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Assignment of Nordic Development Model: From Poverty to Prosperity

Lecture by Prof. Stein Kristiansen from University of Adger

Answered by: Anggita Chairiah


Social context of public policy in the case of the Nordic Development Model is related to
the Norwegian which became one of the country who still believe in the mechanism of the welfare
state, in the health sector, the states play a dominant role, though private services are also emerging.
The average expenditure per inhabitant in the state health sector in Norway is the largest in Europe.
Unique things about public policy that we can found in Norway is, their tax costs is very high and
expensive, and it's taken from one person approximately around 30% from their salaries, but the
good thing is hospitals care are run for free, although a low level person must pay an administration
fee. However, the drugs remain the responsibility of the patient. In general, people have a very
good health condition with a mortality rate that is very low, as well as the education system, almost
all people completing secondary school education and have the skills to write and read. In Norway,
the state should be the main agents that distribute welfare to its citizens. States shall also ensure
that all citizens are entitled to equal opportunity in education and health services, regardless of
social class or income economy.
Economic context of public policy in the case of Nordic Development Model has been
successful at significantly reducing poverty to their prosperity. Countries that are in the Nordic
region is a country that combines a high standard of living and an open market economy with
social insurance and public service delivery. However, economic and political development in
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden also took a very different path. As the construction of the
Swedish, economy can be seen as an industry breakthrough that is somewhat spontaneous, while
Norway and Finland are assumed to have a more active role in mobilizing human resources and
their natural resources. However, these four countries are very similar in their acceptance of the
market economy, technical progress and economic openness.
Political Practice in Nordic of course can be part of political context of public policy in the
case of Nordic Development Model, include their history since 1935, Nordic countries were
headed by social democratic prime ministers, not only government people that can run the state
system, but also from working class families. After peaceful revolution from class conflit to class
cooperation towards a mixed economic system strong element of state planning which very strong
and solid. Government in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland dominated by social democrats
government rather than alliances of non-socialistic parties.
The examples Governing context of public policy in the case of Nordic Development
Model in Scandinovia is their enlightenment which they have educational institutions, promotion
of the rule of law and security, and also the Press freedom of information acts, patriotism, building
civil society, and public care for the poor people in Nordic, and also empowerment which
determined compulsory education and unitary school system, communities for the progress of
people’s knowledge, and general right for citizens to vote when the election is up coming.
Cultural context of public policy in the case of Nordic Development Model can consist in the
renaissance and scientific revolution era, the major points started from northern Europe connected
to the Antique, then Greek and Roman worlds, humanism substituted strict religious doctrines,
Scandinavia closer connected to Europe through books circulation, the printing revolution,
empiricism, and after that appears the very first Nordic universities.

After I Participate in Public Lecture by Visiting Professor from Norway, I assume that
Norway has a high Human Development Index rate because their citizens already get whatever
things that they need easily, how not? For instance, as I learned from the case of the Nordic
Development Model especially in their public health and public insurance, with the
implementation of health system model in Norway, Norway topped the condition of national life
according to the UNDP Human Development Index and their average age of life in Norway is 78.7
years. Quite a fantastic number for the life span of a human being, right? In fact, people who
experience mental illness have a "privileged" in there, while in Indonesia, people who have
psychiatric disorders and odd neurological sickness sometimes considered as a human being who
is not worthy to be treated well, respected, and even they are given an environment that is very
inadequate, as most psychiatric hospitals in Indonesia.

As I read in some articles regarding to public health in Norway, for patients with mental
acute and require lifelong care, the government is providing a place to them for stay like the
apartments are rented to live by people with mental disorders complete with a social worker who
is ready for help them to fulfill their needs, so they could live like people in general, but when they
need the help of the social workers will provide assistance to overcome the problems experienced.
Furthermore for people with mental disorders who have lost their jobs because of mental
disorders, then when their situation improves, mental health services center will cooperate with
the labor department to look for smaller companies that want to take them to work. The labor
department will also provide training to improve the ability of people with the skills required in
accordance with the company. Very touching, isn’t it? Seeing how the different treatment of
government organizations that are in Indonesia and in Norway. I really hope Indonesia in the future
can refer to further develop the health better system so then people who live in Indonesia can feel
human-being in living as a citizen of a state within a state.

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