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Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3YiN3qTGLcvIx52Ib7dWOPpn0/l9cUK8cxmmZnt6g9Eo= on 07/17/2019

Exercise Biology Research Group (BioEx), Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM), Uberaba, Minas Gerais,
Brazil; and 2Department of Sport Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM),
Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil

ABSTRACT RT is more effective than higher-load RT in increasing FBFM,

Franco, CMdC, Carneiro, MAdS, Alves, LTH, Júnior, GNdO, de but not MS in novice young women.
Sousa, JdFR, and Orsatti, FL. Lower-load is more effective than
KEY WORDS hypertrophy, muscle strength, strength training
higher-load resistance training in increasing muscle mass in
young women. J Strength Cond Res 33(7S): S152–S158,
2019—This study was designed to investigate the impact of

load (higher vs. lower) performed until or close to volitional
ncreasing muscle mass may have a positive impact on
fatigue on muscle strength (MS) and fat and bone-free lean
physical fitness, prevent the development of chronic
mass (FBFM) in young women. To do this, 32 women per-
diseases, and significantly improve health (1,19).
formed resistance training (RT) in 1 of 2 conditions: lower-
Resistance training (RT) is well accepted as an exer-
load RT (LL; n = 14, age = 24.3 6 4.8 years and body mass cise type that efficiently increases muscle mass (1,18,19).
index [BMI] = 23.3 6 2.8 kg$m22) and higher-load RT (HL; n = Variables of RT, such as load (% of 1 repetition maximum
18, age = 23.0 6 3.3 years and BMI = 22.4 6 3.3 kg$m22). [1RM]), amount of exercise (volume), frequency, and rest
Leg FBFM (DXA) and MS (1 repetition maximum—unilateral leg interval, may be manipulated to maximize muscle mass
extension [LE]) were evaluated before and after 9 weeks (the gains, regardless of the sex (1,18). However, there has been
first week was used for familiarization) of RT. Both groups a remarkable underrepresentation of women included in
performed 3 unilateral exercises (LE, leg curl, and leg press), sport and exercise research studies (8), such as RT studies.
3 sets per exercise, 60–90 seconds of rest between sets, 2 As there is a relevant sexual dimorphism in psychological
days per week. In the LL group, the loads used in the exercises and physiological responses to exercise (14–16,27,29,34),
inadequate inclusion of women in RT studies may contribute
were the loads necessary to perform 30–35 repetitions in the
to potentially misleading interpretations in responses to
first set. For the HL group, the loads used were the loads
manipulation of RT variables in women (7,8,20).
necessary to perform 8–10 repetitions in the first set. The LL
For novices undertaking RT, a higher load corresponding
group showed higher RT volume than the HL. Both groups to a repetition range of 8–12 ($70% of 1RM) is assumed to
showed leg muscle mass gains (p , 0.05). However, the LL be necessary to maximize muscle mass gains, regardless of
group was better [p = 0.032 and effect size (eta2 = 0.14 the sex (1,18). However, untrained women (13) and also
[large]) than the HL group in leg FBFM gains (LL = 0.3 kg recreationally trained women self-select training loads
[IC 95%: 0.4 kg; 0.2 kg] and HL = 0.1 kg [IC 95%: 0.2 kg; (,60% of 1RM) below the recommendations (9), indepen-
0.0 kg]). Both groups showed MS gains, without any difference dently of a personal trainer (26). Although fear of developing
between them (LL = 3.4 kg [IC 95%: 4.4 kg; 2.5 kg] and HL = “bulky muscles” has been suggested as a potential barrier to
4.2 kg [IC 95%: 5.1 kg; 3.3 kg]; p = 0.239). Thus, lower-load women not to comply with RT guideline recommendations
(26), the load recommended to maximize muscle mass is
considered “hard” (perceived effort) or “uncomfortable” by
Address correspondence to Fábio Lera Orsatti, women (9,26), possibly due to sex-related differences in mus-
33(7S)/S152–S158 cle size, motor-unit recruitment, and muscle fiber type (35).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Thus, a better understanding of how to manipulate loads to
Ó 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association optimize muscle mass gains in women is still lacking.
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Recently, several studies conducted with men have activity, nondrinker, nonsmoker, and nonuser of anabolic
supported that lower-load (LL) (20–50%) RT when per- steroids or nutritional supplements. All volunteers were clear
formed until or close to volitional fatigue (i.e., . 25 repeti- on the objectives and procedures for the study, and each
tions) promotes an increase in muscle mass similar to those volunteer gave their written informed consent. This study
observed after higher-load RT (HL, 8–12 repetitions) was approved by the Federal University of Triangulo
(2,6,10,17,21,24,31). This finding has been attributed to an Mineiro Ethics Committee (no 38136814.3.0000.5154) and
additional recruitment of motor units necessary to sustain was written in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
muscle tension and also to a higher training volume when
submaximal contractions are sustained to failure in LL, pro-
Anthropometric and Body Composition Assessments. Body mass
moting similar muscular adaptations (i.e., muscle mass gains)
(kg) and height (m) were measured using a platform balance
between LL and HL (4,11,21,22). The role of RT volume on
and stadiometer (Lider, Araçatuba, SP, Brazil). Body mass
muscular adaptation indicates a dose-response relationship
index was calculated as body mass/height2.
between RT volume and muscle mass gains (30). Thus, as
Total body and regional FBFM and fat percent were
women are more resistant to neuromuscular fatigue when
measured using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
compared with men in response to exercise with a lower
(GE/Lunar iDXA Corp, Madison, WI, USA, EUA) and
load (LL) (15,16), LL performed until or close to volitional
quantified by Encore software (version 14.10). The DXA
fatigue may elicit a larger RT volume than HL in a program
measurements were performed at the same time of the day
with equated sets, frequency, and rest intervals in women.
(08:00 AM and 10:00 AM, after 8 hours of fasting). To stan-
Moreover, a greater muscle time under load during LL (22)
dardize the level of body hydration, the subjects were in-
has been considered an optimal stimulus for maximizing the
structed to consume 2 L of water during the 24-hour
anabolic response from resistance exercise (3), suggesting
period before the DXA assessments. The volunteers dressed
that muscles that are more resistant to neuromuscular fatigue
in light and comfortable clothes without the presence of
may elicit better adaptations after training, such as muscle
metal objects. All DXA measurements were performed by
mass gains. Thus, it would seem reasonable to assume that
the same experienced examiner. At the end of the study, the
LL performed until or close to volitional fatigue maximizes
DXA measurements were performed at least 48 hours after
muscular mass gains when compared with HL in women.
the last training session. The FBFM of the right leg was used
Acknowledging that RT volume and also muscle time
to determine the muscle mass gains. The FBFM of the right
under load may be an important stimulus for promoting
leg was determined using the Encore software tools.
muscular adaptation in women, the study was designed to
investigate the impact of load (higher vs. lower) performed
until or close to volitional fatigue on muscle strength (MS) Maximal Dynamic Strength (1 Repetition Maximum) Assess-
and fat and bone-free lean mass (FBFM) in novice young ment. Before the 1RM test, all the women participated in 2
women. We hypothesized that LL would result in greater sessions (separated by 48 hours) to make them familiar with
gains in FBFM when compared with HL. the exercise (equipment and technique). The 1RM test
consisted of a maximum load that a volunteer can lift with
METHODS a full range of movement (90–1808 of unilateral leg extension
[LE]). Initially, a local warm-up (LE exercise) was performed
Experimental Approach to the Problem using a subjective load determined during the familiarization.
To determine the effect of LL on muscle mass and strength First, 15 repetitions were performed with 20–30% of 1RM.
in women, a randomized and controlled study (HL was After 1 minute of rest, the load was increased (40–60% of
a positive control) was conducted over 9 weeks. The 1RM) and 8–12 repetitions were performed. Again, after
participants were randomly assigned to the LL group (n = 1 minute of rest, the load was increased (70–90% of 1RM)
17) or HL group (n = 18). However, 3 women discontinued and 3–5 repetitions were performed. After a warm-up, the
the study in the LL group (reasons: academic [n = 1] and volunteers rested for 3–5 minutes. Then, the load was
personal [n = 2]). All volunteers performed 3 dynamic resis- increased considerably, and the volunteers were encouraged
tance exercises, with different maximal repetitions (LL = 30– to overcome resistance using full motion. When the load was
35 repetitions and HL = 8–10 repetitions), 2 training sessions overestimated or underestimated, the subjects rested
per week, over 9 weeks (the first week was used for famil- 3–5 minutes and a new attempt was performed with a lower
iarization and load adjustments). Leg muscle mass and or higher load, respectively. The load adopted as maximum
strength were assessed before and after 9 weeks of training. was the load used in the last execution of the exercise that was
Subjects performed with no more than 1 repetition by the subject (5).
Thirty-five undergraduate college women, who were The LE (right leg) 1RM was used to determine the MS gains.
between the ages of 18 and 30 years and apparently healthy,
were volunteers in this study. The inclusion criteria were: Resistance Training Programs. The RT was conducted for 9
no experience with RT, nonpractice of periodic physical weeks. However, the first week was used for familiarization


Copyright © 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Lower-Load Resistance Training and Muscle Mass

TABLE 1. Characteristics of volunteers.*†

LL (n = 14), mean 6 SD HL (n = 18), mean 6 SD p

Age (y) 24.3 6 4.8 23.0 6 3.0 0.355

Height (m) 1.6 6 0.1 1.6 6 0.1 0.347
Body mass (kg) 59.6 6 8.8 58.7 6 8.9 0.780
BMI (kg$m22) 23.3 6 2.8 22.4 6 3.3 0.411
Fat mass (%) 36.5 6 3.7 35.9 6 5.3 0.716
FBFM (kg) 35.2 6 3.9 35.1 6 3.9 0.956
FBFM (%) 59.4 6 3.6 60.4 6 5.6 0.593

*LL = lower-load resistance training; HL = higher-load resistance training; BMI = body mass index; FBFM = fat and bone-free lean
†The Student t unpaired test.

and load adjustments (for RM). In the LL group, the loads 2–3 minutes of rest between exercise, and 1 second for
used in RT were the loads necessary to perform 30–35 each muscle action (concentric and eccentric). All volun-
repetitions in the first set of each exercise, whereas for teers were instructed to perform the maximal of repetitions
the HL the loads used were the loads necessary to perform until the concentric failure in each set. If the volunteer was
8–10 repetitions in the first set of each exercise. All volun- able to perform more than 10 repetitions in the HL group
teers performed 3 dynamic resistance exercises (Moldmac, and more than 35 repetitions in the LL group in the first set
Franca, SP, Brazil): unilateral LE, unilateral leg press 458 of each exercise (during RT intervention), the loads were
(LP), and bilateral leg curl (LC). The LC exercise was per- adjusted to ensure the zone repetitions in each group (LL =
formed bilaterally because the volunteers were unable to 30–35 repetitions and HL = 8–10 repetitions). All repeti-
perform the required maximum repetitions with tions and loads were recorded in all the sessions, and the
the minimum load of equipment with one leg. Each group volume (repetitions 3 load) was calculated. To calculate
performed 2 training sessions per week. Both groups a unilateral volume of bilateral LC, the bilateral LC’s load
performed 3 sets, 60–90 seconds of rest between sets, was divided by 2.

TABLE 2. Training variables for the unilateral leg extension (LE), leg curl (LC), and leg press 458 (LP) exercises in the
LL and HL.*†

LL (n = 14), mean 6 SD HL (n = 18), mean 6 SD D D% p

Repetition (n) 130 6 7 47 6 4 83 178 ,0.001
Load (kg) 561 15 6 5 29 264 ,0.001
Volume (n$kg21) 692 6 181 684 6 251 7 1 0.928
Leg curl
Repetition (n) 144 6 9 51 6 8 93 193 ,0.001
Load (kg) 461 862 24 253 ,0.001
Volume (n$kg21) 514 6 163 374 6 86 139 37 0.004
Leg press 458
Repetition (n) 151 6 4 49 6 3 103 211 ,0.001
Load (kg) 26 6 3 40 6 4 213 234 ,0.001
Volume (n$kg21) 3,973 6 531 1,931 6 298 2042 106 ,0.001
Repetition (n) 428 6 19 150 6 17 227 151 ,0.001
Load (kg) 35 6 5 61 6 9 226 242 ,0.001
Volume (n$kg21) 5,190 6 731 2,993 6 561 2,197 73 ,0.001

*LL = lower-load resistance training; HL = higher-load resistance training; D = difference between groups.
†The Student t unpaired test.

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to determine associations
between RT volume and mus-
cle mass and strength gains
and also between loads used
in training (% of 1RM) and
MS gain. The data are pre-
sented as the mean and SD.
The deltas are presented as
mean and 95% confidence
interval (95% CI) of mean.
Effect size (ES) was measured
by partial eta-squared (h2p ).
The statistical significance was
considered at p # 0.05.

Table 1 shows the baseline sub-
ject characteristics. There were
no differences between the
groups for all baseline
Table 2 shows the training
variables for the LE, LC, and
LP exercises in both groups.
The loads per week used dur-
ing the study were 64, 53, and
34% lower in the LL than HL
for LE, LC, and LP, respec-
tively. The maximum repeti-
tions per week performed
during the study were 178,
193, and 212% higher in the
Figure 1. Effect of the LL and HL on the leg FBFM. A) Values of the leg FBFM at pre- and post-training (mean 6 LL than HL for LE, LC, and
SD) in the LL (n = 14) and HL (n = 18). LL = lower-load resistance training; HL = higher-load resistance training. LP, respectively. However,
Mixed-model ANOVA: Group [F(1.30) = 0.109; p = 0.744], Time [F(1.30) = 24.647; p , 0.001]; ES (eta2) = 0.45
(large), and Interaction (group vs. time) [F(1.30) = 5.038; p = 0.032]; ES (eta2) = 0.14 (large). *p , 0.05 although the volume (repeti-
(difference of prevalue, Sidak). B) Leg FBFM difference (mean 6 IC 95%) between pre- and post-training in the LL tion 3 load) per week was
and HL. **(difference of the LL group) = ANCOVA [F(1.29) = 5.048; p = 0.032]; ES (eta2) = 0.15 (large). The higher in the LL than HL for
values of difference were adjusted to the prevalues. FBFM = fat and bone-free lean mass; ES = effect size;
ANCOVA = analysis of covariance. LC (37%) and LP (106%), there
was no difference between
groups for the LE volume.
When the training variables of
Statistical Analyses the 3 exercises were summed, the load was 42% lower, the
The data were tested for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk repetition was 151% higher, and the volume was 73% higher
test. The Levene test was used to verify the homogeneity of in the LL than HL.
variances. To determine training variable and baseline differ- At baseline, the leg FBFM was 6.5 kg 6 0.9 kg and 6.5 kg
ences between groups, the Student t unpaired test was used. 6 1.0 kg in the LL and HL, respectively. After RT, the leg
A mixed-model analysis of variance [ANOVA] was used in FBFM was 6.8 kg 6 0.9 kg and 6.6 kg 6 1.0 kg in the LL and
the current study, one factor was a within-subjects factor HL, respectively. Both groups increased the FBFM [mixed-
(time) and the other factor was a between-subjects factor model ANOVA time: F(1.30) = 24.647; p , 0.001; ES (eta2)
(groups) on FBFM and MS. The Sidak procedure was used = 0.45 (large)]. These increases were confirmed by the post
as a post hoc test (pairwise). Moreover, the total volume was hoc test (Sidak: p , 0.05, difference of prevalue). However,
used as covariance in mixed ANOVA. Then, an analysis of a higher magnitude of increase in the FBFM was observed in
covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare FBFM and MS the LL group when compared with the HL group [ANOVA
gains (deltas = pre 2 post values) between groups, adjusting interaction (group vs. time): F(1.30) = 5.038; p = 0.032; ES
for prevalues. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used (eta2) = 0.14 (large)] (Figure 1A).


Copyright © 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Lower-Load Resistance Training and Muscle Mass

kg 6 4.8 kg in the LL and HL,

respectively. Both groups
increased the LE strengths
[mixed-model ANOVA time:
F(1.30) = 143.009; p , 0.001;
ES (eta2) = 0.83 (large)].
These increases were con-
firmed by the post hoc test (Si-
dak: p , 0.001, difference of
prevalue). There was no signif-
icant difference (mixed-model
ANOVA interaction (group vs.
time): F(1.30) = 1.444; p =
0.239) between groups
(Figure 2A).
There were increases in the
MS of 3.4 kg (IC 95%: 4.4 kg;
2.5 kg) and 4.2 kg (IC 95%: 5.1
kg; 3.3 kg) in the LL and HL,
respectively. There was no sig-
nificant difference (ANCOVA
adjusted to prevalues: F(1.29) =
1.305; p = 0.263) between
groups (Figure 2B).
The LE loads used during
RT were 26.6 6 5.5% and 70.5
6 12.3% of 1RM for the LL
and HL, respectively. Only 2
women achieved values of
80% of 1RM in the HL group.
There were no correlations of
Figure 2. Effect of the LL and HL on the muscle strength. A) Values of the muscle strength in leg extension at pre- MS gains with RT total volume
and post-training (mean 6 SD) in the LL (n = 14) and HL (n = 18). LL = lower-load resistance training; HL = (r = 20.03; p = 0.870, n = 32).
higher-load resistance training. Group [F(1.30) = 0.444; p = 0.510], time [F(1.30) = 143.009; p , 0.001]; ES However, there was correla-
(eta2) = 0.83 (large), and interaction (group vs. time) [F(1.30) = 1.444; p = 0.239]. *p , 0.05 (difference of
prevalue). B) Muscle strength difference (mean 6 IC 95%) between pre- and post-training in the LL and HL. tion between % of 1RM (train-
ANCOVA [F(1.29) = 1.305; p = 0.263]. The values of the differences between the groups were adjusted to the ing load) of LE used in training
prevalues. ANCOVA = analysis of covariance; ES = effect size. and strength gains (r = 0.51,
p = 0.003, n = 32).

There were increases in the leg FBFM of 0.3 kg (IC DISCUSSION

95%: 0.4 kg; 0.2 kg) and 0.1 kg (IC 95%: 0.2 kg; 0.0 kg) in The results of this study showed that the LL is more effective
the LL and HL, respectively. The difference (0.2 kg) than HL in increasing FBFM, but not MS in novice young
observed between groups was significantly (p = 0.032) women. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study
higher (1.2 fold) in the LL than the HL [ANCOVA to compare the effects of the LL and HL on muscle mass gains
adjusted to prevalues: F(1.29) = 5.048; p = 0.032]. in undergraduate college women. The findings of the current
The ES of this difference was large (eta2 = 0.15) study do not support the RT guidelines stating that higher loads
(Figure 1B). corresponding to a repetition range of 8–12 repetitions are
As we observed a significant positive correlation (r = 0.44; necessary to maximize mass gains in novices, regardless of
p = 0.012) between total volume and leg FBFM gains, we sex (1,18). Alternatively, our study supports evidence from pre-
adjusted the statistical model for the total volume. After ad- vious observations that inadequate inclusion of women in RT
justing, the difference between the groups in the FBFM studies may contribute to potentially misleading interpretations
gains disappeared (p = 0.987). on manipulation of RT variables to maximize muscle adapta-
At baseline, the LE strengths (1RM) were 20.6 kg 6 5.3 tions in women (7,8,20). Thus, our study may help to under-
kg and 21.4 kg 6 4.0 kg in the LL and HL, respectively. stand how the manipulation of RT variables (i.e., load) may
After RT, the LE strengths were 24.0 kg 6 5.5 kg and 25.6 maximize hypertrophy in women.
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In the current study, the LL group promoted greater One possible limitation of this study is the short duration
hypertrophy than the HL group (Figure 1). This finding of RT. Although it has been accepted that neural adaptations
might be attributed to the combination of 2 factors: (a) an increase MS during the early stages and muscle growth
additional recruitment of motor units necessary to sustain occurs after 4 weeks of RT (1,25,28,32), this does not guar-
muscle tension and (b) a higher training volume when sub- antee that the LL will sustain the superiority in muscle mass
maximal contractions are sustained to failure in the LL. (a) In gain after 8 weeks of RT in women. This is an important
the current study, the repetitions were sustained until or close issue for future research. Second, we did not quantify the
to failure in both groups. This strategy was adopted because it protein intake, which may have influenced the results
has been suggested that when submaximal contractions are between groups. However, the inclusion criteria (nonused
sustained to failure, especially in the LL, the recruitment of nutritional supplements) and the randomized design used
additional motor units is necessary to sustain muscle tension in the current study would have attenuated a possible differ-
(4,11,21–23). Traditionally, it has been reported that higher ence in protein intake between the groups.
muscle fiber recruitment is necessary to maximize muscle In conclusion, this study has identified that the LL
mass gains (33). (b) Added to this factor, it is clear that there performed until or close to volitional fatigue is better than
is a relevant sexual dimorphism in psychological and physio- the HL on gains in muscle mass, but not in MS gains in
logical responses to exercise (14–16,27,29,34,35). As women novice young women after 9 weeks of RT (a short duration
are resistant to neuromuscular fatigue (15,16), higher RT vol- of RT). The findings reported here shed new light on
ume and time under load were achieved in the LL (performed manipulation of RT variables to maximize muscle mass
until or close to volitional fatigue) than HL (Table 2). Higher gains in novice women in early stages of RT.
volume and time under load may culminate in higher hyper-
trophy (3,30). Indeed, there was no difference between groups PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
when the values of muscle mass gains were adjusted to vol- Our results showed that the LL (performed until or close to
ume (see the results). Nevertheless, despite these promising volitional fatigue) elicits a greater hypertrophy in novice
results, questions remain because the adjustment for the vol- young women after a RT of short duration. Higher muscle
ume does not allow for an interpretation of cause and effect mass at the beginning of RT may serve as an appropriate
between volume/time under load and hypertrophy. support to elicit optimal MS and power gains in classic
In the current study, MS increased in both groups (linear) models of periodization (12).
(Figure 2). It has been assumed that in the initial weeks of
RT, the increases in MS levels are mainly attributed to neural ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
adaptations instead of muscle adaptations, such as reduced This investigation was supported by the Fundação de Am-
antagonist coactivation, increased motor-unit recruitment, paro à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais—FAPEMIG and
and/or increased motor-unit firing rates (1,28). Indeed, in by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́-
the current study, the MS gains (LL = 16.5% and HL = vel Superior—CAPES.
19.6%) were higher than the muscle mass gains (LL =
4.4% and HL = 1.7%) (Figure 2 and Figure 1, respectively). REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Lower-Load Resistance Training and Muscle Mass

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