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Write up on guest lecture.

Sexual Abuse

The main highlight of the guest lecture was on the topic of Sexual Abuse.

Sexual Abuse, also usually called as 'molestation', is undesired sexual contact imposed by one person on
another, the people maybe of same sex or opposite. When the contact is immediate this action is
termed as sexual assault. Children , women and also men undergo sexual abuse. As you can see it sexual
abuse can happen to anyone.

There are different categories of sexual assault.


Constrained sexual contact with somebody who does not or can't assent. Constraining sex upon
somebody who does not need it, who is inebriated, or who is not legitimately mature enough to give
assent all constitute assault. In spite of the fact that a modest bunch of states particularly characterize
assault as persuasive sex, any type of coercive sexual contact can have durable consequences for the
casualty, and most states now perceive constrained oral sex and comparative types of attack as assault.

Child Abuse:

Numerous youngsters who are attacked are excessively youthful, making it impossible to recognize what
is occurring and may not battle back. A few abusers utilize the youngster's collaboration in these cases as
"confirmation" that nobody was hurt. Cases of tyke attack may incorporate petting or requesting sexual
favors by tyke.

Sexual assault :

Non-consensual sexual contact with another person. Sexual assault includes behavior such as groping
and any unwanted sexual touching. Attempted rape also falls into the category of sexual assault.


Incest portrays sexual contact between relatives who are too firmly identified without wed. While
perverted sexual movement may happen between consenting grown-ups, this is not normal. The
dominant part of all announced interbreeding happens as kid mishandle. Over 33% of American rape
survivors less than 18 years old are manhandled by a relative, as indicated by most recent insights. Be
that as it may, incest is an underreported wrongdoing, so the genuine number of incest survivors might
be higher.


GHB or Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate

Common or street names: Liquid X, Liquid ecstasy, Georgia home boy, Oop, Gamma-oh, Grievous bodily
harm, Mils, G, Liquid G, Fantasy

GHB or Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (C4H8O3) is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant that is
commonly referred to as a “club drug” or “date rape” drug. GHB is abused by teens and young adults at
bars, parties, clubs and “raves” (all night dance parties), and is often placed in alcoholic beverages.
Euphoria, increased sex drive, and tranquility are reported positive effects of GHB abuse.Negative effects
may include sweating, loss of consciousness (reported by 69 percent of users), nausea, hallucinations,
amnesia, and coma, among other adverse effects.

Methods of GHB Abuse

GHB is available as an odorless, colorless drug that may be combined with alcohol and given to
unsuspecting victims prior to sexual assaults. It may have a soapy or salty taste. Use for sexual assault
has resulted in GHB being known as a “date rape” drug. Victims become incapacitated due to the
sedative effects of GHB, and they are unable to resist sexual assault. GHB may also induce amnesia in it’s
victim. Common user groups include high school and college students and rave party attendees who use
GHB for its intoxicating effects.

GHB has also been postulated to have anabolic effects due to protein synthesis, and has been used by
body-builders for muscle building and reducing fat.

GHB is bought on the streets or over the Internet in liquid form or as a white powdered material for illicit
use. It is taken orally and is frequently combined with alcohol. Much of the GHB found on the streets or
over the Internet is produced in illegal labs. GHB may be adulterated with unknown contaminants that
may worsen it’s toxicity.The production of GHB usually involves the use of lye or drain cleaner mixed with
GBL, a chemical cousin of GHB and an industrial solvent often used to strip floors.


Generic name: flunitrazepam

Brand Names: Rohypnol, others; not available legally in U.S. but is available in other countries

Common or street names: forget me drug, roches, roofies, ruffles; other names include date rape drug,
la roche, R2, rib, roach, roofenol, rope, rophies, the forget pill, getting roached, lunch money drug,
Mexican Valium, pingus, Reynolds, Robutal, wolfies.
Rohypnol is an intermediate-acting benzodiazepine with general properties similar to those of Valium
(diazepam). It is used in the short-term treatment of insomnia, as a pre-medication in surgical
procedures and for inducing anaesthesia.

Like other benzodiazepines (such as Valium, Librium and Xanax), Rohypnol's effects include sedation,
muscle relaxation, reduction in anxiety, and prevention of convulsions. However, Rohypnol's sedative
effects are approximately 7 to 10 times stronger than Valium. The effects of Rohypnol appear 15 to 20
minutes after administration and last approximately four to six hours. Some residual effects can be found
12 hours or more after administration.

Since the 1990s Rohypnol has been used illegally to lessen the depression caused by the abuse of
stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, and also as an aid for sexual assault. The so-called
“date-rape drug” was placed unknowingly in the drinks of victims, often at a bar or party (“club drug”).
Due to the strong amnesia produced by the drug, victims would have limited or no recollection of the

KETAMINE( special K)

Ketamine is typically injected or snorted, but it can be smoked or taken in pill form. The effects of
smoking it or swallowing it tend to be less intense than directly injecting it. In some cases, it's used as a
date rape drug, as it's odorless and colorless.

Ketamine produces an abrupt high that lasts for about an hour. It starts around 2 to 5 minutes after the
dose has been smoked or swallowed. With injection, it happens around 30 seconds after the injection
has occurred.

The first feeling of the high the user will get is an overwhelming feeling of relaxation, sometimes
described as a full-body buzz. Some users feel like they’re floating and some even describe it as being
out of their bodies. Many experience hallucinations that can last longer than the anesthetic effects.

Higher doses can produce more intense effects, with users reporting complete and utter detachment
from their bodies. The effects are similar to those described by people who have had near-death
experiences, and it's described as being in the "K-hole".

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