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Marriage is traditionally recognized as a union between two individuals from the opposite sex

that establishes rights and obligations between them. The definition of marriage varies
according to different cultures. Some cultures, believe that marriage is recommended or
considered to be acquired before pursuing any sexual activity and it is only between individuals
from the opposite sex. However, there are some cultures who also believe that couples can
marry regardless of their status, religion and gender as long as they care, love and protect each
other. With the current society, fewer people are deciding to get married. Nevertheless, there is
this certain group in the society that are fighting for their rights to get married, but it's not
acceptable in certain societies, as some individuals only accept and believe that marriage is
solely for man and woman and not for the same sex. In Taiwan, May 24, 2017 become a legal
breakthrough in same-sex marriage when Taiwan's Constitutional Court ruled in favor of same-
sex marriage,making the island the first place in Asia to recognize gay unions. Although some
people maintain that legalizing same sex marriage is a human right, and giving same sex couples
the right to marry gives them priviledges they cannot otherwise have. I believe that Asian
countries should not legalize same sex marriage because it is against human nature since this
couples cannot reproduce, and it is against societal, traditional, and religious beliefs.

First of all, I believe that same sex marriage is against human nature since this couples cannot
reproduce. Same-sex couples cannot be a biological parents of their children because only man
and woman can reproduce a child. They can’t reproduce, at least not without the help or using
assistive reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization or surrogate motherhood and
this is out of the context of Human Nature .Furthermore, the very reason of marriage is to have
children. Both physical and intellectual distinction between man and woman exhibits the first
reason of marriage, that is to have children. According to the lawyers of the Alliance Defending
Freedom (2008), "Only man and woman couples are capable of furthering the state's interest in
linking children to both of their biological parents.” Gay marriages, the lawyers said, “do not
advance that compelling state interest because they can never provide a child with both
biological mother and biological father.” About the closest they can come is by involving a third
person who will be a biological parent. Moreover, in the Bible(1 Timothy 5:14) says "So I counsel
younger to marry, bear children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity
for slander".

Second, I believe that same sex marriage is against societal, traditional and religious beliefs. In
the name of the “family,” same-sex marriage serves to justify not merely such unification but the
entire homosexual lifestyle in all its bisexual and transgender form. Civil laws are organizing
concepts of man's life in society. As such, they play a very important and sometimes decisive role
in influencing patterns of thought and behavior in the society. They externally shape the life of
society, but also profoundly modify everyone’s perception and evaluation of forms of behavior.
Validation of same-sex marriage would certainly obscure certain basic moral values and weaken
public morality. And not only that, it will also depreciate traditional marriage beliefs.Traditional
marriage naturally tends to create families. On the contrary, same-sex marriage is intrinsically
infertile because it does not produce a family but a naturally unproductive union. If the same-sex
couples desire to have a child, they evade the nature by using expensive and artificial way in
order to create a child. The natural tendency of such a union is not to create families and this is
against the traditional beliefs of Marriage. Moreover, same-sex marriage is against religious
beliefs. In the christian religion's view, same-sex marriage displeases God. This is the most
important reason to not legalizing same-sex marriage. Whenever one disobeys the natural moral
order established by God, one sins and displeases God. As we read in the Bible (Genesis 1:28)
“And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and
subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over
every living thing that moves on the earth.” The same was taught by the Savior Jesus Christ in
the Bible (Mark 10:7) “From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For
this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” Therefore, same-
sex relationships should not be accepted as "marriage" because same-sex sexual activity is
opposite to God's will.

Nevertheless, some people maintain that same sex should be legalized in Asian countries. They
state that, Same-sex marriage is a human right, and giving same-sex couples the right to marry
gives them privileges they cannot otherwise have. Although they may be right to a certain
extent, the con's of legalizing same-sex marriage in Asian countries still outweighs the pro's. It
can be clearly seen in the presentation of the main UN document on the topic of “human rights”,
the ICCPR(1976), in article 23, which provides that: first, The family is the natural and
fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Second,
the right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family shall be
recognized.It can be observed that in article 23 paragraph 2, which deals with the right to marry,
does so in context of an article which is about the family, and the right to marry is associated
with the right to establish a family because the very reason for marriage is to have a child. The
bearers of this right identified as “Men and woman “leads naturally to the belief that this article
simply relates to the normal structure that marriage has taken all through human historical
events, the binding of a man and a woman who will raise the children of their sexual union
together. According to the UN Human Rights Committee (2002) “there was no right to marry
extended to same sex couples”. Furthermore, after considering the arguments of the groups in
detail, the Committee govern that there was no LGBT discrimination issue under article 26 of
the Convention. The Committee further notes that article 23, paragraph 2, of the Covenant
expressly only addresses the issue of the right to marry.

In conclusion, the United Nations have supported the declaration in support of LGBT rights in the
General Assembly held on 2008. Among the 153 members-states in the United Nations, only 9
countries out of the 53 Asia-Pacific UN members have supported the declaration of LGBT rights
including Taiwan, which is the first country in Asia to accept gay marriages. A lawful success in
same-sex marriage in Taiwan will inspire LGBT communities to take up the cause somewhere
else in Asia, but they will definitely encounter International opposition because of religion and
tradition.According to Freedberg(2017)“Conservative religious doctrines and social customs will
hinder same-sex marriage legalization in Asia".Islamic teachings would stop Brunei, Malaysia,
Indonesia and countries in the Middle East to accept same-sex marriage, experts believe. In the
mostly Catholic Philippines, the president has said he is opposed to same-sex marriage. In some
nations in Asia like China restrict protest such as the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender
movements that would make a start to marriage equality campaigns. When all said and done,
most of Asian countries will not likely to come after Taiwan to validate same-sex marriage.
Beside the fact that, same-sex marriage is against human nature since this couples cannot
reproduce, and it is against societal, tradition and religious beliefs. It is also against the
authoritarian governments. Therefore, Asian countries should not legalize same-sex marriage.

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