with the nature are becoming the essential part of tourism.
 When talking about the cost of tourism most of the tourist who wants to travels they maintain
their own funds for tourism purpose only. For tourism experience is much more valuable
than the cost. The quality of the tourism expectation fulfilment is becoming much more
important factor compare to expenses. The quality of tourism refers to basic facilities
accommodation accessibility transportation as well as tour operator‘s management abilities in
conducting the tour.
 The adventure tourism is connected with the lifestyle of the tourist. The definition of comfort
here is different compare to other tourism. Here comfort refers to minimum facilities for stay
and food, accessibility, medical support.
 The involvement with the nature, experimental facilities as well as activity is so much
connected in adventure tourism.

56 | P a g e
 The several influences from the peer group, family, word of mouth communication in
between the tourists create the better impact in selecting the adventure tourism destinations.
Experience sharing with the tourist helps in sharing better knowledge and information about
the specific destinations that means the old customer brings the new customers in this sector.
Of course the individual motivation of the tourist is also very important part.
 The digital media communication can only provide the information and it helps in knowing
the place superficially. But the word of mouth communication can create a better impact in
explaining the experience in a better way.
 The print media is having better impact compare to the digital media because when a tourist
read about a destination in a descriptive way then they can visualize the place with the eye of
their imagination and finds him or her in the surroundings of that place.
 The communication should be segment wise for this sector because the tourist are having
different need setup though it is a special form of tourism so communication has to be much
more efficient and should hit the target group. More pictorial presentation and explanations
as well as experience should be shared to motivate the prospect.
 Present time can be named as the era of social networking. Facebook twitter is becoming
very essential part of the social demand of the modern time. The communication takes place
with those networks is having huge impacts for example a particular picture of a destination
and good photographs creates the attention of the community. On the other hand the new
trend has been observed uploading of the photo and information and sharing is creating the
huge level of awareness. The information in the community along with the specific group can
hit the prospect in a desirable manner.
 Tourism websites are also considered as a good communicator. In the websites different
explanation photographs as well as videos attracts the tourists in a significant manner. Every
detail data relating to the destination planning, culture of the local people, facilities as well as
the experience can be properly shared.

The important attributes which are essentially a part of adventure tourism include:

 The group of people involved should be homogeneous in terms of their mentality.

 Deep involvement of sporty activities.
 Presence of risk factor.

57 | P a g e
 Attraction to remoteness of the places.

The name adventure tourism may be new but the form of it is not new. Over the span of time the
concept of adventure tourism has developed and become much more organized and is becoming
popular day by day. However not all segments associate themselves with this form of tourism.
Some of the important observations about adventure tourism are:

Age is not directly important aspect, what is important is the mentality and motivation. However
it has been found that people among the age group 25 to 45 has this drive and motivation for this
particular form of tourism.

Nowadays for tourist‘s value addition, new experience and related factors have become more
important. They can trade off with cost when it comes to the following issue. To be precise it can
be said tourists nowadays are ready to give even high expenses if they get something new by it in
the form of value addition and enriching experience. It can be said as a form of Cost-Benefit
analysis which the modern day tourists go for.

In adventure tourism the concept of fulfillment of expectation is very much different than what it
is in normal tourism. In adventure tourism the fulfillment of expectation is limited to the basic
facilities which include the minimum requirements of food, shelter, medicine and basic safety.

The quality of tourism in the present context is the combination of various attributes which
generally covers everything starting from luxury to fulfillment of expectations.

In adventure tourism the concept of fulfillment of expectation is very much different than what it
is in normal tourism. In adventure tourism the fulfillment of expectation is limited to the basic
facilities which include the minimum requirements of food, shelter, medicine and basic safety.

The communication process is enhanced by peer groups, family members particularly those who
have visited the place for the purpose of adventure tourism. Though television media gives a
superficial knowledge about the place but still word of mouth plays an important role. Print
media can be an important form for communication. There should be a one to one
communication process with the tourists involved in adventure tourism. More pictures of the
places and promotion through videos and films can be effective because it gives a form of visual
impact which is very important in this case.

58 | P a g e
In Uttarakhand, green tribunal punishes adventure tourists but ignores bigger polluters

A decision on contamination close Rishikesh bans campers yet permits the considerably more
unsafe industry around religious the travel industry to go unhindered.

The choice by the National Green Tribunal – India's top natural court – to boycott vacationer
camps along the 36-km stretch of River Ganga from Kaudiyala to Rishikesh in the Himalayan
province of Uttarakhand has annoyed the movement business while bringing up bigger issues
about India's powerlessness to offset the travel industry with ecological concerns.

The council's boycott a week ago came after a NGO, Social Action for Forest and Environment,
documented a grumbling against the unregulated task of boating camps in the area. The request
communicated worries over "smoothing of land" and "contamination brought about by the
transitory campgrounds" on account of "ill-advised sewage transfer, absence of sanitation and a
general contamination brought about by drinking liquor, sparklers and so on". The nearness of
camps, the supplication included, contrarily influenced the environment and untamed life of the

In its request, the green council has permitted boating to proceed, which it feels isn't hindering to
the area's condition, yet it has clasped down on all outdoors movement in perspective on its
contaminating nature. All brief or lasting camps in Rishikesh are in this manner to be destroyed
with quick impact.

Popular site

The Kaudiyala-Rishikesh stretch of the Ganga – a colossally well known outdoors and
wilderness boating site – pulls in a huge number of experience sweethearts from India and
abroad. It is peppered with white sandy shorelines, rough canyons, rapids and sun-dappled
timberlands overflowing with vegetation. A center for the travel industry, the stretch has been
facilitating camps, visitor houses, ashrams and lodgings supporting the nearby economy since the
1980s when the experience the travel industry blast started.

In the meantime the nearby specialists have not had the capacity to manage the business.
Licenses for boating are issued by the Ministry of Tourism, and those for setting up shoreline

59 | P a g e
camps are given out either by the woodland division or income land office. Crisp licenses for
campgrounds are issued consistently. Anyway insiders state usually for visit administrators to oil
palms and obtain allows regardless of whether they abuse neighborhood natural laws.

Neighborhood occupants and ecological halls gripe of heaps of refuse being abandoned by
revelers unsupervised by visit administrators. "There is barefaced negligence for tenets and
absence of affectability to the district's delicate environment," said Prateek Vajpayee, a
neighborhood occupant and previous individual from the Uttaranchal State Tourism Board.
"Void jugs, jars of unconsumed sustenance and waste including bones and rottenness lies around
the campground. The business has neglected to control itself."

The Wildlife Institute of India, an independent foundation under the Ministry of Environment
and Forests led an investigation in 2020. Its report, the WII underscored the degree of disregard.
After an overview of the stretch on a stream pontoon, the specialists reasoned that out of the 34
camps assessed, upwards of 13 were mocking tenets. The report proposed the pressing need "for
a progressively escalated evaluation of the biological impressions of the outdoors exercises and
the monetary valuation of nature the travel industry exercises”.

Court ruling questioned

While the issues are there, it appears that they are of guideline as opposed to authorization. The
burden of the boycott by the council is viewed as an extreme eruption. Gour Kanjilal, Executive
Director of the Indian Association of Tour Operators, depicted it as "removing the head to
manage a headache". He said that neighborhood specialists should consider the visit
administrators in charge of sharpening the vacationers about do's and don'ts of outdoors as the
principle issue is the litter that individuals desert or dump into the stream. "The licenses of
administrators who don't go along ought to be repudiated," Kanjilal said.

The boycott will likewise bargain an enormous blow for the neighborhood economy. Kiran
Bhatt, the President of the Indian Association of Rafting Outfitters, stated, "Amid pinnacle
season, we get around 40,000 vacationers consistently particularly amid ends of the week from
neighboring spots like Delhi, Punjab and Haryana. The boycott will mean lost a great many
rupees to the administrators.”

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Pilgrims and urban pollution pose bigger threat

Additional upsetting is the way that in spite of these huge numbers amid visitor season, the
campers and rafters are a little segment of the absolute entries in the district. Unquestionably
increasingly negative to the soundness of the sacred stream is religious the travel industry. An
investigation by the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention announced
that the measure of sewage dumped into the stream tightens up amid the Char Dham Yatra
season when almost 1.5 million pioneers visit the state from May through October. "No one
looks for a restriction on religious the travel industry," contended Kanjilal. "So why quit

The center, include specialists, should be on dispensing with the greater scalawags –, for
example, dumping of dead bodies into the blessed waterway, the development of dams,
forestalling waste materials and sewage water being discharged into the stream. Regardless of
these gigantic and very much perceived issues, most businesses in and around Rishikesh work
without essential consent from the Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board. Nearby inns as well,
have been observed to be errant, shunning utilization of the required sewage treatment plants. On
May 23, the Radisson Blu Hotel in Haridwar had its utilities stopped for around 36 hours by the
State Pollution Control Board after it was discovered dumping untreated water from its channels
into the Ganga.

hashank Shekhar, Assistant Professor of Geology at Delhi University, proposed that the
legislature ought to control the travel industry by characterizing waterway spaces by utilizing
flood recurrence information and reserving zones where the travel industry exercises can be led.
"Likewise campgrounds should be unloaded in an appropriate way," he included. "There should
be an unmistakable approach on who gets these and organizations should offer for a camp and
pay a premium on the kind of land they get."

Dealing with options is the way to maintainable the travel industry in the eco-touchy zone,
included Shekhar. "Empowering private-open association and sharpening all travel industry
partners are the best approach." As the WII report recommended, the best approach to advance
ecotourism in the area is "by guaranteeing that the way toward arranging the travel industry
ventures are participatory and receptive to nearby needs."

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Lamentably, the council's choice risks doing the inverse. It rebuffs the littlest polluters, whose
exercises could be managed, and overlooks greatest polluters of the locale, giving them a chance
to escape without any penalty.

Challenges faced by Uttarakhand Tourism

 Disaster Prone Areas – There are numerous instances where development is on disaster prone
high risk zones.
 Unplanned infrastructure development in and around Hill areas. Destinations like Mussourie,
Nainital etc are overcrowded and need urgent interventions in terms of sustainable planning
and management strategies.
 Unplanned tourism development is severely damaging the fragile ecosystem of the State.
There is a need to involve local communities in the tourism sector to ensure conservation of
natural resources through proper framework.
 Parking and Traffic Management at major Hill Stations.
 Availability of Potable drinking water at all destinations.
 Solid waste Management at Destinations.
 Availability of clean and adequate public convenience facility
 Lack of sufficient quality accommodation across all categories.
 Inadequate rail and air connectivity Lack of proper regulation and safety standards for
development of Niche Tourism products like a.
 Adventure tourism, health and rejuvenation in the State.
 Tourism in Uttarakhand is seasonal in nature. Thus there is a need to develop innovative and
niche tourism products to ensure continuous flow of tourists across the year.
 Lack of trained guides at major tourism destinations

Projected Tourist growth in Uttarakhand

The Tourist visits in Uttarakhand have been projected keeping in view the impacts of the disaster of
2013, the positive impacts of sustainable tourism development due to implementation of the Tourism
Policy 2017. Projected Tourist growth in Uttarakhand

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 The Tourist visits in Uttarakhand have been projected keeping in view the impacts of the disaster
of 2013, the positive impacts of sustainable tourism development due to implementation of the
Tourism Policy 2017.

The Domestic Tourist Visits are expected to increase by around 2.5 times in the next ten years.
Foreign Tourist Visits are expected to increase by around 2.0 times in the same period. The Total
tourist Visits in Uttarakhand are expected to reach around 67 million by 2026.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The year 2015 has been a milestone for Global Development as Governments have adopted the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). The bold agenda sets out a global framework to end extreme poverty, fight inequality
and injustice and fix climate change until 2030. Building on historic Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), the ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 associated
targets is people-centered, transformative, universal and integrated.

Alignments of Tourism to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth,
inclusive development and environmental sustainability and offers leadership and support to the
sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. UNWTO is committed to ensure
that tourism plays a key role in the Post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable
Development Goals. Tourism has the potential to contribute, directly or indirectly, to all of the
goals. In particular, it has been included as targets in Goals 8, 12 and 14 on inclusive and
sustainable economic growth, sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and the sustainable
use of oceans and marine resources, respectively.

Sustainable Tourism is firmly positioned in 2030 Agenda. Achieving this agenda requires a clear
implementation framework, adequate financing and investment in technology, infrastructure and
human resources. The alignments of Sustainable Development Goals to tourism have been
illustrated below:

Review of Uttarakhand Tourism Policy

 The Tourism Policy comprehensively touched major aspects of tourism development in

the state.
 The Policy lacks elaboration of various enlisted strategies.
 Due to changing dynamics of tourism and tourist preferences over the years various new
strategies are also needed like aggressive branding and marketing, disaster management,
traffic management at destinations.
 The policy lacks details of institutional mechanism.
 The Incentives and subsidies were not detailed and separately allocated.
 The Policy lacks in addressing the destination specific needs.

Policy Objectives
 To create and develop unique tourism products offering unmatched experience catering
to various tourist segments
 To develop the image of Uttarakhand as a safe and tourist friendly destination

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 Emphasis on provisioning of quality tourism products and experiences for tourists of all
 Follow sustainable tourism development principles and adhere to carrying capacity of
 UTDB to ensure seamless and regulated provisioning of facilities for tourists by
various service providers in the state
 Ascertain Responsible Tourism practices amongst tourists and other tourism
stakeholders. Uttarakhand being a pristine and sensitive ecosystem, it is imperative to
sensitize the tourists towards the importance on nature and wildlife conservation
 Promote Inclusive Tourism strategies through community based tourism ensuring
equitable sharing of benefits to the local communities
 Disaster Risk Mitigation (DRM) to be adopted in the planning process for existing and
new destinations

 Branding and image creation

 Human resource development to ensure higher employability of youth and women in
the tourism sector. Promote employers at tourism units to hire local skilled youth and
 Maximize Public-private sector partnerships in tourism and allied sectors
 To ascertain skill and capacity building for tourism sector workforce

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PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2019 to be held in
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) announced that the PATA Adventure Travel and
Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2019 (ATRTCM 2019) will be held in Rishikesh,
Uttarakhand, India from February 13-15. The declaration was made by PATA CEO Dr. Mario
Hardy at Tourism Powerhouse 2018, a PATA India Chapter activity, held as of late in New
Delhi, India.

The three-day occasion, sympathetically facilitated by the Uttarakhand Tourism Development

Board, includes a one-day travel exchange bazaar and one-day gathering that unites open and
private area the travel industry experts associated with experience travel and mindful the travel

"The PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart has appreciated
remarkable achievement as of late in Thimphu, Bhutan; Chiang Rai, Thailand; Luoyang, China,
and Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE and we are presently charmed to have the open door out of the

66 | P a g e
blue to center upon the numerous open doors for experience travel and capable the travel
industry in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India", said PATA CEO Dr. Mario Hardy. "This occasion
gives an outstanding stage to go exchange experts to adapt significantly more about this
enamoring goal, increase further bits of knowledge into experience travel patterns, and add to
making an increasingly dependable travel and the travel industry.”

8. Preliminary research or experimental work done.

 I have collected information through Secondary data i.e., journals, websites, magazines and
research papers
 I have gone through different sources of secondary data that is available to obtain information
that is required to do my study
 I have analysed the information available and put the required information that is related to my
research and have not added the information that is not related to my report.

67 | P a g e
Picture: L/R: Mr. SanJeet, Vice Chairman – PATA India Chapter; Dr. Mario Hardy, CEO,
PATA; Mrs. Poonam Chand, Joint Director, Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board; Capt.
Swadesh Kumar, President, Adventure Tour Operators Association of India (ATOAI),
and Mr. Jatinder Taneja – Honourable Secretary, PATA India Chapter announcing the date and
location for the PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2019 in
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India.
Nestled amidst lush greeneries guarded by the stunning slopes of northern Uttarakhand, the quiet
city of Rishikesh is often asserted as the 'Yoga Capital of the World'. It increased moment
notoriety when The Beatles came to remain with their master, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in the
1960's. Flaunting heavenly sanctuaries, journey locales and the brilliant Ganges River, each side
of this amazing spot has stories to be told. Be that as it may, Rishikesh isn't all otherworldliness
and yoga.

Today, the city pulls in vacationers from everywhere throughout the world for its various
experience sports, for example, white-water rafting, precipice hopping, kayaking and outdoors.
Known as the 'Portal to the Garhwal Himalayas', Rishikesh is likewise an assigned beginning
stage for treks to various Himalayan journey focuses and sanctums.

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Water sports fans can appreciate rafting down the Ganges River in the midst of the Rocky
Mountains and common wood environment. Daredevil can plunge off a precipice from a
bewildering stature of 35 feet¬ or face the magnificent rapids of the Ganges on a kayak. In the
meantime, cascade trekking offers a gentler chance to draw near to nature while being open to
individuals of all age gatherings – flawless as a family movement. Investigate the goal where
energy meets serenity inside the scenery of tall mountains, in the midst of the spouting sound of
completely clear waters. This is Rishikesh – place where there is divine beings, experience, and

The PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart is a yearly
occasion that offers a stage for dealers and purchasers engaged with the universe of experience
make a trip and mindful the travel industry to verify new business and to solidify existing
contracting connections by means of PATA's well-demonstrated arrangement of pre-coordinated
arrangements. It is a fantastic chance to make new encounters and to impart new chances to
worldwide the travel industry experts.

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9. Conclusion

From the current research it has been observed that there are some essential elements of
adventure tourism for the state Uttarakhand. Those essential elements must be supported with
sufficient quality Infrastructure. The government should take adequate initiatives to project those
Infrastructural facilities and the service with proper marketing communication to motivate the
prospective tourists. Those motivational inputs will support in developing the intention of the
prospective tourist to visit Rishikesh for adventure tourism. This will definitely help in the
growth of tourist inflow and in better relationship between host and visitors. Rishikesh must
implement this model to because it will ensure tourism revenue growth, employment generation
and sustainability in the adventure tourism marketing. Feedback and corrective actions must be
taken to ensure the future growth & sustainability of adventure tourism market.

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