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Use your own ideas. Here are some examples.

Who do you get along well with? Why?

I get along well with my sister because we are very similar. We
both have the same tastes in music and art, and we enjoy
hanging out together.
Do you like to go away for summer vacation?
I do, but I love to go away in the winter. I like to go somewhere
warm when it's cold here.
Where do you and your friends like to hang out?
We like to hang out at coffee shops or in one of our apartments.
One of my friends has a very big room, so we often hang out at
his place.
Do you always write back immediately when someone sends
you an email?
It depends. If it's from a coworker and it's a quick question, I
write back immediately. If it's an email from a friend that I don't
often hear from, I leave it until I have time to write back properly.
Are there any classes you would like to sign up for?
I'd really like to sign up for a drawing class. I've always been
interested in art and would love to learn some good techniques
that I can use to improve my skills.
Do you think you'll ever move far away from home?
No. I don't really want to move far away from my family. I get
homesick if I go away for a weekend.
What's something you're bad at? What's something you're good at?
I guess I'm kind of bad at playing tennis. I'm really great at playing chess,
What's your worst quality? What's your best quality?
I'm probably a little disorganized. I'm always on time, though.
What's difficult about learning English? What do you like about learning
I guess l think that learning English grammar is difficult in a way. I really love
reading in English, though.
What annoying habit does your friend have? What's nice about your friend?
My friend is always sort of complaining about things. Nothing ever seems right
for her. She's very generous, though.
What's your least favorite kind of music? What's your favorite kind?
Maybe country is my least favorite kind of music. I prefer rock, really. I like
folk music, though. I love folk music, though.
Use your own ideas. Here is an example.

Dear Rosa,
I ran into Caitlin in the store yesterday. You remember Caitlin - from
high school? She asked me about you. We both said we'd like to get
together some time, but as neither of us had any recent news from
you, we don't know if you're still around here
So how are you? Do you still swim? Do you remember those awful
early morning practices in high school? Neither of us enjoyed them.
We both wanted to be in the cafeteria drinking hot chocolate! We used
to sit there after swim class and have long discussions about our
favorite bands. Neither of us liked the other's taste in music, though.
You said my music was old-fashioned and I said yours was too
Anyway, it was great to see Caitlin again, and both of us would love to
see you, too. How about meeting somewhere for a hot chocolate?

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