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Certificate of Employers' Liability Insurance(a)

(Where required by regulation 5 of the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 2008 (the
Regulations), a copy of this certificate must be displayed at all places where you employ persons covered by the
policy or an electronic copy ofthe certificate must be retained and be reasonably accessible to each employee to
whom it relates).

Policy No. YLL-272027-8713

Name of policyholder Cherington Parish Council
[e ofcommencement 1"t June 2016
of insurance policy

3. Date of expiry of 31"t May 2017

insurance policy

We hereby certi$ that subject to paragraph 2: {

l. The policy to which this certificate relates satisfies the requirements ofthe relevant law applicable in Great
Britain, Northem Irelan{ the Isle of Man, the Island of Jersey, the Island of Guemsey and the Island of
Aldemey (b)

2. (a) the minimum amount of cover provided by this policy is no less

than f5 million (c)
Zurict Municipal is a trading
name of Zuridt lnsurance Sigaed on behalfofZurich Insurance plc (Authorised Insurer).
A public limited conpany
incorporated in lreland
Registration No.13460
Registered Office Zudch St€phen Lewis
House, Ballsbridge Park
,Dublin 4 keland. Chief Executive Officer, Zurich Insurance plc (UK Branch)
UK brancfi registered in
England and Wales Notes
Registration No.
. BR 7985 (a) Where the employer is a company to which regulation 3(2) of the Regulations applies, the certificate
UK Branch Head ffice shall state in a prominent place, either that the policy covers the holding company and all its subsidiaries, or
The Zurich Centre, 3000
that the policy covers the holding company and all its subsidiaries except any specifically excluded by name' or
ItVhiteley, Fareham, that the policy covers the holding company and only the named subsidiaries.
Hampshire PO157JZ
O) Specify applicable law as provided for in regulation 4(6) of the Regulations.

Authorised by the lrish

(c) See regulation 3(l) ofthe Regulations and delete whichever ofparagraphs 2(a) or 2(b) does not apply.
Financial Regulator and
Where 2(b) is applicable, specifr the amount of cover provided by the relevant policy.
subject io limited regulation
by the Financial Conduct
Authority. Details about the
extent of our regulation by
the Financial Conduct
Authority are available from
us on request

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