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Paris is a beautiful city. I could end here because I said all about it,
but it doesn’t seem right. Also, you can say about Paris that it is a romantic,
hospitable and civilized city, and it has an impressive history. It is a
city that I loved from the beginning and I promised myself that I
would return to Paris.
It is a town for bohemians, lovers and fans of the great fashion houses.
It is called "The City of Lights" as a tribute given to intellectual geniuses,
but also for the incomparable architectural beauty. Paris surprises everybody
but in any case it doesn’t disappoint you. There have been made hundreds of
movies, there have been written thousands and thousands of books
about Paris and all of them had the same conclusion. It is the most beautiful
city in Europe and it is the city of lovers.
The first visit was short, I only spent a weekend. It was
a beautiful autumn. I remember that I tried to see the most important
and famous tourist attractions. I'll describe in a few words only a part of
them. I’d like to tell you more but the time is too short.
At Louvre Museum you can enter from the subway
station Palais Royal-Musee du Louvre or The Great Pyramid that it is in
front of the museum. The building construction began in 1190. At first it
was a fort, then it was a royal palace and Napoleon turned it into a museum.
Louvre hosts so many exhibits that you should have an entire month to see
them all. Do not miss the 3 "ladies" of the museum: Monalisa, Venus de
Milo and Samotrace Victoria. In the museum it is permitted to take a
picture, but without flash or film.
The Tuileries Gardens are well organized and
they host beautiful sculptures. It is a good place for you to rest after a
long visit of the Louvre. In the Place de la Concorde you can admire the
Obelisk of Luxor and those two fountains that were inaugurated in 1840. A
walk along Champs-Elysees is unforgettable. There, you can see and admire
the area that crosses the parks and the commercial area.
The Arch de Triomph is located in the Charles de Gaulle Etoile
square, and it has a height of 50 meters. The Arch’s facade is decorated with
sculptures which represent scenes from Napoleon’s battles , and inside
there is the Great Hall where the history of the building is presented . You
can climb the stairs or go by elevator to get on the terrace on top of the Arch.
From the top you can enjoy the view of Paris with the 12 Avenues which
converge to the Arch de Triomph.
The Notre Dame Cathedral is on the island called L’Ile de la Cite. It
is considered the center of France and Paris. The building of the
Cathedral started in 1163 and lasted 170 years. In front of the
Cathedral there is the Zero Point of France.
If you go to Paris, you must see the Eiffel Tower. It was not accepted
at first, but now it is the most representative symbol of Paris and one of the
most famous monuments in the world. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.
The Eiffel Tower is visible from every corner of the city. The view of the
city is wonderful from the top of the Tower .
In Paris the food is a separate chapter and the offer is for all the
pockets and tastes. You meet cafés and restaurants everywhere. They give
a special flair of the city. You mustn’t miss drinking a cup of coffee on the
terrace of a café and you should watch the street show.
A boat ride is unforgettable on the Seine River. You can
see the buildings and bridges with great historical echo over
the Seine. It crosses Paris from east to west and divides it into two parts.
The second visit was at Disneyland. It is close to Paris. Since it
was built it his become the second tourist attraction of Paris. I went with my
son there. Disneyland makes you forget about everything and especially
your age. All employees are disguised as cartoon
characters. You remember all the childhood cartoons there. In this
world of fairy tale, the cartoon characters are a true delight for the people of
all ages. The characters are unique and you will not meet two people the
disguised same .There you can take a terrific travel through the tunnels, or
by a roller-coaster through the buildings, or by train through the realm
of the pirates. You can olso walk through the story houses, the flowers
landscapes and through the cartoon characters. A
vacation to Disneyland is recommended to all want this to remain an
unforgettable family adventure , or for all who want to get the feel of this
magical experience.Last but not least, for the people that keep the childhood
charm in their souls.
A vacation in Paris is not complete without some wining and dining –
and also some dancing if you please. French cuisine is known to be
exquisite, and a candlelit dinner for two always feels intimate. Fill your
bellies with marvelous French dishes and your hearts with love!
I would allow myself to make one last suggestion - to really
feel Paris I think it's absolutely necessary to be with your loved one!


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