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(SUMMER 2019)

Well, at first the trainee found it hard because the task at hand was to write journal from

May 2018 to March 2019 and there are tons of transactions within a day, so it was a lot.

One time, she was given a task to photo copy an important paper but the problem was she do not

have any idea how to operate the printer, so instead of learning on her own, she asked someone for


The very funny experienced was that she has been told to cook rice for dinner because they have

an overtime in the office but the thing was, she doesn’t even know how too, even using rice cooker.

However it was fulfilling on her part that she has been able to experience it.

On April 08, 2019 was the first day of my On-the Job Training, some curiosity mine has been

satisfied as I encounter a lot of real accounting works. As the days weeks and month passed by the

learnings grows within me that I realized many things, discovering the real nature of the job was

even convincing on my part that I need to do more extra time to study hard to pursue the course.

Every day I have been into imagination that one day this job will be exactly the same with mine in

the future, and so I was then more motivated to learn the things inside the office.

The on the job training was very helpful in molding me not only mentally ready for the future but

the wholeness of being an employee or employer of the work. It was not only taken because it was

just a requirement of the school but because it was necessary for an individual to have an idea of

what awaits her tomorrow. I was glad at the end of the on the job training last June 07, 2019, I’ve

also learned to make friends with the office staff and shared many wonderful memories.
I was even thankful that I took my on the job training at LBB Accounting and Auditing Firm and


Rhenna A. Nuevo

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