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(06)Origin kingship in Buddhist perspective

The highest society of a country is the government. In ancient time, the leader of country
was a king or a ruler. In democratic systems, the people are powerful. In monarchical system, king
is powerful. According to other religions, the king is divine creation. Man has nothing to do with
appointment of the king. He was created by omnipotent God. But Buddhism says kingship came
out of the majority decision of the people. To highlight this topic, we should examine the Aggañña
Sutta of Dighanikay.

At the beginning of human society mentioned in Aggañña sutta, beings lived peacefully
such as single lifestyle, not involving a war, violence or argument each other. But, later on the a
lot of complexes occurred between them as engaging in sex more duration, beginning to store food
and demarcated land. Thereby, the distinction of having property and not-having property
appeared in the society. One who has not thing began to steal from those who had. Thus stealing
came into existence. Moreover, in order to protect people from robbers, they began to invent
weapon and harass instrument, then began to quarrel and fight with other and killing came into

In order to keep peace order in the society, those people came together and lamented the
arising of these evil things among them: taking what was not given censuring, lying and
punishment. In assembly, they decided to appoint a certain person who would show anger where
anger was due, censure those who deserved it, and banish those who deserved banishment. And
they made an agreement in return they would grant him a share of the part of productions from the
people. And they selected a person among them who was the handsomest, the best-looking, the
most pleasant and capable. They asked him to do this for them in return for a share the part of
productions of them, and he agreed. According to it, the kingship arose as the contract agreed upon
between the people and the selected ruler.

Furthermore, the people's choice is the meaning of Maha-Sammata. This is the first regular
title to be introduced as origin kingship. Later on, the people called him as Khattiya, Lord of the
field, and Raja, Lord who gladdens others with dhamma.

In addition, Aggañña Sutta states these four castes: khattiya, Brahmins, the merchants and
the artisans while Brahmana mentions different kinds of caste such as Brahmin, khatiya, vessa and
sudda. In the regard, even though they have different duties to perform in society they have equal
Right to live and survive. But, in Brahamavāda, no equal rights belong to the lower castes only
Brahmins occupy the highest position in society even today in India.

On the other hand, a King or a ruler originated among these very same beings or people,
no difference. Likewise, the government of a country is also the same function. Therefore, rulers
or governments should take full responsibility on the people of country because they have selected
and have responded the part of productions or salary of them. They should rule the people in
Dhamma which means law of nature, provide jobs, welfare, security of them by responsibility of

To sum up, the facts mentioned above highlight that the kingship came into being in that
particular assembly upon its contract agreed between the people and the selected person. If the
king violated the conditions they had agreed, people had the right change him into a new selected
one. It was a simple contract motivated by the anti social activities: if the selected one agreed
conditions people would give the authority to punish, and he will receive the part of productions
from the people. This is how to kinship came into exist.

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