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My view on Colombia

1. Here you drink red everywhere and at all times

When I say "everywhere" I mean that wherever you go, someone will always offer you a
tintico (or cup of black coffee).
2. Is there something to celebrate? Let it be with rumba!
Any reason is good to meet with family and friends, drink some aguardienticos and dance
until dawn.
3. An arepa always calms hunger
Here each region specializes in preparing their own arepa, but all share the basics and that
is that they are made with corn and are consumed at any time of the day.
4. Christmas is a serious thing here
Let's start because from December 16 all the houses, offices, housing complexes, parks
and public squares, shopping centers and even local airports, build their crib and start the
celebration of the ninth.
5. This year the family outing is ... to a farm!
The best plan for Colombian families is to take advantage of the holidays to escape to the
countryside, rent a farm with a pool on hot land and spend endless hours there in the
middle of games and abundant meals.
6. There is a day when thousands of candles are lit
Although it is secular by constitution, Colombia is a very Catholic country in practice and
many of its celebrations revolve around these beliefs, so the Day of the Velitas the whole
country is illuminated in homage to the immaculate conception.
7. More Colombian than arepa? Suddenly the vallenato ...
This musical genre of the Colombian Atlantic Coast, played with accordion, guacharaca
and vallenata box, was born more than 200 years ago in the livestock areas with the desire
to tell stories and accompany the field work.

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