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Reply Speech [Oppose]

Thank you, Mr/Ms Speaker. Pleasant greetings on this wonderful debating day. We meet
again in the reply speech arena, an arena without the commotion of POI from the
Government House. Mr/Ms Speaker, the motion is still the same, “This House Believes
Children Should Not Be Allowed To Be Involved In Entertainment Industry”. In the reply
speech arena, I will be having two main agendas. First agenda, I will be refuting the
Government House’s case and second agenda, I will be intensifying the Opposition
House’s case. Mr/Ms Speaker, during this debating session, the Government House
seems egoistic without a clear rationality. Much vulnerability was presented.

The first vulnerability is when they failed to prove based on what rationality do they
understand the phrase “entertainment industry” whereas it is crystal clear that
entertainment industry is a lifeless, emotionless and mindless field that contribute to rapid
development of economy. Entertainment industry would not turn into a hideous monster
towards children if there is proper guidance from the adults around them in entertainment
industry. Putting the blame on the entertainment industry is a selfish action whereas
entertainment industry is one of the main sectors that boost our economy and without
children; the entertainment industry will never be entertaining enough as it is today.

Mr/Ms/ Speaker, the second vulnerability shown by the Government is when they
proposed 3 brittle case lines which are:

All of the mentioned case lines above, I wrapped it up as they are not diving into the
motion as deep as the Opposition House did. We, the Opposition Trios are not denying the
problems involving children in entertainment industry nowadays but putting the
entertainment industry as the main factor is the utmost bogus trick of the day because we
managed to cover up their net of deceit with the cloth of truth.
The most eye-catching vulnerability is shown when the Government House is not
consistent in laying out their case lines and was being too emotional during the debating
arena. Therefore, as the caring Opposition House, we were able to put our strong cards on
the table which are:

1. Children use entertainment talents to earn money for educational purposes

2. Children choose entertainment industry as family business.

3. Entertainment industry teaches children to build up social skills.

It is clear that we managed to prove that today’s motion should be altered at the phrase
“should not be allowed to be involved” to “should be allowed to be involved” based on the
rationality of problems involving children in entertainment industry are aroused by the
improper guidance from the adults around the children in entertainment industry.

Hence, the Government House should not be narrow-minded in proposing such motion on
the contrary, look at the Government’s own weaknesses that are not doing the law
enforcements and close watch on this matter. I am keeping away my claws upon reaching
the end. Pick up your ears and listen carefully, that the Opposition House are not totally
opposing today’s motion but we are asking for the alteration of the phrase “should not be
allowed to be involved”. With that, I rest my case. Thank You.

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