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Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Asking And Giving Opinion Tentang Merokok
A: What’s your opinion of smoking?
B: I’m not sure. For me, it’s important that children do not smoke.
A: But do you think it’s a good idea that people can smoke in shops and buses?
B: I don’t think so. Children use buses too.
A: So what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in Jakarta?
B: I think that’s a good idea

2. Dialog Bahasa Inggris Asking And Giving Opinion Tentang Pertemanan

A: Some people say friends are always honest with each other. What do you think?
B: In my opinion friends need to be completely honest. One little lie and the friendship just disappears.
A: Ah, that’s pretty strong language. Do you really think that?
B: Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me. He was a really good friend, and I just felt completely
betrayed. It destroyed the friendship.

18. Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion About Online Shopping
Situation: They are discussing online shopping.
Martha : these days, it seems like everything is going digital. Even shopping, check in hotels and buy a
train ticket. What do you think about that?
Gilbert: you’re right. I think…everything can be easier and efficient. How about you?
Martha : I think online shopping can be far less stressful than hitting the high street shop. You’re right
about an efficiency. And can do shopping while doing another activity, like cooking for example.
Gilbert: Exactly. Only from your smartphone, you can get everything you need.

22. Contoh Percakapan Asking And Giving Opinion About Dress For Birthday
Tika: Dwi, can you help me pick a dress for my birthday party tonight?
Dwi: Yes of course.
Tika: Here! Look! There are three dresses. I need to choose one of them.
Dwi: I think the pink one looks cute.
Tika: Yes. I think so. But, I am turning 17 now. I don’t think I am cute anymore.
Dwi: Well, the blue one is nice. But I don’t like the cutting. So, in my opinion you should choose the black
one. It will make your body looks slim and you will look more mature.
Tika: Is that what you think?
Dwi: Yes, that’s what I think.
Tika: Very well, I will wear the black dress for my birthday party tonight. Thank’s Dwi.
Dwi: You are welcome.

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