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Chapter 2  Relativity II

where u is the speed of the particle. We therefore take this equation as the definition
of relativistic momentum. It is clear that this definition meets our second criterion
because the denominator approaches 1 when u is much less than c. From this defini-
tion, the momenta of the two balls A and B in Figure 2-1 as seen in S are

mu 0 mu yB
pyA = pyB =
21 - u 20 >c 2 21 - 1u 2xB + u 2yB 2 >c 2

where uyB 5 u0(1 2 v2 >c2)1/2 and uxB 5 v. It is similarly straightforward to show that
pyB 5 2pyA. Because of the similarity of the factor 1> 21 - u 2 >c 2 and g in the
Lorentz transformation, Equation 2-6 is often written

p = gmu with g = 2-7
21 - u 2 >c 2

This use of the symbol g for two different quantities causes some confusion; the
notation is standard, however, and simplifies many of the equations. We will use this
notation except when we are also considering transformations between reference
frames. Then, to avoid confusion, we will write out the factor 1>(1  u2 >c2)1/2 and
reserve g for 1>(1  v2/c2)1/2, where v is the relative speed of the frames. Figure 2-2
shows a graph of the magnitude of p as a function of u>c. The quantity m(u) in Equa-
tion 2-5 is sometimes called the relativistic mass; however, we will avoid using the
term or a symbol for relativistic mass: in this book m always refers to the mass mea-
sured in the rest frame of the mass. In this we are following Einstein’s view. In a letter
to a colleague in 1948 he wrote:3

It is not good to introduce the concept of mass M 5 m/(1  v 2/c 2)1/2 of a

body for which no clear definition can be given. It is better to introduce
no other mass than “the rest mass” m. Instead of introducing M, it is
better to mention the expression for the momentum and energy of a
body in motion.




Figure 2-2  Relativistic momentum as given by mc

Equation 2-6 versus u>c, where u 5 speed of the
object relative to an observer. The magnitude of
the momentum p is plotted in units of mc. The 0
fainter dashed line shows the classical momentum 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
mu for comparison. u/c

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