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1. To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and
explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should
consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these
considerations shape your position.


We live in a big world with many countries. Each country has huge different ethnic people. They
are different in language culture and tradition. So, to understand society of a country, we need to apply
effective idea {hook}. The prompt suggests us to understand important characteristics of a society, we
must study its major city {rephrase}. It’s a good suggestion but can’t say for sure that it will work for
every country {Taking position}. For two reasons it may not work for every country {guiding readers
what’s coming ahead}.
To begin, human social characteristics depend upon type of people living in a country their
religious views and ethnicity {thesis: main point to talk in this paragraph and give example on basis of it
with elaboration}. Thus, for big size country with huge ethnic and religious diversity, just studying social
characteristics of major cities may not be enough to draw out the important characteristics of society as
a whole country. If we try to do so, it would be like missing important fish while going for the big ones
{inserting position}. For example, India is a big country, has more than 20 major languages, 4 major
religion and huge ethnic diversity of people, living in a huge diversified geography. So, to draw out
important characteristics by studying major city of India without consideration of other cities would be
like touching tip of an ice burg. India is so huge even Hindu living in New Delhi has not only differ in skin
tone, they are also different in living style. This is due to the separation distance and geological diversity
between these people even though they have common religion it forced them to be different.

The above example illustrates that for the big countries, it’s harder to draw out important characteristics
of a society by studying its major cities.
Also, if a country prefer globalization, that means it has dynamic population distribution.
Dynamic in the sense it is continuously changing in its number and type of people living there. Studying
major cities from such countries and generalizing important characteristics would be tedious task even
succeed result would not be consistent next year. For example, Australia is so open to the world.
Thousands of students and people come to study and live there from different part of the world. Its
social characteristics is so dynamic its continuously changing each year. For such countries we can’t
generalize important characteristics from its major cities. Actually, even if we study whole country it will
not be consistent next year. The above example also illustrates that for globalize country, it’s harder to
draw out important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities.
Of course, there are countries which kept door close for foreigners to settle, less globalize and
homogeneous population distribution. For such country generalizing important characteristics by
studying its major cities can be done. Japan can be taken as such country which has homogeneous
population distribution and their people are similar throughout the country. But it’s just a matter of time
when Japan will open its door for the world.

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