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 Millennium prize problems- Poincare conjecture proved by Grigori Perelman but gives
credit to Richard Hamilton.
 Solvay conferences- Ernest Solvay, Belgian industrialist, ammonia soda process.
International Solvay Institutes for physics and chemistry, Brussels.
 Magdeburg hemispheres- Otto von Guericke, physics of vacuum. Horse pulling the copper
hemispheres apart by horses, atmospheric pressure, Levi Strauss logo. Vacuum pump was
invented by him.
 Travellers’ diarrhoea or Montezuma revenge or pharaoh’s revenge or Aztec two step.
 Ig Nobel Prize- Mock or satirical Nobel ceremony for trivial achievements in the scientific
community which might make you think. (Roy. J. Glauber.)
 Rosalind franklin, Maurice Wilkins Watson and crick DNA helix structure crystalline story.
 TASER Invented by Jack cover inspired by the book Thomas. A swift’s electric rifle by Victor
 Infinite monkey theorem- probability theory.
 Scoville Scale- used for measuring pungency or spicy heat
 Omar Khayyam- Persian pet and mathematician-(Iran)- cubic equations, Jalali calendar,
heliocentric model- poems translated by Edward Fitzgerald (Orientalist)
 ECG Sudarshan- Indian physicist
 Erdos number
 Ronald Ross- Nobel prize In physiology for discovering that malaria is transmitted by
mosquitos, book based on him, the Calcutta chromosome by Amitav Ghosh
 Jitendra Nath Goswami- Chandrayan 1 and 2 , Mangalyaan- Principal scientific
investigator. Director of physical research laboratory
 Glenn.T.Seaborg- element named after him.
 Institute of Noetic sciences.
 Rube Goldberg machine contest

SPACE-(Names of various Missions, stars, constellations, nebula, scientists , personalities, ships,

satellites, technology and theories)

 Fritz Lang- futuristic and space fiction director of the film metropolis.
 Unisphere in USA.
 The Space Race- Sergie Korolev
 Annie Jump Cannon- Classification of stars (O,B,A F G K& M, oh be a fine guy/gal- Kiss me)
 Mikhail Tyurin- commander of Apollo- 14; Element 21- golfing equipment company
 Last man to walk on moon- Eugene Cernan
 Name of the rocks on mars
 Blow rubber Molding process for creating the astronaut’s helmets.
 Robert .H Goddard
 Giotto comet probe.
 Kuiper belt.
 SOFIA or clipper Lindberg, flying observatory Boeing 747
 Fermi paradox
 Pareidolia- (psychological phenomenon of seeing shapes and patterns in vague images) ,
an explanation for humans and their attempt of finding patterns in alignment of stars.


 Fiction
 Five fists of science- Matt fraction (Tesla and Edison rivalry)

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