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I have chosen 5 sculptures for my write up, it is the “Lady with Cherubs” Sculpted by

Isabelo Tampinco Y Lacandola which is so astonishingly beautiful and gives its audience a feeling
that nudity does not always come up with sexuality but also shows functionality, we should not be
ashamed of our body because it is a gift of God and every part of it has a function. Another
sculpture is the “Nymph With Vase” again sculpted by Sculpted by Isabelo Tampinco Y Lacandola
that gives us the feeling that we should not be sexist, we should treat every gender equal because
not only males can do hard thing even females can. Another sculpture is “Grecian Beauty”now
sculpted by Vidal A. Tampinco, it gives its audience a peaceful feeling because of its beauty, its
calms down the spirit. Another sculpture is the “Virgin and Child” another sculpture of Isabelo
Tampinco Y Lacandola, it gives its audience stronger faith to their God, when I see it, it relieves
problems, it made me feel like I’m so weightless like my spirit just calmed down a bit, maybe its
because of its aura or the ambiance of the museum. And lastly but surely not the least the sculpture
of “A PLEA for FREEDOM and FEAR” Sculpted by Fernando Amorsolo, it show how resilient
the filipino people is, it gives us the feeling of strenght, it reminds its audience that no matter their
problem is, they should fight and never quit until they have overcomed it. The scultures are all
beautiful and shows how talented their artists are.
All the sculptures I have chosen are all colored white, I wish they were painted so that it
will look more life like. I don’t know maybe because sculotures often lose their paint overtime but
if that’s the case, I wish they were just repainted and restored. The scultures are also not that
detailed in, it also lacks facial expressions except thesculpture of Fernando Amorsolo “A PLEA
frim FREEDOM and FEAR” because thet sculpture, you could really see and feel how scared and
angry the women in the sculpture is, you could also see how shocked the kids are. I hope that these
scultures will last for more centuries to come so that it’s story will be told to more generations to
The sculptures are very nice but can be improved, they may not be the best sculptures in
the wolrd but they give so much stories to tell and so much history in it. It shows how people look
like on their time, how people perceived God and even what happened in the revollution era.
Today, they are all treasures that should never be forgotten. They are worth millions of peso but
have priceless history embedded to it.
I have chosen 5 paintings for my write up, it is the “El Gobernador y el Obispo” Painted
byFelix Resurreccion Hidalgo which tells us on how a Dominican friar, 1st bishop of Manila,
Salazar is discussing his plans on how a dispatch of a military expedition will free the kingdom of
Cambodia from the Siamese invaders, and thereby gain a Spanish foothold in mainland Asia. You
can really see how they are focused on their plans based on the oil painting. Another painting Is
the “Spoliarium” painted by Juan Luna you could see At the center of Luna’s painting are fallen
gladiators being dragged by Roman soldiers. On the left, spectators ardently await their chance to
strip off the combatants of their metal helmets and other armory. In contrast with the charged
emotions featured on the left, the right side meanwhile presents a somber mood. An old man carries
a torch perhaps searching for his son while a woman weeps the death of her loved one. Another
painting is the “La Barca De Aqueronte” another painting by Juan luna at first I don’t know what
it is but as I deeply looked at it I saw a boat and the people look like the souls on their way to
heaven from a place that is so violent but in reality those souls are on their way to torment. Another
painting is “Una Bulaqueña” Again a painting by Juan Luna, you could see a beautiful woman but
looks like a native one but that is because she is a Bulaqueña. And lastly but not the least is the
“Portrait of a Lady” Painted by Ireneo Miranda, you could see how beautiful a real dalagang
Filipina is. It shows a conservative and quiet lady that most Filipino guys want.
What I liked about these paintings is that the characters have facial expressions some are
minimal and some are excessive. I hope these paintings are painted more natural but unlike the
sculptures on my other write up, atleast they have facial expressions.
All the paintings are very nice and pleasant to see but the paintings are not so realistic, they
lack of depth, they lack of shadow but I am amazed on the stories that they could tell us, the beauty
of the past and the gruesome history of the Spaniards. I hope this paintings are annually restored
to maintain their beauty and tell stories to more generations to come.

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