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Reading is one of the most constructive hobbies a person can

have. The difference between ignorance and knowledge is only a

book away. Reading stimulates your mind. It makes you think.
You can learn to do many other hobbies by reading. It will
generate in you new ideas and a more sound of understanding
of the world and those around you. All great men and women
have had a love of reading and a passion for learning.
Reading can be a relaxing hobby as well. It is something you can
just sit around in your house and do. You can go to the park and
read. You can go up into the mountains or out in field to read
alone if you would like. You can get completely lost in reading
and forget where you are or what time it is, or how much time
has passed while you have been reading. If you do not like
reading, do it anyway, until you learn to love it. Read different
types of books to see which genre of books are most interesting
to you.
Reading can fit all personality types, whether you like fiction or
non-fiction, action, adventure, drama, humor, whatever it may
be, there are books that will fit your tastes. I try to read books as
often as I can. I have a personal website now, where I created a
book club and can make comments or reviews of the books I
read. I think I enjoy every book that I read. Every single one has
something to offer, something to learn from it.

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