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Name: _____________

Date: ____________

Third Form

Quiz 1

Instructions: List or answer the following questions in complete sentence.

1. Give the abbreviations for the following words:

a. Appointment
b. Company
c. Will
d. Accommodation
e. Account
f. Dear
g. Sincerely
h. Advertisement
i. Reference
j. Faithfully

2. Give the manuscript signs or examples for the following.

a. Stet
b. Run on
c. Lower case
d. Indent
e. Insert
f. Leave a space
g. Close up
h. Initial caps
i. Delete
j. Transpose

3. What are two documents you use to create a mail merge document.

4. What is mail merge?

5. Create a typescript with 3 sentences using 3 abbreviations and 3 manuscripts signs.

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