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Third Form

Test 1 EDPM

1.) Describe the function of the design view in Microsoft Access.

2.) Tables in a database can be linked together. Discuss the advantages of relating tables together
when compared with storing all the data in a single table.

3.) A database designer has identified that the following fields will be needed in a database table.
Suggest the correct data type for each of these fields.

Field Data type

ii Firstname
iii Telephone number
iv EmployeeID
v Employee number
4.) Suggest
which field would be suitable as the primary key field.

5.) Explain what is a Primary and Foreign key.


1.) You are to generate a report showing all customers in the company’s database. Include in
this report their ages, insurance policies. Sort the list in descending order by customers
2.) Generate another report to display the number of customers per agent (group by agent).
Include the name of the agent, customer names, address, policy and premium. Sort the
customers by lastname within each agent.
3.) Insert two button to each of the reports created


1.) Create a form that generates the dateofbirth, lname, policy and premium. On the form
include three useful buttons.

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