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BỘ MÔN: ………Ngoại Ngữ………… NĂM HỌC 2014 – 2015

(Đề thi gồm …06... trang) Môn: Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 Khối chuyên
Thời gian làm bài: ……150’……….
PART 1. You will hear a student and an advisor talking about the facilities at the college. Listen carefully and
answer questions from 1 to 5.
1. If the student has to get medicines, there’s a prescription charge of _____.
A. £ 6.15 B. £ 6.50 C. £ 5.16 D. £ 5.60
2. Where is the student living at the moment?
A. at a hotel B. at a hostel C. in the Sport Centre D. at his own apartment
3. Counseling service is on the _____.
A. North Campus B. Central Campus C. South Campus D. West Centre
4. If the student wants to make a note, the number is _____.
A. 09100625913 B. 90100625913 C. 09100762593 D. 09007625913
5. The fee you have to pay to get a pass is _____.
A. £ 12 B. £ 22 C. £ 32 D. £ 42
PART 2. You will hear part of a lecture on Wildlife. Listen carefully and answer questions from 1 to 10. Write
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and/or A NUMBER for each answer.
The European Starling.
Length: (1) ___________________.
Colour: black or grey, white spots.
Nesting sites: Trees and (2) _________________.
Diet: (3) _________________ and fruit.
Natural range: British Isles, Finland
Population: British Isles, Finland: in decline
USA: (4) _________________ birds
Some of the problems created by large numbers of starlings
On wildlife: They compete with other species for (5) _________________ places.
On agriculture: They feed on (6) _________________ crops.
They cause (7) _________________.
On human life: They may cause (8) _________________.
Possible solutions. There are (9) _________________ approaches in theory. The best one, of course, is
(10) _________________.
PART 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D in each sentence to complete it.
1. He promised to mend the broken wheel soon without ___________ .
A. fail B. failure C. trouble D. mistake
2. We've got a very good ____ in the local newspaper this morning. They must have liked the play.
A. critic B. article C. write-up D. praise
3. The accused man was proved innocent and was _____________ .
A. liberated B. excused C. interned D. acquitted
4. As we were driving along a car suddenly ______________ in front of us.
A. set out B. put up C. pulled out D. stepped in
5. She's certainly a _________ writer; she has written quite a few books this year.
A. fruitful B. fertile C. prolific D. successful
6. While attempting to reach his home before the storm ______________ .
A. the bicycle of John broke down B. it happened that John's bike broke down
C. the storm caught John D. John had an accident on his bicycle
7. Unless you give up smoking, you’ll _________ the risk of damaging your health.
A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run
8. Do you think Ms. Brown will _________ for Parliament in the next election?
A. sit B. run C. walk D. stand
9. He passed the test by the skin of his teeth.
A. easily B. with very little margin C. with a very high score D. All are correct
10. Some very important issue was __________ all his attention.
A. taking up B. taking off C. taking out D. taking in
11. I'm afraid my speech may have__________ you as to my true aims.
A. miscalculated B. mistaken C. misunderstood D. misled
12. There was a storm__________ I had never experienced before.
A. such as B. as which C. with which D. for such
13 The handwriting is completely__________. This note must have been written a long time ago.
A. eligible B. indelible C. illegible D. unreadable
14. I wouldn't realized about the possible risk of setting the factory in fire if Bob hadn't __________ my attention to it.
A. sought B. drawn C. showed D. caught
15. I can hardly think of Jenny being able to __________the aim she has set herself.
A. implement B. accomplish C. triumph D. succeed
16. Eric's father works as an interpreter. The man is __________ in three languages.
A. fluent B. outspoken C. speechless D. knowledgeable
17. The scientists broke down as they realized that all their efforts had gone to__________
A. loss B. failure C. waste D. collapse
18. Jacobson is often referred to ______ at the factory.
A. be the best engineer B. as the best engineer
C. by the president to be the best engineer D. as being the best engineer
19 .I was going to bring up the issue of my premature retirement but it turned out I _______ it as everybody had
already known my case.
A. needn’t have done B. didn’t need do C. didn’t need to do D. needn’t to have done
20. Their walking tour through the desert never came __________.
A. on B. round C. out D. off
PART 2. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct them.
Traditional, mental tests have been divided into two types. Achievement tests designed to measure acquired skills and
knowledge, particularly those that have been explicitness taught. The proficiency exams required by a few states for
high school graduate are achievement tests. Aptitude tests are designed and measure a person’s ability to acquire new
skills to knowledge. For example, vocation aptitude tests can help you decide whether you would do better like a
mechanic or musician. However, all mental tests are in some sense achievement tests because they assumed some sort
of past learning or experience with certainly objects, words, or situations. The difference between achievement and
aptitude tests is the degree and intend use.
PART 3. Fill the blanks with the correct form of the verb and a preposition or particle provided
Verbs: Pick break call break settle slow take draw go make
Particles: Down up on in out in down up on down
1. The red car has just__________ in front of our house. Are we expecting anyone?
2. His condition is worse than before. I think we should__________ a doctor.
3. I've won a million pound! I don't believe it! I simply can't __________it __________!
4. Could you __________, please. I don't like driving so fast on country roads.
5. I'm sorry. I'm late. The car has__________ again. I've left it about a mile down the street.
6. Allen was very unhappy when his marriage__________ two years ago.
7. There's a lot of noise__________ in the flat above. I think they must be moving furniture.
8. The name on the cheque is wrong. The cheque is __________ to your brother, not to you.
9. I don't know why the boss__________ on the new office boy. He's not very bright, but he's hardworking and willing
to lean.
10. Janet didn't get a place at university, so she has__________ for a job at a bank instead
PART 4. Give the correct form of given words
Man is called by nature to live in society; for he needs many things which are necessary to his life, and which by
himself he cannot procure for himself. Whence it follows that man (1- NATURE) __________ becomes part of a
group, to procure him the means of living well. He needs this (2- ASSIST) __________ for two reasons. First, in order
that he may obtain the (3- ELEMENT) __________ necessities of life; this he does in the (4- DOMESTICATE)
__________ circle of which he is a part. Every man receives from his parents ’life and (5- NOURISH) __________
and education; and each other's aid of the family members (6- FACILITY) __________ the mutual (7- PROVIDE)
__________ of the necessities of life. But there is a second reason why the individual is helped by the group of which
he is a part, and in which alone he finds his adequate well-being. And this is, that he may not only live, but live
the good life- which is (8 - ABLE) __________ by the opportunities of social (9- COURSE) __________.Thus
civil society aids the individual in (10 - OBTAIN) __________ the material necessities, by uniting in the same city a
great number of crafts, which could not be so united in the same family. And civil society also assists him in the moral
PART 1. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1)_______ human activities
are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) _______ on consuming two-thirds of the world's
resources while half of the world's population do so (3) _______ to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (4)
_______ resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (5) _______ built
on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (6)
_______ We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) _______ the
planet's ability to support people is being (8) _______at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption
are (9) _______ increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (10) _______ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines,
warmth, shelter and minerals to keep us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the
resources they will last indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and
everyone will suffer.
1. A. Although B. Still C. Yet D. Despite
2. A. continues B. repeats C. carries D. follows
3. A. already B. just C. for D. entirely
4. A. alone B. individual C. lone D. only
5. A. sooner B. neither C. either D. rather
6. A. quite B. greatly C. utterly D. completely
7. A. development B. result C. reaction D. product
8. A. stopped B. narrowed C. reduced D. cut
9. A. doing B. having C. taking D. making
10. A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
PART 2. Read the passage and choose the best answer
Traditional education creates, in time, an incomplete image on family’s gender roles. From generation to
generation children interiorize theirs parent’s model known as “separated world’s myth” – a wife and a mother only
cooking ,doing laundry and taking care of the child “contrasting” with a husband and a father working or fixing
different things. According to this mentality each partner has established responsibilities in private and public
life that other one couldn’t take over.
Changing traditional gender roles seems to be difficult not because woman or man don’t have the necessary
skills for other one’s tasks but because everyone carries on a symbol of his “world”. Society’s evolution especially on
woman valorization redefines gender roles promoting a woman more active, ambitious and independent and a man
more emotional and involved in household tasks.
Women of our days have more liberty to choose between the “family model” – these ones are being more
obedient and anchored in tradition (the feminine type) and the “feminist model” – who’s priority is the career
(the anti-feminine type) or the middle model adopted by the “double career” type of woman – profession and family.
On the base of any of these choices are variables like social-status, race, education level, culture’s values etc.
We are assisting to a reprioritization of woman needs and so professional success became more
interesting and even attractive than family one probably because it brings something new. Women are
motivated to choose the career by elements as the wish for financial independency, the need to prove her
capacities, to open and better integrate in modern society and the possibility to control and not being only
controlled. All this reasons offer her a psychological equilibrium.
Most of the men consider women’s career as a conflict source having arguments like: women will
neglect theirs family attributions, the imminent change of man’s authority, his incertitude concerning the professional
competition and the risk to deteriorate the marital relation. Even at first side man and children are felling the stress
generated by the new status of woman, she’s living an interior conflict as well. Woman need to understand her need
for self-accomplishment but the remains of traditional mentality still affect her modern vision.
So our children should make a difference on gender roles perspective but we are in a vicious circle because
every family is raising their kids for a passed time, influenced by their own mentality and resistance to change. The
main idea is that both women and men should consider this role’s exchange like a challenge and also accept that a man
as well as a woman can do anything with willing.
1. What does the reading passage mainly discuss?
A. Children’s perspective on the discrimination. B. The domination of men’s roles over women’s.
C. Gender roles in modern society. D. The interior conflicts in women’s roles over men’s.
2. In the first paragraph, the phrase “separated world’s myth” refers to_______.
A. children’s opinions on their world which is also their family
B. children’s false view on the different and unexchangeable roles of their parents
C. children’s thoughts on their mothers’ domination roles over their fathers.
D. children’s ideas on what responsibilities their parents should be take charge of
3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Men’s and women’s roles cannot be easily exchanged since their lack of necessary skills.
B. In the development of society, men becomes more involved in household chores while women are more
active and independent.
C. The exchange between men’s and women’s roles turns out challenging because of an invisible default.
D. Society’s evolution is unlikely to happen due to the constancy of men’s and women’s roles.
4. Which of the following words can best replace the word “anchored in” in the third paragraph?
A. conflicted with B. attached to C. accustomed to D. connected with
5. What does the word “one” in paragraph four refer to?
A. reprioritization B. success C. woman D. need
6. Which of the followings is NOT mentioned as one of the women’s needs for reprioritization?
A. The need to manage their own lives on their own earnings.
B. The need to show their abilities in order to be recognized by the public.
C. The need of integration into modern society. D. The need to possibly bring something new.
7. In the fifth paragraph, what does the author imply by saying “she’s living an interior conflict as well”?
A. The remains of traditional mentality still affect women’s modern vision.
B. Women still do not know how to manage the conflicts with men.
C. The opposition from their husbands and children is so strong that women cannot overcome it.
D. Men and children always feel the stress with the domination of women’s roles.
8. The word “deteriorate” in the fifth paragraph can be best replaced by __________.
A. worsen B. reduce C. devastate D. decline
9. What does the write advise people to do by this reading passage?
A. Children should be taught about their particular roles when they are young.
B. Men and women have to understand their roles with satisfaction.
C. Men and women roles’ exchange is impossible and children should understand it with willing.
D. Children should learn that society’s evolution is no good for men at all.
10. Who may possibly write this passage?
A. An anthropologist B. A historian C.A professor D. A psychologist
PART 3 (for 12 E1 only): Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.
Choose the correct heading for sections B-E from the list of headings below.
List of Headings
i. How the problem of land scarcity has been overcome in the past 0. Section A ____v___
ii. Various predictions about future solutions to a lack of space 1. Section B _________
iii. The effects of population growth on land availability 2. Section C _________
iv. The importance of the new British Library 3. Section D _________
v. An expanding population 4. Section E _________
vi. A description of a mega-city
vii. A firm belief that human habitation of outer space will occur
viii. The importance of having an international space station
Section A
The world has changed dramatically since Thomas Malthus's work An Essay on the Principle of Population, first
published in 1798, argued that by the mid 1800s the unrestricted expansion of the human population would outgrow the
agricultural land available to supply humanity with food. Over 150 years have passed since this theoretical milestone, but
mankind, admittedly somewhat more cramped, is still expanding and will continue to do so.
Section B
The impact of unfettered population growth is clear for all to see. Urbanization is now a more evident worldwide
phenomenon than previously as even greater numbers of people drift from rural areas to vast cities all over the world
like Tokyo, Mexico City and Mumbai (26.4 million, 18.4 million and 18.1 million inhabitants in 2000 respectively) in their
quest for a better life. These mega-cities, i.e. conurbations with an estimated population of more than 10 million people,
are springing up in every continent. Now teeming with humanity, they are hungry for one increasingly valuable
resource: land. While developments in agricultural technology ensure humanity may be able, by and large, to feed the
people flocking to these great metropolises, the expansion of the human race is fuelling an unprecedented appetite for
real estate. Space, whether it be for personal or public use, corporate or national, human or flora/fauna, is now at a
premium as we move into a new century. Not only is more land required for accommodation, but also for a wide range
of infrastructure facilities. Transport systems including roads within and between cities need to be constructed or
upgraded to create motorways; green fields are turned into airports; virgin forest is stripped to provide food and
firewood. In poorer regions, this newly exposed land becomes desert, completing the cycle of destruction
Section C
Hitherto, the most common practice for the utilization of expensive space for living and working has been to build upwards;
hence, the demand for ever higher buildings, both apartment and commercial, in major cities like New York, Shanghai and
Singapore all vying with each other for the tallest buildings. There has also been a tradition for building underground, not
just for transport systems, but for the storage of waste, depositories for books etc. as in London, where The British Library
housing millions of books has been built largely underground.
Recent years have seen more novel construction developments around the world. In the past, in many countries, Holland
and the UK included, marshes and flood plains have been reclaimed from the sea. Like the city of Venice in Italy, housing
complexes and even airports have now been constructed off-shore to amazing effect. In Japan, Kansai International Airport
has been built off-shore on a man-made island at vast expense and in Dubai a very imaginative and expensive housing
complex in the shape of a palm tree is being built just off the coast on land created by a construction company. However,
these and other developments are at risk from rising sea levels as a consequence of global warming.
Section D
But where will the human race go when planet earth is full? There have been many theories put forward about the human
population moving to outer space. Marshall Savage (1992, 1994), for example, has projected that the human population will
reach five quintillion throughout the solar system by the year 3000, with the majority living in the asteroid belt. Arthur C
Clarke, a fervent supporter of Savage, now argues that by the year 2057 there will be humans on the Moon, Mars, Europa,
Ganymede, Titan and in orbit around Venus, Neptune and Pluto. Feeman Dyson (1999) favours the Kuiper belt as the future
home of humanity, suggesting this could happen within a few centuries.
Section E
Habitation in outer space in huge stations is no longer just a dream, but a reality. A permanent international space station
now orbits the earth. The first commercial tourist recently went into outer space with more trips planned for the near
future. This is only a beginning, but the development of space hotels is not far-off. There is no knowing where mankind
may end up. But the ideas about off-world habitation are not fanciful and I am sure I am not alone in fantasizing about
summer holidays spent watching the moons rising in some far-flung planet or on a floating hotel somewhere on the
Andromeda nebula.
Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
5. The movement of rural people to cities is a.......................
6. Land is now a very....................., as a result of the growing demand for space.
7. The feeding of the human race will perhaps be guaranteed by changes in...........………………..
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage. Write
YES if the statement reflects the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
8. Shortage of space has also led to underground building construction.
9. The building of the airport in Japan cost much more than that of the house complex in Dubai.
10. The concept of the habitation of outer space by mankind is unimaginable.
Part 4 (For 12 E1 only). Fill in the blank with a suitable word. Use only one word in each space.
While most people want to have a toned healthy body, not everyone enjoys (1)_________ out at the gym. In
fact, many of us (2)_________ sooner avoid any kind of vigorous exercise altogether, and may not even feel it is
necessary. Over the years, various health experts have assured us that keeping (3)__________ simply requires a total
of 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. Many people believe that a walk to the shops or some
light housework constitutes moderate activity, but it turns (4)___________ this may not be the case.
According to the British Association of Sport and Exercise, it is high time more specific advice
(5)__________given about what actually constitutes moderate activity. Housework, it seems, does not fall into this
category. Anyone who devotes a great deal of time every day to dusting and vacuuming no doubt wishes that it did,
but research has shown that women who spend over eight hours a day (6)___________ housework actually tend to
be slightly more overweight than those who do none whatsoever. The association, therefore, would prefer it if the
public were instructed as to exactly what (7)_____________ of physical activity to aim for.
But setting such guidelines is not easy (8)____________ individual fitness levels and exercise requirements
vary. For instance, while walking at a fast pace (9)_____________ generally beneficial for women, it may not be
physically challenging enough for men. For this reason, the association would rather this section of the population
took up jogging (10)____________ relied on walking as a form of exercise.
PART 3 (for 12 E2 only): Complete each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Making time to read is something we all know we (1) ______ do, but who schedules book reading time every
day? There are very few. That is why adding book reading to your daily schedule and sticking to it can improve
Books are (2) _____. You can take them almost anywhere. As such, you can learn almost anywhere too.
By reading more books and exposing yourself (3) ______ new and more complete information, you will also be
able to come up with more (4) ______ ideas. When you have read so many books on the subject, you can combine
lessons from all of them into new (5) ______.
Reading gives you something to talk about. Have you ever (6) ______ out of things to talk about with your best
friend, wife or husband? This can be uncomfortable. It (7) ______ even make married couples wonder if their
marriage is in trouble. (8) ______, if you read a lot of books, you will always have something to talk about. You can
discuss various plots in the novels you read, you can discuss the things you are learning in the business books you are
reading as well. The possibilities of sharing are endless.
Bocks are inexpensive (9) ______ to help you reduces stress. Many readers relax by reading. Compared with the
person who gets home from work and immediately (10) ______ on the TV news, you are going from work stress to
crime stress. TV as a source of relaxation is too full of loud commercials and fast moving violent images. If relaxation
is something you want, turn off the TV or computer and pick up a book.
1. a. should b. mustn't c. needn't d. might
2. a. durable b. portable c. changeable d. capable
3. a. for b. with c. on d. to
4. a. disapproved b. dull c. creative d. required
5. a. solutions b. problems c. troubles d. difficulties
6. a. put b. had c. walked d. run
7. a. should b. might c. need d. must
8. a. So b. Therefore c. However d. Although
9. a. entertainment b. tension c. machinery d. media
10. a. gets b. turns c. takes d. makes
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given.
1. A child will be expelled from the school only as a last resort
Only if…………………………………………………………………………to be expelled from the school. (else)
2. Making the scheme actually work will not be as easy as you think
The scheme will be harder…………………………………………………..than you think. (practice)
3. The matter was only brought to my attention a few days ago
It wasn’t until a few days ago………………………………………………………the matter. (made)
4. The committee did not consider how we would feel about the proposal.
Our views on the proposal……………………………………………… the committee. (account)
5. I forgot his birthday last week and don’t know how to make it up to him.
I don’t know ………………………………………………………….his birthday last week. ( amends)
6. The presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
The exhibition……………………………………………………………………………………..
8. “I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,” he said.
He dismissed………………………………………………………………………………….
9. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
They can’t……………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
Part 2: Present an argument on the following topic.
Obviously everything you find in a book you can learn from TV and the movies so
reading is a waste of time.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
For 12 E1:
Write an essay of at least 250 words on the question above.
For 12 E2
Write an essay of at least 250 words/ or a paragraph of at least 150 words on the question above.

------------the end------------

Người ra đề: Trần Thị Vũ Hằng

NĂM HỌC 2014 – 2015
Họ và tên……………………………………………………….Lớp 12 Anh …………….
Số Báo Danh……………………………………………………Phòng thi……………….

12 E…
A. Listening Part 2 C. Reading Part 3 (For 12 E2)
Part 1 1 Part 1 1
1 -> 1 2
2 2 2 3
3 -> 3 4
4 3 4 5
5 -> 5 6
Part 2 4 7 7
1 -> 8 8
2 5 9 9
3 -> 10 10
4 6 Part 2 D. WRITING
5 -> 1 1
6 7 2
7 -> 3
8 8 4 2
9 -> 5
10 9 6
B. Lexico and -> 7 3
Grammar 10 8
Part 1 -> 9
1 Part 3 10 4
2 1 Part 3 (for 12E1)
3 2 1
4 3 2 5
5 4 3
6 5 4
7 6 5 6
8 7 6
9 8 7
10 9 8 7
11 10 9
12 Part 4 10
13 1 Part 4 (for 12 E1) 8
14 2 1
15 3 2
16 4 3 9
17 5 4
18 6 5
19 7 6 10
20 8 7
9 8
10 9

Essay writing (for 12 E1)/ Paragraph writing (for 12 E2)

A. 6. broke up PART 3 (for 12 E2 only)
Part 1 7. going on 1. A
1. B 8. made out 2. B
2. B 9. picks on 3. D
3. A 10. settled down 4. C
4. D Part 4: 5. A
5. B 1. natural 6. D
Part 2 2. assistance 7. B
1. 12/ twelve inches 3. elementary 8. C
2. buildings 4. domestic 9. A
3. insects 5. nourishhment 10. B
4. 170 million 6. facilitated D. WRITING
5. nesting 7. provision Part 1
6. commercial 8. enabled 1. Only if…all else fails will a
7. financial damage 9. intercourse child………to be expelled from the
8. diseases 10. obtaining school ( else)
9. 3/three C. Part 1 2. The scheme will be harder……to
10. prevention 1. C. put into practice than…………..than
B. 2. C. you think ( practice)
Part 1. 3. B. 3. It wasn’t until a few days
1A 4. D. ago………that I was made aware
2C 5. C. of………………the matter ( made)
3D 6. D. 4. Our views on the proposal……
4C 7. B. were not taken into account
5C 8. C of…………… the committee
6D 9. D. ( account)
7D 10. A. 5. I don’t know …how to make
8B Part2 amends for forgetting …………….his
9B 1. C birthday last week ( amends)
10A 2. B 6. So many…people turned out to see
11D 3. B the Presidential visit that all traffic
12B 4. B came to a standstill.
13C 5. B 7. The exhibition………has not been
14B 6. D so well attended this year.
15B 7. A 8. He dismissed…the whole idea as
16A 8. C (being) ridiculous.
17C 9. B 9. They can’t…… ( possibly) have
18B 10. A been playing in the afternoon.
19C Part 3 (for 12 E1 only) 10. Never accept cheques without
20C 1 iii proof of identity/ unless you have
Part 2: 2i proof of identity.
1. traditional -> traditionally 3 ii
2. designed -> are designed 4 vii
3. explicitness -> explicitly 5 urbanization
4. graduate -> graduation 6 valuable resources
5. and -> to 7 agricultural technology
6. vocation -> vocational 8y
7. like -> as 9 not given
8. assumed -> assume 10 no
9. certainly -> certain Part 4:
10. intend -> intended 1. Working
Part 3: 2. Would
1. drew up 3. Fit
2. call in 4. Out
3. take in 5. Was
4. slow down 6. On/doing
5. broke down 7. Kind
8. As/since/because
9. Is
10. Than

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