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Check-up Test for Figures of Speech

Grade 8 Special Science Class

Name:_______________________ Section:__________ Date:__________Score:______

Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Please avoid erasures.

1. It is a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words.
A. Alliteration C. Figures of Speech
B. Apostrophe D. Anaphora
2. It is used to make a direct a comparison.
A. Simile C. Anaphora
B. Alliteration D. Personification
3. The rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it.
A. Euphemism C. Metonymy
B. Synecdoche D. Apostrophe
4. A statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentati
on of the idea.
A. Metaphor C. Hyperbole
B. Irony D. Synecdoche
5. It is also known as turne tale.
A. Personification C. Anaphora
B. Apostrophe D. Hyperbole
6. A disbelief at something unusual or unexpected.
A. Irony C. Synecdoche
B. Euphemism D. Paradox
7. It imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.
A. Onomatopoeia . C. Onomatopoiea
B. Onomatopoia D. Onumatopoeia
8. It is also meant to be more than a Tongue Twister.
A. Apostrophe C. Irony
B. Alliteration D. Metonymy
9. A figure of speech that is directly refers to one thing by mentioning another.
A. Hyperbole C. Personification
B. Simile D. Metaphor
10. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant t
o be taken literally.
A. Personification C. Simile
B. Hyperbole D. Metaphor
11. A figure of speech that add emphasis to the repeated element.
A. Irony C. Metaphor
B. Apostrophe D. Anaphora
12. Personification in arts is also means as?
A. representing a non-human thing C. used to represent as a whole
B. A stated comparison D. turne tale
13. The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.
A. Metonymy C. Euphemism
B. Onomatopoeia D. Synecdoche
14. Figures of speech is also called
A. rhetorical figure C. phonetical figure
B. poetical figure D. fundamental figure
15. "He is a little tipsy", is an example of what figure of speech?
A. Metonymy C. Euphemism
B. Apostrophe D. Metaphor
16. "Ask for her hand", is an example of what figure of speech?
A. Synecdoche C. Metaphor
B. Euphemism D. Hyperbole
17. Apostrophes are more often found in _____ than in prose.
A. fairytale C. tongue twister
B. poetry D. dictionary
18. When can you say that the sentence is a simile, if it has?
A. like or us. C. like or an
B. as or to D. as or like
19. "Your suitcase weighs a ton", is an example of?
A. Hyperbole C. Personification
B. Irony D. Metaphor
20. Three of the choices are examples of Metonymy, which one is not?
A. My dear, you have all of my heart.
B. The pen is mightier than the sword.
C. We do not hire mentally challenged people.
D. Let me give you a hand.

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