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The Perception Of Illusory And

Non-identical Spaces In
Acousmatic Music (v.1)
Dr. Theodore Lotis
Department of Music – Ionian University

This paper examines the perception of illusory space in spatial acousmatic music and
develops Annette Vande Gorne’s concept of espace-illusion.

All in the golden afternoon

Full leisurely we glide;
For both our oars, with little skill,
By little arms are plied,
While little hands make vain pretence
Our wonderings to guide.
Lewis Carroll (1995:3)

1. Introduction. that characterise human perception. Based

Illusory space is the Alice’s - Adventures - on this argument, or rather sophism, a white
in - Wonderland - Through - the - Looking rabbit with pink eyes is as real, although
- Glass - and - What - Alice - Found - There at a different perceptual level, as a white
of electroacoustic music. In Lewis Carroll’s rabbit in the woods. The important issue
book, speaking playing-cards, white rab- however, is not whether such a creature can
bits with pink eyes and looking-glasses are ever exist, but how we perceived it through
not just speaking creatures, non-beings or the printed pages of a tale.
unrealistic objects thrown together in a Seemingly, illusory space in electroacoustic
supposedly multi-dimensional world with music does not deal with sounds as Schaef-
a slightly bizarre mise en scène, but repre- ferian objects, but Baylian images and
sentations and mindscapes1 triggered by the representations. Sounds become i-sounds,
reader’s mind’s eye. The lively objects and or image-sounds2, tools of perception that
characters of the tale have little significance liberate the imaginary3. The stage director
other than to pull the trigger of a boundless is no longer the composer but the listener.
imagination, personifying deceptive appear- Jean-Claude Risset writes that, «...although
ances and impressions, and false or unreal the real sound sources, the loudspeakers,
perceptions. One can argue, though, that are fixed, the listener has the impression
anything perceived is real, and therefore, that the sound moves in a vast space which
imagination, wherever it comes from, can overflows the loudspeakers. This space is
fit into the restrictive limits of isomorphism illusory: it is audition that establishes and

L'Espace du son III 63

constructs it from signs detected in the spaces enter a new realm, instrumental
sounds»4 (1998:21, author’s translation). He composers have also been preoccupied by
later states that «Illusory space is a mental the allure of space-illusion. Claude Debussy
construction, a conceptual projection in the was among the composers who integrated
midst of which, the mind (esprit) situates the illusory spaces not as anecdotal elements,
virtual sources according to the ways it in- but rather as an essential parameter in his
terprets the auditory experience»5 (1998:21, compositions. «La Mer» is rife with string
author’s translation). As Alice declared, «It’s waves, flute bitter winds, vast orchestral
my own invention» (Carroll, 1995). oceanic masses and glittering micro-spatial
surfaces composed as illusory expositions
Gaston Bachelard in «La poétique de
of an impressionistic painting. All these
l’espace» suggests that, «Space, struck by the
mental images not only deal with anecdotal
imagination, cannot remain an indifferent
descriptions, but also transfer orchestral
space...It is real, not in a positivistic way,
sound into a metaphorical realm with
but biased by the imagination»6 (1957:17,
transcendental significance. I could go even
author’s translation). In that sense, space-
further and suggest that Debussy, as many
illusion is a symbolic type of space. Thoughts
composers of electroacoustic music nowa-
and emotions derive not from acoustic
days, intentionally applied the principles of
properties or the function of the signal,
spectromorphology in his music. «La Mer» is
but from the reverberant significance and
developed in a ceaseless and dynamic sculpt-
archetypal allusions bared by the listener’s
ing of the orchestral spectrum. Woodwind
trills and string tremolos, fast modal scales
It is also a metaphorical type of space because and spectral glissandi are superimposed,
it provokes mental images, or mindscapes determining spectral boundaries and result-
which emerge from the perceptual process. ing in an organic growth of form.
A recorded space for example, becomes il-
lusory space, and thus a metaphor, when it 2. The illusion of motion and Zeno’s
is projected and perceived. The recording of paradox.
a person walking in the woods, or the cries Motion, or the illusory perception of motion,
of the seagulls near the sea, both clichés in serves as the vehicle that guides the listener
soundscape music, have little to do with the through spatial sights. To understand how
2. The illusion
listening space in which they are projected. sonicof morphologies
motion and Zeno's paradox.
create spatial environ-
They carry, however, archetypal associative ments means to probe into the mystery of
images, significant enough to be recognisedMotion, ormotion behaviour
the illusory perception ofand kinetic
motion, servesproperties.
as the vehicle that guides the
by the listener. Camilleri and Smalley, One should realise, however, that the per-
although referring to acousmatic music listener
in through spatial sights. To understand how sonic morphologies create
ception of motion may be based on illusory
general, underlined that, « the invisible,
spatial environments
aspects and means to probeinformation
deceptive into the mystery of motion behaviour and
spatial play of sound-images, there is kinetic
often properties.
by theOne human
should senses, as onethat
realise, however, of the
most of motion may
an ambiguous entwining of allusion to the famous paradoxes regarding motion sug-
be based on illusory aspects and deceptive information processed by the human
real world, and an imaginative distancing gests. Zeno’s7 paradox of the flying arrow
from its realities» (1998:128). Symbolic senses, one of the most famous paradoxes regarding motion suggests. Zeno's7
or as (Ray, 1991) reveals the dilemma: take a
metaphorical, space-illusion is the fruit of ofhigh-speed
paradox the flying arrow (Ray, 1991) of
photograph reveals the dilemma:
a flying arrowtake a high-speed
an innermost audition, balanced between (Figure 1).
photograph of a flying arrow (Figure 1).
the realistic stimulation of the senses and
seemingly unrealistic perceptions. In be-
tween the two, the curtain can be raised
for the rabbit to enter the scene.
Space-illusion is not an originality or eccen-
tricity of electroacoustic music alone. Even
though with electroacoustic means and Fig. 1 : The paradox of the flying arrow. The
Fig. 1: The paradox of the flying arrow. The ����� of a moving object.
computer simulation and playback technol- image of a moving object.
ogy, the creation and projection of illusory
At each moment of time the arrow may be considered to occupy a specific region
in space. Zeno asserts that the arrow occupies exactly that space which is equal to
64 L'Espace du son III
its own shape and size. This poses the following problem: if the arrow is in a
particular point of space at any given moment, then how is it moving? And if it is
not moving, how does it get from point to point in the passage of time? How can
an apparent motionless object move? The arrow becomes a static completed entity.
At each moment of time the arrow may be Natura Sonorum» by Bernard Parmegiani,
considered to occupy a specific region in demonstrates the application of panning.
space. Zeno asserts that the arrow occupies Although panning does not necessarily
exactly that space which is equal to its own reinstate a sound in different spatial en-
shape and size. This poses the following vironments, it results in motion or spatial
problem: if the arrow is in a particular occupancy within the stereo field. Other
point of space at any given moment, then sound examples from «De Natura Sonorum»
how is it moving? And if it is not moving, («Incidences/Battements»), deal with mime-
how does it get from point to point in the sis, which is applied in order to reinstate
passage of time? How can an apparent mo- the same sound events in different points
tionless object move? The arrow becomes a within the stereo field9.
static completed entity. Therefore, one can - within the perspective field (background
argue that physical motion does not truly to foreground and vice versa, reverbera-
exist and is just a very convincing illusion: tion, echo, chorus). The application of re-
the image of a moving object. verberation alters the spatiomorphology of
3. The imitation of motion and musical the sound and creates illusory motion (i.e.
space foreground-background-foreground).
If we transfer this paradox into the sonic - within geometric structures (sonic planes,
world the contradiction remains the same: lines, trajectories, spirals, spheres). In
we have to wonder whether we create physi- «Points contre champs», also taken from
cal motion or the illusion of motion. «De Natura Sonorum» short and often
percussive sounds shape geometric struc-
Still, as many listeners of electroacoustic tures, such as lines, planes and spirals,
music can verify, the perception of motion which co-exist within different perspective
and therefore of space is quite tangible. fields. The process of shaping geometric
How is this feasible? Let us examine two structures in time results in imitation of
compositional methods for the imitation motion and space.
of motion and space, shown in Figure 2,
both derived from Denis Smalley’s work on Geometrical structures can be either
compositional processes: static giving the impression/illusion of a
determined fixed space, or non-static thus
1. The alteration of the spectro- resulting in a space frame with elastic
morphology of sound events. Spectro- boundaries.
morphology refers to the dynamic shaping
of a sound or sound structure over time Spectro- and spatio-morphological changes
(Smalley, 1986). are interdependent. Spectral alterations
always result in changes in the perception
- within the pitch field (glissandi, spectral of space and vice versa.
transpositions, filtering). Applying spectral
changes to a sound results in the imitation If we compare, making due allowances,
of motion within the pitch field. the «motion» of an arrow with the «motion»
of a sound we can conclude that what is
2.The alteration of the spatio- perceived as motion is not only, or even
morphology of sound events, that is, primarily, the actual displacement of sound
the reinstatement of the same sound in space but a rather complex interactive
event in different spatial environments. system of functions which relates the spec-
For example, if a sound is transferred tral characteristics of a sound object with
from a spatial environment A to a spatial its spatial dimensions. By exploring this
environment B, then the focus of perception interactive system, the composer not only
is the spatio-morphological change (Smalley, succeeds in moving the arrow in straight
1991). These alterations take place: lines but also in creating multi-dimensional
- within the stereo field (panning L-R, de- virtual environments within which sound
lays, multi-delays, mimesis8, repetition). events form the illusion of motion and mu-
The beginning of «Etude élastique», in «De sical space.

L'Espace du son III 65

motion and space.
Geometrical structures can be either static giving the impression/illusion of
a determined fixed space, or non-static thus resulting in a space frame with
elastic boundaries.


pitch field
(glissandi, spectral transpositions, filtering)


stereo field geometric structures

(panning L-R, delays, (sonic planes, lines, trajectories,
mimesis, repetition) spirals, spheres)

perspective field
(background - foreground,
reverb, echo, chorus)

Spectro - morphology Spatio - morphology

(spectral characteristics) (spatial dimensions)

Fig. 2: Compositional methods for motion and space.

4. Propositions for the projection of terised by proliferation and, according to

space-illusion. Vande Gorne, «...addition or superposition
The sound displacement between the loud- of points and planes in order to create a
speakers, either by amplitude panning or spatial tutti» (2002). Invasion refers to a
movement of faders, creates illusory motion very fast accumulation, or a rapid trajec-
which results in illusory space. The choice tory towards the public. One of its musical
and positioning of the loudspeakers in the functions is to create motion which results
listening space, from the tweeters to the in aggression (Vande Gorne, 2002).
subwoofers, determines the possibilities of 5. Mixing material...
motion and consequently the precision or not
...with allusive implication, such as wind-
of the spatial articulation. Most of the fifteen
like sounds, with non-recognisable sounds,
spatial figures proposed by Annette Vande
such as sustained abstract textures, «...
Gorne (2002) can be used during projection
implies visual and acoustic juxtaposition»
for the reinforcement of illusory spaces. I
(Barrett, 1997). Because allusive sounds of-
shall, however, concentrate on three of them.
ten trigger images and consequently possess
Explosion refers to sudden and dramatic
real-world links, they influence the way we
changes between different sonic spaces,
hear abstract textures which are juxtaposed
such as from a narrow or directional space
with them. For example, when a wind-like
to a large or environmental one. Explosion
sound, which seems to move within the
is produced with sharp releases of the fad-
perspective field is mixed with other non-
ers and brings out eruptive sonic masses or
recognisable sounds, we tend to associate
agitated morphologies. The spatial figure of
the latter sounds with the image triggered
accumulation is used for gathering together
by the former. Hence, the juxtaposition of
a number of sonic quantities. It is charac-

66 L'Espace du son III

non-recognisable sounds with the wind-like identical spaces which influence the way we
sound will possibly trigger a unified image, perceive everything observed.
establishing a real-world link. Similar approaches can be found in recent
6. Superposition of spaces: non-identi- painting. In Mark Rothko’s «Centre Trip-
cal spaces. tych for the Rothko Chapel», the notion
of non-identical spaces is dominant. All
" When I look through the density of the grades of black and red colour are mixed
water, at the paving in the depths of a swim- together in a pandemonium of shades and
ming pool, I do not see it in spite of the water different degrees of density, creating non-
and its reflections. On the contrary, I see it identifiable illusory spaces. Does the colour
through the reflections, because of them. If black define a space? If so, where are its
these deformities, these stripes of the sun boundaries? Does red offer a juxtaposed
were not there; if I was glancing at the space? There are no clear shapes defining
paving’s geometry without the interference a spatial continuum, except, possibly, the
of this flesh, then I would stop regarding it edges of the canvas. The eye can shift around
the way it really is; there, where it really the composition of colours receiving red
is: beyond every identical space." hues beneath black clouds, or black shades
Maurice Merleau-Ponty beneath grades of red. The whole painting
author’s translation. seems to be a spatial cluster, an amalgam
Within the frame of illusory space also of colour juxtaposition, as if the painter
lays the notion of non-identical space, as put layers of coloured transparencies one
described by the french philosopher Mau- above the other: starting from the top, one
rice Merleau-Ponty in his book «L’Oeil et can see the last transparency at the bottom
l’esprit». Non-identical spaces appear as and perceive its colours through the layers
deformities of objects due to the interference that come in between.
of other objects or causes. If the shape of In another painting, «Ad Parnassum», Paul
an object is altered, then the perception of Klee creates a hugely impressive environ-
its spatial dimensions is also influenced. In ment of non-identical spaces. Windows
Merleau-Ponty’s description, non-identical within windows, square units of construc-
spaces are the result of light interference tion, create «melodies» of colourful space.
on water, which causes the alteration of Clusters of colours are juxtaposed in such
original shapes and contours. Stripes of density that the observer perceives them
the sun reflect on the water illuminating through other superimposed layers. Pat-
an «unrealistic» image of the «paving’s terns of colours act as translucent «curtains»
geometry». The philosopher suggests that which reveal other patterns hidden beneath
this «unrealistic» image is indeed the most them. According to the painter, a polyphony
genuine perception of «the depth of a swim- is thus created due to the simultaneity of
ming pool». Taking his argument a step several independent themes (Januszczak,
further, he argues that it is the deformi- 1996). The density of colour juxtaposition
ties caused by the interference of light and blurs the shapes of the patterns, deforms
water that show the swimming pool’s true and eventually reveals them as non-iden-
colours. Without this interference, the real tical spaces which, however, are parts of a
world would seem unrealistic and its spa- more global space. The mountain of Par-
tial dimensions imprisoned within limited nassus is represented through juxtaposed
topological barriers. We perceive the real and superimposed patterns of non-identical
world through its constituent’s deformities, spaces. The two definite lines on the can-
through «curtains» of obstacles, such as the vas, the contours of the mountain and a
water between the eye of the observer and gate leading to it, although offering a more
the depth of the swimming pool, which act pragmatic view, emphasise this observation
as reshaping filters of contours and shapes. by contrasting definite and identical with
Substantial, or illusory creatures of our own blurred and non-identical spaces.
imagination, these deformities reveal non-

L'Espace du son III 67

superimposed patterns of non-identical spaces. The two definite lines on the
vas, the contours of the mountain and a gate leading to it, although offering a
e pragmatic view, emphasise this observation by contrasting definite and
ntical with blurred and non-identical spaces.
Giving a precise definition to what non-identical space is, can be a difficult
because it cannot types of spaces with
be compared and, other
therefore,types categorised. spatial position, each of these melodies, or
of spaces and, therefore,
However, an attempt to describe it is shown sonic layers, acts as a sonic «transparency»,
gorised. However,inanFigure
attempt3:to describe it is shown in Figure 3: or «curtain» through which, the next layer
is perceived. The co-existence of individual
spatial layers, consisting of sound sequences
with different spectral characteristics and
2 amounts of added reverberation, creates
1 �������������������������3
111 transparent sonic «curtains» through which
the listener can perceive non-identical or
deformed spatial environments with blurred
contours and contents. The co-existence
of such different spaces results in a vast
Figure 3 : Non-identical space perspective occupied by individual spatial
3: Non-identical space. bodies. Each of these bodies is perceived
through another one, which has less re-
verberation and therefore acts as a sonic
ee different spaces, different
1, 2 and 3, are spaces, 1, 2 and 3, are
partly superimposed partlyareas, such as
creating «curtain» in front of the listener. Hence, the
superimposed creating areas, such as space
ce �. Is space � part more reverberant the spatial bodies are, the
a. of
space1,a2 part
or 3?of
is it a 1, space2 oron3 its? Orown?
is With which
more distant and deformed they become.
the three spaces itdoesa space on its and
it identify, own?with With which
which of the
spaces does The
it share
overall spatiomorphology is thus con-
three spaces does it identify, and with which
ndaries? Which, ifspaces
any, ofdoes
the three grades of grey is more dominant structed
in space with the means of perspective (oc-
it share boundaries? Which, if
cupation of the foreground, middle-ground
Which of the threeany, of the
spaces is three
above grades
the otherof grey
and which is more domi- Many more
and background) within which, spatial
nant in space a ? Which of the three spaces
stions of sophistry can be raised without apparent answer. Space «melodies» � can be consisting of sonic planes and
is above the other and which beneath?
trajectories create illusory motion.
cribed as non-identical it is questionable
more questions of sophistry whethercan its be
boundaries and
The question as to whether non-identical
our content are autonomous or the result of superposition of theathree
raised without apparent answer. Space spaces.
can be described as non-identical because spaces are illusory spaces remains unan-
refore, it can be perceived both as an whether
it is questionable individual its entity swered.
and a component
boundaries of a Although deceptively unrealistic,
and colour content are autonomous or the they provide a view that combines cause,
er-scale composition.
result of superposition of the three spaces. interaction, and a flair of imagination,
Therefore, it can be perceived both as an and they are, therefore, genuine aspects
individual entity and a component of a of reality. If Merleau-Ponty’s statement
larger-scale composition. concerning the interference of light and
water (1991) reflects anything, it is that
7. Melodies of space. non-identical spaces define what is
Let us imagine a piece of acousmatic music perceived as reality. Still, they abrogate
that deals with the notion of non-identical the Euclidean notion of space-continuum
spaces, which are created by superimpos- by offering a spatial view with no clear or
ing a series of sound sequences. Each of blurred boundaries, totally dependent on
the sequences possesses different spectral the influence of external causes, such as
characteristics and spatial dimensions, due the interference of the sun, the motion of
mostly to filtering applications and am- water, the colour of an object or the spectral
plitude automations. Consequently, when appearance of a sound.
mixed together, they create superimposed
8. Summary.
spatial layers within the perspective field.
Although the sequences may have been cre- Illusory spaces have been examined not only
ated independently as autonomous musical for their musical applications but also in
units, their function in the piece is to form relation to perception. The ideas presented
contrapuntal «melodies» of space by blend- here are based on a theoretical approach
ing their individual spectromorphological combined with subjective judgement.
and spatiomorphological characteristics. However, it is through the practice of spa-
According to their spectral density and tial projection that music is perceived and

68 L'Espace du son III

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70 L'Espace du son III

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