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DANE Nº 108758077905 – NIT 900137504-4

Aprobación de estudios Nivel Pre -Escolar, Nivel Básica y Media Académica según Acuerdo 0046 de Julio 14 de 2006
Resolución 0580 de diciembre 07 de 2009 Otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.


Ciclo 4
Asignatura: Inglés Grado: 5 Fecha Fecha
26/07/2021 13/08/2021
Inicio: Fin:
(Tema) We are all the same!
 Reconocer el vocabulario y estructuras en inglés, relacionadas con las características
Objetivo de de las personas y comunidades en las que interactúa.
Aprendizaje  Identificar palabras y expresiones en inglés relacionadas con festivales
 locales y nacionales.
 Comprende información general y específica en un texto narrativo corto sobre temas
conocidos y de interés.
DBA  Intercambia información sobre hábitos, gustos y preferencias acerca de temas
conocidos siguiendo modelos presentados por el docente.

(Lo que debes saber sobre el tema)

Colombia is the home of many colorful festivals and traditions taking place throughout the year, with many
Colombia holidays largely dictated by the Catholic calendar. Carnivals are a major focus, with most cities
and towns having at least one at some point in the year, that feature costumes, parades, music, food, wild
parties, and dancing.

Black and White Festival

A 3-day carnival held in the city of Pasto, in southeastern

Colombia, showcases a mixture of indigenous rituals,
Spanish colonial, and later Colombian and Afro-Colombian
traditions and customs. The pre-carnival stage begins
on 28th December from which time there are widespread
impromptu water fights throughout the city. Celebrations
begin in earnest from 4th January, with a large parade
commemorating the arrival of a family of legendary
travelers to Pasto in the 1920s. Activities on the last two
days of celebrations are what give the festival its name.
On 5th, the assembled crowds all paint each other with
black cosmetics or dress in black, and on the following day large quantities of white talcum powder are
thrown about covering all those in the city.

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Barranquilla´s Carnival

Barranquilla's Carnival is the 2nd largest carnival in the

world, right after the carnival of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
It starts on Saturday before Ash Wednesday and lasts
for 4 days. The most symbolic of all the celebrations is
the Battle of Flowers on the first day. This is a parade
of floats, troupes, dance groups and costumes which
are chaired by the queen. She arrives in her carriage,
while she is dancing and throwing flowers to the
spectators. On the 4th day, the carnival comes to an
end with the death of Joselito Carnaval; he is the most
representative character for being a symbol of joy and
celebration. In 2003, UNESCO declared it one of the
Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Holy week in Santa Cruz de Mompox

Every year the people of Mompox celebrate the Holy

Week (“Semana Santa”). This religious event is one of the
largest and most traditional manifestations of the Catholic
faith in the country. Since 1564 it is held to remember the
passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The
parades are full of pious acts and popular religiosity
inherited from the Spanish colonization, but over time they
added native elements to the tradition. The inhabitants
make delicate carpets with motifs referring to the Passion
of Christ. In 1995, UNESCO awarded Mompox as the
Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The Vallenato Legend Festival

The Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata (Vallenato Legend Festival)

is one of the most important music festivals in Colombia. It is
celebrated every year in April in Valledupar. The festival was
founded in 1968 by three people: the former Minister of Culture
Consuelo Araújo, the former president of the republic Alfonso
López Michelsen and the vallenato composer Rafael Escalona. For
4 days the city of Valledupar is transformed into a single sound
emitted by the vallenato accordion.

The event not only exalts the music, it also gives space to
storytelling, dance and oral narration, making the visitor completely
immersed in the vallenato culture. There are different scenarios,
depending on the level of expertise of the participants and age. At
the end of the event, the "King of Kings" is crowned, which is the highest award that can be received at the

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Flower Festival

The city of Medellin has been hosting the Festival of the Flowers
since 1957. Taking place over ten days in early August, there are
concerts, parades, a food fair, an orchid competition, caravan of
chivas (which you MUST try), a firework show, and the most
important. The Parade of Silleteros. The city of Medellin truly
comes alive in color, displaying its heritage through the use of
flowers which grow in and around the countryside.

Cali Fair

The Feria de Cali is held from the 25th to the 30th of

December and is the most important cultural event in
Cali. It is a celebration of the region's cultural identity,
famous for the Salsa marathon, horse riding parades,
and dance parties. The Fair has been celebrated since
1957 and it promotes cultural, ethnic, and musical
diversity in the region. Cali is also known as the "Capital
de la Salsa” given the city’s infatuation with this
traditional music genre. This festival unveils the most
colorful shows of salsa and international dancers with
hundreds of dancers of international stature, who have
been prepared throughout the year.

Costumes: disfraces
Tradition: tradición
Customs: costumbres
Crowds: multitud, público
Parade: desfile
Floats: carrozas
Troupes: comparsas
Carriage: carroza
Holy Week: semana santa
Festival: festival
Award: premio
Food fair: feria gastronómica
Firework show: espectáculo de fuegos artificiales
Horse riding parades: cabalgatas

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(Aplica tus conocimientos)
I. Read the text about: COLOMBIA HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS and choose the correct answer.

1. This religious event is one of the largest and most traditional in Colombia.
A. Barranquilla´s Carnival
B. Holy week
C. Flower Festival

2. This festival is held from the 25th to the 30th of December.

A. The Vallenato Legend Festival
B. Barranquilla´s Carnival
C. Cali Fair

3. During this festival, this city comes alive with the color and smell of the beautiful flowers.
A. Medellin
B. Valledupar
C. Cali

4. The highest award at this festival is the King of Kings crowning.

A. Cali Fair
B. Holy week in Mompox
C. The Vallenato Legend Festival

5. This is the second largest carnival in the world.

A. Barranquilla´s Carnival
B. Black and White Festival
C. Flower Festival

II. Read the sentences and Tick T(true) or F(false) according to the reading.

True False
Black and White Festival begins on 4 January
Valledupar is also known as the "Capital de la Salsa”
Mompox was awarded by UNESCO as the Historical and Cultural Heritage of
The most symbolic of all the Barranquilla´s Carnival celebrations is the Battle of
Flowers on the last day.
The most famous part of Flower Festival is a parade called "El Defile de los

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My best friends

Patrick Josh Andy Susie Angelica

Hi! I’m Andy. I’m ten years old. I like sport but I love eating, too. After school I often go to the fast food bar
and buy a hot dog. I’m not good at swimming but I’m a good handball player. Patrick is my friend. He is nine
years old. He loves football and he is a great swimmer. Josh is eleven years old and he is a basketball
player in our school team. He’s the captain. He can’t swim. Susie is my friend, too. She is eleven years old
and she plays basketball very well. She is the captain in the girls’ team. She loves swimming and she never
eats fast food. Angelica is eight years old. She swims and runs a lot. She doesn’t care about her diet and
she eats a lot of junk food. She loves doughnuts.

III. Read the text and answer these questions.

1. Who is the youngest? ___________________________
2. Who is the oldest? ______________________________
3. Who is taller than Andy? _________________________
4. Whose diet is as unhealthy as Andy’s? _______________________
5. Who plays basketball as well as Susie? _______________________
6. Who is shorter than Josh? _________________________
7. Who is the best runner? _________________________
8. Who is the worst swimmer? _________________________

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My Hobby
John is a reporter of a school newspaper. Here is his article about pupils of his school.

Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies. Lara is 11 years old. She likes writing poems and
painting pictures.
Tom is 15 years old and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, designing Internet sites and
playing piano.
Robert is almost 13 years old. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. Our pupils do
many interesting things and they are very busy.
They also love different subjects. Tom is the best pupil at math. Lara is good at art and literature and
Robert is one of the best pupils at PE. Their hobbies help them study well too.

Pupils: students
Subjects: areas
Math: mathematics
P.E: Physical education

IV. Read the sentences and Tick T(true) or F(false) according to the reading.

True False
Lara’s hobby is math
Playing football is Robert’s hobby
Lara is good at art
Robert is 15 years old
Tom is good at literature
John is a reporter

V. Choose the correct word.

1. Tom, Robert and Lara are ____________

A. reporters B. pupils C. teachers

2. Lara likes ___________

A. football B. music C. arts

3. Tom’s hobby is __________

A. painting B. football C. dancing

4. Robert is ________ years old.

A. 10 B. 15 C. 13

5. Lara is good at ____________

A. football and math B. art and literature C. dancing and sports

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VI. Choose the correct answer.
1. How old is Robert?
A. 13 B. 16

2.Who has the most hobbies?

A. Lara B. Tom

3.Is Tom older than Robert?

A. yes B. No

4.Who likes to play football?

A. Robert B. Tom

5. Is playing piano Lara's hobby?

A. yes B. No

6. Who writes the article about hobbies?

A. John B. Tom


(Enlaces o referencias bibliográficas que puedes consultar)

Competencia Cognitiva Competencia Procedimental Competencia Actitudinal
 Lee un texto sobre holidays  Muestra con sus acciones que
 Identifica palabras y and festivals en Colombia y se respeta así mismo y a sus
expresiones en inglés, responde a preguntas. semejantes.
relacionadas con
actividades cotidianas.  Lee un texto relacionado con  Valora el cuidado de su
actividades cotidianas y cuerpo reconociendo la
 Identifica palabras y pasatiempos, y responde importancia de los buenos
expresiones en inglés preguntas sencillas. hábitos de aseo personal.
relacionadas con festivales
locales y nacionales.

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(Sobre tu proceso de aprendizaje)
¿Qué aprendiste al desarrollar la guía y en qué momento de tu vida consideras que puedes aplicar
estos conocimientos?
¿Cómo te sentiste al desarrollar esta guía?
¿Qué fue lo que más te causó dificultad para resolver las actividades propuestas?
¿Qué sugerencias tienes para desarrollar la próxima guía?

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NOMBRE: ____________________________________________________

GRADO: _____________________________________________________

ASIGNATURA: ________________________________________________

La rúbrica y los criterios de evaluación le otorgan al estudiante responsabilidades en su proceso de

aprendizaje y le permiten conocer el nivel de progreso y a su vez le indica los aspectos por mejorar. Por ello
es necesario que te autoevalúes de manera honesta y responsable.

(20 - 100)
1 Asisto a todas las clases orientadas en el periodo

2 Cumplo con tareas, trabajos y actividades asignada

3 Me esfuerzo por rendir académicamente.

4 Soy constante en la entrega de actividades y compromisos en el

tiempo que se estipula
5 Participo activamente en todas las actividades programadas por el

6 Organizo y me esmero por la presentación de mis trabajos

7 Trabajo en equipo respetando la opinión de mis compañeros

8 Realizo conectividad en las diferentes redes sociales habilitadas para

tutorías y entrega de trabajos y acato las normas para interactuar.

9 Me adapto a nuevas situaciones de aprendizaje

10 Tengo interés por aprender desde casa.

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