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Guide of Paris

From a Parisian's point of view

Paris ! This is a pretty big city when we think about and it's also the real city of love. (Don't talk to me about
Venise, it's nothing compared to this.) There are multiple things to know about Paris. Well, a lot of them in
fact, and this is going to be quite long, but at least, effective.

Before starting in things that only parisians know, let's go for a little history/geography class.
Paris is the capital of France. In fact, it is like this since 1181, by Philippe Auguste. First, it was just a tiny
island, (Île de la cité) (
This is Paris now. ( Yes, the little thing in the middle is l'Île de la cité.)

Paris is divided in 20 districts. From the 1 to 20. It is shaped like a snail shell. (
But do not be afraid of the clichés of Paris and France as we eat snails and frog legs. We do, indeed, but it is
something like 2-3% of the entire population and even them don't eat them constantly since it's pretty

Each districts as its own charms and beauties in fact. From the 1st to the 20th, you will find a new land each
time to put a step on those districts. I will make a list of them, and what you have to know in each and every
one of them.

For example, the 13th district is namely called by Parisians as Chinese quarter. Because the concentration of
people from China is pretty huge. So huge in fact, that in the stores and shops, Chinese is put before the
French. Yes, this is how deep the Chinese culture in implemented in the 13th district. Another example. The
18th district, it is the maghrebian district. Like you can even smell and feel the maghrebian spirit in those

It is said that, in Paris, you can travel and taste almost everything that we have in the world, just by
wandering in the streets. It is true. Completely true. You can eat Japanese, Viet, Chinese, Australian, Korean,
Russian, Polish, German, Austrian, Indian, Italian, Belgian, Spanish, Portuguese, Mexican, USA'nian,
Argentinian and so on. It is literaly a melting pot of cultures and way of seeing the world. It is a
cosmopolitan city.

As I stated before, here is the summary of what there is, in terms of monuments and special things to see in
each districts in Paris. Some of them will have less informations than the others, it's just because it's from my
personal experience, and even if I lived in Paris for 24 years, some places are still unknown to me.

1st district

Town Hall of the first district of Paris.

It is not that much, except for the facade of the building that is incredible. It is full of details, tiny little
details, but like we say in France, « C'est dans les détails que le Diable se cache » which means that you
should never ignore little details, because they will be the reason of way bigger problems.

The Louvre
Do I really have to explain what is the Louvre ? Yes ? Okay.
The Louvre is a museum. One of the biggest and the most famous in the world. Also, it is one of the oldest.
Yes, the first opening of the Louvre was in 1793. It was first opened to expose the royal things for the people,
like Paintings, Sculptures etc. But first, it was not a museum, it was a castle. A heavily armed and protected
castle. It was constructed in 1190 by Philippe Auguste (Yes, the one named before) to protect the people of
Paris against the Vikings. But later, since the Vikings stopped the raids, another king, François the 1st, in
1528 changed it into a huge luxurious residence. Because hey, I am a king after all.
It is wonderful to see on the outside, but also on the inside. The museum is beautiful. The garden are
incredibly beautiful and you can wander in it, just lay in the grass and enjoy the moment. Also, it's a really
good spot for photos. Everywhere, it's beautiful to see. Almost every angles will give you another vision of
the place. Especially at night.

2nd District

Basilique Notre-Dame-des-Victoires de Paris.

I am not a religious type of guy, but I do appreciate a lot beautiful architecture. So when it comes to beautiful
things and buildings, you have to come and see this. It has a lot of history, but I never heard about it. Also,
since is a church, is it always a place of peace and calm. It is a lot needed in a city like Paris to have
« bubbles of silence » from time to time.

Palais Brongniart
Big building looking like the Pantheon, but it is not. The construction of this building started in 1807.
Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart was asked by Napoléon Bonaparte to supervise this construction, so you can
imagine how important it was. In fact, it was so important that Brongniart died before the end of the
construction and, a lot of architects came just to end this. Funny thing, no one was taken, and it's a guy that
came from nowhere, Éloi Labarre that took the construction and the edifice was completed in 1825.
It was, for Napoléon, the emblem of the power and accomplishment.

3rd district
Square du Temple
There is nothing much to be said.

But there is something quite specific in the 3rd district. There is a place called « Le Marais », it is between the
3rd and the 4th district. It is the Gay district of Paris. It is also where there is the best shops in terms of clothes,
dresses and bakeries.
There is even a bakery that does Penises form baguettes, I am sure you will love them Christian.

4th district

Do I really need to explain what it is, if it is the best and one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the entire
world ? Yes ? Okay.
Started in 1163, ended in 1345.
Most visited monument in the entire Europe. The inside and the outside are a must see, but don't get caught
at going on the second floor, as I remember, you have to pay to go into, it's more a tourist bait than
something else. Three portals, Last judgment portal, Virgin's portal, Saint-Anne's portal. Trust me, you can
stay a whole day looking at this facade and still haven't saw the whole thing. There are so many details that
you may lose your head before spotting them all.

Tour Saint-Jacques

Before this, this was a huge church. Then the revolution came. It was kept, then destroyed in 1793, they used
the stone of the church to rebuild. But they kept the tower because Blaise Pascal. He was studying the
pesenteur. So pretty important things, the revolutionists decided to keep the tower. The tower is 54 meters
high. I let you imagine how big the church was. It is a gothic style, such as Notre-Dame, but the style is a bit
different. Where there was the church, it is now a garden, where you can lay in the grass while the sun will
be on your face. The place is pretty nice and since there are not that much trafic in it, then it is not an issue to
just lay and chill.
L'hôtel de ville de Paris

In Paris, we do have one town hall for each district. And then, we have the Main town hall. It's this one.
In simple, when you go in it, be ready to get dizzy like you've never been, because it is incredibly beautiful
to see. Everywhere, there are things to see. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, everywhere.
Let me give you an example :

Even the outside is beautiful and, in fact, there are a lot of activities just in front of the main entrance almost
the entire year. For example, in winter, it is a big skating rink.

Le bazar de l'hôtel de ville

From the outside, it is just a corner of the street. It is really, REALLY close to L'hôtel de Ville de Paris. (20
meters, not even that far.)
And from the outside, it is not that beautiful, but everything is inside.
I won't spoil you everything, but there are 6 floors. And it's a bazar. You can go on the roof, there's a
wonderful view of the city that can't be seen anywhere else. It's on the horizon of every other roofs, so it
gives a sight that is incredible.

Hôtel-Dieu de Paris

This is a hospital. But a pretty special one. It is not extremely beautiful etc, but his story is incredible. It is
the oldest hospital in the Capital. It has been created in 651. It is the big building between Notre-Dame de
Paris & L'hôtel de Ville de Paris. You can't miss it. It's between the two bridges you can use to go on the
island where Notre-Dame is.

5th district
Le Panthéon

This is where we keep our biggest heroes that marked French history, such as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Sadi Carnot, Émile Zola etc. Is is a big, big place to go, not just because it's a
beautiful building, but the whole place is beautiful. It's big, there is space (No seriously, it's pretty rare to find
such space in those four districts)

La Sorbonne

In simple, it is one of the best and most beautiful school in the country. It is really old (1253 for the first
building, 1635 for the second, 1884 for the third.) You will see a lot of people recreating the world in front of
it, it is just the students of this school, it's normal I would say. They're all dreamers in this school, which
makes the ambiance pretty interesting and enjoyable. This place was also the headquarters of the
« resistance » when 1968 happened. In simple, it was a close combat against police(And so, the
governement) and the students(And so, the future of the country). The whole district was locked down and
students pulled out the cobblestones on the road to make barrages against the police trucks. There was, in
fact, a slogan when they did this, it was « Sous les pavés, la plage » which means « Under the paving stones,
the beach » which in simple, means that, if we pull off what restrains us, then we may find peace (Because of
course, in France, peace rymns with holidays).

Bibliothèque Saint-Geneviève

I won't go long for this one, but there are things you need to know about this.
It's big, it's one of the biggest libraries in the entire Europe. There is around 2 millions books in this library. It
is free to access to whoever has 18 or has the Baccalauréat. It is an incredible place to learn. Like you could
even feel the feed of informations flowing around you and being written in your mind just by staying in
6th district
Institut de France

In simple, this place is the place where the wisest living people are working. These people are considered as
the ancients of our culture and they are the one that puts new words in the dictionnary for example. But this
is only for the French academy. There is also Sciences academy, etc. In fact, it does regroup every
foundations for a good and great democracy. Those people don't talk that much, but when they take time to
speak, people listen. Even politics, they do listen. Because if the wisest people of the nation are against
something, it means that it is completely wrong. Also the building is incredibly beautiful and at night, the
lights makes him even more beautiful. (In fact, Paris is way more beautiful at night than at day. Trust me.)

Jardin du Luxembourg/Palais du Luxembourg

Why those two are together ? It's easy, the palace is in the garden, so..
Anyway. Let's start with the garden, shall we ?
This garden was build after Marie de Médicis asked to do so because, she wanted that the Senate (Which is
the Palace) has their garden. This is one of the most beautiful garden in France in my opinion. There is also
almost everything you need to see, from places to stay, lay in the grass, or go into the greenhouse.
It was build in 1612 and it is still as it was before. It got scarred by the WWII, but people after the war made
sure it would be like before. There is 106 statues. This is, in fact, here that there is a little Statue of Liberty.
Yes, it is the small version of the big one that we did given to the USA as a gift. Do not hesitate to look for
things that you wouldn't see on the first look. Wander in this garden and take a look at everything, as I said
before, « Le diable se cache dans les détails ». But on this one, it's for the opposite, you won't find flaws, you
will find pearls.
The Palais du Luxembourg (Luxembourg's palace) is the place where the senate belongs. Of course, as you
may guess, it is a private place. You can't go in it if you do not have authorizations about it. I never had the
honor to go into this place, but just from the outside, you can be sure that, what is inside is marvelous.

Pont des Arts

Ever heard about the bridge that is the Bridge of love with all the locks ? It's this one.
Well in April 2016 they removed it and made sure we couldn't be able to lock our love locks on the bridge.
But now it's on the others. So well, it's the first one, but it won't be the last, for sure.

7th district
Tour Eiffel / The Eiffel Tower

312 meters of iron. Know you know why it's called the so know Lady of Iron. It is the second most visited
monument in France, the first is Notre-Dame de Paris.
The view is beautiful, but if you wish to see it, be sure to have the whole afternoon to go in there. The
waiting time is minimum 2 hours. It is expensive. 17€ per person (72.91PLN) Is it worth ? Yes, it is. It is a
one time thing and it's 100% worth. But don't be afraid of heights, because from the ground to the second
floor, those are big lifts, but almost full of glass (They're unbreakable, don't worry) and the second lift, from
the 2nd floor to the 3rd is pretty small compared to the others, so it's a mix of acrophobia and claustrophobia.
Not a huge one, but it's not a good feeling when it's the first time you experience it. But face your fears if you
have them, because the view is incredible.

Champ de Mars

Do you see the huge garden all over the Eiffel Tower ? Well it's this one. It's incredibly big, it's 100 years old,
well at least the garden, but the name of the place is 200 years old.
This is the place where people come to see the fireworks of our national day (Which is the 14th of July, if
you're interested to see one of the most beautiful fireworks in the world) But in the end, it's only a huge, huge
garden. There is not that much to see, except to take beautiful pictures of you two and the Lady of Iron.

Hôtel des Invalides

We could think it is a hotel, but it's not. Not at all. It was a long time ago a huge place for the kings and
queens, but now it's the army museum. Not for the new pieces, but it's seriously worth to see. In fact, when I
was in my apartment, in the 20th district, I could still see this golden dome. In fact, I could see the whole
Paris, but this, I will show you this later.
Here it is the front
It is one of the biggest and the most beautiful constructions in terms of French classical architecture.
And the body of Napoléon Premier is here in a quartzite sarcophagus. Live like an emperor, rest like a

Musée d'Orsay

You are interested in everything that is occidental art? Go there.

You are interested in anything that may be beautiful ? Go there.
You are intereted in anything that can bright up your eyes ? Go there.
There are a gigantic amount of statues, painting etc. There are multiple styles, and it's growing each day. It is
a place to go at least once in your life.

8th district
Arc de Triomphe

It is a huge thing to see, but since you're gonna go to the Champs-Elysées, you will see it in anyway. It's like
the Eiffel tower, it's a place that every tourists has to see. Every faces of this monument are different and you
can see almost everytime a new thing when you take a look at it. It is the same as Notre-Dame, there are so
many details that you would have to take the entire day to see everything. Also, you can go on it, to have
another wonderful view, but to be honest, it's expensive for what you will see and.. Well, you will have a
better spot in my opinion on the Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville. Of course, from the BHV (Bazar de l'Hôtel de
Ville) you will not see the Champs Elysées and stuff, but from this perspective, you can see another point of
view. The Parisians point of view.

Église Saint-Augustin de Paris

This is a beautiful church. But poorly placed in Paris. It's between two axes of Paris where there is a lot of
trafic, so for the resting, it's not a good place. But the architecture is pretty beautiful on the outside (Never
had the chance to go inside). And the funny thing about it, it is the name of the district when this church was
built. Little Poland.

Grand Palais

It's huge. Like, it's really, really big.The building is incredibly beautiful and there was national galeries about
Picasso, Monet etc. There are also honey bees on the roof and their honey is being harvested and sold. It is
one of the multiple monuments in Paris that has beehives. Yes, in Paris, we do make honey.

Place de la Concorde

Ever heard about the French revolution in 1789 ? And the royal people that got their head chopped ? This is
this place. It's a pretty damn bloody place, but it's also a wonderfully beautiful place. There's the quite
famous obelisk, but it's not only this. There are multiple fountains and it's a very specific axe. On the left,
you have the Champs Elysées and the Grand Palais, on the right, you have the big wheel, the Jardin des
Tuileries and so, the Louvre. In simple, you can do something like Arc de Triomphe to Champs Élysées to
Place de la Concorde to the Louvre by going through the Jardin des Tuileries. It is a pretty important place
and axe for tourists and for people who seek for beautiful spots for photography and stuff.
Parc Monceau

Warning, this place is an extremely chic place. It's a garden, a quite old one (1852) but it's really worth the
visit. The places are big, the people are quite nice in fact, like this garden/park is pretty much a bubble of life
in the streets of Paris. What I mean is, there are no roads, the park is so big that you won't hear the cars
around and you can also hear the wind flowing in the place like it's a huge plain. It's beautiful and even the
buildings in it are beautiful. Also the fountains. You can just sit on a bench and enjoy.

Pont Alexandre III
Yes, on the left it's the Invalides, on the right it's the Eiffel Tower. Do I really need to say more ?
Yes, this is gold. It's an extremely chic place in fact. There are almost zero place to live in there, they're just
places to visit most of the time. But this is a pretty, pretty good spot to see a lot of things of the Touristic

9th district
Opéra Garnier

This opera is also something else. It's also a library. It's where there are the so called « Rats de l'opérat »
which are the dancers. We call them like this because they're everywhere, but nowhere. You don't see them,
but they can come and go anywhere in the opera without being seen. It's a beautiful thing to know because, if
you have the luck and the honor to go to the Opera, then you will fall in love with the interior. If you think
the exterior is beautiful, you have no idea how incredible it is in the inside. The Architect made is so
beautiful and well made that, people from different classes could come and go without cross each other at all.
The funny thing about this is that, even if you would have been from the merchants class (So not the royal
ones), then you would still have huge access to the Opera, even if you're not high enough in the hierarchy to
get access to the most private place in the Opera, which is the Rotonde des abonnés. It's like a VIP place
where chosen ones could wander before going to the representation. Pretty classy as you may think.

Musée Grévin

Ever saw a wax statue ? Imagine a museum filled with waxed statues. This is the Musée Grévin. From
Einstein to Hitchcock, you can seriously see a lot of people, French or not. There is even Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
But let's not talk about things that hurt, shall we.


It's a concert hall. But why am I mentionning it ? Because it's one of the most famous in France and also, the
oldest ones. 1893. Every great concerts will be there, it's like the life's achievement for every artist.

10th district

We are starting to leave touristical places, so they will be shorter, but they will be more on my own
experience. So less objective. The 10th district is one of the districts i've talk to you about ethnicities. This
one is mostly fulfilled with African people. From the south africa to the maghreb, almost every countries of
Africa is represented in this country. Except for the fact that there are 2 trains stations, a hospital I worked in
and a place I wandered quite a while, I didn't really stayed in that district for long.

Gare du Nord

One of the biggest train stations in France. The second in terms of everything in fact. Which are trains,
subways etc. Even with the people, there is a LOT of people. But unfortunately, as people name it, it's the
Jungle. It's not a place to be. Like, even me, that lived for 24 years in Paris, this place is a place I avoid like I
avoid plague. I do not like this place at all. It's dirty, people are just dirty aswell, they're rude. It's the jungle.

Gare de l'Est

Same as before, but with way less trafic. There are, also, way less things, so less people, so less dirtyness due
to the fact that.. Well people in this district are everything except respectful and clean. It tear my heart to say
this to Paris, but this district and those places are just not a place for foreigners or tourists at all. There are
things to do, but the further you go to the North, the worst it will be.

Place de la République

Now we're talking about something that I deeply know.

This place is symbolic for a LOT of things such as strikes (Yeah, I am pretty sure you know how much
French people love to strike.) It's not even about the fact that people are just striking for striking, it's just that
we are typically the kind of people that gets upset and angry quite fast and we will fight for what we believe
that is right.

This place is literally the place of the strikes. Every strikes goes from this place or ends at this place. We had,
few months before I left Paris and so, France, a strikes that lasted for more than 3 months. « Nuit debout »
They were fighting for our rights. In simple, some years before, our parents fought for a minimal wage and a
fixed weekly hours. The government wanted to change this completely. Like, in simple, giving the bosses
way more freedom than they should have and ignore the fundamental rights of the workers. Anyway. This
place was also the place where people went to cry after the first attacks. And the seconds in fact. With two
very strong messages were written in our hearts and on our walls. On our hearts, it would be « Nous n'avons
plus peur » (We do not fear) and on our walls, it would be « Fluctuat Nec Mergitur » in simple, it is
something like « It is tossed by the waves but does not sink » This place is the symbol of the rebellion
against everything that could drag us down. It may not look like it, but it is one of the two main places that
you will go if one day you have to fight for your rights in France.

11th district
Coulée Verte – René-Dumont

This one is a pretty unknown thing, but it's one of the most beautiful things I could be able to see. It's pretty
special, but it's really, really enjoyable. In simple, before explaining you what this is, let me tell you what it
was before. It's was an viaduct. It is 4,7km long and it's above everything. It's 2-3 floors high (~10m). But
don't be afraid of heights, because on this one, you just can't go on the edge of it. There are plants on both
sides, so you can just walk, look around you, sit on a bench and enjoy the sun as you listen to music while
reading a book. (This is a typical parisian activity) With this, you can go from Bastille to the city ring. So
yeah, it's quite long. In summer it is seriously enjoyable due to the fact that there is shadow due to the trees
and the vegetation which makes it a pretty good place to enjoy the « pure » air of Paris. It's just beautiful in
the fact that, since you're above everything, you don't need to look above you to see something, you just need
to look around you. And in fact, in the end, there is something pretty nice..

Place de la Bastille (Which is also in the 12th district)

Remember République?(This is the name we give to the place of the republic since the metro station under it
is « République »)
Well this is the other place where people come to fight for their rights. It's also where there was the prison
when it's was the revolution. Parisians took over the place. This was the very first attack Parisian people
made against the kings. In this place, there are a really big amounts of bars, of shops etc. It's just on the
direction you take that you will find your happiness. (There is also, not that far from the end of the Coulée
verte, you just need to keep going straight, cross two pedestrian crossing and you will be in front of
Amorino. One of the best ice cream makers I know. They make flower form icecreams. It's beautiful.) I will
go in deeper and further details about the food after I told you about the greatest buildings and place to be in

Place de la Nation

This is the third and last place that in Paris we could call Freedom's places. Why ? Because when there are
strikes, it's either from République to Nation, or Bastille to Nation. And from time to time, from Nation to
République. So yeah, it's not that hard to know where there are strikes since it's almost always the same
places. (
_Place_de_la_Nation.jpg) Here, so you may see what it looks like. And yes, it's again the Eiffel Tower that
you see on the right. When people were all Charlie, this is where people went. This was one of the most
powerful moments in my entire life and the energy in this place is incredibly high. It's the same in Bastille,
you feel that, even if it's quiet and calm there, you can feel that, enormous things happened here.
But beyond the fact that, it's a place quite known for its past, there is nothing much more to do on this place

12th district
Port de l'Arsenal

In simple, this is a place where you can be almost with the feet into the Seine. Not like it's adviced, (In fact
it's not adviced at all) but at least you're close to the water, it's enjoyable. It's not pretty big, but a lot of
people come and lay down there and stuff just to enjoy the moment. As you may have understood now, we
do love to take our time when it comes to things that makes up happy. This place is pretty much a wonderful
place when it's sunny to just take a table and drink a glass of what ever you wish. Or you can go closer to the
water and just lay down, discuss, enjoy the moment, then walk somewhere else.
Yes, everything is way more beautiful at night in Paris.

Gare de Lyon

Just an advice, stay outside, or just stay on the first floor. Don't go deeper, don't go lower. It's not useful and
since it looks more like the subway, there's no use to go in there. The architecture is absolutely incredible and
in fact, you do not need to go further. In simple, go outside, take a picture, no need to go further, except if
you have a train to take.

Le Cour Saint-Émilion et Bercy Village

Why do I put those two together ? Because to be honest, they're one and only place. Le Cour Saint-Émilion
are the old railroads, Bercy Village are the old storages. Everything is beautiful in here, I can't lie. It's clean
(Yeah, because some other districts are pretty dirty, but I will talk about this later.) and the ambiance is really
enjoyable, especially at night.
But it is expensive. It's more or less the same price level than the Île de la Cité. So, yeah, enjoyable to just go
and see, but trust me, the price is NOT worth the quality on this one.

Parc de Bercy

It is a park. A Garden. But it is big. Like, it's one of the biggest in the Capital. But care, it's not like the others
that are beautiful, clean and stuff. This one is put like this because Paris let it grow in the way Nature want it
to be. Go in there, wander, look for little things, it's seriously worth it. Also, there is a rosary, if you want to
see incredibly beautiful roses, you should go there. In fact, it's so well maintained that you may swear that
every roses you could see are brand new.

13th district
Now that you can see what I am talking about, let's start from the beginning.

The 13th district is known for quite things, but the biggest is the French Chinatown.

Bibliothèque François Mitterrand

In simple, 4 towers, one big garden in between of them. Tower of times, Tower of laws, Tower of numbers,
Tower of letters. Unfortunately, the garden is NOT accessible due to the fact that every trees you will see
were supposed to be extincted species that were saved. There are stairs all around the place, and when you're
in front of the Seine, the photos can be pretty beautiful.
Here, on the right.


Do you wanna know how deep Chinese people are implemented in this district ?
This is the name of the district : 巴黎唐人街 which means Paris' Chinatown.
This place is pretty big, but there are way too many things that are valuable when you do like Chinese stuff
as I do. Their stores are in Chinese, then in French, if it's not in English. Everybody speaks French and
Chinese, which is a good thing, but it's just incredible to see how people are. Like it's Chinese, but in France.
There is almost everything you need to build a full chinese place, with chinese stuff that really comes from
China. The place is so chinese that, when it comes to the Chinese new year, the whole place is forbidden to
the cars, so they can parade during the Chinese new year. It's a real bubble of China and it's seriously
enjoyable when it comes to people that likes extreme east culture as I do. It's a real place to go, just to see
how hard you get hit by the culture difference between few streets. If you do love chinese food, go there. You
won't be disappointed.

14th district
Catacombes de Paris

Those are underground caves, full of bones. It's incredibly weird and freaky to see this, but like Chinatown,
it's a one time thing to do. Bones and so, dead bodies were kept here since.. Ancient Rome.
This, is everywhere. Like, except for the ceiling and the ground, you will be surrounded by this. It's
extremely glaucous. Like seriously ahah. But it's a thing to do. Just follow the steps, don't go elsewhere,
because you can be lost in few minutes. The “Authorized” catacombs are only 0,05% of estimated caves in
Paris in terms of catacombs. It's scary, but the ambiance is unique. You have to go into it.

Tour Montparnasse (Also in the 15th district)

Are you afraid of heights ? Yes ? Then don't go.

Are you afraid of heights ? No ? Then go.
It's the highest spot in Paris except the Eiffel Tower in terms of view. It's also a 360° view and there's even a
restaurant if you are hungry. It's pretty beautiful in fact. The view, how it is, everything is pretty much
beautiful. In simple, go there, pay to go on the last floor, enjoy the view, take pictures, take a glass of
wine/whisky if you wish, then you can go down on the ground.

15th district

This is a very special district for me. I did my studies in it to become construction economist and I fell in
love with the place. It has nothing special, except that it does have everything it needs to be perfect.
I have spent multiple years in it, and this was the only place I could go and smiling while I was going in,
even at 6 in the morning with snow or heavy rain with strong wind, I wouldn't mind at all. I had my routine
which made my happy as hell (As much as I do right now, even if I don't have my routine installed yet.)

Parc André-Citroën

Before this was a factory. Citroën was making cars and stuff. But now it's a huge park. Like 24 hectares big.
There are activities to make. Like, in this park, there's gardens, called « Jardins sériels » (Serial gardens).
There are seven of them. Black, blue, green, orange, red, silver and gold. Each of them have a relation with
the water, a specific metal, a chosen sense, a planet (Or star, since the sun isn't a planet) and a day of the
week. There is even an artificial island. As you may see, it's big. It's pretty big.

Centre commercial Beaugrenelle

Why would I mention a shopping center ? Because when the shopping center is made by some pretty good
architects (Valode & Pistre) this can be only good. And it is. It is also expensive, since it is a pretty fancy
stuff, but it is seriously worth to go there, just to see the difference between the new here, and the old outside
with the buildings. Go there, just to wander to see how beautiful neo french architecture looks like. (And in
bonus, there are multiple pretty fancy shops, it's always nice to go there)

Place Étienne-Pernet

Why does this place is incredible ? For the architecture in it. There is not much to see in fact, but what there
is is absolutely gorgeous. This is the kind of place that tourists won't go, but a parisian guy will love to see
this. Because it's incredibly beautiful and the details are gorgeous.

Bâtiment Jules Lavirotte

It is a place where people do live, so it's not a public place, but the facade is public in fact. You want to see
some pretty impressive architecture ? Go in there. As said before, the details are gorgeous. Just by the door,
you will see the details. It's really impressive.

Parc Georges-Brassens

Ever heard about Georges Brassens ?

No ? Shame.
More preciesly it's not a big place, but it's seriously worth it to go in there when it's summer. Almost half of
the place is covered by the trees and so, you can lay everywhere without fearing any sun on your face or
anything like this. The place is big and full of history. In fact, even me that spent two years really close to
this place, I don't know the secrets of it. (I was too busy having good times with people and mostly kissing
women. But this is another story ahah.)

Paris 15ème as we would call it in French is in my opinion the best district to live in. It's big, it's full of new
things, there are open markets everywhere and every days so you can get free vegetables and fruits without
any issues. There are a lot hospitals, schools, shops and so on. It's really a great place to live.

16th District
16th district of Paris is the rich district of Paris. Or it's what parisians may think. (It's more the 8th and the
7th district in fact) But from my perspective, this place is just a residential district and there is not a lot of
things to see. Except one thing. Ever saw Inception ? The Bir-Hakeim's bridge is this one. There is also the
Tokyo's Palace, but despite this, it's not something pretty much interesting. As stated before, it's just a
residential place for fortunate people. (Villa Montmorency is the image of this in fact.)

Le pont de Bir-Hakeim
This bridge is not that impressive, but the pillars on it are so well placed that it's almost hypnotizing. And the
subway is above us, which is a very weird feeling.

Villa Montmorency

Don't expect to go in here, it's one of the most closed places in the whole Paris. It's literally the elitist place
of Paris. Every persons that achieved something big in France can literally pay for their place here. In fact,
it's so hidden and so well guarded than there are no pictures of what's inside.

17th district
Joker. Never went to this district ever. If I never went to this district, I let you imagine if there are interesting
things in it or not.

18th district
Now we start the « hot » districts of Paris. They're considered « hot » just due to the fact that most of the
people in here do not have French origins. But yet, there are multiple things to see that are quite worthy.

Place du Tertre

It's a pretty special space. It's a place, where it's full of painters. But don't get caught in it. People from here
or maybe a very few percentage of them are real painters. Most of them are just scammers and, for this one,
G2A Shield won't help you if you get scammed. But beyond this, the place is incredibly powerful in terms of
feelings and ambiance. When you do not come when the place is full of tourists, it's quite pretty in fact. And
since it's close to Montmartre, then you can make quite a trip about it. (I will write you the best trips you can

Moulin Rouge

Ever heard about the french cabaret ? The one when they raise their legs so high that you may think they
touch the clouds. It's here. It's fancy, it's a place to go, even if it's a bit expensive, it's a good place to go for
the evening dinner. Yes, there are women half naked dancing the French Cancan. But it's far from being
obscene. It's beautiful to see.


I state the place directly instead of what's in it, because it's easier. It's a huge place where there is the Sacré-
Cœur. It is one of the most known places in Paris and the view on top of the hill is just amazing. Go on the
hill. Go in the basilica. See how beautiful it is, then go out, go on the right and go in the Place du Tertre. Also
there is a cupcake shop below the streets when you go further than the Place du Tertre, I don't know if it's
still opened, but it's amazing.

Beside this, the 18th district is known for his quite high density of foreigners, coming from north africa. In
fact, it's so dense that people could call it Little Maghreb. But at least, if you want to eat traditional food
from north africa, in there you're good to go.

19th district
There are two things. Buttes-Chaumont & Parc de la Villette.


It's a big park, with an island in it. But not a simple island.
Look on right. This is the kind of islands I am talking about. And as you can see, you can go on top to see the
view. Is it worth to go in this park even if the whole district is a mess ?

Parc de la Villette

55 hectares of park, 33 of green spaces (So grass in simple) There is nothing much to say about the place, but
there are multiple places to go in there. There is an Opera Philharmonic, there is the city of the music, there
is the city of the sciences and the industry, there is also the Zenith, which is a concert place. Also there is the
Geode. It's linked to the city of the sciences and the industry and it's a 360° experience. Go in there. Really.

20th District
My home. It may be a bit longer than the rest, but it's worth.

The whole district is cut in half in fact.

The left part is the part where you will find pretty good stuff, the left is way less attractive, but there are still
some pearls to find.

Cimetrière du Père Lachaise

43,93 hectares. 69 000 buried persons. Most visited graveyard in the entire world.
Almost every wars and persons killed in France that are not French do have their monument in this place.
Armenians, Belgians, Greek, Italians, Soviets, Czechoslovak and so on. There is even a monument for the
polish army that fought in France in 1940.
There is also a lot of people known that have been buried in this graveyard after their death, such a Balzac,
Apollinaire, Camus and I could keep going for ever since it's incredibly long. There is even Jim Morrison
and Molière.
And it is pretty big, it's hard to go on top because the paved road is excessively old and it's closer to a climb
than just a simple walk. But it's worth as the rest. Go in this place and go into outside the roads, you will find
pretty interesting things.


Now let's talk interesting stuff, such as food places.

Ever heard of Raclette ? No ? Do you like cheese and delicatessen ? If you do like both, then you will fall in
love with Raclette and I have the perfect place for this.
Le Chalet Savoyard.
58 Rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris.
They do speak in english aswell and you can make a reservation. It's not even expensive and it's incredibly
good. India & Lukasz went and from what I heard, they died of pleasure.

You like pork ?

Au pied de Cochon.
6, rue Coquillière 75001 Paris.
English spoken. They have everything that is made with pork and it's.. Incredible. I never tasted a beer rosted
pork this good in my whole life.

You want to eat incredible ramens ?

276 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris.
I do not know if they do speak english, but since they're in a pretty metropolitan district, I don't think they
will have an issue talking in english if needed.

Want to try some exquisites pastries ?

75 avenue des Champs-Elysées. 75008 Paris.
They do speak in english and you will taste the best macarons possible in your life.

Want to get drunk ? There are two streets for this. You can drink in other places, for sure, but those are here
for young people who just want to have some fun with friends. And you will love it.
Rue Oberkampf & Rue de la Roquette. Both are full of bars and fast foods stores so you can eat and drink at
almost anytime. If you want more precise stuff about alcohol or eating, PM me. I will send you other
addresses Christian.

Enjoy the translation !

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